View Full Version : Doing the Same Thing

Dec 4, 2014, 05:27 PM
So I've been playing this game for some time now and I've played roughly every class and found the few that I've really liked, like Techer and Braver. Recently, I've only been playing as my Techer because I became addicted to it but I find it slightly unchallenging. There's no variety to playing as it because most of what you do is smack things with your wand. I've been wanting to add another character to play as, probably a Braver, because then I can swap between bows and katanas and use photon arts. I love my Techer and I wouldn't stop playing her but I need a little more variety. Unfortunately, I would have to make a second character on another account because, for whatever reason, my Techer account never got changed when SEGA added in the ability to make two free characters, so that account only allows me to create one character, but I can live with that. But everytime I go to make another character on a different account, I stop when I begin thinking of all the work I would have to do, like going through all those Koffie level cap trial client orders and running through the same places again. But I can't afford AC so I can't buy separate mags or create multiple skill trees in order to effectively play as multiple classes with my Techer character, so the only option for playing as a different class is to make another character.

My question is, for the people who have multiple characters, how do you get through the tediousness of running the same missions and doing the same client orders (not counting class based orders) over again?

Also, has the thing where the account only allows one character happened to anyone else? Is it some weird glitch? Is there a way to fix that, or something? Because I would prefer to have both characters on one account and then be able to keep my stuff between my characters and bring in more money and all that good stuff, obviously. I don't think there is a fix, or at the very least it would require trying to contact SEGA and I don't live in Japan so they won't do anythihng about it, but I figured I would ask.

Netro Shine
Dec 4, 2014, 06:57 PM
For the one character on your account thing, do you happen to have another character on a different Ship? Because your account has a limited number of characters, but those characters can be split between Ships however you so choose: you could have 10 characters on one Ship, or 1 character on all 10 Ships. If that's the case, you can delete the extra you have floating around and after 24 hours, you'll have a slot open up that you can remake that character in. Outside of that, it's strange you'd only be able to make one character.

For the multiple class configuration, sure you lose out on the Mag related stuff, but let's say you're running a Techer/Hunter, you can also raise your Fighter, then run a Fighter/Hunter build that at least mostly overlaps with your Techer/Hunter build. It gives you a little variety, only real thing you'll lose out on is optimizing your Mag, but you can have multiple classes work for combinations like I have a toon that can do Bouncer/Hunter, Braver/Hunter, and their inverted counterparts just fine. Since I use all striking based aspects of the classes as well, I just made an S-ATK Mag and armor kit. I lose some Skill Points to taking main only Skills, but I'm fine with it.

As for how to best deal with the tedious and repetitive grinding. Well, I played original PSO which became a grind once you got into Ultimate, so I have a lot of patience for it in general. I guess that's one thing. Another would be to find a route that works best for you; learn which COs unlock when, how valuable they are, and which you can pile on top of each other to optimize EXP and do it. Having buddies to run you through stuff also helps out a ton.

Dec 4, 2014, 07:10 PM
I don't have an extra character on that account on another ship that I'm aware of but I will check again. If I have a character on ship 1, will that character show up in the character selection screen if I'm trying to access another ship, like ship 2? If they show up when trying to access a different ship, then I definitely don't have another character. If not, it could be possible I made one a long time ago and forgot. I will check next time I'm on. But otherwise, the account only allows me one. Maybe it's a weird glitch from when they updated the game? Like the account just never accepted the change? I don't know. Annoying though.

I'm more of a striking person but, unfortunately, when I made my Techer I planned on using techniques more often than I do so I created a T-Atk Mag and now I never use techs, aside from support ones, so now I'm wishing I had made a S-Atk mag but I don't have the ability to reset my mag or buy a new one. But for me to switch with my Techer to a Braver wouldn't work with my mag because of the lack of S-Atk. I've also heard that Dex is a good mag to go with for a Braver (though I could be wrong) and I have no Dex on my mag.

I don't have much patience but I should probably learn some. I suppose I could attempt to push through it. I also lack in the friends department when it comes to PSO2. I've always been more of a solo person when it comes to games but I'm beginning to learn with harder difficulties comes more need to find friends, but I don't have any on here so I have no one to party with as of yet.

Dec 4, 2014, 07:36 PM
I don't think 800AC for a new character slot and mag ticket is that steep - that's around the price of a movie ticket. If you'll be playing PSO2 for longer than the average movie this month, I'd say find a way to save up the US$10 to buy 1000AC via PSO2es. The Japanese yen is very weak right now so conversion rates are in your favor.

Dec 4, 2014, 07:37 PM
If you enjoy Techer, but wish for more variety, you can use subclass weapons. Since you are more inclined to use melee weapons, Te/Hu would probably be best for this. Both wired lances and partisans are very good options to have in addition to wands. Te/Br is similar, katana don't offer much beyond Asagiri dashing and Combat Finish, but bows have Banish Arrow for absurd tech damage. Te/Fi is technically an option, but Fighter weapons have little to offer to a Te/Fi.

Unfortunately, having a T-ATK mag is a bit of a handicap for a Te/Hu (it's perfectly fine for Te/Br though). You should definitely be able to make a second character, so once you identify and remove the obstruction preventing you from doing so, you could try making an S-ATK mag for that character and play melee classes on it.

If you'd rather play Braver, you can opt for S-ATK for katana usage, R-ATK for bow usage, or DEX for both. Keep in mind, ATK usage isn't just the main weapon, but any matching subclass weapons too, and technically gunslashes too (though they aren't too handy for a Braver currently). Also, Br/Hu does both striking and ranged attacks well because of Hunter's high multipliers for both types of attacks, but leans toward striking, so you could go S-ATK but still be able to competently use bows as a Br/Hu.

As far as the rising difficulty of quests, the entire game is solo friendly if you are equipped adequately, barring SHAQs (VHAQs are 1 cap cost so they're fine) and XQs (unless you're very good). If you ever run into obstacles with difficulty, you can upgrade your gear instead of making friends to help you out. I've been a solo player almost my entire time playing PSO2, and I can say that regular play won't accomplish much, but it's a slow and steady kind of thing. EQs are the most rewarding thing to do in terms of EXP, so keep an eye out for those, and be patient. VHAQs aren't bad for leveling when you have access to them either, they'll help you reach SH levels, but EQs are definitely the thing to do. Make sure to use EXP boosters if you have any when you run them.

Dec 4, 2014, 08:29 PM
You can solo SHAQs as long as you have good AoE damage and can do sustainable damage from range. You just need to control PSE bursts so that they happen in a corner and mobs keep spawning from the same points. That and they seem to have upped the drop rate on capsules after UQs were introduced. It's pretty much spawn camping and doesn't look very glamorous but there you go - solo SHAQs.

Netro Shine
Dec 4, 2014, 08:54 PM
If you log into a Ship, only characters you have on that Ship will show up, so to confirm that you don't have toons on other Ships, you'll have to log onto each individual Ship.

I guess it's also useful to note that even if you play solo, partying up with NPCs gives you an EXP bonus, and certain circumstances will be adjusted to your party size, like a basic Code Attack will give you 3 enemies when you're by yourself, 4 when you have 1 or 2 buddies along, and 5 enemies when you have a full group (in the Coastal Ecological Survey specifically; I haven't payed much mind to it elsewhere, but Emergency Trials do scale in a similar fashion universally). Likewise, bringing NPC buddies will give you 10%(for 1) / 15%(for 2) / 20%(for 3) more EXP. Bringing players will net you 20%/30%/40% more EXP, so doing an Emergency Quest with a full party will get you an additional 40% more EXP for simply grouping up. This information is under the Party section of the Swiki (http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3% 83%BC).

Another note about buddies in PSO2 is that the game is literally built to encourage party play. Scaling number of enemies, scaling EXP for having more players in your party, Photon Blast Chains, scaling Emergency Trials, and the fact that we're allowed to shove up to 12 people in the same area in a lot of places are all concepts of design SEGA put in to encourage players to work together. You can solo the entire game; it's not actually that difficult, but stuff like Time Attacks, where you can earn a lot of money with little effort, take significantly longer by yourself than with buddies (especially in the Naberius, Vopar, and Lillipia TAs where parts or all of the TA is built to be run by multiple people simultaneously). Stages like Extreme Quests (and I have been told enemy counts in Advance Quests; have not personally investigated) do not scale though, so if you want to have an easy time, you can play with a full party, but if you want to test your skills, you can run them solo.

As for your Mag issues, by default your base defensive stats should get decently high without any investment at higher levels, and there are a small handful of weapons that rely on your defensive stats instead of DEX or an offensive stat to equip in most weapon categories. They may not be the most preferable weapons or the easiest to get your hands on, but they are out there and options you may look into.

Dec 4, 2014, 08:54 PM
You can solo SHAQs as long as you have good AoE damage and can do sustainable damage from range. You just need to control PSE bursts so that they happen in a corner and mobs keep spawning from the same points. That and they seem to have upped the drop rate on capsules after UQs were introduced. It's pretty much spawn camping and doesn't look very glamorous but there you go - solo SHAQs.

Maybe it's because I literally solo (no support partners), but it seems pretty hit and miss when it comes to gathering enough capsules to sustain another run. Thinking about it, support partner spawns should be good, so it's just late floor XQs where they start throwing multiple bosses at once that make them a little questionable to solo. If you can manage that, then you're golden.

@Netro: AQs do scale based on player count. Whoever told you otherwise is full of it. Also, about defensive stats and equips, literally the only case where you cannot equip something at maxed level is T-DEF with casts, so it would be safe to say there is zero reason to invest into any DEF stat on a mag, nothing of value is lost to a cast currently.

Netro Shine
Dec 4, 2014, 09:20 PM
Also, about defensive stats and equips, literally the only case where you cannot equip something at maxed level is T-DEF with casts, so it would be safe to say there is zero reason to invest into any DEF stat on a mag, nothing of value is lost to a cast currently.
The point wasn't that they should invest points into defensive stats in Mags, the point is that there are weapons available that can be readily used without investing in their primary attack stat at all.

They're usually not the best choices, but they are usually multiclass and something that can be used, like the Susano Hiki is the Bullet Bow I picked up because I can use it as Hunter/Braver and it requires T-DEF instead of R-ATK or DEX. My Mag is all S-ATK and some DEX, but carrying the Susano Hiki gives me an attack option and I can use it regardless if I'm Braver/Hunter or Hunter/Braver.

AQs do scale based on player count.
So you should always bring a full party, regardless if they're NPCs or players, into AQs.

Dec 4, 2014, 11:51 PM
The point wasn't that they should invest points into defensive stats in Mags, the point is that there are weapons available that can be readily used without investing in their primary attack stat at all.

I get that, just trying to put it more firmly for the benefit of OP. By itself, the message was probably clear, but it doesn't hurt to restate things more clearly, to erase possibilities for misunderstanding. But at the same time, T-DEF on a cast was actually a really good option for equipping White Tail back when that was an important unit, so making notes of exceptions should be taken into account too. Casts are the only race to have negative stats in any area of DEF, so sometimes they simply can't equip T-DEF stuff, and may require points in T-DEF the same way they don't need DEX to equip things that some races do. This has never been the case for any other race in any area of DEF for a weapon, so it isn't necessarily obvious, even though this can be pretty important to keep in mind if playing a cast.

Personally I would just go straight ATK in the most relevant area and leave it at that. Pretty good freemium solution, and sometimes equipping stuff actually isn't worth the loss in ATK. Using mags for equipping stuff is fine and all, but the ATK gain is important too.

Dec 5, 2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks guys for all your help. I started playing this game back when it was in Beta and I had two accounts because you could only make one character per account, and then left the game for awhile and came back after the DDOS. But apparently I had made a character on ship 6, from before I knew ship 2 was the place to be, way back then and forgotten about her so now she's being deleted, though I wish I could skip the 24 hours thing but oh well. I'm also going to look into AC to maybe make a third character for extra money and stuff with things like dailies and Time Attacks. Arks-Layer says it's $15 for 1000 WM? But I don't know that means. How much AC is it for certain things, like making another character, and if I delete that character for whatever reason, will I still keep the slot for that character, or would I have to buy another one?

But thanks for the tips on solo-ing. I didn't know NPCs counted in the boosting of exp. I typically take at least one, usually my support partner, in to a quest with me. Two or three if I'm fighting a boss and depending which boss it is. But for the boost, I'll just start taking a full party with me all the time. I hadn't actually met anyone else who went solo like that so it's nice to see someone. I know the game is geared towards partying but I just prefer to go at my own pace and do my own thing so I only ever deal with NPC party members.

Thanks for your help :)

Dec 5, 2014, 09:24 AM
Well Arks Layer has a very high markup, yes :p

AIDA posted another way to get AC here if you have an Android phone: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218485

New character slot is 500AC

New mag is 300AC (don't buy a Mag reset until you run out of slots for new mags, Mag reset is 500AC)

The ideal exchange rate should be US$0.82 = 100 JPY = 100WM = 100AC. However, there's markups in between for exchange rate, seller markup etc so the actual USD price ends up slightly higher.

Buying via PSO2es gets you very close to the ideal rate since you're buying AC directly, so the only middleman is Google. Buying WebMoney via a vendor means there's at least two middlemen involved, i.e. the person selling you WM and WebMoney Corp itself, so that's typically more expensive.

Netro Shine
Dec 5, 2014, 10:55 AM
About the extra character, and don't quote me specifically on this because it's been a long while since I've deleted an extra character and sometimes things do change (it's been the most of 2 years), but when I last did it, deleting the character meant permanently losing that slot. Somebody may have more updated information than me, but between the eventual All Skill Tree Reset Passes and being able to get a Makeover Pass and Mag Pass, as long as your character starts off the right race, almost everything else can be reconfigured later if you're not content, though it may cost you AC (Mags will cost you AC as far as I know, but they gave out Makeover Passes in a recent Bingo; I have 5 passes as of now).

SEGA's been a lot more generous as of late than before Episode 3, so things may change; always keep that in mind. Also, the 24 hour thing with deleting your character is so that way if you decide you want to keep that character, you can reclaim them; it's a safety net SEGA introduced because I guess a few players accidentally deleted extra toons.

Dec 5, 2014, 12:26 PM
One thing about extra party members if you plan to solo stuff, if you run something like Bal Rodos or Blu Ringahda and they have some kind of "weakened stance" where they expose their weak point and let you beat on them, the time they do this depends on how many people are there. So if you bring npcs they will get up sooner and you have less time to beat on them. I dont bring npcs for these bosses.

Actually this week I deleted an old character I made on the wrong ship and now I have an extra slot.

Dec 5, 2014, 01:01 PM
About the extra character, and don't quote me specifically on this because it's been a long while since I've deleted an extra character and sometimes things do change (it's been the most of 2 years), but when I last did it, deleting the character meant permanently losing that slot.

The AC options buy characters, as opposed to slots. EP2 added a second character slot for all accounts that functions identically to the first one, but any character purchased with AC will not leave the slot they take up behind if they are deleted. So yeah, deleting a character pre-EP2 would lose the slot forever, but now, it's possible to delete a second character and reuse the slot they took up.

Dec 5, 2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks for the info on AC. I think I'm mostly set but I have one other question which totally isn't related to the topic of this thread but I figured while I was here I would ask, instead of making another thread for it.

Affixing. I never worried about it before because I wasn't at a point where I was grinding and caring about buffing my equipment. But now I'm getting further into the game and I'm getting better equipment and planning things out and stuff and I heard that affixing is incredibly important for end game goals. But I'm lost as to what affixing actually entails. I was never able to find a thorough guide on it or anything and the only time I ever attempted anything with it was for the Arks Road thing with Jean's client orders... So basically, can someone explain affixing to me or point me in the direction of a guide for it?

Dec 5, 2014, 06:54 PM
Try this (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3205325&postcount=17).