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View Full Version : If I was in charge, this is what I would make the final Mining Base Defense EQ like

Jul 21, 2014, 11:15 PM
Yes, there'll probably be more MBD EQs, the main reason being, if MBD3 were the final Mining Base Defense, it would be very anti-climactic for what happens after: Dark Falz Apprentice.

Anyways, on to general details:

◘Only one tower, located in the direct center of the map. Has a huge amount of HP as compared to towers in any other MBD.
◘Has 10 waves.
◘Has a limit of three large bosses across the map simultaneously, instead of two like in MBD3.
◘Instead of the current wave's enemies despawning when the wave timer reaches zero, they remain and the next wave instantly begins. However, defeating all enemies in the current wave will not end the current wave immediately, and the wave timer will still tick to 0 before starting the next wave. Wave 9 has no timer, and wave 10 requires every single enemy that should spawn over all the previous waves be defeated to begin.
◘If a large boss cannot spawn due to three large bosses already being on the map, it is added to the queue and immediately spawns when one existing large boss is defeated. Falz Arms count as midbosses instead of large bosses, and do not count towards the limit.

New Darker offensive capabilities:

◘Paras Drahda: A new insect darker which targets and infects machinery. It can infect any defensive machinery in place and turn it against the ARKS. It has an appearance of an ant. If it has no machinery to target, it will turn itself into an infection core on the tower. After infecting any machinery, it disappears.
◘Infected A.I.S.: Attacking a Paras Drahda with melee, or being attacked by a Paras Drahda while using an A.I.S. creates this. It doesn't appear otherwise. Regardless of original duration, the corrupted A.I.S. lasts for 30 seconds after corruption, during which you can neither control nor exit it. It targets other players until its duration is up, at which time it will dash to the tower and self-destruct, dealing heavy damage and killing you in the process. It can be defeated by other players, but it will still explode where it was defeated and kill its user.
◘Visbolt Conductor: This may appear from an infected socket instead of a Darker Particle Cannon. Has an extremely high amount of HP and causes a permanent Visbolt until it is destroyed.
◘Ignix Trigger: This may appear from an infected socket instead of a Darker Particle Cannon. Has an extremely high amount of HP and causes a permanent Ignix until it is destroyed.
◘Darchyme: At the beginning of some waves, most or all infected sockets may spawn a Darchyme which will detonate if not destroyed within 45~90 seconds.
◘Gel Wulff: At the beginning of some waves, Gel Wulffs may begin appearing and target players and the tower. They will not disappear until the end of the wave, or until one is destroyed with a Photon Cannon(Not Photon Particle Cannon, the cannon seen in Coast and Seabed areas and during Destroy the Gel Wulff!).
◘Baize: At the beginning of some waves, one to three Baizes may appear. A detonating Baize will deal extreme damage to the tower.
◘Funji: At the beginning of some waves, one to four Funjis may appear and target one player each, trapping them in separate corners of the field.

New ARKS defense systems:

◘Photon Walls: Summons walls identical to Darker Walls seen in MBD3, which enemies cannot pass through, but allies can.
◘Burst Fields: Summons a burst field from a defense socket. Basically identical to Burst Barriers, but can be summoned from sockets.
◘Technique Amplification Tower: Summons a tower from a defense socket, which causes Shifta, Deband, Resta, and Anti to affect all players on the field, regardless of location, when cast directly next to the tower. Casting Zondeel, Megiverse, or Zanverse directly next to the tower causes the tower to cast the corresponding technique with an infinite duration and with an area of effect increased to 1000% size.
◘Gunships: Autonomous gunships may be summoned using the base terminal to assist you. Only one may be active at once, and expires at the end of the wave. Infected gunships will attempt to destroy these.
◘A.I.S. EX: A special version of A.I.S. with an infinite duration, but only 100 max HP which cannot be healed. Using its Photon Beam deals 99 damage to the A.I.S. EX after completion. Otherwise identical to normal A.I.S., and replaces the final summon of them.

The boss lineup per wave:
RandomMidA is Gwanahda, Decol Malluda, OR Wolgahda.
RandomMidB is Gwanahda, Decol Malluda, Wolgahda, OR Falz Arm.
RandomBigA is Dark Ragne, Zeshrayda, OR Blu Ringahda.
RandomBigB is Dark Ragne, Zeshrayda, Blu Ringahda, OR Dark Vibrace.

[spoiler-box]Wave 1: RandomMidA x1~3 + RandomMidA x1~3 + RandomMidA x1~3
Wave 2: RandomBigA + RandomMidA x1~3 + RandomMidA x1~3
Wave 3: Dark Vibrace + RandomMidA x1~3 + RandomMidA x1~3
Wave 4: RandomBigB + Falz Arm x5~8 + ARKS Clones
Wave 5: Dark Vibrace + RandomBigA + RandomMidB x4~6
Wave 6: RandomBigB + RandomBigB + RandomBigB + RandomMidB x4~6
Wave 7: Dark Vibrace Yuga + Dark Vibrace + RandomBigA+ RandomMidB x4~6
Wave 8: Envoy of Oblivion: Apos Dorios (Ice) + Envoy of Oblivion: Apos Dorios (Lightning) + Envoy of Oblivion: Apos Dorios (Fire) + Magnate of Malevolence: Falz Arm x3 + RandomMidA
Wave 9: Envoy of Oblivion: Falz Angel + Magnate of Malevolence: Falz Hunar + [Persona] + RandomMidB x1~3 + RandomMidB x1~3 + RandomMidB x1~3 + ARKS Clones x2

After defeating everything in all previous waves:

Wave 10: The Malevolent: Dark Falz Elder + The Malign: Dark Falz Luther + Dark Vibrace Yuga + RandomMidB x1~3+ RandomMidB x2~4 + RandomMidB x3~5 + ARKS Clones x3[/spoiler-box]

Notes on specific bosses:
•ARKS Clones: Waves with ARKS Clones spawns one clone for each person in the MPA for each time they're said to spawn.
•Apos Dorios: Each Apos will spawn its four towers around the main tower at half health. Failing to destroy all of them is an instant kill to the tower.
•[Persona]: [Persona] spawns in his Sword version. When he dies, he instantly respawns in the same spot as his Double Sabre version.
•Dark Falz Elder: All of the mining bases are located on a desert plateau, with steep cliffs off each side. Dark Falz Elder hangs off the edge and uses his lasers, stretchy arms, and meteors to attack things. In Super Hard, this specially titled Dark Falz Elder, along with Dark Falz Luther, is the first place in the game to drop 13* weapons.
•Dark Falz Luther: Luther can be taken to be at least slightly corporeal, as in his boss battle, he hangs halfway through the floor. A black mist outline surrounds where his body dips into the ground to make it look better. His behavior is modified in two ways - his time stop attacks' swords will target the tower. If any of them hit the tower, it's an instant destruct. The second time stop will take the same amount of time as the first one to execute, unlike normal, because the normal second time stop wouldn't be long enough to kill all four swords. Both time stops take a longer time to execute than normal to allow people time to destroy the swords. His time slow makes all other enemies slow down to 1/2 of their original speed in everything they do, but all damage they do is magnified by 500%. His time speed simply makes all other enemies move twice as fast in everything they do. Along with Dark Falz Elder, this specially-titled Dark Falz Luther is the first place in the game to drop 13* weapons.

Yes I know this would be hell, but it would be fun as hell too. No I don't want random MPAs to even come close to being able to succeeding this, coordination and cooperation is more fun.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:19 PM
Don't want random MPAs being able to do it due to lack of coordination and communication?

Yeah, that would be super popular.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:20 PM
Don't want random MPAs being able to do it due to lack of coordination and communication?

Yeah, that would be super popular.

You're a really fast reader.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:21 PM
Would people's PCs even be able to handle all that. Even if you took out the timer, who is gonna sit through all that shit?

Jul 21, 2014, 11:21 PM
I didn't read it, because I don't care to. I just read the last few sentences there and rolled my eyes.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:22 PM
Would people's PCs even be able to handle all that. Even then you wouldn't be able to do it because of the wave timer. If you took out the timer, who is gonna sit through all that shit?

People who want a good challenge, obviously. That, or people who want 13*s or more chances at normal Elder/Loser rares.

I didn't read it, because I don't care to. I just read the last few sentences there and rolled my eyes.

So in other words, you picked out the one thing you didn't like and are using that as fuel to disregard. Anyways, say what you like, what this game needs is more challenging content, not less.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:26 PM
Well, skimming over it now, the whole thing seems bollocks. But, it's probably better than what SEGA would do, since the last two TD missions were shit, anyway.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:32 PM
Well, skimming over it now, the whole thing seems bollocks. But, it's probably better than what SEGA would do, since the last two TD missions were shit, anyway.

Knowing Sega, they're just going to leave it at MBD3 forever, even though it's anti-climactic.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:37 PM
I'm all for challenging content but thats TOO challenging.

TD3 has nailed it so far for challenging content, sitting at roughly 50/50 fails/successes with 25% of those getting 2nd runs. Bound to improve with time.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:38 PM
I'm all for challenging content but thats TOO challenging.

TD3 has nailed it so far for challenging content, sitting at roughly 50/50 fails/successes with 25% of those getting 2nd runs. Bound to improve with time.

Once people figure out how to properly distribute AIS summons, prepare for MBD3 to get pretty easy.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:57 PM
TD3 is actually very enjoyable, imo. TD2 was enjoyable at first, but then turned pretty bad. TD1 was enjoyable too, but then that turned pretty bad too (still better than TD2).

Your idea is good on paper, but let's take into consideration some things...

1) Are you sure you want it this challenging/hardcore? I can very much see it to where the community will only get worse, because of people judging/scrutinizing other people's equipment more carefully. We certainly don't need another Vindictus community, where majority of the boats require you to be in a certain damage range. That'd make it almost impossible for any new-coming and/or casual gamers to enjoy the content. The community is already poisonous enough as is against players without decent gear: you really want to compound this?
2) Jumping off of that note, judging by the numerous bosses and new mechanics you want to implement into this new TD, I really do not believe any amount of "coordination/cooperation" will allow players with bad gear to even get remotely close to succeeding. Hard is fun and fine. Nearly impossible? Not okay.
3) AIS get infected by.. simply touching the new Darker or being attacked by it? And this new Darker is an ant? It's almost impossible to see Dagans when you're in the AIS: how do you expect an ant to be any better?
4) AIS Ex has 100 HP? That's pretty much a one-shot from anything.

Other than that, the Funji idea is good. Although SEGA pretty much implemented that (kinda) by trapping players in the corners if they don't get out of there on time.

Technique Amplification Tower is good in theory, but you're going to have to change the numbers around. Infinite duration? 1000% size? You'd pretty much have Technique Amplification Towers everywhere with Zondeel. That'd completely defeat the purpose of mobs and midbosses, and definitely would defeat the purpose of Photon Walls and Burst Fields.

Jul 22, 2014, 02:15 AM
I would like to have a Border Break style TD. Every enemy and boss from each planet for each waves.

Jul 22, 2014, 02:46 AM
Welp, I for one actually think this sounds really fun. Contrary to popular belief apparently.
There are definitely some flaws that i don't really feel like stating since they're my personal opinion kind of flaws but all in all sounds fun and would probably be pretty rewarding for completing.

Then again.. I'm huge on really challenging things, challenges are what i find fun. Despair is currently really fun :) Cool idea.

Jul 22, 2014, 03:01 AM
I see too many flaws that won't work with how PSO2 is atm. You have to remember that not everyone will be in an organized MPA or have friends to do one with so this is basically screwing over a lot of players.

There are few ideas that I like but needs a better vision like the A.I.S. being at 100hp is stupid because it'll be gone instantly the moment you go into a swarm. The ARKs clones, Elder, and Lozer aren't really a good idea imo. Clones will drop the price of spheres even more and adding Elder and Lozer will make the soul purpose of their respective EQs pointless.

There are ways to make things challenging without adding the hardest boss or whatever into TD or new mechanics.

Jul 22, 2014, 04:48 AM
I see too many flaws that won't work with how PSO2 is atm. You have to remember that not everyone will be in an organized MPA or have friends to do one with so this is basically screwing over a lot of players.

There are few ideas that I like but needs a better vision like the A.I.S. being at 100hp is stupid because it'll be gone instantly the moment you go into a swarm. The ARKs clones, Elder, and Lozer aren't really a good idea imo. Clones will drop the price of spheres even more and adding Elder and Lozer will make the soul purpose of their respective EQs pointless.

There are ways to make things challenging without adding the hardest boss or whatever into TD or new mechanics.

I believe its called 'spam about 15 goldras 10seconds before the wave is about to end'


Jul 22, 2014, 06:57 AM
As much as I want this game to be hard, and as much as the idea of difficult MPAs sounds appealing, I have to assume when running an EQ that I'm running it with 11 retards, and that sorta holds it all back for me, honestly :V Probably Sega's fault for making it so stupidly easy to get to SH nowadays, really.

Jul 22, 2014, 07:53 AM
Sounds like it's ENDGAME endgame content

Or somewhere close to that, like the 160-175 level range

Completely eliminating the fact that pugs can't complete it at all is leaving out a chunk of people with no/small teams not even a chance.....then again this is hypothetical

Since it is hypothetical, I kinda like it. It sounds crazy shit fun if you got people you know to do it with

Jul 22, 2014, 08:27 AM
If you where in charge you'd just make more EQ´s or Quests featuring A.I.S...

Jul 22, 2014, 09:12 AM
This sounds like a job for Zan Spam

Jul 22, 2014, 11:28 AM
This may be a slight exaggeration but I do think I get my point across

And I just now realize my blatant spelling error, but I don't feel like reopening photoshop.

Jul 22, 2014, 12:05 PM
This may be a slight exaggeration but I do think I get my point across

And I just now realize my blatant spelling error, but I don't feel like reopening photoshop.

I felt like it got easier with SH, not harder. Enemies run directly toward you during pse burst, TA times got faster(but it did hurt some classes), and the exp is great during EQs with infected enemies.

Jul 22, 2014, 12:47 PM
Everything hits for like 10x as much in VH compared to Hard mode. Way bigger jump than VH->SH.

As for the OP, just gotta say, completely locking up a player for 30s just because they attacked an enemy is retarded. I love not being able to play!

And so many chances for instant failure when you already have just a single tower everything is focusing on is not only way too harsh, but completely trivializes everything up until that point. The same sort of 'heavy damage' from before would serve the same purpose if the group wasn't performing well, which it likely wouldn't be if they couldn't handle the boss properly, but it's much more satisfying if victory is brought about by the culmination of your efforts, not just a single event.

The AIS EX seems kind of pointless if you still only get the one beam. And if it's the final summon, there's no point in using it to collect crystals, so is it only for the gun since you instantly lose the moment you try to melee?

Jul 22, 2014, 12:56 PM
Personally I want Team VS content.

12 man mpa on a map but every team is split up. All have to do their objectives and their time/score determines who gets the better rewards.