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View Full Version : Sakespears Midsummers night dream in this game?

Mar 8, 2001, 02:10 AM
If youve read shakespears BORING ass book midsummer nights dream, there are three names from the book in the game. There is Oberon the Fairy king, Titania the fairy queen, and Puck( or robin goodfellow) as oberons helper thing. The ship names are named after them. Also i was in oberon block 1 and when you get to the lobby where it says the ship name at the top, it said other ship block 1. wierd? no one else say it though. case of the X FILES?

Mar 8, 2001, 02:23 AM
Actually, the ships are named after moons in the Solar System. A lot of those moons were named after Shakespeare characters (and not just from A Midsummer Night's Dream).

Mar 8, 2001, 02:43 AM
OHH. POOP i was hoping to look smart. HEY I JUST FOUND OUT HOW TO TAKE PICS OF MY CHAR!! Kewl.

Mar 8, 2001, 02:44 AM
theyre named after stars

Mar 8, 2001, 02:51 AM
moons or stars? thought it was moons???

Mar 8, 2001, 03:58 AM
I think they are moons... The first four ships on the Japanese servers are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, which are the four biggest moons of Jupiter.

Moons of which planet, for the American ships, is beyond me.

Mar 8, 2001, 11:40 AM
THe US Servers are Shakesperean characters, mostly from "A Midsummer's Nights Dream" THe JP Servers are moons...Jupiter's I think...and Europe's...well, I haven't gone there so I haven't really seen the names listed for the ships. Besides..who can forget that mischievous Puck? Cordelia, I think is from Othello or King Lear...Miranda is from "The Tempest"...eh...ah well, yu get the idea http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 11:56 AM
moons of jupiter: (JP Servers)

1. Metis
2. Adrastea
3. Amalthea
4. Thebe
5. Io
6. Europa
7. Ganymede
8. Callisto
9. Leda
10. Himalia
11. Lysithea
12. Elara
13. Ananke
14. Carme
15. Pasiphae
16. Sinope
17. S/1999 J1
18. S/2000 J1
19. S/2000 J2
20. S/2000 J3
21. S/2000 J4
22. S/2000 J5
23. S/2000 J6
24. S/2000 J7
25. S/2000 J8
26. S/2000 J9
27. S/2000 J10
28. S/2000 J11

Moons of Saturn (EU Servers)

1. Pan
2. Atlas
3. Prometheus
4. Pandora
5. Epimetheus
6. Janus
7. Mimas
8. Enceladus
9. Tethys
10. Telesto
11. Calypso
12. Dione
13. Helene
14. Rhea
15. Titan
16. Hyperion
17. Iapetus
18. Phoebe
19. S/2000 S1
20. S/2000 S2
21. S/2000 S3
22. S/2000 S4
23. S/2000 S5
24. S/2000 S6
25. S/2000 S7
26. S/2000 S8
27. S/2000 S9
28. S/2000 S10
29. S/2000 S11
30. S/2000 S12

moons of Uranus (US Servers)

1. Cordelia
2. Ophelia
3. Bianca
4. Cressida
5. Desdemona
6. Juliet
7. Portia
8. Rosalind
9. Belinda
10. Puck
11. Miranda
12. Ariel
13. Umbriel
14. Titania
15. Oberon
16. Caliban (97U1)
17. Sycorax (97U2)
18. 1986 U10
19. S/1999 U1
20. S/1999 U2
21. S/1999 U3

I think that answers that question http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

all found here: http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/features/planets/planetsfeat.html


Mar 8, 2001, 06:11 PM
But yu can't help but realize they're still Shakesperean characters...n' Europe's has Greek/Roman myths...but awesome, now I know a couple moons too http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Mar 8, 2001, 06:45 PM
All Planets/Moons are named after Roman Gods/mythical characters.

The planets are the more major gods, with minor gods/other mythical characters being the moons.

Shakespeare was a history buff and often used characters with mythical roman names and/or names from myths in the dark ages or other historical contexts... In fact nearly every name in every play comes from such a historical source.

And his audiences knew most of the names, since even rudimentary schooling at the time taught such things rigorously. Part of the humor/drama/foreshadowing comes from knowing where the names come from.

Mar 8, 2001, 06:52 PM
Those are a lot of moons.....

Mar 8, 2001, 09:50 PM
Seems appropriate that the US is relegated to the moons of "URINE." Guess they anticipated (and correctly) that we Americans would comprise the majority of the low life thieves. Kind of funny. Probably not on purpose, but appropriate none the less.