View Full Version : BO/FO Builds?

Sep 1, 2014, 02:59 AM
Looking for BO/FO builds based around Jet Boots. This (http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08sdbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk jdt8dodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000j dBbsfcA2SGBIk9kIk00000ioIn0000000lbIo000000fdoIbki qArFbsfrFfJk0000j) is what I cam up with.

Crime Scene Kitty
Sep 2, 2014, 11:28 PM
Im a noob to Fo, so would someone tell me why Fire is always the one that people skill into?

And wouldn't Normal Tech Advance be a skill to go into because JBs are using tech to attack? Or would that have no effect?

Sep 2, 2014, 11:35 PM
Since you're limited to one tree per class if you're unwilling or unable to buy AC, a fire spec tree is the most practical choice of the three since all Natives and half of Oceanids are vulnerable to it, as well a category of Darkers that has a very high representation in the some of the rare content where power gaming actually matters (Mine Defense). People who do/can buy AC buy auxilliary trees to spec into Ice and Lightning since they have their areas to shine as well.

Sep 2, 2014, 11:35 PM
Why spec into fire if you're going to use element stance? The two would only synergize when fighting fire weak enemies. If you're planning to use the melee aspect of the jet boots AND cast you might be better off going into T-atk ups or photon flare since those aren't tied to a specific element and affect the boot damage as well.

But I don't know anything. I'm an idiot.

Im a noob to Fo, so would someone tell me why Fire is always the one that people skill into?Because most fire techs are good so it's the go-to element for general stuff.

Sep 2, 2014, 11:39 PM
Is your focus Fire? I ask because Ice and Thunder (yes, even Thunder) are also good routes to follow.

As for the skill tree itself, if you're Jet Booting, maybe the 5 points in Talis Tech Bonus could go into Flame Tech S Charge?

@Crime Scene Kitty: Fire techs are not typically used uncharged. Normally, points go there only if Elysion is involved.

Sep 3, 2014, 12:44 AM
I'm guessing you're just using a general fo/x tree for your bouncer? Because element conversion/talis bonus do nothing for a bo main. If you're not willing to take photon flare + up + after burst for bouncing, then I think you ought to reconsider your sub choice and go with /te or something.

Sep 3, 2014, 02:56 AM
For a T-Atk JB Bouncer main, which sub should I go with: FO sub with Photon Flare et. al and remaining points into PP/T-Atk boosts, or /BR and Weak Stance? I don't know the math so I can't calculate for myself what all the +T-Atk from /Fo would translate to as a percentage to compare with Weak Stance.

Sep 3, 2014, 03:33 AM
I have like 2 Fo tree's, fire and thunder.

So, how's this one then.
http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08sdbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk jdq8dodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000l obnHNHxdsf2NcK000000ioIn0000000lbIo000000fdobbkfkI nrFbsdnrFfGK0000j

Sep 3, 2014, 06:24 AM
I'm actually looking into this as well. We should be getting another skill reset for the Gunner changes coming (unless they happened already o.O) and I'll want to spec my Bouncer to sub Force. That's what I really want.

But if someone could break down the pros and cons of a Force vs. Techer sub, I'd really appreciate it.

http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08sIbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk jbMbH6dodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do00000 0jdBbnfHndsf2NsXqnI2qr000007oIn0000000lbIo000000fd Bbok2IkInI2bsfrFfHK0000j

This is what I get when I mess around with my build :P. Not sure if Tech Advance is worth it or not. Depends on if I'll be casting a lot I think.

And if I go FO, are the PP UP trees worth it? I shouldn't be having PP problems as BO and anything I lack, I can make up for with Spirita affix.