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View Full Version : Weekly Maintenance 02/12/2015 (Wednesday)

Manta Oyamada
Feb 5, 2015, 01:14 PM
Pre-Patch Schedule

Date: Feb 6th @ 14:00 (JST)
Size: 1356MB

Manual Pre-Patch Feb 6th: https://mega.co.nz/#!5tsRwKiA!OeEiQbuth5ZpTlryRDbXJpvtxaRP46jNCzNvzyD uYcM

Another patch will be distributed during maintenance on February 12th, 2015 ^^;

Manta Oyamada
Feb 5, 2015, 01:18 PM
Weekly Maintenance Details:

Date: 02/12/2015 (Wednesday)

Expected Time Duration: 09:00 ~ 17:00
Expected Game Patching Time: 12:00

PC Details:

Game Launcher Version: Version 03.00.01
Client Version: ver. 3.0401.0

Time of Prepatch: 2/6/2015 @ 14:00 JST
Prepatch Size: 1356MB
Manual Pre-Patch: https://mega.co.nz/#!5tsRwKiA!OeEiQbuth5ZpTlryRDbXJpvtxaRP46jNCzNvzyD uYcM
Total Update Size: 1.3GB
If Pre-patched: 43MB

Vita Details: Via "LiveArea"

Client Version: 3.14
Game Update Size: 839MB

PSN Maintenance: 2/13/2015
PSN Maintenance Time: 0:30~10:00 JST

Expected New Contents & Changes:

Episode 3 Hotfixes
Doko Demo Issyo AC Collaboration
The Ocean Menace Emergency Quest
New 11-Star and 12-Star weapons
Casino's new Feature: Black Nyak with New Casino Merchandises
7-11 inside the Arks Ship
FREEDOM WARS AC Collaboration
Mesetan Shooter Penalty Nerf

Feb 5, 2015, 01:29 PM

Feb 5, 2015, 01:32 PM

New contents.

Feb 5, 2015, 01:55 PM
No matter how you slice it, that date is a Thursday.

Feb 5, 2015, 02:01 PM
Yes, because Maintenance is on the Thursday this time.

edit: Oh I see, the title says it's a Wednesday, lol.

Feb 5, 2015, 03:39 PM
The patching time is also only 10 hours, not 12

Feb 5, 2015, 05:27 PM
Mesetan Shooter Penalty Nerf

Fucking hell is this about to make Umblla less of a "you lose" occurrence? Sick of that twat blocking all my king mesetans. The least they could've done is make him drop more than 3-8 measly coins for him cockblocking an entire wave.

Manta Oyamada
Feb 8, 2015, 09:58 AM
Manual Pre-Patch Feb 6th add

Feb 8, 2015, 12:00 PM
Those "new content", so unappealing. They better start to deliver real fresh content soon...

Feb 8, 2015, 12:07 PM
Those "new content", so unappealing. They better start to deliver real fresh content soon...

Same old same old.

Feb 8, 2015, 12:23 PM
Same old same old.
Recently they keep dicking with their "XH support" and new toy weapon with like +25 attack, but no real content.
It feels like EP1 summer all over again, but with webpanel event this time around.

Feb 8, 2015, 02:08 PM
Only things on my to do list are DOs, tacos once a week, and have fodder ready for boost week sometime next month. Not even hanging around to see what EQ pops these days.

Feb 8, 2015, 03:04 PM
To do list :

-Challenge Dudu to a fight
-Level my new char
-Wait for AIS vs Magatsu and C-Mode

Feb 8, 2015, 03:21 PM
Those "new content", so unappealing. They better start to deliver real fresh content soon...

Only things on my to do list are DOs, tacos once a week, and have fodder ready for boost week sometime next month. Not even hanging around to see what EQ pops these days.
My Team and I already got fodder for Boost Week. It took us almost one month to get all the needed materials/Mesetas. Maybe you 'old-old-old-nothing-to-do' ones should have used that spare time to work instead of whining. We always have something to do and I really don't understand how many of you can be bored stiff. :-?

Feb 8, 2015, 03:26 PM
My Team and I already got fodder for Boost Week. It took us almost one month to get all the needed materials/Mesetas. Maybe you 'old-old-old-nothing-to-do' ones should have used that spare time to work instead of whining. We always have something to do and I really don't understand how many of you can be bored stiff. :-?

Say what you want I'm bored as fuck of anga! I hit 1500 today, still got nothing on Bellion ; _;

Feb 8, 2015, 03:42 PM
My Team and I already got fodder for Boost Week. It took us almost one month to get all the needed materials/Mesetas. Maybe you 'old-old-old-nothing-to-do' ones should have used that spare time to work instead of whining. We always have something to do and I really don't understand how many of you can be bored stiff. :-?

It's almost like you didn't read.

Could you please stop responding to posts you don't read?

As a matter of fact, if someone has a grievance about the game, don't even post about it. Most of your posts complaining about people complaining about the stagnant state game is just a waste of space.

Feb 8, 2015, 03:45 PM
My Team and I already got fodder for Boost Week. It took us almost one month to get all the needed materials/Mesetas. Maybe you 'old-old-old-nothing-to-do' ones should have used that spare time to work instead of whining. We always have something to do and I really don't understand how many of you can be bored stiff. :-?

Some people already did this, you know. Some people even have their gear affixed without boost week. Because some work more efficiently than you and your team, so they make time to spare.

That's why.

Also yeah, seriously, Maninbluejumpsuit mentioned getting fodder for boost week in their post. Can you please stop posting if you're not going to read and think about what other people are saying instead of jumping in to criticize people?

Feb 8, 2015, 10:27 PM
My Team and I already got fodder for Boost Week. It took us almost one month to get all the needed materials/Mesetas. Maybe you 'old-old-old-nothing-to-do' ones should have used that spare time to work instead of whining. We always have something to do and I really don't understand how many of you can be bored stiff. :-?
lol how new are you, newfriend.
I got lots of fodders and meseta in my storage, mostly leftover from the last affix, i don't have plan to upgrade my gears since i already did on the last 5% boost week.
All of the other contents are just consist of the same thing, from the very beginning until the "end-game".
If people been playing the same content over and over again for 3 years, of course they tend to whine out of boredom. Let's just face it.
Just because you didn't do it yet it doesn't mean the content still fresh or not boring.

Why are you loves to be SEGA's whiteknight so much, mr. leave sega alone?
Suddenly i just remember how an user being whiteknight on the one maintenance, and then HDD burst happen, he made thread to apologize.
I hope you didn't end up like him... damn all of those spaghettis

Feb 9, 2015, 02:08 AM
Is there a big update soon or this prepatch is just for future dripfeed?

Feb 9, 2015, 02:59 AM
Is there a big update soon or this prepatch is just for future dripfeed?
Mostly contain new costume and weapons.

Feb 9, 2015, 04:01 AM
inb4 c-mode only has 3 missions that are exactly the same each time and it takes a year for 1 more mission to get added.

Feb 9, 2015, 04:23 AM
Wished they would just bring out the next UQ already, or atleast make 12*s attack almost match 13*s because i see no point in getting 12*s if 13*s are much more superior.

Feb 9, 2015, 05:49 AM
i see no point in getting 12*s if 13*s are much more superior.

Fun latent abilities, duh

Feb 11, 2015, 01:16 PM
Wished they would just bring out the next UQ already, or atleast make 12*s attack almost match 13*s because i see no point in getting 12*s if 13*s are much more superior.

There's 11s that beat 12s. Many recent 12s are trips down memory lane rather than real substance thanks to mismatched, and overmatched latents.

Feb 11, 2015, 01:29 PM
This is a perfect opportunity to make crafting weapons more relevant.
Introduce 12* crafting. Gold weapon mats are introduced. Recipes requires them and excubes.
Sudden large attack boost for every weapon below 13*.
Not sure what they plan on doing with the element situation though. I wonder if they will ever up the limit somehow for every other weapon. They'll probably do it in a way that doesn't require additional weapons for attribute grinding.

Feb 14, 2015, 12:04 PM
Surprised no one has noted this yet. Gunners showtime cooldown has now been moved to after One More TIme proc so you can't 24/7 Showtime anymore (assuming you dont get hit). On that note if you have max PP before using Showtime you no longer get a PP increase with your PP cap increase. So you start out -32 up to -50pp off the bat now.

Just little things I wanted to note that they changed last maint for anyone that actually plays gunner for gunner still.

Feb 14, 2015, 12:53 PM
There was a 15 second delay before, you're saying they removed that delay to One More Time, and then added it back? Sucks at the pp.

Feb 14, 2015, 01:07 PM
Ok so before you could use Showtime, not get hit making One More Time activate. After that ended you could use Showtime again instantly. In short 24/7 showtime if you didn't take hits. Now there is a 15 second cooldown even after One More Time. Could of easily been a bug but this isn't the first time Sega changed something on Gunner and never made note of it on the patch details.

To break it down: Before last patch

1. Start Showtime (Don't get hit)
2. One More Time activates
3. One More Time ends. Start Showtime.

Now its
1. Start Showtime (Don't get hit)
2. One More Time activates
3. One More Time ends. Showtime enters 15 seconds cooldown so you can't reactivate it.

Before the cooldown was only preset if you took a hit making One More Time not activate.

Using showtime before last patch when you had max PP would grant you PP with your PP cap increase. For example with me I would have 13x PP and have 172 after showtime, and if I had max PP before using it I would still have all 172. Now you just get the PP cap increase and not the bonus PP if you had max PP before using it.

They could of been bugs, but you think Sega would of at least taken the time to inform us before changing it .. and not just let us find out the hard way like one of their other Gunner stealth patches.

Feb 14, 2015, 01:19 PM
As far as I can remember, that happened around 1-2 patch after implementation, or maybe after last fixing patch.

And if I remember it right, you can use ShowTime - OneMoreTime - ShowTime without any cd ... but the 2nd ShowTime will have 15s cd without OneMoreTime activating at the end of 2nd ShowTime. So, 135s (45s + 45s + 45s) active time, and 15s cd should you managed to evade all kinds of damage in the mean time (or just the 1st ShowTime, to activate OneMoreTime once).

Edit : and yeah, I didn't see any patch notes about that. Just felt it that way.

I'll check it again later after I wake up.