View Full Version : FO/TE Elysion Photon Flare or Charged Tech build

Oct 11, 2014, 02:37 AM
I'm trying to decide whether to get Photon Flare or Charged Tech Advanced 1 and 2 for an Elysion build.

1. Photon Flare Build (http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08uAbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk 0jdodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000jdB bnfan2ScA2NlkGA000007oInfndIbfwNInekcKcAGAcA00000i bIo000000fdoIb000000f)


2. Charged Tech Advanced Build (http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08uAbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk 0jdodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000jdB bsiN2SJfklkGA000007oInfndIbfwNInekcKcAGAcA00000ibI o000000fdoIb000000f)

Oct 12, 2014, 05:04 AM
I've been messing around with Ice Elysion and it feels like I easily flatten everything with just Na Barta and Il Barta. I occasionally use Sa Barta.
I tried to use Gi Barta, Ra Barta and Barta, but they don't seem to compare at all.

I have Charge Advance 1 and 2 to boost Il Barta, but I'm wondering if I'd be better off just getting TATK Up and Photon Flare instead.
The question is which results in more damage overall. I'd imagine it's the latter, since Elysion charged Il Barta isn't used as often.

Something like this, maybe?
http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08uAbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk 0jdodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000jdB bniN2ScA2NIkikGA000007oIncKndjGAdBIkIkfGAcA00000ib Io000000fdoIb000000f
Depending on how much SATK you need and how often you use Dark techs.
Ice hits so hard that I rarely have to use Wind techs.

Oct 19, 2014, 09:24 AM
Okay, I'll use this topic.

I have just realised that male dewman FO/TE has exactly 500 S-ATK, so I may invest in an Elysion.

Bearing in mind the recent nerf, is the weapon still worth getting? What elements work well, I know about Sazan and Ilbarta, but anything else?

Oct 19, 2014, 11:02 AM
If you're using uncharged Ice Techs like Nabarta and ilbarta (6 uncharged followed by 1 charged,) Elysion is still worth having. Same with Wind Techs if you use those as well.

People would also go for a Dark Element Elysion specifically for Namegid spamming, but that's more for if you want to screw around solo-wise. Not really worth having considering Namegid got nerfed + Elysion nerf

Oct 19, 2014, 02:25 PM
i hope i'm not intruding on the topic, but TE/FI gets more damage from ely since stances boost techs.

But te/fi isnt for everyone. it took me some time to get used to not having pp regen while casting.

ely is still worth it regardless

sazan,nazan,ilzan, are still decent uncharged
nabarta and ilbarta are ok.
namegid is a bit disapointing for me but i dont have a dark build.
ilfoie is also usefull uncharged. but very situational.

Oct 20, 2014, 04:03 AM
Okay, thank you for your replies. Hopefully I can find a cheap one.

Oct 20, 2014, 04:16 AM
Been thinking of a Flare build.
Is anyone using a Flare build with Rabbit Wand?
It boosts Flare dmg for a total of 37.5% extra dmg.
Sounds to me like an alternative to extra dmg only for certain elements.
Oh and the build I was thinking about looks about like this. (http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08uAbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk 0jdodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000jdB bniN2SGBcKIk6ba00000lodAIgIdjGAdAfcKaIaIbA00000ibI o000000fdoIb000000f)

Oct 20, 2014, 03:21 PM
I dunno, a lot of people who do make use of Photon Flare potential weapon (even the uprgaded version) get the bare minimum in PF itself. Usually 2 point in PF and 1 in PF Afterburst (it might not benefit from the latent, but 30sec of 5% damage is nice enough for 2 SP) or only 1 in PF.

Let's see that build.

1.Charge Escape is debatable and up for taste, since when used, the tech is kept in charge, but you still need to re-pay the PP cost to instant cast it. And my memory is foggy, but I believe you might need to use the saved tech before any new one and you cannot JA into it? Otherwise, PFA is a free 5% damage after PF itself, so fully worth the single SP to get it since you're already running PF.
2. Flame Mastery Two lv1 give way more than the 8th SP in Flame Mastery One.
3. Element Conversion: Nothing wrong at all here, just that a Rabbit Wand build would imply a single rod, so only one element at 25% and the rest at 12,5%. Element Conversion is one of the main reason to get multiple weapon as FO main (other than the fact specie hunter / element boosting are much stronger in general). So you would be missing on an extra 12% from Element Conversion and 16% from appropriate element latent. That method obviously work better for premium FO due to multiple skill trees and ease to get the weapons.

1. Long Time Assist: TE main only, but nice for leveling up I agree.
2. Lack of PP Convert: Since you would be running a PF build, a good chunck of your damage is already on a cooldown, so you might as well get the most of it by having the insane PP regen. At least lv6 or go for lv10. It last shorter than PF, so you can use it once you get close to empty PP bar.
3. All three Mastery Two at lv6: Nothing major, but they only add up 1% by level for lv2-6.
3. Super Treatment: Not always reliable, but it's a really nice boost when triggered, especially since you gain the effect yourself if you Anti someone else (example Apos Dorios being SE happy with his tech spams). And some fields are SE happy also.
4. PP UP One: This could almost had been up to debate, but it will never ever make up for the lack of PP Convert (or 1 fully maxed out TE element for that matter). It's more of a SP dump if you got it to spare on a single element tree and even then...

Final word: Now I see on paper that you wanted to use a PF build for a generalist single tree FO. If my assuming of a single Rabbit Wand is correct, then you cannot fully take advantage of Element Convert, other than possibly for your main element or the element your main hunting ground is weak to. Which kinda defeat the purpose. But since Rabbit Wand is an all class rod, you could actually flip flop to TEFO and run something like this (http://pso2-skill.pwnedgalaxy.net/skillcalc.php?08rAbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIkbsIk 0jdodBIb00000000jdoIn0000008doib0000006do000000lol N2SGA2XdxibfbKIb00000fdBdAidfqnDsdBIkcKGNGNIn00000 ibIo000000fdoIb000000f). Shifta Strike is 10%, barely inferior to off element 50% weapon (and superior if not max element) and can be shared. The saved SP on FO was dumped into PFA, lv1 of ice and lightning for that 5% and rest went in flame tech since you already had an heavier focus on it. Feel free to toy with it more, moving point from Flame Tech S Charge to an another element for example.

Oct 20, 2014, 04:47 PM
if my memories serves me right...

isn't photon flare boost potent from rabbit wand and mortav only active on photon flare phase and not on afterboost phase?

Oct 20, 2014, 05:57 PM
if my memories serves me right...

isn't photon flare boost potent from rabbit wand and mortav only active on photon flare phase and not on afterboost phase?

It shouldn't, what made you think otherwise..... wait, was it my wording? Sorry about that. But after all that investment in his skill tree, a single SP for 30sec of 100 Tatk (5% damage) while it's cooling down should be good.

Oct 22, 2014, 04:09 AM
Thanks a lot Sandmind, I will keep this in mind.
TBH, I'm not even sure any more cause I have no clue wtf is happening with the caster class meta game and from what I hear, sega feels the same.

I just want top avoid focusing too much on one element so if I do tacos or something I either have to switch between every quest or have great dmg in one quest and mediocre dmg in all others.
Not to mention I m quite scatterbrained and without my set (which is already full with melee and ra and gu) I am prone to going into a quest with the wrong tree.

Then again, I think maybe it's pointless to do this now when I have barely played force or casting techer before and don't plan to do much with it before late November changes.