View Full Version : Fan Movie Project Codename "AUW 3095"

Jul 29, 2014, 12:22 AM
Hello everyone.

I'll keep the introduction as brief as possible. I have been busily working on a fan film series of the Phantasy Star Online series. My objective was to [better] bridge the story gap between PSO EP 4 and EP 3. It's been a little over 2 years of brain storming and story writing, however this project has something I've planned ever since EP 3 was released. EP 3 heavily inspires the story since EP 3 established the most lore of any of the previous PSO episodes along with the lack of character presence from quest story characters in PSO 124 even mentioned in EP 3. PSO 124 doesn't do the best job telling a story either. For the most part if I'm referencing PSO 124, I'm mainly using the landscape of P2 and mentioning the key events involving Dark Falz, Olga Flow, and the crater.

I plan to stick as close to canon possible. The research involved in this endeavor is nothing short of monumental especially considering that I am doing the bulk of the work solo. It's a path much more easily traversed given the existing information about the series. I have so far enjoyed every moment discovering something or developing a new explanation for existing systems.

At present, I am still forming the story. I have an outline of some things I want to happen, namely the core events that make up for the series. Characters have been designed and are being fleshed out as I write. I do not plan and using any of the visibly established characters in the series as part of my project (in terms of casting them. I think I have a few cameos).

However this is where I want to factor in the fans.

Whilst I believe I have a pretty good grip on the PSO Lore, I would like to consider what the other player's opinions are regarding the series. Because I want this to be something that can be enjoyed by the fans, I want to consider content outside of my current lens. I will put a my 2.0 synopsis of my story a bit later, but I can current give you this much information.

-The series will take place during AUW 3095 and span a few years beyond that. This project focused on the initial meteor investigation, the shifts in P2's governing system, and the initial development of CARD technology. As a right now, I am not currently considering having this series expand on the actual development of CARD)

-I have a possible second series that will most likely be individual a few mini-series that spans years after this initial project that will better serve as an explanation of CARD technology. However, this is extremely secondary. I will have a better idea on how this will look once I fully develop the initial story.

-AUW 3095 is divided into 4 stages currently. These stages are the larger plot events that take place. There are 3 'factions' sort to speak. These factions split the story's view between the government, the laboratory/research department, and the population of P2. Each faction has 2 groups as well. These 6 lens will be used to shape how the story is seen, which is typical fair for story-writing.

-While this is obviously an artist's interpretation, I am trying to stick as close to the establish lore as possible. I'm using it to frame an obviously non-canon environment. Currently, most of the story takes place on different areas of P2 (including the lab).

-I'm planning on scripting this in a quest editor to give this more of a personable experience. I was considering this being a questline you could play. I am open to considering having playable subplots. However, this is a HUGE project and I need to make sure I have the main story established to move forward with anything else.

-Again, no main characters will be used (as in part of the cast) in this series. I will have some mentions along with employing relatives for the sake of character identifying and story expansion.

-I'm not currently planning on expanding on any of the story characters in PSO Ep 1-2 outside of 2 (which will not be seen, just referenced). I'm considering EP 4, but as of right now, I'm not using any of them.

-MOST of the characters currently referenced were in no way used based on favoritism. I personally enjoy K.C. Rio, Relmitos, Guykild, and Gluster. Rio is the only one that I'm currently using based on the fact that outside of really liking her, her story really needed expanding. K.C. does too, but at best he inspires another character, but has no background development. As for Relmitos, there really isn't going to be a successful story doing what I'm doing that won't mention him.

-Current story characters that are being referenced moderately referenced (these are characters that heavily inspire an existing cast member): Endu, Rio, Creinu, Relmitos, Black Paper (not conclusive), Dol Grisen

-Current story characters that are referenced based on history/background: Break, Orland, Saligun, Rufina (subject to change), Hyze (subject to change), Bernie (subject to change to mention or unused), Healthcliff Flowen, Red Ring Rico, Han Walt, The Player hero (one's character in PSO EP1-2

------ (below this point, these characters will have no character expansion)------

-Current characters that are mentioned only (barely used): Ino'lis, Peko, Pentaglass (WIP), Red (considering), Dr Natasha Milarose, Principal Tyrell (considering), Viviana and Memoru (subject to change), Leo Garhart, Rupika (WIP as a character allusion), Dr Osto (potentially), Jean Carlo Montague (possibly)

-Characters I'm NOT referencing: Kranz, Teifu, Kylria, Stella, Lura

-Characters that I'm not currently using: All the staff from EP 3 and 4, no quest story characters from EP 124, Glustar, K.C., Reiz, Ohgun, Guykild, any character that I have not listed


This project is shaping up to becoming a great ride for me. It is my 5th fan fiction and the 1st I'm planning on filming and considering for use in my professional portfolio.

Where the fans come in is general critique. I'm open to suggestions for characters people would like to have expounded upon in my series. This is supposed to bridge the gap between 4 and 3 while not stepping on any toes of what is established. I'm not currently considering designing new characters as I currently have over 20 with a solid 10 or so being core characters. This is a serious venture, but I am flavoring it with some humor as my beginnings as a film director is in comedy, though my initial written works have always been fantasy or non-fiction.

If anyone had any tidbits of lore to share about the game that you think I might not have found, feel free to share. I'll post my synopsis a little later (I'm tired and I don't want to copy and paste my current one without giving you some graphics).

Hope this gives people some renewed interest in PSO.

Jul 29, 2014, 12:26 AM
-Reserved for synopsis-

Jul 29, 2014, 08:55 AM
Good luck to you. The most difficulty I had with connecting canon story line in mine was in relation to Episode IV. Despite Phantasy Star Online's grandeur; Episode IV is quite the mess. The only canonical connection that really exists are the inital Principal Government coup by Dol Grisen, the declaration of Pioneer 2 as a separate nation state, and the OPSS incident; and all of that I would say is more of a connection from Episode II to III.

Jul 29, 2014, 08:59 AM
Oh by the way, one of the main perpetrators and man connected to the OPSS Incident that Orland arrested is Han Walt. It is heavily implied in Episode III that Dol Grisen staged the OPSS Incident.

Jul 29, 2014, 12:55 PM
I'm going to give EP 4 a go as I haven't played through the quests. I've heard that they were a mixed bag of nonsense and as I was playing it long time ago, it didn't interest me.

Forgot to list Han Walt, but he's in there. I am expounding upon the OPSS incident for sure, but my story takes place before then. I have the timeline for it ready to go, but I want to add some more information to help people wrap their minds around the gap and my story.


After having played these quest, I think we seriously need an explanation... as we really didn't get one. EP 4 quests are such a waste of time...

Jul 30, 2014, 09:47 AM
I'm going to give EP 4 a go as I haven't played through the quests. I've heard that they were a mixed bag of nonsense and as I was playing it long time ago, it didn't interest me.

Forgot to list Han Walt, but he's in there. I am expounding upon the OPSS incident for sure, but my story takes place before then. I have the timeline for it ready to go, but I want to add some more information to help people wrap their minds around the gap and my story.


After having played these quest, I think we seriously need an explanation... as we really didn't get one. EP 4 quests are such a waste of time...

From what I gathered from the mess that is Episode IV; the main story takes place first whereas the side story takes place directly after. The biggest problem with Episode IV is its heart, and that is Rupika. She has almost no backstory and no character development or official connection to Black Paper or WORKS. WORKS just ends up being the general villain organization like they have been in the past; the difference is that they seem to have a more structured and less powerful approach. Not to mention the connection with Karen Grahart and Gilliam isn't really built on nor to Karen and her father Leo. Then there is the fact that Rupika is somehow connected to D-Factor which has no official origin other than that it connects to Dark Falz somehow. Doesn't explain why the meteor that landed on Coral came from Ragol but then a meteor of the same type happens to pass by Ragol as well. I mean, where does that meteor come from? And why does Rupika connect with the meteor and form a space worm? It clearly looks like a dark form, but it doesn't directly behave or label itself as Dark Falz.

Personally, I think it is really hard to even make canonical connections within Episode IV itself, let alone the rest of the franchise.

Jul 30, 2014, 11:34 AM
From what I gathered from the mess that is Episode IV; the main story takes place first whereas the side story takes place directly after. The biggest problem with Episode IV is its heart, and that is Rupika. She has almost no backstory and no character development or official connection to Black Paper or WORKS. WORKS just ends up being the general villain organization like they have been in the past; the difference is that they seem to have a more structured and less powerful approach. Not to mention the connection with Karen Grahart and Gilliam isn't really built on nor to Karen and her father Leo. Then there is the fact that Rupika is somehow connected to D-Factor which has no official origin other than that it connects to Dark Falz somehow. Doesn't explain why the meteor that landed on Coral came from Ragol but then a meteor of the same type happens to pass by Ragol as well. I mean, where does that meteor come from? And why does Rupika connect with the meteor and form a space worm? It clearly looks like a dark form, but it doesn't directly behave or label itself as Dark Falz.

Personally, I think it is really hard to even make canonical connections within Episode IV itself, let alone the rest of the franchise.

Everything you've stated it true. The general theories about the source of the Meteor is:

1. Some Dark Force source that exists somewhere in the universe (can most likely target planets with living organisms.
2. Time flux... (not even going to tackle that one)

I think 1 is very plausible.

As for Rupika, after reading pages of information about her creation and history, I believe my story inadvertently addresses why she is capable to doing what she was capable of doing, without using Rupika at all.

The thing that seems really stupid is how little EP4 connects to EP 3. I'm trying to bring the gap, but the Great Shadow is NOT related to the Meteor. The Meteor and EP4 is really a stand alone patch expansion for the game. It did talk more about WORKs and P1, but the actual Meteor itself has no connection. I didn't want to believe this, but my research has not uncovered a connection at all outside of the D-factor found in the meteor. At least one source I found said the D-factor in the meteor was actually 'created' when Leo fired the laser at it (implying that the energy for this weapon had D-photons' which is most likely the case as Leo's father was the person of originated the plan from P1 and was already working with D-photons).

As of right now, I'm mostly using the government structure during EP 4 along with the information I have about WORKs and Black Paper to form the background. I really don't see using a single character from EP 4 at all. It's fine since my series is addressing the gap between EP 4 and 3.

I found a fan fiction that was explaining the events in EP 3. I was wondering if there were any fan works that would be of use in this project?

Jul 31, 2014, 09:02 AM
Well, I would say my fan fiction, but I haven't gotten up to Episode IV or III yet. Personally, I believe that The Great Shadow is The Profound Darkness. I mean in a game series filled with translation errors, the chances of it being similar are high, not to mention it is made up of the bosses and enemies you fought before hand in the previous two Episodes. The Profound Darkness wasn't destroyed at the end of Phantasy Star IV either, merely the seal that was broken in Algol was resealed for good. I was also with you with the meteor just being launched from some random place in space. I think it might be a possibility that the meteors of D-Factor can also be broken from the seal just like Dark Falz.

Aug 16, 2014, 09:10 PM
Well, I would say my fan fiction, but I haven't gotten up to Episode IV or III yet. Personally, I believe that The Great Shadow is The Profound Darkness. I mean in a game series filled with translation errors, the chances of it being similar are high, not to mention it is made up of the bosses and enemies you fought before hand in the previous two Episodes. The Profound Darkness wasn't destroyed at the end of Phantasy Star IV either, merely the seal that was broken in Algol was resealed for good. I was also with you with the meteor just being launched from some random place in space. I think it might be a possibility that the meteors of D-Factor can also be broken from the seal just like Dark Falz.

(Been in the process of moving)

I'd like to read it. I've done some major revisions to the main plot and background. If even written out some future works. I do have to say my story is getting really gripping and is FINALLY starting to tie in EP3 to the rest of the game.

I'll update it later, but I will be including some characters from EP3 but they won't really appear in the traditional sense (so I won't have to be too concerned with how they would say or respond to things).

Trying to keep everything within the timeline is pretty strenuous, but the information I've uncovered along with my own hypotheses are really shaping up a solid explanatory interpretation. I think what I will do is put out some character bios and have the community judge their value at face. It was helpful for me to do that with a few core characters as it helped me get a better understanding on both character development and outside opinions.

My thing is... what was the function of the 'environmental bureau" that tyrell was sent to and who was Red before EP3? I won't be talking about Tyrell but Red may have a cameo in a side story I've created.

Aug 17, 2014, 09:01 AM
Red doesn't really have any background. He just exists. The only canon connection I can make to him is that Pollux and Castor are his daughters in some way, or the clones of which. I don't remember any bureau Tyrell had mentioned, but I do believe that Tyrell is actually Blitz. I'd be interested to see Red. I like him as a character compared to that douche Pentaglass.

Aug 17, 2014, 05:29 PM
It's not possible for Tyrell to be Blitz. Refer to the timeline "http://forums.sega.com/archive/index.php/t-346342.html", play blue star memories or access it in EP 3. Tyrell was still operating in the government not as a hunter whilst Blitz was a hunter who fathers and trained Kranz and Kylria. Pollux and Castor are the result of numerous clones of Red's cloned daughters. Most likely Red had some type of connection with the Lab or government to have given them access or the go-ahead to clone his daughters. It's pretty likely that Red worked within Black Paper due to his stance on the P2 government and having connections with the lab and lab equipment (Black Paper supports the Lab).

But yeah, this is the result of extensive research.

Aug 18, 2014, 11:53 AM
So what about the title screen to Episode III then? Didn't that allude to Tyrell?

Aug 18, 2014, 11:55 AM
Also Black Paper always ran on their own agenda. They did work in tandem with the Lab and less so under the employ of the Principal Government, but their direct orders always came from the Ten Nation Alliance's Administration from Coral. Honestly, everyone works with and against everyone else in this story; one of the main reasons why I love the game so much.

Aug 19, 2014, 02:22 PM
So what about the title screen to Episode III then? Didn't that allude to Tyrell?

Idk what you are talking about. What title screen are you watching, because there isn't any allusions to any personnel at all. They show some of the main characters, and that's it.

Aug 19, 2014, 05:33 PM
The title screen for Episode III. There is background text that alludes to a lot of info. There was a thread somewhere a bit back on here that talked about it amongst things relating to the Book of Hunters. Not the secondary demo that plays after you let it run while LET THE WINDS BLOW Remix plays.

Aug 20, 2014, 01:21 AM
Title Backdrop text found here.

Aug 20, 2014, 08:51 AM
Thanks yoshi.

Aug 20, 2014, 08:52 AM
Actually now that I think of this. That probably relates more to the origin of Endu, rather than Blitz. But Tyrell did do something down on Ragol to warrant this. Endu's entire existence is pretty blasphemic to reality though as well.

Aug 20, 2014, 10:44 AM
Given the amount of information I've sifted through, and considering this, unless I translate the text different, then the message is most definitely from Tyrell. He happened upon the Great Shadow long before Blitz did and perished. the message he leaves behind is reminiscent of how Blitz left behind his messages. I wouldn't be surprised if Blitz was the one that found this message with his group before encountering the great shadow. I'm guessing Tyrell was either in denial that Rico could be dead, or that he believe she existed in some form (which case could allude to Endu). However, I would imagine given how his soul is the only communicating and believing Rico is still alive, he can sense her presence (implying that Rico's soul still exists) or that he died being unconnected this 'soul plane' that Rico and Flowen were connected to. I would likely believe the latter since a consciousness without a body perishes unless it has great power (Dark Force). Perhaps his became a part of the Great Shadow and exists therein (which means I'm going to have to have to look more carefully at the endgame scenes). I don't know if his message was ever found.

Unborn son huh... Based on the timeline Tyrell disappeared on 3094. Therefore 'Tyrell Jr" was likely born later that year or the following, 3095. This would make his son around 10 years old during the events of EP3.

All that said, it's still impossible for Blitz to be Tyrell as Tyrell was in soul form long before Blitz got infected with Germ. Based on him being in soul form or dead, he can't be Red either. I'm not sure who Red is, but I'm investigating. I'm one of those people that thinks Blitz is Bernie (I like how Blitz and his children are all Ranger types whom he trained/affect in some form).
(timeline: ;http://forums.sega.com/archive/index.php/t-346342.html)

Thanks for sharing this. It gives me a little more homework if anything else.

Aug 20, 2014, 12:35 PM
Endu is alluded to be a bizarre lovechild of Rico and Flowen, given the images you get from his endgame cutscenes I believe. By that logic alone, Endu could be who ever he wanted to. I mean he does fight with Dark Flow.

Aug 20, 2014, 02:26 PM
I might be addressing Endu's creation in my story =O

...or I might not ;)

I'm (again) replaying EP 3. I lost my original notes even though I had begun my story after nearly completing the game (the final bosses are pretty annoying).

I'm sure there is something I've missed in the first and second go round that I can pick up on. My thing is, there are a number of characters in EP 3 that are quite unimportant (more than half the roster). I considered this when writing my story as the wanted to embellish on some of the secondary characters in that series since we pretty much know the main characters stories.

Aug 20, 2014, 02:48 PM
(the final bosses are pretty annoying).

Understatement of the week.

Aug 21, 2014, 04:36 PM
It's actually good thing that I'm replaying it again. I found a few things I missed along with getting some new material for my series. I realized that I always select the same route when I play through (at least for hunters).

I know I'm somewhat fruitless leveling up my C.A.R.D. rank, but I'm such a perfectionist. I'm even trying to find some links in that mid-battle text the npcs say along with what all the floating pso text is in the morque and R-base.

The whole Tyrell thing is bothering me and who Red is. I wish I had a better/larger copy of that dolphin dump image of the pso title text. If I knew how to program, I would replicate the font so we could use it for funzies.

As for my story, writing it taking a small break as I complete the card game and tie up some loose ends. I did create one new character. I will post some synopsis information. I simply lack internet in my house and will be w/o it for another few days. That, and I'm actively pursuing my master's @_@

Here's an interesting theory. Tyrell's unborn son. What do you think happened to him? He would be around 10 years old during the events of EP3. What if the son of Pentaglass is actually him? I unfortunately didn't pick the homework route on the US version. though I have the pal version and I believe I did. there. I did have some evidence for this, but I'll post it later. The one bit I can remember is that Karen was talking about him initially saying he was 'cute' and 'unlike his father and...." It was something like that. I had the exact quote in my notes.

Makes you think...though not that much.

Aug 22, 2014, 08:43 AM
His unborn son could be Endu. His existence is nuts enough, who knows.

Aug 22, 2014, 12:52 PM
His unborn son could be Endu. His existence is nuts enough, who knows.

I'm just going to assume you believe everyone is Endu, Red, Tyrell, the great shadow, the Matrix, and goku.

Aug 22, 2014, 01:15 PM
I'm just going to assume you believe everyone is Endu, Red, Tyrell, the great shadow, the Matrix, and goku.

You could be ignorantly sarcastic about that, or you can say that I think so because he is a connection between Rico and Flowen, both of which are long dead before Episode III even happens. I've never said who Red was, only mentioned his daughters. The Great Shadow could be The Profound Darkness or just another Dark Falz reincarnation. Most of Episode III is hearsay. Most of the series is hearsay based on loosely told connections. Many other series have better fleshed out not to mention more vast and diverse lore to get into.

I'm just making a guess here. No reason to be factious about it.

Aug 23, 2014, 04:08 PM
I'm sure my comment would have been better received were we speaking in person. Don't worry, I was kidding and much to old for net-posturing. I'm not going to assume you are reading the timeline I have posted a few times here, but the series isn't as enigmatic as you are (pre)supposing. There are a lot of concrete data that does require some deciphering or making inferences.

If you went along with the transformation of Rico and Flowen into their evil manifestations, then the reverse into another being isn't so farfetched. Perhaps what they did to create Endu is exactly what happened to when Dark Falz(Force) took over Rico's body or the like for Olga Flow.

But that may imply that 'Endu' needed a physical body. I think I'll give the spirit of Endu a pass since he is 2 spirits combine (making a new spirit or what we call 'birth'). Endu's spirit, then, is 16 years old during the events of EP 3 (not 10 which would be about the age of Tyrell's son). I'm not going to spoil my story, but let's just say, this information is very important and Endu expresses his condition in EP 3.

(Note: That last bit was a discovery I made analyzing some of his battle text.)

But to your credit, Endu is Tyrell's grandson.

I'm going to see if I can make a diagram of the P2 government during EP 3. Ino'lis asks for the framework which is the 4 branches: Development, Security, Environmental, and Technology divisions. C.A.R.D. is part of the tech div while Dol Grisen controls the development div. Arkz and Black Paper are linked to the Environmental Div which Irene Sepa now controls in Colin Tyrell's absence. Due to the initial relationships the Environmental Div is likely connect to the Coral Government. Works is still likely supporting the Development and security divisions (officially or unofficially if not incorporated due to being disbanded if it were the case). Due to tyrell probably having connections with the Coral government, it's probably that of so of his supporters remained part of the divisions that worked somewhat closely to the Principal position and were responsible for the near coup again Grisen.

This, thus, explains the dismantled and reorganization of the Hunter's Guild. With the government having more of a foothold in specific hunter's guilds versus having one large entity (if it were the case during Ep 124) that were largely split between the Tyrell dismissal and Grisen's rise to power.

The segment of my story involving the hunter's guild expresses the shift after it happened. My segment involving government administration addresses more of the bureaucracy while a side story developed aims to explain in better detail the actions of Grisen along with how the government changes up to the timeline of EP 3.

Wow... I didn't even think of posting that much... However, I suppose it was high-time I posted more about my story.


This is Gentry. He works for the government. What's interesting to note is that he is a Newman. That is interesting on many levels. =)

Aug 24, 2014, 09:27 AM
Cool beans. Looking forward to seeing what you produce.

Sep 18, 2014, 01:15 PM

Did the unthinkable and managed to both beat the game on both ends (Germ) and discovered some things that a few of my reference guides (along with myself) missed. I'll post my findings in a new post in the EP 3 section.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to make some ....significant revisions to my story given my findings.

I still need to play through the game a 3rd and 4th time at least to complete the other route side quests. Though... I'm kind of sick of all the typos, errors in translations, and any dialog from Peko, Hyze, and Ohgun.

IDK if I can submit guides/revisions for the pso-world site, but there are a number of incongruencies along with having some pretty useful information for people that dare put up with PSO Candy.Ass.Random.Dice EP 3

Sep 19, 2014, 08:34 AM
What's wrong with Peko? You don't like food?

Sep 19, 2014, 04:44 PM
Must like Hyze and arguably the majority of the cast, he's 1 dimensional. Even Guykild has better dialog and a deeper involvement with the story.