View Full Version : 1st of April

Mar 31, 2015, 07:42 PM
May as well preempt the day and have this ready for any venting.

Interestingly, April 1st holds its historic significance as the first day of a new year for me since it is the day that my substitute teaching permit expires and renews, so I am currently unable to take any job assignments that are for after April 1st until then. Fun times.

Mar 31, 2015, 11:47 PM
I just get endlessly irritated by all the slack-jawed fuckwits that fall for every website's lame "prank" every year, despite knowing it's April 1st.


Yeah, totally couldn't be fake! Not today of all days! Morons.

Actually be an adult and don't "celebrate" this holiday, huh? How 'bout that?

Apr 1, 2015, 05:47 AM
I only got a problem if its a malicious attempt at humor.
Like someone claiming X died, or y is having a baby or whatever. That's not fair and cool.
That'd also go for screamer thingers if you're bothered by that shit.

What can be amusing is what google does with their map this year or dumblr reviving Clippy the paperclip for their website (even if its annoying) that shit is light humored and good for a chuckle

Apr 1, 2015, 06:00 AM

Apr 1, 2015, 07:38 PM
Cool story bro? =0

Apr 1, 2015, 10:29 PM
One year, when I was in college, my friend called my dorm room phone at 2am (April 1st) to sing the Crossfire board game song to my roommate, who proceeded to assume someone was stalking us and knew about how we thought Crossfire was hilarious.

Apr 2, 2015, 05:05 AM
I read an article today about how some dipshit high schooler texted her parents saying "There's a shooter at school," as an April fools joke. You can imagine how that played out, I'm sure.

Apr 2, 2015, 05:13 PM
One year, when I was in college, my friend called my dorm room phone at 2am (April 1st) to sing the Crossfire board game song to my roommate, who proceeded to assume someone was stalking us and knew about how we thought Crossfire was hilarious.

Well, see, that's brilliant.

Apr 2, 2015, 07:41 PM
I read an article today about how some dipshit high schooler texted her parents saying "There's a shooter at school," as an April fools joke. You can imagine how that played out, I'm sure.

I fear for the next generation then....

Apr 2, 2015, 09:57 PM
Here's a fun story about what happened to my dad yesterday:
My dad works for an old friend of his who owns the company, so they are rather relaxed with each other even when working. My dad basically goes out around the county inspecting telephone poles and telecommunication manholes, but since it is a rather small contracting company he has to use his own truck to drive to each work site and pays for half of his gas from his own pocket, which is then partially reimbursed via his mileage expense report. Well, yesterday, his boss took him aside and told him that he was giving him an increase in the reimbursement; my dad calls my mom to let her know the good news, but after he hung up with her, he remembered what day it was. Again, my dad and his boss are old friends, and considering the kind of jokes my dad pulls on him on a regular basis, he doesn't put it past him that he was messing with him, so he ends up mulling it over in his head the entire day until he can get back to the office. When he asks him if it was a joke, his boss starts laughing. He said he had completely forgotten it was April Fool's day, and the pay increase was true, but that my dad worrying about it all day inadvertently ended up being the perfect prank. My dad proceeded to cuss him out, in a good-natured way of course.

Apr 9, 2015, 03:18 PM
I spat out a poor quality chapter in an hour and a half and threw it on my story thread. It was fun.

I honestly love April Fool's. I'm a huge fan of satire, so seeing so much of it in one day is always a joy for me. Of course, because I'm so used to it, none of it gets me. So maybe I'm not experiencing the same frustration as everyone else.