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Jul 31, 2014, 01:38 AM
So... is virtual on really that big a deal to make a lobby about it?, i mean... i seem to remember playing one of those games long ago on the psx or dreamcast... but it didn't seem anything special. I really wonder if it deserved such a big treatment while things like skies of arcadia barely get a music disc =/ any of you guys is a fan of that?, for now the lobby music is kind of freaking me out. Also im a bit surprised the clothes of it aren't for casts. Tough it makes sense since they want to sell it to most people as posible.

Jul 31, 2014, 01:50 AM
It's a collaboration with another game by SEGA, so it was bound to happen.

Jul 31, 2014, 02:07 AM
It has 4 games in arcade and various console with mech design by Katoki, and appeared in other game, Super Robot Taisen serie, Hatsune Miku: Projcect Diva Extend F, and appeared in the anime Hyoka.
It's also a staple of any arcade in Japan, and well known serie with easily recognizable character.

It's more well known then Skies of arcadia, which most will just see as another Jrpg

Jul 31, 2014, 02:25 AM
Yep, Skies only had the original DC version and the GC version with extras, Virtual On had its three arcade games on the Xbox 360 this past generation (only the digital port of OT coming to the west). Not sure if that can be considered VERY popular in Japan, being the Xbox a niche console there.

Also its free!! both for the collaboration and the free advertisement of the original game.

Jul 31, 2014, 02:41 AM
initial d scratch when?

Jul 31, 2014, 03:09 AM
yes big it's a deal at their time but for the present day i have no idea. since v-on marz on ps2 sucks so much and i didn't play v-on force the arcarde version

for the record v-on ot this the best of their series i don't know what happen to katoki mind to made feiyen like that may be too much crack

Jul 31, 2014, 09:06 AM
The people playing PSO2 sure don't give a shit about V-ON. I thought V-ON would cost 8 - 18mil, not some damn wings. Remember that cheer during the announcement? Lulz.

Jul 31, 2014, 09:16 AM
what is this thing your talking about?

Jul 31, 2014, 09:49 AM
The people playing PSO2 sure don't give a shit about V-ON. I thought V-ON would cost 8 - 18mil, not some damn wings. Remember that cheer during the announcement? Lulz.

600k Temjin suit vs Almost every female costume out there 2.m-18.m

I say GG.

Jul 31, 2014, 09:57 AM
600k you serious 160k here ship 8

sega make a bad move for gender restrict and no head part also maid fei is ugly the should make fei from ot instead of this one

Jul 31, 2014, 10:15 AM
600k you serious 160k here ship 8

sega make a bad move for gender restrict and no head part also maid fei is ugly the should make fei from ot instead of this one

Obviously we need more Fei-Yen HD


Jul 31, 2014, 10:17 AM
initial d scratch when?

nothing would make me happier than an AE-86 Mag.

holy shit sega pls do this

Jul 31, 2014, 10:20 AM
No Apharmd :(

Jul 31, 2014, 10:26 AM
Well, we might get something from Atllus instead though, since they are having alot of game coming soon. so Sega might do another in house collab to advertise with it.

Jul 31, 2014, 10:56 AM
The original Virtual On for the Sega Saturn was f-king ace! At least one of my favorite games from that generation. Man them split screen battles! I didn't like the later iteration on the Dreamcast. The controls didn't feel quite right to me and the mechs looked like a kids toy car with to much stickers on it. I am sad SEGA didn't go for Temjin's original design from VO:OM.

Jul 31, 2014, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I would love to see Temjin's 95 design instead but w/e we gor a version of it. :D

600k you serious 160k here ship 8
600k if you include the helmet...
Costume itself was like 200k on the first day that being the main colored one (White/Blue).

Jul 31, 2014, 11:24 AM
so you don't know about virtual on ?

then you miss one of the best old mecha game
this game 's battle speed at otario tangram version still beat gundam exvs


Enforcer MKV
Jul 31, 2014, 11:30 AM
Obviously we need more Fei-Yen HD

Super Robot Wars UX: Cyber Troopers Virtual-ON ft. Fei-Yen HD - Fei-Yen HD Attacks (Mode 2) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9qH0Fu2pmo)

....Poor Fei Yen being Miku'd like that...;-;

Jul 31, 2014, 11:34 AM
I want Shinobi/Nightslade scratch. :n

Jul 31, 2014, 11:39 AM
Virtual-On is a pretty big deal in Japan but it hasn't really had a "new" release in over 10 years. Virtual-On Force is the game used for the collaboration but I'm not sure why because Ortatorio Tangram was the most popular game in the series. It might be because Force was finally ported to a home console for the first time at the end of 2010. The theme of the game obviously fits well in PSO2, as well as Border Break which they have already done several times.

They don't usually do a major collaboration on PSO2 unless it's something that is still making them money (or some anime that doesn't fit at all, like FATE), so I can't see more than a few music discs for Skies of Arcadia :( Whereas Virtual-On has 3 games currently available on the Xbox 360 and some possibility of something new happening for it's 20th anniversary next year. I won't hold my breath though because for now they seem content with repeatedly iterating on Border Break for their giant robot niche. Similar to how they make a million versions of Initial D, which is a great game but a shame when their racing games used to be fucking prolific (http://visual.ly/complete-history-sega-racing-arcade-games)

Jul 31, 2014, 02:36 PM
so I can't see more than a few music discs for Skies of Arcadia :(
The same could be said about valkyria chronicles, and it has been present in colabs since PSP2/PSU, and I don't see them releasing a new game any-time soon. But skies being an older franchise I can understand, but still, three costumes with hairstyles, a mag cell, and maybe a model kit of the delphinus for my room, would still look better than every shining-hentai colaboration we have had this years (not talking about the current Shining Force arcade game).

Jul 31, 2014, 03:16 PM
The same could be said about valkyria chronicles, and it has been present in colabs since PSP2/PSU, and I don't see them releasing a new game any-time soon. But skies being an older franchise I can understand, but still, three costumes with hairstyles, a mag cell, and maybe a model kit of the delphinus for my room, would still look better than every shining-hentai colaboration we have had this years (not talking about the current Shining Force arcade game).

How about a Vyse statue :)
Also I should have noted when it comes to dead franchises, there is a rule that if it was in PSO1 it's okay to use it again in PSO2! Hence, Burning Rangers xD
They should do some Golden Axe weapon and costume collab, and some Daytona USA and Outrun music discs.

Jul 31, 2014, 03:43 PM
Ship 9 prices seem better than 2 based on above comments. HOWEVER, those new devil wings really are selling for 16 million.

Jul 31, 2014, 03:54 PM
Oh, is that why literally everything else in the scratch is worth beans?

Jul 31, 2014, 05:40 PM
I got two Temjin costumes for less than 200k meseta, no idea about the current price. Camos and heads are another thing...

Jul 31, 2014, 07:25 PM
How about a Vyse statue :)
Also I should have noted when it comes to dead franchises, there is a rule that if it was in PSO1 it's okay to use it again in PSO2! Hence, Burning Rangers xD
They should do some Golden Axe weapon and costume collab, and some Daytona USA and Outrun music discs.

A second Sega Collection has come and gone, but still no Opa Opa MAG.

MAYBE if we see a third Sega Collection, it'll show up.

I will seriously lose my mind if we get a 'Classic' Phantasy Star scratch though. Let's throw it waaaaaay back to the Algol Solar System. We probably have a better chance of seeing Rykros than getting that, though.

Jul 31, 2014, 07:59 PM
even psu didn't have 'Classic' Phantasy Star costume.this scratch will never gonna happen but i still waiting for rika costume

Jul 31, 2014, 08:03 PM
Ship 6, everything is cheap except Temjin head, the demon AND bird wings and black and white colored camisole.

Jul 31, 2014, 08:49 PM
Huh i see. To be honest the one, ONE collab im hoping with my LIFE they'll do is of course... TENGEN TOPPA! GURREN LAGANN!!!

They obviously did some references to it with Huey (who has simon's voice), since he did said some clear quotes from Gurren Lagann after the arks battle festa. But man... a collab could be SO awesome!! Just think about it... Kamina clothes and specially his glasses and cape! a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann background for my room!, Happily Ever After sounding in the lobby!, Gurren Lagann parts for the male casts!!! ;__; OH MY GOD I WOULD BE SO FUCKING HAPPY *cries eternally knowing its not likely to happen*

Jul 31, 2014, 08:59 PM
A second Sega Collection has come and gone, but still no Opa Opa MAG.

MAYBE if we see a third Sega Collection, it'll show up.

I will seriously lose my mind if we get a 'Classic' Phantasy Star scratch though. Let's throw it waaaaaay back to the Algol Solar System. We probably have a better chance of seeing Rykros than getting that, though.

Funny how this never happens despite having a 25th anniversary celebration of the entire series :( I think the only thing we have is that Myau statue, I got it from an item code from that art book they sold.

Jul 31, 2014, 10:41 PM
I used to body fools on Virtua-On. I'm kinda glad it got a lobby, although more of the mechs could have been represented. I think it deserved a tiny bit of spotlight that it got.

Aug 1, 2014, 03:25 AM
even psu didn't have 'Classic' Phantasy Star costume
Not entirely true, we got some costumes from the remake:


http://www.pso-world.com/psu/items/1043/1180-m.jpg http://www.pso-world.com/psu/items/1828/6316-m.jpg[/SPOILER-BOX]

Aug 1, 2014, 04:00 AM
The same could be said about valkyria chronicles, and it has been present in colabs since PSP2/PSU, and I don't see them releasing a new game any-time soon. But skies being an older franchise I can understand, but still, three costumes with hairstyles, a mag cell, and maybe a model kit of the delphinus for my room, would still look better than every shining-hentai colaboration we have had this years (not talking about the current Shining Force arcade game).

Valkyrie Chronicle is more popular, it also got an animated TV serie compared to Skies of Arcadia

Aug 1, 2014, 09:07 PM
Virtua On is hella popular in Japan. It didn't TAKE OFF (hurr hurr) here in the states, but it's still floating around in arcades in Japan.

Aug 2, 2014, 03:05 AM
Valkyria Chronicles reached a million sales in the West, what didn't take of was the PSP, and the "bad" thing is that it was a full success in Japan. That's why we don't have PSP2i or VC3. (EDIT: ok, that was talking about Virtual on, not VC lol)

Valkyrie Chronicle is more popular, it also got an animated TV serie compared to Skies of Arcadia
I'd say this is more a matter of the time it was released and with the conditions of a system change (PS3 to PSP), they needed both to appeal to a new public AND a younger public (that's why both the anime and the second game suck). Back in the Skies of Arcadia days, SegaSammy didn't own the animation studio, plus, an animation would not be needed, unless they did not want people to play the game, or, they planned a direct sequel to the game and felt that people would not buy it for not having played the first game. That's exactly what they did last year with Bayonetta, not counting that they would finally bundle both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 in the end.

Aug 2, 2014, 01:24 PM
Virtual-On is a pretty big deal in Japan but it hasn't really had a "new" release in over 10 years. Virtual-On Force is the game used for the collaboration but I'm not sure why because Ortatorio Tangram was the most popular game in the series. It might be because Force was finally ported to a home console for the first time at the end of 2010. The theme of the game obviously fits well in PSO2, as well as Border Break which they have already done several times.

VOF controls actually become more simplified compared to OT (left turbo function removed), which also mean each virtuaroid has less number of movelists compared to their counterpart in OT (for example Temjin 707-G from OT can do both Blue Slider and Breach Tornado but in VOF each Temjin variant only has only one out of the two). It is also slower than OT

Aug 3, 2014, 06:21 PM
Virtual ON was really popular when it first released in Arcade/Saturn because it was literally the first 3D based Robot Combat arcade game. Virtual ON Oratorio Tangram was also very popular during it's first launch sale for Dreamcast.

To SEGA, Virtual ON was their pride in 3D based action-arcade shooter game. Like how Virtua Fighter was very popular back in Saturn too.