View Full Version : Infinity Anyone still play? And another question

Jun 3, 2014, 10:03 PM
Hello! I'm a long time PSU player, and recently PSO2 player (lol screw that game) and was wondering if anyone still plays infinity? My buddy and I just got it and were looking for more people to play with.

Also, how does elemental% on tech weapons work? Does it work the same as melee and ranged weapons?

Jun 4, 2014, 12:48 AM
I may be available/willing sometime if you message me. Busy schedule, so you've been warned.

Jun 4, 2014, 02:01 AM
Just so you both know, it was recently announced that the PSP will no longer be in production in Japan and that Sony is making the move to the Vita instead. With Infinity only on PSP, you'll want to make use of the time left in the chance SEGA decides to shut down the servers with the end of the PSP line.

Jun 4, 2014, 11:52 PM
True, I did read that recently. I would like to get more player characters before that happens.

Dec 30, 2014, 12:35 AM
offline with adhoc and a friend