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View Full Version : Something Worse then the BSOD

Mar 8, 2001, 12:22 AM
Heres what happened. I was going to take a telepipe to Ruins 3. When I went in, the game completly froze right when the screen was fading from black to the level. I have no idea what caused it, but right when I was going into the telepipe, I was typing a message. With the BSOD, you can disconnect and lose nothing. But when this happens, everything just shuts down. When I pressed the open button on my dreamcast, it still had that same image. Everything was complety frozen.There is no way out of this. Luckly, I didn't lose my character. Besides some Trimates and other items, I lost a S-Beat and Last Survivor. I only had one S-Beat, and the Last Survivor had great %, but it's better then the alternative.

Mar 8, 2001, 12:29 AM
I hope I never get that one. I've gotten the regular bsod (pulled out the cord and it saved, whoo!), and I've gotten the "magical" auto-reset once. I lost my Crush Bullet w/40% Dark, even though it was equipped!. Ahhh.. no big loss there.

Mar 8, 2001, 12:40 AM
Man everyone has a serious problem with disconnecting but me. I have never really had any real problems except whenever someone calls my line it disconnects. I did once get stuck trying to burst but I waited and the game corrected itself. Not like I have anything real good to be afraid of losing anywayz.

Mar 8, 2001, 12:59 AM

Yo Glider, i hat that "Frozen Screen" now about 5 Times and i hate it...it always happend to me when i was going in a pipe or a portal to the next area or when i beam to another server.....and nothing helped, the last time i had it i pulled out the Modem cord and wait about 30 minutes and nothing happends...i loose al my items, damn!!!!!

Mar 8, 2001, 01:21 AM
I have never really been disconnected in the 75 hours of PSO I have played. It is really pretty amazing since my 2nd line (the one I use to play PSO) is very unreliable and hardly ever connects, but once I connect everything seems to be ok.

I actually have been disconnected once, but It really just froze. It was when I was going from one block to another, and it froze when it started to go to that load screen. I just waited about 2 minutes and it said line disconncted, so I didn't lose anything.

Mar 8, 2001, 06:09 AM
Yeah, that's happened to me once. Really frustrating, but at I maganed to keep all my items. People having been calling this LSOD, the 'L' being 'locked'.

Mar 8, 2001, 06:47 AM
Experienced that like for 3 times...I feel your pain man.

Anyway, I managed to learn from a japanese friend how you can actually "create" a LSOD

1. Fight a boss
2. Make sure you have a full PB gauge towards the end of the battle.
3. Release the PB blast just as the boss dies(you should going into the boss "dying" animation where by right, you shouldnt be able to do anything but you will be able this time)
4. All the players with the Japanese import version will have their game screen frozen for good(but strangely they can still type LOL)

Ps: oh no...I didnt teach you this... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 08:21 AM
happened to me toohttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif

luckely it was one of the first times i got online so i didn't lose any good stuff.

Mar 8, 2001, 02:59 PM
I have gotten all three variety. the regular BSOD (no biggie just unplug), the teleport froze, which wipe all items carried and not equip. And the worst of them all, the reset. I have never heard of it and stare at my dreamcast in disbelief for a minute as it happily ran through the intro. It corrupted my file completely and had I not back up would had wipe him completly! and now because of the time stamp check I can't get any of my old item back n lost my MAG too =(

Mar 8, 2001, 06:07 PM
I had a reset last night at the end of the ruins just before we got to the boss. Talking happily and then see the dreamcast logo come up. Luckily I only lost the items I was carrying but still very freaky late at night.

Mar 8, 2001, 09:00 PM
I have had the screen lock up on my twice. Once when i used a regular teleport and once when i was looking at the area map.

Mar 8, 2001, 09:25 PM
I know something worse than all of those
The PSO servers =P