View Full Version : Help

Apr 18, 2003, 10:28 AM
Okay, so my friend has been bugging me for months to get this game..I finally got off my lazy ass and won it on eBay. Being the gamer-with-no-life that I am, I've already read up a bit on it. But, I'm wondering which character would be the best to learn how to play the game with(I'm a guy, too, and I prefer those gender charries)...any ideas? Thanks for your time!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scrub on 2003-04-18 08:29 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2003, 10:56 AM
On 2003-04-18 08:28, Scrub wrote:
Okay, so my friend has been bugging me for months to get this game..I finally got off my lazy ass and won it on eBay. Being the gamer-with-no-life that I am, I've already read up a bit on it. But, I'm wondering which character would be the best to learn how to play the game with(I'm a guy, too, and I prefer those gender charries)...any ideas? Thanks for your time!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scrub on 2003-04-18 08:29 ]</font>

It sort of depends on what fighting style you'd like to employ...

For up close combat I'd say HUcasts are top notch. I learned to play the game on the Dreamcast as a HUcast and would have to say that I had a great time.

If you'd prefer fighting from a distance then go for one of the RA-class characters (RAmars get technique/magic whereas RAcasts do not).

FOrces are the EASIEST (but most expensive) class to use on this version. Raise up a good mind mag and trade for some decent tech disks and you're set.

Avoid HUmars...they've developed a bad rep (whether it's justified or not), plus they're a tougher character to use this time around (with limited tech ability).

EDIT: FOrgot to include info on FOs. heh.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CrazyJ on 2003-04-18 08:59 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2003, 11:01 AM
Learn the game? Hmmmm...well, if you like being called many names online, a HUmar is the best bet. Otherwise, I think a RAmar or RAmarl are your best bets, as Rangers can stand back and fire upon enemies from a distance.

Both HUmar and RAmar/l are well-balanced aroubnd all the major areas (HP, ATP, ATA, etc.)...however, RAmar will have more ATA than HUnters and the HUmar will have more ATP than the RAngers.

Anyway, it depends on what you like more...being up close and always getting hits, or standing back and trying to avoid getting hit while firing some cool-ass guns.

AND stay away from FOrces at all...they are tough for beginners.

Anyway...good luck, and happy Hunting! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MadCowChuck_ on 2003-04-18 09:02 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2003, 11:14 AM
Well, the gender isn't really an issue... If you want a well-rounded Hunter then I'd go with HUnewearl. She's the only Hunter that can boost her own stats (Shifta/Deband). But if being a female character bothers you (don't worry about it many people have the same feeling) then yes, I would agree that HUcast is the better of the Hunters.

As for Rangers, again there is a well-rounded Ranger who is the RAmarl. I don't know much about her though so I can't really say anything. I remember playing with a RAcast once, but I deleted him right away after finding out Pinkal wouldn't really work for him... I don't know about the Ragners much, but I think the RAmar is like the HUmar.. Then again I haven't tried him either so I can't form a true opinion about him.

I can't remember if you said you didn't want Forces, but here's the scoop on them. The FOnewearl has the highest mst/tp potential compared to the rest, but her boost is in Basic Techniques (AKA Foie, Barta, and Zonde) I think her Megid Pierces too.. Which I'm told is helpful later on in the game but I think it needs a high level to work well. Don't, I repeat do NOT be fooled by the FOnewms appearance. He has boosts in both Mid-level and High-level attack techniques (AKA Gi Techniques and RA techniques). The FOmar is more of a "Fighting Force". However his Defense and I think HP are not very good. I think his MST maxes out lower then anyone else's though, but makes up for it because he is O.K at combat too. As for the FOmarl. There isn't much of a point to her offline, but she's still good. She gets boosts in Shifta and Deband, also Resta/Anti or something like that. But also a very nice boost in Grants. (I missed some boosts in the FOmar and FOnewearl, sorry. Check the stat guide or ask someone else about them.)

Apr 18, 2003, 12:27 PM
n_n Thank you all for your feedback, it is very much so appreciated!..Now, all I gotta do is wait for the game to get here, and we all know that the US Mail service has been oh so speedy lately...Crap, I could be waiting a while...