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View Full Version : Demo Comet

Apr 18, 2003, 10:19 AM
i am going to search for a demo comet from a pouilly and am wondering how many turns it took u guys to get a demo comet. Also are pouillys hard to find.

Apr 18, 2003, 10:41 AM
On 2003-04-18 08:19, J-Sword2 wrote:
i am going to search for a demo comet from a pouilly and am wondering how many turns it took u guys to get a demo comet. Also are pouillys hard to find.

If you're playing as a FO then Pouillys (the rare red slimes for those who are new to PSO) are easier (but not EASY) to get. FOs can use a hard attack Tech like Rabarta to split the slimes (as many as 4 times per each ORIGINAL slime).

Split them as many times as you can...if you don't see a red one then use the tp trick and try it again.

Only one downside to this method...you will use a lot of Fluids. (not to mention hours of your life)

Apr 18, 2003, 10:56 AM
Im Redria and i got one from a mil lily. But I hate red slimes they never give me anything.

Apr 18, 2003, 11:30 AM
haha, The_hero_of_time was telling me about the demolition comet last week and I wasn't sure what weapon that was, but when i got home, I played ult under redria and a lilie dropped one (the rare one, mil? ob? meh)

Apr 18, 2003, 12:15 PM
i got it on my second try against red slime so nto to hard...

Apr 18, 2003, 02:56 PM
yah i got 2 demo comets on my second and third pouilly slimes, it wasnt really that hardto find them , and i was doin it with a HUcast