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View Full Version : JP PSO2 Need help with "Referenced Memory" error

Jul 12, 2014, 11:22 PM
Hello, I've been getting this error quite a lot, for months now ><

Whenever I'm done playing, I have to do a file check. If I didn't do a file check, the game will have a very good chance to crash (referenced memory error) the next time I play. The error is gone whenever I did a file check ...... But, doing a file check through official launcher is ........ long and heavy ><

Anyone got a way to fix it? Do I have to re-download everything from scratch? My internet isn't fast ><

Not sure if it had to do with hardware, but I'll list it, should the info is needed. I'm using this setup :
> Official Launcher (official patch only, no English patch .... haven't tried using other than Official patch so far ._. )
> fully updated driver, DirectX, Windows
> Windows 8.1 - 64bit
> Computer spec (all run in default speed) :
- i5-2500k
- 4 GB RAM - Kingston 1600 Mhz
- Gigabyte GTX 660
> Running PSO2 on maxed settings, in-game options only (not using nVidia Inspector or anything). I got around 200fps with 1080p, so, it shouldn't pose as a problem, right?
> Free space around 10 GB on the drive where PSO2 is installed.

Thank you ^^ Just tell me if you need more info ^^

EDIT : Oh, right, I forgot to ask 1 other thing too ......
If I close PSO2 (done playing), sometimes I can't start other software, unless "Run as Admin" notification appeared or I restarted my PC ..... Is it because of GameGuard? >_<