View Full Version : new ENG Patch, causing Blackscreen, what to do ? wait?

Jun 9, 2015, 11:25 PM
hi, i downloaded the prepatch, and installed the prepatch / downloaded the rest of the files, it downloaded the eng patch and large files, and then i had a blackscreen.

so i checked for deleted/empty files and old/missing files.

now it works again, but it's all in japanese. so it removed some eng stuff i guess. i restarted pso2.exe (i mean tweaker), and now it says its time to install the prepatch data. so i reinstalled just the prepatch data and it works again, but still no eng translation.

so what i want to know from you now is:

1. i tried installing just the ENG PATCH, and it seems to break my pso2, i always get a blackscreen after the cutscene then. do i have to wait for a quick hotfix/engpatch update now and rather not install it? or what?

Jun 10, 2015, 02:48 AM
bump guys, pls at least talk to me :D

Jun 10, 2015, 03:59 AM
k i figured it out, u have to update the old method , and then install every english stuff new.