View Full Version : [PSO2-Ship2] exceRPt semi-RP team recruiting! (actually not that much)

Jan 18, 2015, 11:36 AM
25/08/2015 Update : Recruitment is closed-off-ish. It's not completely, but my schedule makes it hard really keep in touch a lot and stuff like that. Sorry! But rest assured, it's not complete shutdown.

Hello and welcome to this recruitment thread!

I, Dycize, am the leader of the (at the time of this post) 1 week old exceRPt semi-RP team on PSO2, ship 2.

As you can all guess, we are looking for people. We have a core group of members made up of various PSO2 old timers (admittedly still not a lot).

Of course you might wonder "why should I join?" and "what the heck is semi-RP anyway?".
Admittedly "RP friendly" would be a better term to use but let's not stop at such details.
RP being, of course, RolePlaying, the act of, well, acting out your character in the game as they would in the world of PSO2.
A good deal of our current members are RPers themselves, but if you are just looking for a friendly team to play with, it's fine! You are welcome.

Onto the specifics :
The goal of this team is to provide an environment for RPers to gather on ship2 (and I know there are out there) all while providing people to play with.
As such, the team chat is entirely O(ut)O(f)C(haracter), which means no need to play pretend all the time.
The team is, by no means, hardcore, but some of us like to actually play the game. TAs and XQs? For sure, we can (and will) do that!
As for Team Orders... Well we got pretty much all the bases covered (which means the team level is maxed and we got a fancy room), but I'll gladly encourage people to gather TPs, if only for the photon tree (it's a cool thing!).

Who to ask for recruitment and how?
Quite obviously, you can contact me, either in this thread or by PM or leaving me a message on my profile.
In game, you can contact me (player ID : タルニク) or our manager Chitsuki (player ID : Massaki).
You can also show interest at the PSO2 RP group (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/group.php?groupid=452) here on PSOW, from which a bunch of our members are (but not all, of course).

And thus, I look forward to applicants!

PS : Being a nice person is also something we're looking for. Oh and, just in case, it's better if you're fine with mature topics. You never know what someone's gonna say and I'd rather have people warned.

Jan 28, 2015, 06:28 AM
ey, I would be interested in joining, I am back from a break and looking to get back into PSO2, my main is a Newman Fo/Fi (47/33) (may be swapping to Fo/Br (47/12)

I also have a Dewman Fi/Hu (35/30).

I run on UK time in the evening (7pm till around midnight) I am social and will be quite active.

Chara:- Katrii
Player ID:- PhilB

Jan 29, 2015, 12:04 AM
Sounds interesting, on what time region is your team active? I'm in Asian time region

Jan 29, 2015, 03:27 AM
Our team's scattered a bit everywhere.
We have people in NA, me and some are in EU and we also have people in Asia.
If you're interested I recommend trying to contact Skye, he's also in Asia so it shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of him.

Mar 27, 2015, 11:45 PM
Boopity bump.

For any Roleplayers out there, the general RP community is slowly growing larger on Ship 02 in and outside of our team. We're still accepting members who are interested. Whether or not RP is your thing we still look forward to playing with you!

Aug 18, 2015, 09:02 PM
I'm in this team and it really needs players... most of our current members left to play FF14for teh time being and may never come back sadly, but I'll be here always to help anyone that is new and old to PSO 2 JP alike.

I'm NA east coast so you may or may not see me on ever if you are a different time zone or be just waking up when I'm going off to bed.

Aug 18, 2015, 09:52 PM
Looking to join lvl 17 Ranger quite new to the game used to play psu on 360
My sega id is bullet420 and my character name is Bullet

Aug 20, 2015, 10:06 AM
I've only ever done text roleplay, but I wouldn't mind checking this out, roleplay or not.

My SID is ziggykiwi. My character's name is Dandy. <3

Aug 20, 2015, 11:22 PM
I feel sorry for any one in your Team who ends up taking advice from Yumiko.

Aug 21, 2015, 04:19 AM
Not like I asked for this bump...
Or that Yumi is even able to recruit...
...And I think most of our current players are experienced enough to not need help.

Aug 22, 2015, 07:01 AM
I may well be interested, I'm a new player but interested in RPing. I think I'm a nice person.

Not sure exactly what's going on from the last couple of posts, but if you are recruiting I would love to give your team a shot.

Aug 22, 2015, 01:41 PM
Sure, PM me your IG info?
And don't mind the last couple posts, it's a boring story.

Aug 24, 2015, 11:03 AM
I'm still interested.
My IG info is on the last page. IGN Dandy, PID ziggykiwi.
I'm almost level 40.. I hope I'm not too off from the other members, lol.
PSO2 is getting boring with solo play. </3