View Full Version : ...The good times.

Apr 21, 2003, 06:09 AM
Heh, I remember when I first started playing online through GC, I had been corrupted with my level 43 HUcast, so I started my RAcaseal, at level 15, I logged on, and guy started hitting on my char. o.o;;;

Well, lets see, I am a guy, but jeez I should have taken advantage of it.. "Can I have H&S25 Justice?!:. --; No, I changed to a HUnewearl, not too much better.

I had made it to level 63, then corrupted. Along with my RAmarl and RAcast. None of this ever got me too mad, I would just restart, that was the fun of PSO for me, I could just restart and always it would be fun. I remember trying to beat falz at 15, man I must have gave those guys a hard time...I dropped my Moons all the way at the end of the battle ground for Dark Falz, they would go and die..So after about 16 moons used on me (Yeah, I sucked. =/) anyways we all died. it was fun though, we all laughed, then kept trying. --;

Now people say "If you want to play, find some legit players." x.x;;

Hell, I just logged onto a server yesterday and I guy said "I just got my USB memory card so I can dupe now--I have 426 rares now." after that he said "I'm leaving"

I'm sure the fun will always be there...But every duper has ceased the fun in this game for me--Eh, anyone else feel the same?