View Full Version : My matter board is broken D:

Jun 15, 2014, 08:49 AM
Well, looks like it.
I started the 2nd one and I am supposed to kill lvl 11+ Diggs.
I killed several in normal and hard, then got a cutscene at the hospital, had 7-8 Matoi cutscenes and killed some more in normal and hard.
Still not cleared.

What did I miss?

And are there more incomplete descriptions / hidden requirements for the matter board?
Cause I get the feeling after I clear this it won't take long for the same thing to happen again.

Oh wow, turns out the "marker" is not just a marker.
Nowhere it tells you that but unless you activate the marker, the mater board item will never drop.

Jun 15, 2014, 09:52 AM
You need to activate the matter board to be able to clear its objectives. You can have only one MB active at a time, so pick any investigation from the 2nd board to activate it.

It used to be like you describe it, that only the investigation currently active can be cleared. This is not the case for quite a time though - now you can clear all investigations from the same board at the same time, if they are unlocked and the board is active that is. The reason for the change is obvious, it was a pain in the ass.

Jun 15, 2014, 04:15 PM
So yeah, apparently all of Matter Board 1 can be completed at once without changing any markers.
Then suddenly the first node on Matter Board 2 requires you to set the marker and after that it's all at once again.
Looks like SEGA overlooked that one >_>

Jun 15, 2014, 07:28 PM
Broken AGAIN!
Just wtf is with those hidden objectives?
Now I have finished the two yellow nodes on matter board two. After that I talked to everyone I ever met as part of the story/matter board quests
Xion is nowhere to be found.
I don't get matter board 3 and instead the game is pointing me into the block switch elevator next to Kressida, but nothing ever happens there.

Jun 15, 2014, 07:35 PM
Go look at your story quests again. There should be like a circle next to the story quest(s) that's either empty, half crown, or a full crown.

Empty = No progress.
Half crown = You need to take an alternate route of the story quest, but you have done at least one route.
Full crown = Complete and you don't need to go there anymore.

So, you'll need to run the quest again if it's empty or a half crown.

Although, there are some exceptions where you can get a half crown and still progress. Of course, you need to choose the important route in this case.

Jun 16, 2014, 01:51 PM
Indeed half a crown, what how do I take an alternate route?
You mean selecting different dialog choices or an actual route in the area?

Jun 16, 2014, 02:02 PM
So yeah, apparently all of Matter Board 1 can be completed at once without changing any markers.
Then suddenly the first node on Matter Board 2 requires you to set the marker and after that it's all at once again.
Looks like SEGA overlooked that one >_>

There is no overlook. You had to activate MB2 in order to be able to clear its nodes. Activate as in, click on a node that you didn't clear to let the game know "yes, this is the MB which I want to work on".

Indeed half a crown, what how do I take an alternate route?
You mean selecting different dialog choices or an actual route in the area?

Sometimes it's a dialogue choice, sometimes it's taking a different route when given a choice. You'll know you have chosen corrently if the game displays a different chapter title than before. The first story quest can have two variations for example, you most likely did not do the second one yet (because you need to reach all gold nodes on MB2 to unlock that).

Also most episode 1 story quest variants that are unlocked by partially (as opposed to fully) clearing a matter board are skippable so you don't always need a full crown on each quest to progress further.

Jun 16, 2014, 06:52 PM