View Full Version : PSO GC PLAYERS!

Jun 19, 2014, 12:49 AM
Hi, Ive been playing pso since it was on Dreamcast many years ago, I'm sure a lot of you have :) But I just recently bought a Gamecube broadband adapter so I could play online^^ The adapter came in the mail today and I am currently on the server. Unfortunately it doesnt seem easy to make any friends unfortunately and I'm just curious to see if any one in these forums play this as well. And I apologize if im posting this in the wrong area or something like that. Ive never really done the forum thing and stuff like that so I'm sorry for that. Any ways, looking for people to play with and trade items with and stuff like that. I'm dying to find a sealed j sword or a tsumikiri if any ones got one! I'd kill for one of those lol. Well thanks for taking your time to read this!

Jun 19, 2014, 05:39 AM
Hi, Ive been playing pso since it was on Dreamcast many years ago, I'm sure a lot of you have :) But I just recently bought a Gamecube broadband adapter so I could play online^^ The adapter came in the mail today and I am currently on the server. Unfortunately it doesnt seem easy to make any friends unfortunately and I'm just curious to see if any one in these forums play this as well. And I apologize if im posting this in the wrong area or something like that. Ive never really done the forum thing and stuff like that so I'm sorry for that.

Since we are not allowed to discus the nature of private servers here, its better you join the forum on that server you are on and try to find friends there... i plan to hook up my lamecube this weekend for some Summer PSO game play myself(online of course).

Any ways, looking for people to play with and trade items with and stuff like that. I'm dying to find a sealed j sword or a tsumikiri if any ones got one! I'd kill for one of those lol. Well thanks for taking your time to read this!

A sealed J sword gonna take you some time to find a year or two, depends how devoted you are on grinding the same ol quests to get the 1/12604 drop(tho those numbers ain't accurate). And those people that have one wont trade it, its to much hassle to hunt one down...and free SJS are mostly hacks...its up to you if you take it or not (*-`ω´- )人.


Jun 19, 2014, 10:50 AM
Gotcha, thanks a lot for the info. I have made an account on those forums and will move this subject over there. Thanks again! ^^ and Id take a hacked j sword any day of the week lol.

Jun 25, 2014, 12:53 PM
I have been looking to get back into GC online since I could not get BB to work, idk though a lot of the places I used to go online to are pretty barren as of late.

Jun 26, 2014, 08:34 AM
I have been looking to get back into GC online since I could not get BB to work, idk though a lot of the places I used to go online to are pretty barren as of late.

I had the same problem when trying to install BB, now I got a virus. Could someone pm info... about you know what.

Jun 26, 2014, 12:02 PM
I have been looking to get back into GC online since I could not get BB to work, idk though a lot of the places I used to go online to are pretty barren as of late.

More or less in the past 3 years the number of GC players has decreased, usually the numbers raise a bit during Summer but those are mostly seasonal players or some new ones that don't stick long around.


Jun 26, 2014, 12:26 PM
At the moment I cant even log onto it so, guess its down.

Jun 26, 2014, 02:58 PM
It's the forwading DNS that most Gamecube players use that's actually down at the moment. You'll need to use alternative methods to get on.

Jun 26, 2014, 04:06 PM
Yeah I've just been itching to play it recently. Brother has the GC, and my ex took the Wii. Might just re-buy the Wii just to replay it again.

Jun 29, 2014, 01:04 PM
I haven't played GC in a long time (Though with my BB server being down temporarily, I might as well hop on and play).