View Full Version : Pso2 general spammer go away!!!!!!

Nov 21, 2014, 05:34 AM
Gods sake, that bastard is annoying. Who the disco dingofuck cares about what they have to say anyway!? Why even spam that shit on a game forum?!

That loser should be given a body cavity enema with a bronzed cactus coated in the fetid secretions of week old corpses and ghost peppers for an extra burn. Twist it around in there a bit for that good old internal laceration mess so all the organs get messed up and infected because on dead people leakings, and then make them have to pay for the medicine they need to survive at the cost of everything they own, so they end up living in a garbage can in the street. Ooh and their citizenship to their home country is revoked and they are shipped off to mars or something.

I don't like the spammer very much lol.

I want them to touch a powet outlet with their eyes and discover science.

Nov 21, 2014, 09:39 AM
They're not real people, they're bots, so your pleas for them to stop fall upon cold, robotic, deaf ears.

Nov 21, 2014, 01:01 PM
oooh ok, so ROBOTS of Evil Science! *he chuckles while plotting ways to delete them with internet lasers*