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View Full Version : Sega loves you, and duping.

Mar 8, 2001, 12:45 AM
You read it on IGN, you saw the quote from Sega saying its okay, you did, you liked, now byebye items.

Is this how you feel? Me too.

Now forget all this im going to speak up for every one who feels the same way i do.

Sega you rule.
I still got love, but for every one on here saying "Down with dupers"??? WTF?!
I know atleast everyone reading this has at least a twin brand or two, or some other item, you didnt find.

Whats that? you traded? my ass!

Oh sorry come again? A friend gave it to you, and He/she found it? My ass!

Just becuase one person says "Down with dupers" doesnt mean we all should run around and start saying it, what is this? A revolution?

Come one people, playing the Forest to the Ruins day after day just gets old.

But duping brought a new element to this already great game, TRADING! You got ripped off, big deal, you have 8 more in the bank...

Saying wait hold on i got mail, and seeing a request for the hook up on some great new weapons you would never find even if you were level two million. Dropping great stuff off to just a random game saying here, keep playing, and watching them flip because they just realized, this is a Team effort, no one loggs on and plays alone.

You say down with dupers, but you dont realize your saying down with fun.

I called SEGA, and told then about what is happening, they told me it was Faulty software, yeah i bet...

Ill tell you what faulty software is, its when ive been playing ALL DAY and im at the ruins getting my PSO on, and my DC suddenly reboots, and i lose everything not equipped, not THATS the only thing faulty with PSO.

Dude dont stop the fun, duping opens doors to a whole new twist on the game, and even if you dont like it, so what.. what has duping done to effect YOUR game play?.... Thats right... keep thinking..... you got it, Nothing what so ever.

Now before i stop this rant, i know theres gonna be a few people who read this and say WTF "F you" GLHeX you suck!

And why? Because im telling the truth?

Fine... As of right now, if you are against duping, dont play on my team, if you help me out ill bust my ass to help you, but right now your kicking me down.

So again for all of you who are against duping, dont even think about joining my team, ill see you online....

hopefully well be on the same side of the chalk line.

-Im done.

Mar 8, 2001, 01:09 AM
I'm against duping, and I really don't care that wouldn't like me on your team. If you ever handed me a duped item I'd PK your fat ass in a Dark Falz battle so fast I'd leave you dead and transport back to town after I stomp his sorry soul back into the ground.

Duping has very much effected the game to a degree that obviously you can't comprehend.

Duping ruined the trading system--it ruined the economy. Everyone has a spread needle, an egg blaster, or a sonitchi mag, and are not interested in trading anything except the ultra-rare stuff that no-one has ever seen before?

Think about the low-level guys who come across this stuff. They've been playing for a couple of days and already they've got a spread needle, level 999 mag (hacked), god battle, god technique, dragon HP and so on... What do they possibly have to look forward to as they progress through the game?

The magic that was finding rare items (like the Granaz Chip I just read about in a another post) is gone...

Cheat all you want offline. As soon as you bring it online, you can kiss my hairy bean-bag and shove a fork up your ass...

I hope Sega bans your serial number!

Mar 8, 2001, 01:13 AM
That i will do, thanks for your reply.

As for the fact about what you would do if i gave you a duped item, I really doubt that.

Any more?

Send em, lemme hear how WRONG i am http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 01:18 AM
Rock on, GLHeX!!!

That is exactly how I feel dude. I hear ya!

And even tho I have never duped myself I know that atleast 1/3 of my items in the bank must be duped.

So if I get banned I will be very P'oed. Cause I have not cheated at all myself. Not everyone should be punished for the actions of others. Thats just IMO...

Mar 8, 2001, 01:23 AM
Thanks man, i knew there were people on here who felt the same way.

And oh no, i will NOT for a moment Claim i have not duped items, not like crazy, but yes i have. Shyt ill call sega myself and read them my serial and id numbers.

I feel what i am doing is not wrong, IGN supprts it ennough to put it on their site, and sega said it was a way to back up your file and save you from the BSOD and im taking their ideas and putting them to work.

Any who, who else wants to tell me what a BAD BAD person i am?

Please do http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 01:28 AM
Yes, I would. I would drop you fast as soon as Dark Falz locked onto you with his soul capturing thing... yea thats right I'd kill you right then and there...

Some guy handed me a duped Opa-opa mag that was level 999. I gave him a break because he was trying to be nice but otherwise I would have left the game.

And you know what I did with that mag? I deleted him myself. Didn't wait for Sega to do it for me and ban my serial number.

1) cheating says a lot about who you are. fine. thats your choice. I got nothing against it. I just know enough that I'd never want to know or meet you.

2) people are selling duped items on eBay. take a look and see for yourself - 70 rare items in a single lot are going for upwards of $95.00 and more.

umm... thats some kind of fraud, I'm sure of it.

3) trading. like I said before. Its impossible to trade. The dupers have distributed all the nice items so how can honest players like myself (who don't accept duped "hand outs") trade for things we want?

If Opa-opa hadn't been hacked and duped, I'm sure ANYONE who found this mag could trade it for as many things as he could demand. But no, Opa-opa isn't even worth a DB'S SABER these days... "Nahh I already got 3 Opa-opas I'm looking for Delsaber's shield..."

Thank you very much.

Mar 8, 2001, 01:30 AM
Well If you have fun by duping and trading them then go ahead and do it. But you better tell someone your trading that your a duper. So you don't ruin the item. Some of us out there like to play how the game without the duping or cheating so have fun playing your game just don't ruin it for the rest of us thanks

peace out

Mar 8, 2001, 01:41 AM
Haha who said I was selling items on E-Bay?

Wow crazy, don't make me out to me some type of mad mad.

And in fact, if you did meet me im sure you wouldnt think im a bad person, I happen to feel im a very nice guy.

So lets not take this any further then PSO okay? Because im sure someone who could sit here and say sutch things about other people isnt exactly "Perfect" themselves.

This matter has to do with pso only, i mean come on, i put my TIME into this game, and sure its a lot of fun, but i want something out of it.

Anyway, keep em coming, and hope you never meet me, cause im so horabble because i support duping in a Dreamcast game http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Please no dont judge me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 02:13 AM

Up we go http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 02:25 AM
First of all, I'd like to remark that I agree with GLHeX. Duping doesnt characterize a person as a "bad" person. In fact, a person like myself uses it for a good purpose. I respect the fact that some people like Jaiden disagree with it, and like to play and gain things by her own effort. Unfortunately, I've seen enough item hungry vultchers that not everyone plays that way. Now, some people say this is getting out of hand, but personally... I really dont see hordes and hordes of people with sooo many items I can't believe. I've never seen a level 999 mag, hell I've never seen a person with a dragon/hp for that matter. However, what I have seen is that the generosity that is open due to duping has remarkable effects. Alright, yes I did find a spread needle by myself. It was quite a gaming moment that resulted in a gleeful toast to myself for my adventuring skillz... aka luck. Soon though people were asking... "Dude do you have another...? " or "OMG what was that? you just slaughtered those guys!" a lot of people I played with were not as well equipped at times. Soon I played a game and a level 100 god handed me a +30 Chain Sawd. I was in PSO bliss. And in the next change of events, someone having been hell bent to get that Chain Sawd introduced me to duping. I dont make practice of this in fact, but because of it... I did obtain items never thought possible. But the best part was when I started helping the people I played with. I was a quite a guy to trade with, I gave people deals that made then burst into outbreaks of, "OMG you are a GOD! I LOVE YOU". Such as a Chain Sawd for a Brionac, cuz I didn't have one in stock. I became a collector. One person that I helped give a holy ray, and eggie, and a chain proclaimed that seeing some of these items actually exist (mind you she was level 7http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif was like a new eye opener into the world of PSO. I knew people above my level that were'nt so loaded, but did it matter when I gave them the chance to awe all those already awed by their level when displaying weapons of mass destruction that the viewer would soon dream to have? I have found it has only brought happiness. I've helped a good many people, and if anyone thinks what I have done is wrong (and believe me if I tell them it is duped, they dont like it (as I dont like the ethics of it) they still appreciate the kind gesture) I am sure they will say no, and that what I did was kind. Right on GLHeX, thanks for posting this up...

Mar 8, 2001, 02:38 AM
Duping does not really affect you too much. I am not against duping, but not for it. I would like nothing to do with it because I want my items fair. But it does not affect others in any way. Because you get your items no matter what. If you have an Egg Blaster and see 5 others with an Egg Blaster you get furious...why? jealous others have what you strived so hard to get. So what, you know yourself that you got it fairly (I hope). And the economy, its a GAME ECONOMY damnit not a real one. Get over it. And a level 30 with a Spread Needle is taking all the exp eh? Get a Spread Needle yourself and show him who is king around here. But if you dupe, I will play with you. But if you take my items you are going DOWN. If I find out that I am trading for a duped item I probably would not trade for it tho, and thats it. Why do you hate duping so much? whats that? Your jealous???

Mar 8, 2001, 02:40 AM
I'm with Jaiden on this. I don't want duping to be possible, and I don't want to play with people who do it.

My level 100 (Just hit it) does not use a single duped item. No Twin Brands, no S-Beat Blades, no God/Battles, none of that. His bank is full of a lot of units (only a few God and no rare units), some old Force weapons, and the few rares he personally found. He's still using the same Valiant Frame he was using 20 levels ago. Your theory that 'everyone has at least one duped rare' item is dead wrong. It's quite easy to get to 100 without ever accepting a hacked or duped item. It's quite fun too. I've never seen a rare monster and I only average finding one rare item about every 20 hours.

And guess what? I'll be starting a new character, and he'll find/buy all his own gear too. And it will still be fun.


Mar 8, 2001, 02:47 AM
See? If you think duping is wrong, the game is SOOOO much fun!

If you think that duping is good, the game is SOOOO much fun!

I havent seen one person reply stating the game is no longer fun because people dupe, and if you do... you never liked the game in the first place. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

I think its SO great that there are people who WILL NOT take a duped item if you paid them, i was wrong about that, yes.

I guess there are people
...so, good for you and good for me.

What is this all showing? Anyway you look at it, the game is fun, mission completed.

Mar 8, 2001, 02:48 AM
You would like duping to not exist...me too!!! But it does exist.

Mar 8, 2001, 03:18 AM
okay here are my mature and hopefully non-offensive thoughts on this subject. First of all I dont condone dupers. Saying you hate duping and all dupers is mean and hurtful and only gets more flame in return as is shown here, a perfect example of retaliation. Secondly nothing can be done about duping, the serial numbers are not getting cancelled, they are jus givin dupers newbie-ware if they go on with a save older than the one that they used previously to sign on with (the time is checked through the vmu's saving records) so dupers will still be able to continue their ways (as much as it makes me saddened). On another note, duping is bad representation for our country, i had the Japanese version of the game and played it for a very long time and no one duped to my knowledge. The second the game hit the general public in America duping was wide spread. I remember getting the american version (for the japanese had a few bugs) and the double saber was the " thing" you had to have. Then two days later everyone had one and there is no way possible they got those honestly, at this same time i had transferred the item from my other save (the japanese by giving the game to my friend and him signing on, you know the story) and i wanted to trade but then everyone wanted stag cuttery. sure enough they all got those too cuz a duper got a hold of that. the cycle will continue and there is major inflation in this game, there are over 50 super-rare weapons (jus weapons alone!) and more than 90% of them are no longer super-rares. They are now common place among people at level 15-100, and majority of them did not earn it, they jus traded with a duper or the duped sumtin and traded a whole lot of those for the rares they have. i have rares and i always ask where the person got them from before trading. i dont want to have anything to do with dupers for i feel they have ruined most of the excitement of finding rares in this game, now people find a double saber and go "no big deal its just a double, not a twin brand or stag cuttery.." And finally stop flaming!!! stop it everyone!!! it is not enjoyable for me to read!!! and so what if i sound selfish in saying so!!! it is selfish for you to write a half intelligent half cussing and offensive post. flaming only makes others mad and to others that dont get mad by it makes you look stupid in their eyes (like me). and to answer what i do when i get a duped item, i drop it in a passworded room then leave so that it cant hurt the already beaten up economy system of PSO. This game is serious to me, it helps me in studying the way people act about different situations, and i cant enjoy it when everyone has a spread needle (my first super rare i found and i found it right when dupers made it common...). This hurts me directly cuz i cant jus play anymore cuz the game is too easy playing with these duping victims (they dont know they are victims but they are). Anyways sorry for the long post but it was required in hopefully getting my point across and dont hit me with pointless spam or flaming for i have done nothing offensive jus stated my views on this subject.

Mar 8, 2001, 03:20 AM
i agree that duping is good and bad.

it's bad because it devalues all the really rare items. that sorta sux cause when you do finally find that holy ray, you're like "big deal, i saw a lvl 28 with one yesterday"

but duping if also good, it has really slowed the stealing of items (at least i think) and being a lowly lvl 36, i enjoy getting these rare items as gifts or in completely unfair trades.

i do however, think that dupers should say that they are dupers, cause if i was trading my hard earned whatever it was for an item that was duped 20 times over, it leaves you feeling kinda ripped off.

i dont dupe, but i can guarantee that most of my rares are.

btw, the game is still fun http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 03:20 AM
GLHeX and Odium,

Giving duped items to low level players is selfish. Are you telling them that you duped the items, that tons dupers have them? Why do you think they are thanking you? It's because they think they are getting something special, that you are doing them a big favor out of the kindess of your heart. You're not, you know it, they don't. If dupers wore big name tags that said 'I DUPE' I wouldn't mind them so much. But they don't, and most of them will lie to your face and say they don't dupe.

The hardest thing to do is to tell a guy who just got into V-Hard that no legit players will trade with him, because his 'friends' were giving him duped items and not telling him.

PSO is still fun because I know a fair amount of players like me who don't dupe and are very suspicious of anything they don't find. We have great times playing with our non-super rare characters, slugging through waves of enemies, and working together. When the level gaps are big, some of the players will even put away their super-rares so that they don't totally overmatch the lower level players.

If PSO was a movie, dupers spoiled the surprise ending.


Mar 8, 2001, 03:22 AM
er GLH.. you're fighting a losing battle.

trust me. i know.

<EMBED src="http://urc.drac.org/sig.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#000000 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=70 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></EMBED>

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Jihatsu on 2001-03-08 00:24 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2001, 03:35 AM

I think the real point is that you are trying to justify why you duped items to yourself and others, now that there might actually be some consequences to your actions.

You'll find the same reaction when someone is caught cheating on a test ("I'm not hurting anyone!!!"), or better yet, when a five-year-old is caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

If nothing else, accept responsibility for your actions. Whatever else you choose to do, I couldn't give a damn.

Pax, Lenneth

Mar 8, 2001, 04:28 AM
Selfish? Yeah okay fine, im not fighting anything, im just speaking my mind, now if thats a battle, theres one youll never see me losing.

Ill find a way, and when i do, im going to dupe until my DC blows up and i use 300 VMU's of space and EVERYONE will have that holy ray, then well see how far this has gone http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Now beat it, im playin PSO.
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 04:43 AM
I'm against duping, or at least I was, don't really care anymore. Will say I'll have no part in trading or the once-economy after all this BS has gone down.. I'd have a different opinion were there a secure trading system, but since there isn't, the econ/trading would be just as fux0red with or without the dupes.

Mar 8, 2001, 04:56 AM
I just emailed SEGA . They are implementing Anti-duping software on next server maintainence. So much of duped stuffs- goes down to drain. ^^

Who needs a duped S.Needle,chainS. stag etc ...

I'm sooo happy using my swords and gunnirs. beat it duper!

Mar 8, 2001, 05:45 AM
How can I NOT put my 2cents in on this one! [grin]

I personally don't dupe, and refuse items from other players that are duped. (you may not believe it, but it's true)

On the other hand, it really hasn't affected how I play online. I dont trade, period, end of story. There's no secure trading screen, like Diablo2, so i don't risk it. Ever. - I've covered this in other posts. I'll swap with friends, but that's different. it's not about my gain, but the gain of the party.

As far as the "economy" of PSO being destroyed, bah! it was on weak knees to begin with. There was no secure trade, and the servers are populated with thieves and looters. that's not an econmy - that's a post riot state.

However, I think the upside to all this is that Sega will most likely learn from it's miscalculations and refine a lot of these elements. With any luck, duping will be nixed, looting wiil be ended and a "real" virtual economy might arise. Then rare items will have a real value, byond that of the players who live by a code and find items themselves.

Mar 8, 2001, 06:20 AM
(people chanting)...

do you dupe?
if you don't...give yourself a pat on the back.
if you do...


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: ah_licks on 2001-03-08 03:58 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2001, 06:23 AM
I feel this entire thread is wasting a lot time, money and brain cell.

For those of you who dislike dupping, the best way to make your point is to ignore the duper and don't bother trying to prove your point to him/her. Trust me, they are incorrigible.

Instead, spend the time playing PSO and meet new honest folks.

Putting too much attention here is fueling dupers' ego. Now, begone, I will see you in Puck 9.

Mar 8, 2001, 06:55 AM
Whoa, am I and poeple who dup disshonest now?
Why dont you just posion my dog and burn a cross in my yard.

Geez where has this gone?

Duping is like walking a good batter in base ball. Everyone on the team up to bat HATES it, but the team on the out feild couldnt be happier.

I swear at least 80% of the people who say "Down with duping" prob. doesnt even know what it is, and their just saying it cause everyone else is.

"DOWN WITH DUPING" Hmm, kinda like that, maybe ill start saying it now, am i cool?

Oh yeah well if this tread is such a waste of time, why is everyone including YOU replying?

Anyway, I'll see YOU on Puck 9.

-I'm out

Mar 8, 2001, 07:02 AM
Oh yeah sorry, but one more little tid-bit.

To Everyone who hates cheating :

Remember the 8-bit Nintendo?
Remember Contra?
Remember that code? (up-up-down-down-left-right-left.......)

Thats what i thought, you post a reply stating you HAVE played Contra and NEVER EVER once used that code, THEN you can talk about right and wrong when it comes to cheating...



Mar 8, 2001, 07:53 AM
GLHeX, are you a crackhead!?

there's no comparing the CONTRA code (CODE! as in, built into the game! get it? as in "intended to be there by the games programmers") to finding a way to scam the PSO software by some elaborate cheating technique.

You're comparing two completely DIFFERENT things.

you are cheating. it's as simple as that.

Mar 8, 2001, 07:59 AM
hey hey hey

i have no problem w/ dupers...

you know how cool it is to find somthing i allready have... it still rox... so sure i have most of the best stuff... and sure i gave some away...

traded up.. got um from J's.. but there is nuthin like finding a claw w/ better stats than one i allready have...

you can still find stuff... but i like havin it...


Mar 8, 2001, 08:27 AM
oh and for anti duping software..

baah.. never gunna happen...

as for sega banning accounts... nope not gunna happen..

Mar 8, 2001, 10:22 AM
if duping makes u happy, do it, but please keep it away from me, i started a new char and some one walked up to me handed me a lvl 999 mag, if i wore that, man i would feel low max stats at lvl 1 lol, so i just gave it back and said thanks. I'm not the kind of person that likes to get a new game exampel: final fantasy and max all my stats and items at the beginging, kinda takes the fun out of it

Mar 11, 2001, 04:55 PM
YEAAAAA!!!!!!!! ur speaking exactly what i feel!!!!! WTF is wrong with duping??? IT was on Diablo 1 and 2 and everyone loved it!!! u still get the same amount of money in the market for a duped item!!! DAMN u pansies keep b*tchin about it these items help people gain experiance faster!!! it reduces theif since the thieves probley have the item already!!! besides its like napster!!! we are sharing our weapons and itmes!!!! you damn hicks lay off the dupers!!! Think about they arent hurtin anyone they are tryin to help!!! give you an item for free!!! that saves time!!! it works the same!! who cares how many people have it! do u have it? do you want it? thats all that matters! free shit!!!! hey you wanna play legit fine!! but dont ruin the game for all of us!!! we help newbies!!! dont get jealous if a newbie has something ur bustin ur ass for!! ask a duper then!!! idiot!!! besides sega is releasing a expansion cd so new weapons and items!!! DUPERS RULE!

Mar 12, 2001, 10:10 AM
Wizard - why the hell did you bother buying PSO ? The point of a game is the challenge - without a challenge, there is no game.

Whether duping is right or wrong (and personally I think it sucks), by duping items, mags etc. YOU are the only loser because frankly it was a waste of time you ever booting up your DC. You've lost the point of playing, you've lost the enjoyment of challenging yourself, to struggle through the early levels, to feel the rush and the thrill of finding a rare item which you don't have. One which you've earned - not duped.

But you'll never know that, because you haven't understood what playing a game is all about.

I feel sorry for you.


ps. If 'real' players want to avoid largescale duping and cheating, I recommend you come visit us on the European servers. Sure it goes on, but a hell of a lot less than on the US ships.

Mar 12, 2001, 01:21 PM
Ooooh, I knew I'd find this post sooner or later...muhahaha. Must...resist...urge...to...flame...uncontrollably ...aw, the hell with it. Hey, GLHeX! Look up game in the dictionary! Does it say "Something you must cheat in to enjoy"? No! Well, I'm assuming you can read, because from what you wrote, I don't think you understand how incredibly....well, dumb you sound. The truth? Oh, you wonderful person you! You're telling the truth that it seems just about everyone in Sonic Team and most people in PSO World think is a big fat f'n lie! Wow, you must be right because...well...you're GLHeX! The no-name cheater who thinks he's smart and thinks his clever...which is just SO sad. And there you are saying "Whoa, whoa! Don't flame me! I'm innocent!" Before turning around and saying "All you anti-dupers are damned hypocrites and you all suck, suck, suck!" *blink* Sorry...that doesn't work. And your claim that everyone has twenty or so super mega rares is just...so, so, SO wrong. Me? I'm level 60, I have, get this, a Crush Bullet as my best weapon. Wanna know WHERE I found it? In the ruins! Yes! Glory day! It's a crappy-ass weapon, but it's a helluva lot better than whiping out a Heaven's Punishment, then saying "Ah, no." And exchanging it for a Spread Needle + two million. Whhhhhy? Well, see, I believe in this concept of a game...THAT IT IS ONE! You call yourself a gamer? I call you a newbie. I call you so inadept at playing games that you have to cheat to enjoy them. Say it with me now...looooooser. Now, I want to ask you something. Why would I help a duper? Honestly, sometimes when I see one I have this urge to fly out and snatch their weapon when they're beaten down by Rag Rappies, not to keep it, but just to feel that I'm causing them to have to go through the whole process of duping again to get it back. If ANY duper, or for that matter ANYONE, offered me a super rare, I'd say "No thanks." Or, if I knew they were a duper "Get the hell away from me you frickin' newbie." Hee hee...as for your "duping adds another great element to the game, yeah!" Right on! Yeah, man, now you can blast through the ruins with weapons you didn't earn, with a stats maxed by armor and a MAG you didn't earn, and say "Look at me, I accomplished nothing in this game for myself, but I sure accomplished nothing fast!" If playing through the ruins is so boring, then I tell you what you do, you pick up the game out of your console, open a window and see if you can hit someone outside with it! Don't cheat and ruin the game for others just because you got bored. This may be hard to grasp for you, but the world does not revolve around you. I'm sorry, it doesn't. And the fact that this game IS a team game is what makes duping so irritating. If it wasn't, I'd start beating the hell out of the cheaters. Instead, I have to watch them mow down the enemies with Spread Needles and take the challenge out of the game for ME. Oh, and one more thing. F you GLHeX you suck! Thank you for your time.

Mar 15, 2001, 09:52 AM
Ok on this one Id have to land in the middle. Yes duping is "bad" and it ruins the rarity of items... but I agree it has brought fun to the already fun game. If someone walked up to me and handed me a "black" double sabre (cough.. if its real) I'M not one to turn it down and I'm definetely not one to curse at them or scold them. I think I got 5 dupers on my card list, and I'm thing at least 50% of my bank is duped but that don't bother me. If I get banned well then thats my prob... laugh at me if it makes you feel better knowing a PSO villian got what was coming to him. To sum it up I think "To each there own" is a my phrase of choice.

Mar 15, 2001, 09:53 AM
Ok on this one Id have to land in the middle. Yes duping is "bad" and it ruins the rarity of items... but I agree it has brought fun to the already fun game. If someone walked up to me and handed me a "black" double sabre (cough.. if its real) I'M not one to turn it down and I'm definetely not one to curse at them or scold them. I think I got 5 dupers on my card list, and I'm thing at least 50% of my bank is duped but that don't bother me. If I get banned well then thats my prob... laugh at me if it makes you feel better knowing a PSO villian got what was coming to him. To sum it up I think "To each there own" is a my phrase of choice.

Mar 15, 2001, 09:55 AM
Ok on this one Id have to land in the middle. Yes duping is "bad" and it ruins the rarity of items... but I agree it has brought fun to the already fun game. If someone walked up to me and handed me a "black" double sabre (cough.. if its real) I'M not one to turn it down and I'm definetely not one to curse at them or scold them. I think I got 5 dupers on my card list, and I'm thing at least 50% of my bank is duped but that don't bother me. If I get banned well then thats my prob... laugh at me if it makes you feel better knowing a PSO villian got what was coming to him. To sum it up I think "To each there own" is a my phrase of choice.

Mar 16, 2001, 01:42 PM
On the whole subject of duping..I'm not really against it to the death like a lot of people are.

I mean come on, at 70 hours I had NO really rare items! How many hours ddoes this game want for me? Ive just recently broken 100 but now I have almost everything.

Now back then when a duper gave me that twin brand and stag cutlery I just thought he was REALLY REALLY nice. I dont think that this ruins the game because otherwise I would have never found ANY of these items and I would have NEVER been able to trade.

After this great little push i got really into the game and started trading for about 20 hours. Through this simple act of a duper spreading some of the REALLY REALLY scarce wealth it opened up a whole new section of the PSO world. Lets say you find a rare item every 20 hours..how is anyone ever gonna be able to trade anything? After that I did a great series of trades and ended up with everything from a spread needle to a chainsawd..all legit. Along the way i also traded for sveral level 999 mags which i thought were made by simply using the MAG cell. The game was REALLY fun again becasuse, quite simply four levels lose their charm after 70 hours.

So about two days ago I log on and all of my items are erased. My items that I was so proud of..my items that I had invested so many hours into. So what did I do? I had no choice but to go straight to a duper and retrieve my items that SEGA had stole n from me. All this because some gs shark users started spreading lvl 999 mags? This is bullshit!

If it wasnt this then it may just be a bug but either way duping is not some kind of horrible sin. You little whiners really need to get over it and actually try and join in on the fun..lol...

Duping is not the end of integrity and if SEGA would design a tighter system with less loophole sand easier trading then they'd have nothing to complain about.