View Full Version : My Shop Changes....

Manta Oyamada
Apr 9, 2015, 08:23 PM
Original Text :-o

マイショップの商品検索に関する負荷軽減対策のため、マイショップ出店の有効期限が切れた日時、および最終 ログイン日時から60日以上が経過したユーザーの出品アイテムについて、運営倉庫に移動させていただく対応 を2015年4月15日(水)の定期メンテナンスにて、実施させていただく予定です。

Translate Text by Jayson Li ^^

Sega decided to decrease the burden of My shop selling list by taking down the item that are put in sell after 60 day My shop usage expire. Taking place next maintenance :(


Perfect Chaos
Apr 9, 2015, 08:28 PM
I thought that was already a thing that's happening? Unless they changed the amount of days or something.

Apr 9, 2015, 08:37 PM
Yeah, I could swear that this was already the case. Odd.

Apr 9, 2015, 09:06 PM
This was never happening at all, as my own shop has a few items listed in there for well over 3 months.

In any case, the game will update so that items are removed from shops when 2 conditions are met.

1. The myshop ticket or premium sub has expired
2. The user hasn't logged in for 60 days.

This should help alleviate the load on searches when currently it would display items in shop, even from users who may have quit the game. Like all the people using shop for faux storage, with their 999999999 pricing.

Apr 9, 2015, 09:13 PM
I remember this being mentioned around the time the bots/players were amassing loads of junk and after a few months none of it was being bought so they implemented this timer on player shops (especially for stuff that was put at max amount or simply a grinder for 50mill) so it would relieve this issue.

So whats the deal, they're gonna enforce it better?

Apr 9, 2015, 09:16 PM
This is from the last time this happened:

運営倉庫に移動させていただく対応を2014年10月29日(水)の定期メンテナンスにて、実施させていた だく予定です
運営倉庫へ移動する対応は2014年10月29日(水)の定期メンテナンスにて、完了いたしま した。
(The storage migration is set to be enacted on the 2014/10/29 maintenance / the storage migration has been completed on the 2014/10/29 maintenance)

So it appears to be not an automated feature, but just a 1-time thing they perform from time to time.