View Full Version : New to PSO

Sep 5, 2014, 08:20 PM
Hello all! I am a 14 year old thats new to the game. i am going to being playing mostly offline solo on the Dreamcast. i have been playing this game for as long as i can remember. i am looking for a class thats moderately easy and much more importantly fun to play. i already play a HUnewearl so thats out of the question but other than that i am open to anything. thanks :-D

Sep 6, 2014, 01:25 AM
Welcome to PSO, dude!

Most of the classes are interesting to play in one way or another. My personal favorite is the HUmar, since I enjoy close-range combat, and the ability to do some light casting. HUmars make great combat healers, and gain a lot of utility from their offensive Techniques (spells).

If you want a summary of what each class is good at, check out this guide (http://pso.wikia.com/wiki/Class_(Phantasy_Star_Online)). Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!

Sep 6, 2014, 06:51 AM
Humar will be your average class (any weaknesses can be managed) with the 2nd highest attack in endgame that will be easy to trigger thanks to shifta.
Enemies and hazards will unlikely give you any problem because you are average in all aspects, your attack however will be high so you will kill with easiness.

Hucast is an extreme kinda class, in endgame he is indeed the strongest if you have a proper build that is focused on PB points (so you can cast the twins pb over and over), but that still takes time to build up for the 1st time, lack of armor slots will hinder the performance and if you try and go in another direction by using the slots for other aspects (like raising your elemental resistance), then your pb will go up slowly, making the gameplay awkward, you will kill fast then slow, then fast again, then slow again.....

Forces in general allow for some easy gameplay, especially with the 360º attacks that never miss, however combining elements and TP managing will hinder the experience early on, once you have enough items then the problem with damage becomes real, it's an easy class group, but when you demand more potential you will see that you can't. (there are some weapons in some quests that can help you melee enemies to save TP, but i don't think you will get them unless you get online)
In short, easy gameplay will compensate itself by taking longer to kill enemies.

Rangers are average and always play safe by hitting enemies at a safe distance, ATA isn't a concern like hunters, instead they need % on weapons to boost the damage to a decent DPS.
Ramar may be decent enough in this case due to inate shifta like all human chars

Sep 12, 2014, 08:07 PM
Does Shifta and Deband scale with MND?

Sep 12, 2014, 08:33 PM
Does Shifta and Deband scale with MND?
Nope, Shifta/Deband as well as Jellen/Zalure depend on the level of the spell, not your MST.

Sep 14, 2014, 03:55 PM
'Easy' can mean a number of different things.
Easy as in having few actions to do/commands to learn: Probably the RAcast(eal). With only the basic weapons and traps while normally fighting at a distance they don't require too much to get going. They are tough and require the basics in terms of solo healing.

Easy as in requiring the least amount of attention/upkeep?: The Ranger cast is a fine bet if you don't want to mess around with close range engagements. It would bit a tip to the Cast types (so again RAcast(eal)) especially if you don't want to learn where traps are.

Easy as in kills things most efficiently? Well this one gets a little dicey. Early game Hunter classes can mow down leagues of baddies with just a little tweaking and timing. Forces can absolutely destroy enemies (including bosses) better than ANY CLASS. The issue here is, do you have the resources to make either class an early-game beast? Forces aren't the easiest class to play and require at least one properly trained mag and quite an amount of 'fluid' type items or the best dang heart/tp stealing item with accuracy you can get. Since that won't likely be something you can acquire early on in a fresh playthrough, I would say hunters kill things the easiest. This, of course, was factoring raw dmg, accuracy, and ease of mag development. Rangers are great too, but won't kill as fast as either other class (though will hit enemies more than the Hunter will. Techniques don't 'miss' but you can misfire them if you don't aim).
It's important to note that a good Force (or technique wielding non-Force) NEEDS to know enemy element weaknesses. With only 3 types of techs and the spike in enemy resistances in difficulty, you are SEVERELY punished for using the wrong element on enemies. You aren't rewarded in any way for using the right element, you merely do damage. It is here that when it comes to late game, Forces on many of the non-boss/De Rol/Barba Ray still lock down and destroy. I would say in this aspect, depending on what types of spells or even gender you favor, Fonewearl is the best followed by Fonewm. The other Forces are great too and it really depends on playstyle. After that, if you run solo, I would say the HUmar, HUnewearl, and the RAmar(l) follow close only because they can debuff enemies... that will pretty much eat your face come ultimate difficulty. You're spells won't do enough damage to warrant their use when a Force trumps you in that regard.
But by if you have played to see ultimate (especially solo), you should know your class well enough to survive. Ult really does change the game up.

Easy in terms of will live the longest? That depends. Theoretically the Hunewearl should have the highest capacity for life as she can buff herself, debuff enemies, and heal along with having a sizeable amount of hp and def along with the attack and range of melee weapons to do her work in the trenches. Statistically the HUcast lives the longest especially given the innate status resistance for Cast types (minus the statuses that will kill you late game such as freeze and instant death). For any class to live long(er) you really need to learn enemy attack patterns and attack properties as well has hotkey (if you are playing PSOBB) your items/techs. In a game where you can die in 1 second or from poor positioning or simply not responding fast enough, all the stats in the world won't save you. You need to learn the game.

Easy in terms of playing with a group? Probably, again, the RACast(uel). They can only contribute damage and remove traps. While the latter is amazing, most people will know where easily avoidable traps. On the flipside, your active use of traps can override some 'dead on sight' situations. I would harken to a playstyle of a class though. If you don't use traps, either of the cast rangers is the easiest (albeit the least welcomed if you don't clear traps or at least keep the conversation funny). The 'You're going be my heal slave' hunter might be easy, but I feel that probably has some mental wear and tear along with being the least popular person on the server next to the FOmar that only uses megid as his main attack and support action (non-piercing megid of course, because Falz forbids aligning enemies...)

Easy as in easy to enjoy? That's up to you. You already know what types of characters you like and what looks appeal to you. I suggest playing a HUcasuel and a RAmarl. Use the traps from the hunter and all the attack types of the RAmarl. Find the special attacks that either can use and then make up your mind if you like playing with or w/o techniques, w/o or without multitarget weapons, in melee or from a distance, supporting role or attacking role, hawt or smexie. It's up to you. I picked the FOmar b/c I always play the difficult class that ends up being badass in the end along with loving how enigmatic he was and how confusing his description was. He WAS NOT fun to play with my friends as I was reduced to heal slave until I realized that my techs can hurt as well as heal. I've played every class and all have their merits. Just know that even if you enjoy what you're doing, there exist those that swear by some other playstyle or that you are doing it wrong. I haven't run into many on this server. For the most part, people really want to help you out or will power level you. I don't recommend power leveling until you are at the point in the game where you are only power leveling (Ult and there after).

Or do you mean the proverbial 'easy' tossed around in the streets? I hear FOmarls are pretty easy if you give them a few fluids ;) I wouldn't mess with any of the Newms as they will make you wear those goofy clothing with their jedi powers. RAcasuels are easy, but they tend to always have a master. FOmars are REAL easy. They're trying too hard to be good at something, so they will probably lavish you with gifts in the name of Break and Nef Miyama.

There are many ways to look at 'easy', and I hope my extremely biased opinions. The short version is prioritize the character that you enjoy playing the game with over what someone else tells you. You can look at my suggestions through the lens of them being suggestions. Objectively some classes do well in some areas, but no class can do everything. Some actions have more use than others (damage traps aren't for damage by the way...) but nothing beats playing a class you enjoy and looks good while getting 1HKOed by final stage Falz.

Sep 15, 2014, 04:57 AM
He's going to play Pso v1 or v2, not ep1&2 on gc

Sep 15, 2014, 09:35 AM
Take out Ramarl, Hucasuel, and the lightly discussed Fomar and my advice still stands, generally.

For testing the classes (if you don't want to try them all) run the HUnewearl and the Racast.