View Full Version : PSO (&BB) ID Generator for Android 2.3-4.4+

Sep 12, 2014, 08:30 AM
Hi, I made my very first app for android and it's an ID Generator for PSO and Blue Burst, here's a picture of it running on my Note 3 (download link below) :


I'd like people to try it out to know if it works on other devices than mine (tested on a TF701T Tablet too).

"Features" :

- Signed APK
- Support for basically any language (see Todo list, only BB allows this normally... PSOPC/GC/DC only allow ascii characters in a character name)
- It is currently made to be compatible from Android 2.3 up to 5.0
- UI is minimal.
- The generated Section ID Text's color changes depending on the ID, here it's whitill so it's white.
- It tells you how enemy drops will be biased (Viridia = more Spread/Shotgun ).
- Contrary to that other similar (Google Play Store) app, I'm not missing a class in my dropdown selector...
- It runs on tablets too.

Download Link to version 0.8 APK : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8zh5tmuvq7hf6t6/AAAR5ZvcEi36h5e86qQ4tSYpa?dl=0

Changelog :

- [Internal] Changed many Logcat messages

- Revamped toasts, some now last longer and have extended messages (like "For DC / PC / GC: English-only" or "For Blue Burst: Any-Language" when ticking/unticking the mode checkbox)
WARNING : don't go ticking/unticking and clicking on Generate like a mad person, or you'll see minutes of toast messages appear at the bottom of the screen >_>

- "Generate" button now strips any non-ASCII character from input name when in pre-BB mode (thanks AmonX for the idea ^_-)

- Built with Android Studio 1.0 (which added ~100 kb to the app for whatever reason... >_>)
- Modified a few character strings here and there.
- Now also built to support Android from 2.3 to 5.0 : Lollipop

- Added a toast when clicking on the "Generate" button, which shows towards what kind of item the player's drops are going to be biased depending on generated Section ID. Example : Viridia => "Drop bias : Spread/Shotgun +"

- Added a check for empty string when clicking on Generate, because in PSO you can't not have a name ^_^"
- Internal Change : Implemented proper OnClickListeners, the right way, took a while ...

- Class selector now only appears in BB mode.
- Changed icon for a more fitting one. Still very much subject to change though.

- mega.co.nz is having difficulties, switching to dropbox for the time being.
- Fixed a StringIndexOutOfBounds error.
- (Fix) Now I only remove 2 characters from input string when needed.
- Implemented Toasts (text bubbles) when switching between PSOBB and Pre-PSOBB mode. (12-character mode // 10-character mode)

- Added a 12-characters and 10-characters limit to the input name depending on the calculation mode. (BlueBurst is 10, pre-BB is 12?)

Preliminary release.

ToDo (When skilled enough) :
Implement a filter which only allows ascii characters when Pre-BB is selected. (PSO PC, DC, GC need that, BB uses UTF-16...)

Thanks :
"Section ID Calculator" by SuperSteve, found on NeoSeeker

Sep 12, 2014, 01:49 PM
^^; umm okay but be nice if we had a more useful tool like new version mag feeder tools for the pc. but that nice app idea none the less :-P even tho I don't use android :D

Sep 12, 2014, 02:48 PM
Yeah, It's my first app as I mentioned so that's why I chose something small. I know PSO-World has a tool that helps with Section ID's.
I thought it would be handy to have it one one's phone or tablet, especially considering how widespread Android devices are.

Thanks for the (first) comment.

Sep 19, 2014, 03:04 AM
:D your welcome yeah its cool to have a id calculator if your playing pso on the android specialty if someone is using Reicast on there android devices :-P

Sep 23, 2014, 11:42 AM
Uploaded 0.5 APK, added a check and changed the way I (internally) handle clicks on some UI elements.

Oct 8, 2014, 08:17 AM
Uploaded 0.6 APK, added a toast when clicking on the "Generate" button, which shows towards what kind of item the player's drops are going to be biased depending on the Section ID generated. Example : Viridia => "Drop bias : Spread/Shotgun +"

Dec 7, 2014, 10:18 AM
Uploaded version 0.7 onto my dropbox.
- Android Studio 1.0 used to build signed app yay!
- A few character strings were modified
- Made app officially compatible (by building it agains the API 21 SDK) with Android from 2.3 up to 5.0 (Lollipop).

Dec 9, 2014, 09:17 AM
Uploaded 0.8 APK:
- [Internal] Changed a few Logcat messages

- Revamped toasts, some now last longer and have extended messages (like "For DC / PC / GC: English-only" or "For Blue Burst: Any-Language" when ticking/unticking the mode checkbox)
WARNING : don't go ticking/unticking and clicking on Generate like a mad person, or you'll see minutes of toast messages appear at the bottom of the screen >_>

- "Generate" button now strips any non-ASCII character from input name when in pre-BB mode