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View Full Version : Is getting banned the only worry for VPN users?

Jul 7, 2014, 03:58 AM
I've decided that if the next two updates yield no connection results, that I'ma just VPN that shit. Is banning the only issue here, or is the CIA gonna creep in on my ass at night?

In all seriousness though. I figure if my account is next to useless anyway, I might as well play with the risk involved.

Jul 7, 2014, 04:04 AM
I've decided that if the next two updates yield no connection results, that I'ma just VPN that shit. Is banning the only issue here, or is the CIA gonna creep in on my ass at night?

In all seriousness though. I figure if my account is next to useless anyway, I might as well play with the risk involved.

Cortte (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ....... The sega is taking measures toward the DDoS which is why we cant connect. (as stated in lots of Threads) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
how bout wait until at least until the next maint for that kind of question...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
u will b able to connect before u know it~ dw, patience is the key! ww

but then answering your question.... lol yes, ban is the only worry

Jul 7, 2014, 04:05 AM
just do it or die

Jul 7, 2014, 04:08 AM
Cortte (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ....... The sega is taking measures toward the DDoS which is why we cant connect. (as stated in lots of Threads) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
how bout wait until at least until the next maint for that kind of question...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
u will b able to connect before u know it~ dw, patience is the key! ww

but then answering your question.... lol yes, ban is the only worry

I knoooooow, I just wanna play though. Dragon Nest isn't as good as PSO2 =/

Jul 7, 2014, 04:10 AM
I knoooooow, I just wanna play though. Dragon Nest isn't as good as PSO2 =/

haha (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ dw we all know how u feel (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Jul 7, 2014, 04:11 AM
I knoooooow, I just wanna play though. Dragon Nest won't be as good as PSO2 =/Fixed :wacko:

Jul 7, 2014, 04:13 AM
Depending on the VPN and whoever is hosting the service, they can get access to any info you choose to show while using it.

It's run through a service that someone has set up to allow others to use, doesn't mean that someone isn't looking into what you're doing. You are risking a fair bit when you choose to connect to a VPN.

Jul 7, 2014, 04:28 AM
Well, using a VPN emits a special type of hazardous gamma radiation. This radiation can sometimes cause a batch of tumorous pine-cones to develop in your lower intestine.

Be careful with that shit.

Jul 7, 2014, 05:31 AM
Anything is possible, what matters is the probability of something happening. I'm using a softether right now and my login history has around 10 different ips recorded. I'm going to say getting banned for using a vpn is extremely unlikely and getting flagged by the CIA is near nonexistent. The NSA on the other hand probably makes it a point to intercept all encrypted traffic, but you aren't going to raise any flags for playing pso2.