View Full Version : Story Patch causing black screens

Jul 18, 2014, 04:58 AM
Since the patch, my game has been going to a black screen while trying to launch certain cutscenes. I'm unable to advance the story on my character, as approaching Xion simply cuts to black when the dialog is supposed to start. The same issue prevents me from creating a new character: After the first into cutscene, the bit where it should cut to the inside of the ship (Right before the actual character creation screen) also goes black.

After some research, I did a file check to revert the game to stock, and installed only the English Patch and the English Large Files. It worked fine, and fixed several issues I had been having with Japanese text where it shouldn't be - numerous parts of the GUI and item descriptions, albeit intermittently.

I tried reinstalling and updating the Story Patch again, but no dice. The same issues with the black screen came back, though the GUI glitches were fixed. Is this just because it's incompatible since the patch? Do I just need to wait for an update? I know I can play without it, but I haven't played the game before and would honestly like to know what's going on in it.

I figured if it was an issue for everyone, I would see more posts about it, or a sticky or something, but I see nothing at all.

For the record, I am using the Tweaker.