View Full Version : Classes - For the better/worst? Switch or stay?

Jun 1, 2014, 01:43 AM
Okay so how do I put this..
Ever since the upcoming nerf, I wanted to try out other classes and level up on those so when the nerf comes, if I'm ever to be at a standpoint of weakness or get overly bored with said class (braver), which would be the one that'd spark a pinpoint of interest towards someone?

I'm in the phase of unlocking Fighter, however I've been thinking to just start off as Ranger and get up to Lvl. 35 or whatever it was, and unlock Gunner, only to level up in that sector.

If you have any advice or help, but I'd preferably be seeking help regarding if I should switch class in my interest or for the best, stay as a Braver, and if stay as a Braver then why, what is there to look forward to?

Currently I'm a Lvl. 43 in-game as a Braver, I just feel as if I should be exploring into better options. Thanks for reading and if you could hand forth some input on this I'd be more than grateful!

Jun 1, 2014, 01:47 AM
It's wierd how the 'normal' response to a nerf is to pack your things up

I would suggest gunner (since it's fun) but that's next in line for a nerf

Ranger just got buffed, so that must be the best option. Since nerfs decide everything

Real answer: play and find out

Jun 1, 2014, 01:54 AM
Go Hunter, its the bestest.

Jun 1, 2014, 01:58 AM
Try a whole bunch of shit then decide on a playstyle you like and fuck the Elitists who tell you that BR/HU, FO/TE, GU/RA or RA/GU are the only ways to go unless you agree with the playstyle presented.

Seriously, fuck everything and just have fun with the classes. It won't hurt to know what's "effective" for MPAs and EQs like Tower Defense or Falz, but your general gameplay should probably be focused around something you find enjoyable.

Like back when I would GUFO. Flippy Flippy Magic.

Jun 1, 2014, 02:05 AM
Try each class, and choose the best playstyle for yourself

Jun 1, 2014, 02:07 AM
Do whatever. I find that I hate anything ranged even though theyre strong, and so far I find Fighters (aerial fighting is extremely fun) and Bravers to be tons of fun

Jun 1, 2014, 02:41 AM
you could try hunter since it's getting sacrifice bite buff

Jun 1, 2014, 02:43 AM
You are free to change class anytime without losing anything, so trying out everything is in your interest. Just note that gameplay of certain classes at lower levels can feel significanty different from what you'll feel at higher levels.

Jun 1, 2014, 02:53 AM
play folololo

Jun 1, 2014, 03:11 AM
I would suggest making a guinea pig character to play around with the different classes. Then, after you have an idea of what you want to do, deleting that character, and building your other two with a set goal.

.. Or you could think of the type of damage that you're least likely to enjoy (Example: You don't like mages, so rule out T-Atk), then build two characters with pure mags focusing in their respective attack type. That way you can experiment as you go and won't get too hard if you decide to pick up a different class. Unless you suddenly decide that you want to play the damage type you ignored; then you would be boned.

Jun 1, 2014, 03:25 AM
Braver is still strong and fast without Shunka.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 1, 2014, 03:37 AM
Fighter is fun. But that's just because I love punching things.

Jun 1, 2014, 04:09 AM
I played Braver into the 50's and got really, really bored with it. Sure it was disgustingly strong, but I just didn't find the playstyle to my liking. I've switched to Gunner recently and haven't looked back. Of course, it's just the play style that I prefer. Even if it is next in line for a nerf, I'll probably still main the class, I have a blast with it.

Maybe give it a try, or like someone else suggested, just play them all to see what you find entertaining. If you enjoyed katana Braver, give Fighter a try. They aren't that similar, but are both pretty fast styled melee's.

Jun 1, 2014, 06:40 AM
play what you find fun and dont worry about nerfs/buffs.

Jun 1, 2014, 07:15 AM
Someone needs to stop relying on one PA. Braver will be still plenty strong. You just have to use your OTHER PAs now though. Still, I've seen JP players do amazing damage w/o Shunka and aren't really that concerned with the nerfs.

Anyway, if melee is your style, I really think HU or FI would suit you best.

Enforcer MKV
Jun 1, 2014, 08:18 AM
Seriously, fuck everything and just have fun with the classes...your general gameplay should probably be focused around something you find enjoyable.

Quoted for truth, carry on.

Jun 1, 2014, 08:23 AM
As a Braver/Hunter myself, I've gained a new love for my class in the form of the PA "Tsukimi Sazanka" (it's the PA you start with if you pick Braver as your starter class). The speed of the PA, as well as its non-reliance on the gimmicky charge mechanic that most other Katana PAs use, allows me to do a toe-to-toe MGR Raiden style parry fight with Ringarda (as long as you properly time your JGs, he can't touch you - it's fun as hell to do).

Personally, I'd say this: if your aim is to please those who criticize your damage, you'll never win that fight.

Pick a class whose mechanics you enjoy. Figure out the different ways those classes can play, and then build on that. Become a boss at that playstyle and then show us your moves so you can give all those "Flavor of the Month" humpers the middle finger.

tl;dr Play how you want. In the end, you won't please everyone, so just try not to suck too bad.

Jun 1, 2014, 08:27 AM
I think it's good that people play what they want to, just as long as they know what they're doing, and understand how the game works. Damage doesn't have to be the best, you don't have to have the very best stuff (the damage increases are negligible towards the end of the line, anyway), but just be competent and helpful to others around you. That's it!

Jun 1, 2014, 08:37 AM
As a Braver/Hunter myself, I've gained a new love for my class in the form of the PA "Tsukimi Sazanka" (it's the PA you start with if you pick Braver as your starter class). The speed of the PA, as well as its non-reliance on the gimmicky charge mechanic that most other Katana PAs use, allows me to do a toe-to-toe MGR Raiden style parry fight with Ringarda (as long as you properly time your JGs, he can't touch you - it's fun as hell to do).

Personally, I'd say this: if your aim is to please those who criticize your damage, you'll never win that fight.

Pick a class whose mechanics you enjoy. Figure out the different ways those classes can play, and then build on that. Become a boss at that playstyle and then show us your moves so you can give all those "Flavor of the Month" humpers the middle finger.

tl;dr Play how you want. In the end, you won't please everyone, so just try not to suck too bad.

Don't forget the old combo

Counter/JG > Gekka Zakuro (counter puts you into the air, gekka zakuro executes faster when you're mid air)

Jun 1, 2014, 08:50 AM
Don't forget the old combo

Counter/JG > Gekka Zakuro (counter puts you into the air, gekka zakuro executes faster when you're mid air)

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that Gekka was among those slated to get buffs in the next patch.

I still prefer Tsukimi because I can use it without serious repercussions whether I'm airborne or grounded.

Not to mention... Vergil-ized sword-loops.

Or in the words of Doctor Doom from Maximillian's Assist Me Series: "It's Vergil without the sword loops!"

Jun 1, 2014, 12:58 PM
Ignore everyone who says stick to the playstyle you like!

Try Fo/Te, Gu/Hu, Ra/Hu, you'll find a playstyle you like in one of the three, and you won't suck either. PS, Braver is still gonna be OP anyways so you have that to fall back onto still.

Jun 1, 2014, 01:22 PM
Ignore everyone who says stick to the playstyle you like!

Try Fo/Te, Gu/Hu, Ra/Hu, you'll find a playstyle you like in one of the three, and you won't suck either. PS, Braver is still gonna be OP anyways so you have that to fall back onto still.

So your advice is to shoehorn a player in to the uber-OP playstyles and tell them they have to find one of those fun?

See you're the type of person I'd kick from my run. It's a video game. Video games are meant, in part, to provide entertainment.

If the TC finds that one of the OP class combo playstyles is fun, then great. If not, we really don't need asshats telling them they need to change.

Jun 1, 2014, 01:40 PM
So your advice is to shoehorn a player in to the uber-OP playstyles and tell them they have to find one of those fun?

See you're the type of person I'd kick from my run. It's a video game. Video games are meant, in part, to provide entertainment.

If the TC finds that one of the OP class combo playstyles is fun, then great. If not, we really don't need asshats telling them they need to change.
Well someone can't handle sarcasm on the internet. Whoaaaa.

Jun 1, 2014, 01:50 PM
I've been using Braver from day one before Shunka and I didn't cared that Fighter was doing more dmg than it. I will still use Braver because I can switch between S and R with ease.

I even use my previous Fi/Hu character with a damaged MAG.

Jun 1, 2014, 01:57 PM
here, why don't we just go back to playing like this:

It's not that bad really after all they're inputting the new buffs to gekka, but my only complaint is the lack of AOE and maneuverability that Gekka has, it needs to shoot a small wave similar to hatou does but it does scale it's damage, just increases AOE, maybe it can even activate the small wave only during katana gear activation.

braver is a lot more entertaining when played this way.

Jun 1, 2014, 02:01 PM
Yeah, do what you want. My new alt is going to be a support class (LOL!) ranger/techer WITH THE RANGER TRAPS AW YEAH

Jun 1, 2014, 03:26 PM
Thanks for the inputs guys.. I really appreciate it.
Just one question though.

Is it just me, or aren't you all tired of the charge PAs that the majority of the katana provides? If any of you can give me a good few PAs that I should use or something, Instead of just Kanran and Shunka then I'd be grateful for that.

Jun 1, 2014, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the inputs guys.. I really appreciate it.
Just one question though.

Is it just me, or aren't you all tired of the charge PAs that the majority of the katana provides? If any of you can give me a good few PAs that I should use or something, Instead of just Kanran and Shunka then I'd be grateful for that.

watch the video i posted,
tsukimi + gekka combo = the original braver.

Jun 1, 2014, 04:58 PM
Well someone can't handle sarcasm on the internet. Whoaaaa.

That's probably because it was in no way indicated it was sarcasm.

Jun 2, 2014, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the inputs guys.. I really appreciate it.
Just one question though.

Is it just me, or aren't you all tired of the charge PAs that the majority of the katana provides? If any of you can give me a good few PAs that I should use or something, Instead of just Kanran and Shunka then I'd be grateful for that.

You can use Tsukimi and Asagiri to hold yourself aloft like a Fighter. Though you will certainly be unimpressed with Asagiri's damage, it can hit enemies in a wider area than normal attacks and moves you toward an enemy -- good for maintaining height and distance to an opponent while floating at a weak point with Tsukimi. Hien, Kazan, and Fudou can all be used in the third slot, though Fudou is rubbish and Kazan requires EXTREME confidence in your opponent's moves due to the windup. Some people hate on Hien, but I find that it's really not that bad for a third move on a boss/juggle PA set. For other mobs, it's just better to use Kanran. The rest of the PAs have the charge that will take you out of the sky (Kanran, Shunka, Sakura, Hatou) or just throw you on the ground anyway (Gekka).

Jun 2, 2014, 11:03 AM
A side note for whatever you choose: you don't have to level ranger, hunter, or force to unlock gunner, fighter, and techer. Raising a braver to level 25 (which you have done) unlocks the corresponding COs for gunner, fighter, and techer.

Jun 2, 2014, 11:04 AM
It's a shame seeming to prefer efficiency means you aren't having fun and are clearly an elitist nobhead.

ITT: Casual players are the reason gaming communities are shit. I'm actually serious.

Jun 2, 2014, 11:46 AM
It's a shame seeming to prefer efficiency means you aren't having fun and are clearly an elitist nobhead.

ITT: Casual players are the reason gaming communities are shit. I'm actually serious.

I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, Zyn. What I have noticed, though, is that a lot of people who rush to be the best end up being the first to complain that the game is too boring to continue playing.

If you have fun being uberpowerful and killing things the second they spawn, good for you. Personally, I don't. I like being just strong enough to help if it's required of me, but otherwise free to keep my setup flexible to have fun with it that way.

Jun 2, 2014, 12:15 PM
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, Zyn. What I have noticed, though, is that a lot of people who rush to be the best end up being the first to complain that the game is too boring to continue playing.

If you have fun being uberpowerful and killing things the second they spawn, good for you. Personally, I don't. I like being just strong enough to help if it's required of me, but otherwise free to keep my setup flexible to have fun with it that way.

Both sides of the same coin really. The real reason gaming communities are bad is cause the rise of availability to the internet, etc. The more people there are, the more scumbags, etc are seen. When 3d mmos like RF Online, Vangaurd, etc first came out, mmos weren't that popular. The online gaming communities tended to be small. Now you've got so many people that its not easy at times to differentiate the good from the bad.

Jun 2, 2014, 01:06 PM
ITT: Casual players are the reason gaming communities are shit. I'm actually serious.

I'm pretty sure it's the toxic elitists pining for a past that never was who make gaming communities shit. Thank the gods for ignore lists. It's too bad that we can't vote people off the island while we're at it, though.

Jun 2, 2014, 03:41 PM
What happened to when people played what's fun instead of what's OP? So annoying...

Jun 2, 2014, 04:38 PM
I've met people that care about efficiency but can still have fun. My main problem are the people that cry that the game is too easy, then proceed to use optimized builds and 5+ slot all of their gear. At that point, I don't even understand why you're playing.

Jun 2, 2014, 07:07 PM
The issue is that Sega should have accounted for all of this really swag shit we have access to. They should have sat down and said "Okay, we have people with 5s gear and perfect builds, they need shit to do." It's not our fault that Sega put it there and we just took it. Honestly, I shouldn't have to say "I can pump my character with all this really sweet gear, but I shouldn't because it's just so easy to break the game."

Like, I played Ragnarok Online with top-tier gear and even then, there was some pretty hardcore shit that needed a solid party with perfect planning.

Back to the OP, I highly doubt BR is gonna suck post-nerf. People seem to forget that Hatou Rindou exists. Hell, you should already be using that over Shunka on some bosses. :V

Jun 2, 2014, 07:17 PM
It's a shame seeming to prefer efficiency means you aren't having fun and are clearly an elitist nobhead.

ITT: Casual players are the reason gaming communities are shit. I'm actually serious.

No, it's statements like this that make people think you're a nobhead. Nice work.

Jun 2, 2014, 07:34 PM
Like, I played Ragnarok Online with top-tier gear and even then, there was some pretty hardcore shit that needed a solid party with perfect planning.

That's because Gravity actually knows what they're doing with their game and have a grasp of its state, at least up until Ep 13. That and they actually want to appeal to players that want difficult content. Same can't be said about SEGA.

Jun 2, 2014, 07:41 PM
I think stereotyping either side of the spectrum is ill advised. We've got assholes all around and we've got really swell people all around as well. And honestly, its really not even that simple. Everyone has a different set of morals that defines what is "right" for them. Ignorance exists on both sides as well as views that conflict completely.

I think its worthwhile for people to look at each other and see things how they are rather than generalizing groups as good or bad out of laziness. If things had happened a little differently, its not impossible someone's "side" could be completely different. But as I said, its a spectrum. We don't have a binary difference in ideologies here.

Jun 2, 2014, 08:12 PM
What happened to when people played what's fun instead of what's OP? So annoying...

Depending on the player, those can go hand in hand. God forbid different people find different things to be fun (’・ω・’)

Naizuya Tatzubani
Jun 2, 2014, 11:21 PM
Right now? I'm enjoying my hard-hitting Br/Fi and my close-quarters up-in-yer face Gu/Br. So likek everyone's saying, do what you wanna do and have fun

Jun 3, 2014, 08:00 AM
People think or assume I'm just playing for the OP classes? That, if I'm strong I'll be satisfied and play longer? No. You're completely wrong. I'm looking for a normal fun yet efficient class that doesn't do a shit job, that has less time consuming PAs and more fun combat. I love combat, I love PSO2 aswell, so if PSO2 is an MMOARPG, hence 'A' in MMO'A'RPG, then I think I should be allowed to ask what classes will extend my gameplay and actually be beneficial regarding efficiency and if the class I'm using is a waste of time, it's a mere inquiry.

But to the rest that've been nice and helped, thank you a lot I appreciate it. c:
I think I might just go Gunner or stay Braver for the time being, anyone who can L&A pls.

Jun 3, 2014, 11:17 PM
Never seen before that video of the old style braver. Seems just way more fun than all the shunka'ing (and even hatou'ing. I don't like it that much). I'll probably try that on my alt. My main will be having fun as a Gu/Fi again after I finish leveling her Ra from 69 to the actual finish line. Staying in the air and never falling is plain fun for me.

Also, sometimes I just go Gu/Ra for the WB duty. It's nice to be the good samaritan sometimes.

Jun 3, 2014, 11:54 PM
It's a video game. Video games are meant, in part, to provide entertainment.

People get entertained by different things.

Jun 4, 2014, 12:44 AM
recently capped FO and TE, and play as fo/te with an ely (because i'm a rebel and hate how talises work "that boost tho")

So as a rebel, ive been leveling GU, and intent to combine it with TE. because it seems to be a fun combo.

if it fails to make me feel good things. ill just combine it with other classes until i find something that fits.