View Full Version : Dragon Slayer Question

Apr 19, 2003, 09:09 AM
This is wierd, I have a fully grinded Last Survivor and a new Dragon Slayer. Right now the Last Survivor give me more ATP than the Dragon Slayer. However, in ultimate mode, the Dragon Slayer does more damage than the Last Survivor does. I've checked its percents and both weapons have no percentages. Is there a reason why this is happening?

Apr 19, 2003, 10:05 AM
Damage has a range.

For example, say you do 300 HP worth of damage to a booma with a weapon (any). The next attack you do, odds are you won't do 300, but something close to it, say 280 or 330.

The range of the DRAGON SLAYER is more narrow than the range of the LAST SURVIVOR.

Using the booma example, say the minimum damage you do to a booms with a DS is 300; let's also say that the max damage you can do is 320. With the LS, let's say the minimum and maximum are 260 and 350.

Get it? Check the item database for the ranges.

Apr 19, 2003, 12:16 PM
Yea I do, thanks for the help.