View Full Version : Symbol Arts

May 31, 2014, 09:43 PM
OK. I might get ban on the official PSO2 Forums. But technically speak. I can't post another reply or edit due to 1day=1 post. :(

This topic is about the Symbol Arts, I know a lot of players can't do SA. And some players can do their own SA without a sweat.

For me, It's time consuming (specially, i already had image that i made before PSO2 SEA/Beta launch.) Secondly, I'm not really good at SA. So, Technically speaking, i can't draw on SA.(I tried but very difficult. And it isn't fun as well.)

3rd, I have search every possible way that i could think off. And still no luck. I already tried doing jpg/png to .sar Online Conversion and it work but at the same time it's disappointing. Cause it didn't gave the right image that i wanted too...
And already looked on this forums and official PSO2 Sea forums as well and still no luck. Cause all of those SA are only guide and pre-made already.

And now, I'm really looking for .jpg/.png to .sar conversion with the same image. (I already know that players will say: "there isn't a program that can convert image files to .sar files." I don't believe in that. )

My suggestion is that keep the SA on PSO2 (Since it already in the game.) and have a image up loader for the in-game. In this way, Easy for other players to upload/use there own image files. (Very Convenient.)

I'll try to repose this on the official forums. (Just In case).

-Thanks for reading my Thread.

[P.S. Hope the technical support can help me and others as well.(Please Move this thread if not acceptable in the tech supports. Thanks.)]