View Full Version : FanFic: The Crimson Glare (Chapter 7: FedUp)

Apr 23, 2003, 08:55 PM
Okay, this is Hunter Daigoyin. I hope at least one person reads this, so here we go!

The Crimson Glare
Chapter 1
History: The Past and the Present

The setting is the Central Dome. In the central dome is an abundance of people, bickering among each other.
"I tell you doctor, there's an abnormal growth of photon energy right beneath our feet!"
"There's nothing to fear, this will pass." the doctor, a Newman, answered.
"But doc!"
"Look, nothing's going to happen."
"Dr. Black--"
"I told you not to worry. Besides, you're a bodyguard, you shouldn't worry about it."
"Remember the dealings of Dr. Osto? He's not faring so well with Beta772"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
The bodyguard had a look of terror. "What if... it has something to do with the ruins?"
"Poppycock!" The doctor adjusted his eyeglasses. "There's nothing down there."
"You haven't been there..." the bodyguard trembled. "Everything there, it's overwhelming! The monsters--"
"There are no--" An earthquake struck. The surrounding shockwave surrounded the area.
The doctor was down on the ground, when a tannish shoe was at his head, which kicked him back to the wall.
"Who the... no... not... you..." The doctor collapsed.
The bodyguard was staring a crimson stare at the Doctor, behind him, a shadow of dark proportions...
Pioneer 2 has reached the orbit of Ragol.
"Attention all passengers," a voice over the loudspeaker announced, "we have reached Ragol, I repeat, we have reached Ragol"
A young FOnewearl girl got up from her bed. She had a blue-and-white costume, the light reflecting off her brown eyes. Half-asleep, she went over to the bathroom, missing the door by an inch.
"Ouch, why does the doc move this door?" she muttered while washing her face. From there she rushed to the Hunters Guild.
"Excuse me, but have you seen Dr. Whitill?"
"No young miss, but I've seen his androids, K-Type 01 and Tipe 0."
"Okay then." The FOnewearl nodded and waved in a childlike gesture. She then ran into who she looked for, a RAcaseal with pink-and-yellow "hair" hanging down in a ponytail and a pink costume, a with skin plating that would make anyone mistake her for a human.
"Do you need to see Master Whitill?"
"Yes Kyako, where is he?"
"He's in the shop, having a tussle with someone."
"Not again... let's go Kyako."
"Yes Mistress Relana."
Before they got to the shop, though, a HUmar with a purple costume and medium-length turquoise hair stopped them.
"Well well well, what are two cute girls doing here?" The HUmar stuck out his arm in handshake gesture. The two just looked at him.
"Er..." Relana said in dumbfounded emotion, "who are you?"
The HUmar stuck his middle and index fingers out. "I am the hero of the helpless, I assist all who need it, I am the legendary Marth!" Marth then got whacked in the head by Relana.
"Do you have to be an idiot?"
"That was uncalled for..."
Marth and the two girls parted ways when a tantrum was thrown in the shop.
Relana heard from behind the door. "This is gonna be a long day..."
Whatdya think? Personally, I'd do more, but I need to remember the description of one of the characters, namely Dr. Whitill. *whacks own head*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2003-06-29 15:14 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2003-08-16 20:05 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2003-08-29 13:10 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2004-02-28 23:26 ]</font>

Apr 24, 2003, 12:28 AM
Intesting start, keep it up =^_^=

Apr 30, 2003, 07:51 PM
Chapter 2
The Ear, The Eye, and the Fist

"Aw, crud! I need to get back to Pioneer 2!" The voice came from a HUmar with teal hair covering his left eye and a ponytail in the back, with tan clothes. His opponent: the Sil Dragon.
"Okay, someone punched in the wrong coordinates for the teleporter."
The Sil Dragon dove into the ground. The HUmar ran past the first two dashes, but narrowly avoided the third spiral underground route.
"Okay that was close" he came to his senses and took out his Inferno Bazooka. When the Sil Dragon rose out of the ground, the HUmar ran back, waited until the dragon landed, and blasted it three times, taking it down.
"That...was harsh, frozen three times, almost out of TP, good thing I finished..." He panted and teleported back to Pioneer 2.
Over at the shop, Relana and Kyako opened the door to find two newmen, FOnewms to be exact. The first one was dressed in red, red hat, and red hair. The second one was in a black costume, sporting fancy sunglasses. The tekker tried to break up the fight, but got a cane right in his face.
"AW SHUT UP!" shouted the black-clothed FOnewm
Kyako whacked the red-haired one. "Dr. Whitill, don't be a fool, what the heck are you arguing about?"
The red-haired newman turned around and looked at Kyako. "Kyako? What are you doing--"
"The question?"
"Oh. I found this baton--"
Relana interrupted. "Um, Doc, don't you remember I have a Demon's Baton?"
The doc stood still for a moment. "Uh, is that better?"
The other newman whacked the doc. "Well, duh, with a special attribute."
Relana gave an innocent greeting. "Um, sorry about the doc, he may be smart, but he doesn't know anything about weapons."
The black-draped newman looked at Relana. "Heh heh, I guess the old doc has to know something."
The doc held the other newman up by the costume. "OLD!?! I'M NOT A DAY OVER 26 YOU YOUNG JERK!!!"
"JERK!?! WHY YOU--" before the newman finished, the doc was knocked out by a blow from Relana.
Relana then resumed her innocent look. "I'm sorry about that. So what's your name?"
The other newman smiled. "It's Ryker"
The forest, a lush place full of trees, grass, and your occasional hoard of Boomas. This particular hoard of Boomas happened to be marauding a FOmar and HUcast.
"Man, I hate beginning with training. Especially since I'm the trainer." said the FOmar, a shrimp in his standards with brown eyes, long brown hair, and an imperial-looking robe and hat.
"Master Whitill gave you the opportunity to help with his experiments." the HUcast spoke, An orange-and-black body with a point-tipped head.
"Yeah, the great Tipe 0, Dr. Whitill said 'training' and data analysis."
"Yes Rudolph, 'data analysis'"
Rudolph sighed. "You're hopeless." He knocked out some Boomas with a gifoie attack. On the other hand, Tipe 0 took out a few with daggers.
"Master Whitill sure didn't have any taste when looking for a hunter from the guild."
A Hildebear dropped from the sky right on Rudolph.
"OUCH!!! YOU SON OF A--" He got up and killed the Hildebear with two Barta techniques.
"Okay, I take that back." Tipe 0 responded. "You're a little better than I thought."
"A LITTLE!?!?!"
The HUmar walked to the shop after healing and went to the item shop.
"Excuse me, do you have some difluids?"
The shop person simply answered "yes."
"I'll take ten."
"Okay." The HUmar took the dimates and paid for them.
"Um..." the doc came through, "could you get of my back, it does hurt, you know."
The HUmar stepped back. "Oh crud, sorry about that."
Relana giggled. "Hey mister, what's your name?"
"It's Daigoyin"
"Daigoyin," the doctor said, "I believe I heard that name. Oh well..."
Rudolph was gnawing on Tipe 0's head while the android walked over to the teleporter.
"Hey, take that back! You're only a beginner! I'm twice as good as you!"
Tipe 0 stood still at the boss teleporter. "Something seems wrong here."
"Duh, high photon energy where a huge monster is."
The two went into the teleporter (Well, Tipe 0 went in. Rudolph hung on gnawing Tipe 0's head again)

The room was unlike the room of the dragon. The dragon lay dead on the floor and a teleporter was behind it.
"...right" Rudolph reluctantly stated. I don't remember anything about the dragon defeated. "Let's just go."
When they reached the teleporter, the dragon re-emerged, whacking Rudolph and Tipe 0 to their knees.
"Oh! That was CHEAP!" Rudolph yelled.
"We seem outmatched."
"Oh, right, I can defeat this guy alone easily. Just follow my lead."

May 2, 2003, 07:45 PM
haha it feels like im seriously playing pso right now.

May 31, 2003, 12:17 AM
Chapter 3
Danger A-Rye: Soul of a Hunter

The dragon roared and flew up.
"Oh great," Rudolph scorned, "How are we going to reach it up there?"
"Well 'genius', maybe you could use a zonde attack to hit him." Tipe 0 responded with a scorn of his own.
The dragon then dove into the ground. It was heading toward Tipe 0 with his back turned. When Rudolph saw it, he dashed toward Tipe 0. "You dolt! Get out of the way!" Rudolph dove toward Tipe 0-- and hit his head on the android. "Ow, ow, oww... Never dive-bomb an android out of the way." The dragon collided into Tipe 0 and Rudolph, and Tipe 0 landed on Rudolph.
"Oww... I think you broke a rib." Rudolph stated in pain.
"I don't have ribs, I have metal parts."
"No, I meant my rib."
Rudolph got up, seemingly whole, when he barely dodged the second attack. Tipe 0 wasn't so lucky.
"You bucket of bolts! This isn't too hard to dodge when tried! Just run!"
Tipe 0, on the other hand, was weary. "Can't go on..."
"I can't believe you..." Rudolph rushed toward Tipe 0 and healed him. "Now shape up!"
They both jumped out of the way as the dragon passed by both of them.
"Now what?" Tipe 0 asked.
"Wait for it..."
The dragon re-emerged from the ground and sent a shockwave out from its landing.
"The thing's pretty weak now, aim for the legs, and I'll get the head."
Tipe 0 continuously whacked the feet of the dragon-- and it collapsed on him.
"Yeah yeah, let me finish this, Tipe 0" Rudolph launched with a gibarta spell. The dragon struggled to get up, but once it did, it fell on its side (right on Tipe 0).
"Rudolph! I'll report this to Master Whitill!"
"Yeah, do that. I didn't want to train a cocky jerk anyhow!"
Back at Pioneer 2, Daigoyin was starting to leave.
"Hey, where are you going, Daigoyin?" Dr. Whitill asked.
"I've got to... er, I'm not feeling well. I'm going to get some fresh air." Daigoyin went to the teleporter. But then Tipe 0 and Rudolph entered the shop.
"Hey, I've got something to complain about." came from both Rudolph and Tipe 0.
The doctor looked at them both. "Yes? Tipe 0, go first."
"Okay doctor, this guy here is lacking the responsibility for his assignment, letting the dragon land on me TWICE!"
"Okay, Rudolph, you next."
"Dr. Whitill, you android needs to be less cocky and more.. how should I say this, logical!"
The doc nodded. "Hm... well then..." Rudolph pulled his lower eyebrow down and stuck his tongue out at Tipe 0. "I'll say... Rudolph, you're Tipe 0's new trainer!"
"WHAT!?!" both the android and kid responded.
"I'd think more logically if I wasn't whacked twice and stood on, so that's my decision!"
Everyone fell flat on their face.
Two men were discovering the water-filled caves. One was the HUmar known as Marth, but the other was a FOmar named Roy.
"Well Marth, I know the people from Black Paper are in this next room, so don't screw this up." Roy whispered.
"Oh what happened to that new girl, the one I saw higher above, oh..." Marth started to shout after, "Where have you gone my love!?!"
Roy clamped Marth's mouth shut. "I said don't screw this up."
They both heard voices from behind the door.
"Well, how is the plan?" a first voice came.
"We still need Dr. Osto's research to unlock the mystery of Beta772." another voice said.
"I know the info is over in No Man's Mines." the third voice, a woman, said.
Unfortunately, Marth recognized the voice and rushed in. "Heya sweetie! How are you doing this fine day?"
Roy looked down in disappointment. "I can't believe my brother does this..."
The patter of running over crumpled grass.
Two rangers are running across opposing sides of a rock in the forest.
"Drat that outlaw! She's gonna go down, I assure of it." The RAmar lifted a communicator. "Felici, I'm intercepting the outlaw, I found out her plan, she's gathering DNA from the creatures here for Black Paper." This particular ranger had decently long hair, a mechanical device covering his eye, a black cloth over his mouth, and a white, black, and faded turquoise getup. He rounded the corner and waited at the door. As he expected, the RAmarl opponent's black spiky hair, visor, and black costume came through the door-- right into a Visk 32W's shaft.
"Okay Whitful, you're caught.
Whitful didn't think so though. "Perhaps not..." she said as she quickly rushed behind the RAmar's back, aiming her own Visk point-blank. "Well, Dr. Mome--". The RAmar ducked down, slipping a pair of photon handcuffs on her. "Just because my name is Mome does not me you confuse me with that wimp."
Back at the caves where Marth barged in, five people were discussing the situation.
"Who the heck are these jerks!?!" a RAmar named Tonzlar yelled.
"These guys are going to ruin our plans!" Tobokke, the HUmar, screamed.
"Someone stay behind and get rid of these pests!" The FOnewm, Mujo, ordered.
"Yolanda, do you know this jerk?" Anna wondered aloud.
"Unfortunately, I had a run-in with this guy earlier." The HUnewearl Yolanda answered. "Let me handle this."
Mujo looked at Yolanda. "Okay then, Yolanda, you handle these two. Make sure they don't pass."
"Got it Mujo." Yolanda let the rest leave, then locked the doors. "Okay, Marth you're going to pay for your lecherous behavior."
"No, I must run from him... He's gone mad, ludicrously mad!!!"
Kireek was running from a lethal enemy, closing fast. "No!!!" He pulled out his new Soul Banish and swept a life-stealing blow to the enemy, but did nothing. The latter of the two struck down with a Dragon Slayer, cutting Kireek apart with three slices. Then he walked over and crushed Kireek's head... with his foot. "The infamous black hound of Pioneer 2? He was nothing. I'm looking for more challenge, if no one on this measly planet can supply that much, I'd be best off spreading the darkness for my whims." As his dark aura strengthened. he stared with crimson eyes right into Kireek's leftover database. "Heh heh heh. GWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"
Well, after stall, third one up! Not to stall until I do the next one (I hope not)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2003-06-04 18:23 ]</font>

May 31, 2003, 08:11 PM
Mome =p nice fic, i like the movie feeling to it keep up the good work.

May 31, 2003, 10:26 PM
Movie feeling? I don't know what you mean, but I gues I'll keep that up

As for the story with Mome, my sister couldn't think of a name for the character, I don't know how she thinks. On the other hand, with Roy and Marth, let's just say too much SSB:M

I'd like more reviews please, if you're reading. I don't even know if people are reading.

Jun 4, 2003, 08:23 PM
Like I told you, shes' definately at the SSBM fangirl age. Anyway, this is pretty funny. That dude at the end sounded like one of my older characters.

Jun 28, 2003, 11:49 PM
*Relieved sigh* that was a harder one, still with lag. Oh well, it's here.

Chapter 4:
The Dark Power Stalks Nearer

The battle at the waterfall didn't start so well...
"MARTH, YOU IDIOT!!! HOW COULD BE THAT LECHEROUS!?! I'M ASHAMED TO CALL YOU MY BROTHER!!! MAYBE THIS WILL SNAP SOME SENSE INTO YOU!!!" Roy yelled as he punched Marth upside the head both ways repeatedly.
"Ow! Oh come on! Hey--wait--stop it! Ouch!" Marth responded with a massive amount of pain.
Yolanda looked in stupefied awe, thinking do those idiots even need to be held back? I don't know how they even advanced to this point!
Roy finished pummeling Marth and got up (while Marth lay dizzied from the many blows, mumbling something about black rappies).

"Well," Roy said, "now that I got this annoying pest out of the way, how about we start this." Roy went into a horizontal-staff-holding position with his Battle Verge, while Yolanda took out some Grass Assassin Sabers. "Well, whoever you are, let's get started. But I don't think a force can stop me." Roy snickered. "Then you are certainly underestimating the power of a force."
Meanwhile, at the lava-filled caves above, a familiar group appeared...
"Master, what does this abnormally-high temperature room have to do with any of your studies?"
"Simple, this place holds the legendary Sange, within the heart of an enemy."
"Um... doc, how do you think we would find it if NONE OF US WOULD QUALIFY FOR IT!?!"
From Rudolph's shouting, the one's who spoke, Tipe 0 and Dr. Whitill, stepped back in surprise.
"Er... Rudolph," the doc responded in shock, "you never know who wants it. It's valued by many, and if we trade it in, we might get something good for it!" The doc laughed in idiotic maniacal laughter. Whitill stopped with Relana tapping his shoulder. "Um, doc, if the holder of the Sange, Zoke, died in the ruins, why should it be here?"
The doc quickly the subject. "Er... did I say the Sange? I meant gather info on sharks! That's what I meant!"
"What an idiot for a doc..." Rudolph scorned, followed by a whack in the head by Dr. Whitill. "What did you say? How about respecting your elders once in a while!?!"
Kyako interrupted the argument. "Excuse me Master Whitill, but shouldn't we worry about the Guil Sharks right behind us?"
Kyako shot the three sharks and knocked them back. "...those ones."
Whitill took out a wand and tried to attack, but did nothing. "Idiot" Rudolph angrily ridiculed the doctor. "Wands are only for upping your magic skill. They are useless as weapons."
"Well, maybe this will help!" Whitill launched a Gizonde attack, killing the Guil Sharks. "They must be weak if I could kill them in one shot."
Kyako looked at the doc. "Well, there are stronger ones."
Mome came back with Whitful in hand. "Well done, Mome" answered a RAmarl with a white-and-yellow camouflage costume. She flicked the back of her green hair back. "I see you got Whitful in hand."
"Yes Felici," Mome replied. "And about the money--"
"Yes, of course. 50/50, as I promised." Felici answered with a hint of seriousness.
"But why did you call me in for such an easy job?"
"Whitful had a track on me and may other bounty hunters. I thought if I got a mercenary that she didn't know to catch her in one shot, then she wouldn't know what hit her."
"I'm right here, y'know." Whitful snapped at Felici.
"Take the prisoner to the holding cells!" Felici yelled. Mome looked at Felici with that line and said "With that in mind, do you have any more jobs?" Felici didn't hesitate to respond. "Not at the moment." With a look of dissatisfaction, Mome took his money and left.
Roy started to dash towards Yolanda, but was tripped. "Ha ha ha! What kind of attack was that!?! The one where you fall flat on your face? HA!" The force got back up and spat some water out. "Well, you seem to be very cocky. Perhaps I need to smack that sense out of you." Roy fired a foie shot at Yolanda. The spell went fast, but missed. "That was close..." Yolanda stated. She then used the G-Assassin's Sabers she held and hit Roy. He didn't respond well to that, but kept his composure. "YOU'RE BARELY HARMED!?!" Yolanda screamed in surprise. Roy grinned. "Well, that's being too modest." The FOmar then ran behind Yolanda and held a gun at her back. "With this I can easily paralyze you, then just defeat you, so give up or else."
Yolanda panicked. "O-o-okay! Go ahead!" With that, the doors opened.
"Okay now, Yolanda, leave, walk out of this room and leave us, or else. And don't turn back, or else."
Yolanda slowly stepped forward, then ran.
Roy snickered. "Heh, she didn't know it was only a plain lockgun."
At that moment, Marth got up. Woozily, he said "what happened? Was my love what knocked me out?"
Roy stamped on Marth
Whitill's group ran into a forked road.
"Hm... maybe we should split up?" Rudolph said.
Whitill went into a thinking pose. "Very true... let me think--"
They stood there for two minutes.
"YOU DOLT!!! I'LL JUST TAKE THE LEFT WITH TIPE 0! Doc, just take the right with Kyako and Relana."
"Well... fine. Just don't kill yourself." the doc responded.
Felici was reading some updates on her log. "Hm... okay. So today, Whitful was finally caught, with the cooperation of Mr. Mome. I've recently gotten a report about a surge of dark energy and the re-destruction of Kireek. Although I don't approve of the use of the Black Hound, this recent dark energy has me interested. I am bringing someone down to investigate along with me." Felici got a knock on her door. "Just come in, Raven."
A RAmarl came through the sliding door. "What did you call me for Felici?"
"We're going down to the first floor of the caves. There is a high dark energy signature there at the moment, and we're going to investigate."
"You do know this is dangerous, don't you?"
"Yes, and that's why I'm going to take someone else with me."
"Yes, but I have a bad feeling about this..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter_Daigoyin on 2003-06-28 21:54 ]</font>

Jul 22, 2003, 07:29 PM
Well, it has been a long time since I looked back on this story, but I really have to say I love the character and emotion you put into your fic! Keep it up!

Aug 16, 2003, 10:06 PM
I lagged ONCE AGAIN!
But it's here.

Chapter 5:
Mome, Meet Mome

Mome was walking down a dark alley of the ship. His hair was blowing in the artificial wind. As he was, he got a message. The mercenary opened his receiving instrument and checked the message, looking in discontent.
"To Mr. Mome.
I need your help. I would originally go to the Hunter's Guild for this, but after three failures, I have to resort to specific people. You have been known as one of the most trustworthy people for hire, so I have had you on the top of my list for a situation such as this. Meet me at the entrance of no-man mines at exactly 100 beats."
Mome was tempted to delete this message, but thought about the situation: Why him!?! I never wanted to see him all my life, that wimp. He deleted the message right after.
"Felici, could you tell me what the source of this dark energy is?"
Felici looked at Raven. Pausing for a second, she looked around for any sense of the aura they were searching for.
"It's coming from one human."
"A human!?! Is that even possible?" Raven stated in shock.
"I don't think so, but my sources indicate that as a fact, and my sources are never wrong."
"Well, I'm a bit skeptical about this." Raven looked around as well, finding nothing. "Well, I know how your sources are, and they're ludicrously accurate."
Unknown to them, a figure was watching them from behind...
To relieve his unwanted job, the mercenary Mome went to the mines to eradicate the thought of the employing doc. Unfortunately, this was not to be...
"I see you came, cousin." came a voice from the other side of the door. With that, Mome checked his clocked time. 100 beats... great, I knew I should've went to the caves with the other doc, but NO, I had to go here...
The door opened to reveal none other than Dr. Mome, the man who assigned him the job.
"You have no right to call me cousin, Doctor." Mome responded with a harsh mark to the doc.
"Anyhow, I want you to come with me. Oh, and I made it so no one can come in or out once you came, so don't try to escape. You'll be able to leave after this job." Mome looked at the doctor in a great anger only seen from rage.

"Now Mome, I must inform you of the job." Mome still stared angrily at the other Mome. "There has been a recent outbreak of androids in the mines, seemingly caused by the dark energy from the ruins. They seem to be recent prototypes of WORKS, deserted after the Mother incident. I don't know if those two incidents are related in any way, but the prototypes contain valuable data stored by WORKS as well as battle data, if we retrieve this, we might be able to find out what WORKS has been up to, probably advancing an android's capabilities."
The mercenary was still too angry to speak.
"They are known as the W-Type Alpha series of androids, each programmed with the same mental capability and battle skills. We need to only find and capture one of these to finish the mission, although I think destroying any extra is best. There are only seven of these Alpha prototypes."
Mome still looked enraged.
Yolanda returned to Mujo, who was far from satisfied.
"I had no other choice! I wasn't equipped for any upcoming paralysis!"
"Fine then. I sent the others to their posts. As for you, you have a new assignment."
"What is it Mujo."
"Do you notice this teleporter here?" Mujo pointed at the teleporter right in front of them.
"How could I not? It's in plain view!"
"I want you to go in and retrieve some data. It shouldn't be to hard for you."
"Yes Mujo." Yolanda started to walk in, but Mujo pushed her in and sent her off...
Rudolph and Tipe 0 advanced to the second caves, where they found two people, one quietly dragging the other by the legs.
...Maybe not quietly. Rudolph considered this as an opportunity to stand in front of Roy.
"What the heck are you doing?"
"Dragging my brother by the legs. Is that a crime?"
Rudolph thought for a second. "Probably not."
Marth interrupted. "Excuse me, but WILL YOU LET ME GO!?!"
"NO! Not until you've learned to stop flirting with every girl you meet!" Roy snapped.
Whitill stopped for a second.
"I sense a strange dark energy, it's faint, but it's rising considerably..."
Kyako sensed it as well. "Yes, I can sense it too, it's rising exponentially!"
Relana looked at where the two sensed the energy. "Maybe we should go there."
"Wait a sec..." Whitill thought again, but was quickly pulled by the ear toward the energy.
Yolanda woke up to find herself in an underground channel.
"What the heck are you thinking Mujo!?!" She looked around to she that she was moving. "Crud... it makes me wonder... wait, the communicator!"
Yolanda started to use the communicator, but heard something else...
"That fool Yolanda, she'll serve as a good data receiver." Mujo's voice.
"Yes, it was ingenious how you planted that DNA sensor on Yolanda. She doesn't know you're only using here as a scape goat. As soon as project Beta772 destroys her, it will infect her, and she will have the data we need, and with the data transferring to my log, she'll never know!!! Wait, is this thing on?"
Yolanda threw the communicator in the water. As she did, she hit something, a monstrous worm rose from the water.
"Oh crud..."
Felici stood still and waited. "I feel something... back there!!!" A shot from her Wals hit one of the cave sides, or was it? The photon energy stood still in a ball as it disappeared by... a hand?
Raven was shocked. "You were right! It was a human!"
As they both shot a massive array of bullets, they were all absorbed by this human.
"Oh, crud to the extreme..."
The human pulled out twin swords flowing with energy, and as he did, he dashed across the two at lightning speed. Avoiding being seen, Raven stumbled to the ground.
"W-w-what the heck!?!" Felici stammered.
At that, the human turned around from the shadow, still hidden. "If you wanted to know what happened, I hit her with only twelve slashes. No more, no less." With that, he turned around again, even though his crimson eyes struck fear into Raven and Felici.
"Hold it!!!" The voice of Whitill struck.
"Hah, more weaklings trying to stop me? I flow with the dark energy that makes people invincible!!! So don't try hurting yourselves trying to use your pitiful attack on me. But for an example..." the human looked at Relana. He then dashed across her and turned around. There wasn't much to tell of him, still in the shadows, but it was noticed this demon that was possessed had a fair face, although tainted by evil... And as he disappeared, he had one more thing to say. "If you want to save her, you better hurry, I have infected her with what you know as D-type cells."
Dr. Mome walked forward as mercenary Mome was raising his gun at point-blank-- at the doc's head!
"Will you put that down, Mome?"
The mercenary reluctantly put it down.
"Okay now, I will be going in, Mome, when I tell you, follow me." The doc then stepped in.
Five minutes, a shout came. "MOME! COME IN QUICK!!!"
Mome rushed in and stopped immediately...
"Okay, which one is the real doctor?" What the mercenary saw... where eight bodies of Dr. Mome...

Aug 18, 2003, 07:50 PM
Holy jebus! 8 MOMES!? AAHHH!!!!

Keep up the good work! (By the way, I would shoot myself if I walked into a room and saw 8 MOMEs) http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif


Aug 29, 2003, 03:10 PM
Chapter 6:
The Unexpected Delivery

From seeing the rough wave, Yolanda pulled out the G-Assassin's Sabers gained during the trip down the caves and waited. With every single second one thought remained: Revenge
Project Beta772, AKA De Rol Le, launched across the raft and continued, launching some spike bombs. Yolanda quickly dispatched of them as De Rol Le went to the side. As he launched himself onto the raft, Yolanda went through a flurry of attacks, avoiding the oncoming impales. After the onslaught, the mask broke. "Ok, I am officially disgusted." Unfortunately, her loss of guard resulted in a knockdown. With Yolanda on the ground, the worm launched a strike toward her neck...
A stretcher was being rushed through the hospital ward hallway, carrying an unconscious Relana through the vital time.
"Doctor, do you know how to deal with this? It seems to be a major infection of D-Type cells"
"LOOK! NO ONE HAS COMPLETELY ERADICATED D-TYPE CELLS! BUT THIS IS ESSENTIAL! I HAVE BEEN CLOSE TO DOING THAT, BUT I CAN ONLY STABILIZE IT! It takes more than a doctor's knowledge to expel these cells..." Whitill looked down after that speech. "I don't know what the missing factor is, but I hope she finds it..."

They busted the doors of the ER open as they quickly put Relana on a flat table.
"Okay now, this procedure will only get worse of we do any operation. The technique is simple. Somewhere around here is a cryogenic chamber. We put her in one of those, and then we put this beaker of a special fluid in the chamber we put her in." Whitill holds up a vial of purple liquid. "Now this fluid will be heated and quickly put in as a gaseous state. The only way this can be sent through the bloodstream is by slowing the systems down. If the systems are at normal, it won't be able to quickly enter all of the body to sustain the D-Type cells."
"Doctor, how long will this sustain?" another doctor asked.
"I don't know, but it will withstand the D-Type cells for a month at least..."
"And do you think you can make a cure?"
"Such a process cannot be made, but found within the individual..." Whitill then thought to himself. Niece, I hope you can find what the cure is...
"I'm watching you! I'm right behind you, stalking your every move, like a mosquito waiting for it's blood, the cat cornering the mouse, the hunter IRS person waiting to pronounce your bill, a--"
Rudolph stepped back in shock from Roy's shout.
"Sheesh, you don't have to yell."
Tipe 0 interrupted with a status report. "There is another life form beyond this door, I recognize him, a ranger of Black Paper, using a partisan-type weapon, name: Tonzlar. There are also three more, but I can't sense them directly."
After Roy dropped Marth, they all prepared their weapons: Tipe 0 with a saber, Rudolph with a brand, Marth with his P-Arms Blade, and Roy with a level-three rod, a pillar. With that they dashed in, pointing their weapons at seemingly-random places.
Roy started speaking in the conflict. "Put your weapons down."
Tonzlar did what he said. "Well, I see you found me, alone and defenseless. Perhaps you want to--"
"Shut up Tonzlar!" Rudolph intervened. "We know there are three other people here, and cloaking devices won't help you because we can still sense them as plain as day! After all, this room has fixed lighting, so they are visible enough for a critical hit." He pointed up to the three lights at the ceiling. "Now give this up."
Tonzlar snapped his fingers. "Very well then. Come out comrades!"
The three cloaked men went straight for the attack. Two of them shot Tipe 0 and missed Marth with rifles. The third dashed toward Rudolph, but was tripped as Rudolph directed the tip of his brand in an underhand position, his other hand poised on the butt of the handle. "Checkmate, Mr. Tobokke."
Tipe 0 looked at the situation once again. "It seems Tobokke is defeated, which leaves Doronbo, Tonzlar, and--"
"Gekigasky..." Marth said with a scorn. "Tipe 0, take on Doronbo. Roy, get Tonzlar. As for me... I have a grudge to settle with Gekigasky..."
"Raven! Are you okay?"
Felici rushed into Raven's living quarters. Raven herself was weakened from the attack, but with the help of the recovery station, she was a lot better.
"...Yes Felici... That attack, though, was overwhelming. I don't think we should pry deeper into this case at the moment..."
"We must. I have a feeling the fate of Pioneer 2 depends on the result of this case... Get some rest. Solving this case might not depend on finding that guy again, but this might be the most vital case ever... You rest, I'll check my resources for what's next..."
"No..." Raven got out of her bed, but stumbled standing up. "I am coming. You said this will settle the fate of Pioneer 2, and there is no possible way that I will be resting if this is so vital."
The mercenary Mome looked at the eight doctor Momes. "Okay, which one of you is the real Dr. Mome?" They all raised their hand. "Okay, that didn't work." Mome thought a little harder on this one. "Okay... what is the chemical equation for table salt?" They all said the same thing: "One part sodium, one part chloride."
Mome was stumped. He looked at them all. "Okay, what can I do to see which one is the real one? They're androids, but that doesn't help... AHA! I'll trust Mome's predictable marksmanship!"
Mome then pointed at a door. "Okay, behind this door is a group of Dubchics. Shoot them the best that you can, I expect you all to hit." The mercenary laughed.

When they walked in, the Dubchics were activated.
"Okay, fire NOW!"
The eight all fired shots, but only seven of them hit their targets. The eight was shooting everything but the Dubchics.
The merc then looked at the seven who hit their targets. "So, I have found you out," his grin widened, "androids..." And with that the mercenary Mome shot the fakes, shorting them out. He then looked at the real doc. "I knew that would work, you have the worst marksmanship known to man."
"If you think the data is so important, take one in and extract the data yourself." The merc then used a Ryuker spell and left.

Meanwhile in a monitoring room isolated from the location of the androids...
"What!?! That man was able to see the difference!?!"
"Don't worry, I know about that man. I deserve revenge for what he did to me."
"The elusive mercenary Mome, that man may be helpful to our research. As long as he doesn't know about you, he'll be a good ally."
A RAmar person entered the room.
"Boss, they still think--"
"Yes, I know," the first person who spoke, a HUmar, stopped the ranger, "but that makes this even more of an advantage."
"Yes" the other person, a RAmarl, continued. "Besides, this just might isolate me from my original work."
"As you have known, you'll be working separately from us in this mission. Even the guild won't know of the military's new plan!"
"Yes, and our new alliance with a newly assembled group works as well. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Everyone covered their ears from that earsplitting laugh.
It was a few hours after the emergency room, and Relana woke up in her room, very exhausted.
"Oh.... what happened...?" Relana slightly turned on her bed, and as she opened her eyes, she spotted a thin, yet big, box on the edge of her bed. Relana gradually rose from her position and opened the box, revealing a scythe, and a note, unfolded and flat in the box. As she took it out, she read it:
"To Relana
I hope you are feeling better. I feel as if I was responsible for this. Dr. Whitill told me about this, but he doesn't know who he specifically spoke to... As for this, originally no ordinary hunter can use it without negative effects, but with your survival and recovery time, I know you can handle this weapon. You just might be able to neutralize it's power over time. I am sure you have the one factor to neutralize this force, even if I didn't..."

After taking it to a Tekker (I can't decipher the mystery of this weapon...) to the WEAPONS group (amazing weapon, perfect design!) which was even worse, she was almost out of ideas until she saw an ad in the news program input device. What it stated was this... "If you need info of any sort, come to a special place for info found at..." she looked at the rest and rushed off there.

As she stepped in with the box, scythe, and note in hand, she walked up to the circular desk, seeing as there were no rooms otherwise.
A female spoke from the desk with the back of the chair blocking her from view.. "I see you came. Are you the holder of the mysterious scythe?"
"How did you know I was coming? Are you psychic?"
"No, I sent you a private message."
"But how--"
The unknown behind the chair interrupted Relana. "No, a Tekker told me about you. Now let me see the box under your arm."
Relana handed the box over as it was moved to the opposite side of the desk. From there, the sound of a box opening and a gasp were heard. "This couldn't be!" The unknown female quickly slid the box back, keeping the note in hand. "That weapon... was once the scythe of the black hound himself, the Soul Eater. But this note, it says that there is a way to extinguish the power. Is that possible? The Soul Eater, it is one of the few known evil weapons in the known universe... a scythe that gives power in exchange for one's sanity. But, some have lasted more than others. I have looked through records of the users of this weapon. The younger they were, the more they were able to resist, but there were some exceptions... the key factor to this was unknown for some time. As for the note..." she put the note on the ground. "It is fortunate this note was hand-written. I will try to match the writing to whoever the author is... And when I do. I will call you back to tell you and hand it back."
And with that, Relana left the room.
The stab... missed Yolanda by one inch. She took that opportunity to counter by stabbing De Rol Le right in the eyes. He lunged back into the water as Yolanda took her Varista out. "DIE, WORM!!!" Yolanda shot De Rol Le three times, and as a reaction, he skidded on the ceiling and fell back in the water.
Yolanda took a breather. "I can't believe he would do this to me... He has never betrayed me before... Mujo... you... will... pay... DO YOU HEAR ME!?! YOU WILL PAY!!!" The sound echoed in the channel.

On the other side, one thing was heard. "Drat it! I can't believe she could defeat project Beta772!
Twenty minutes later, Felici and Raven entered the office-esque information room.
"I came Alli, as I said. And I brought Raven with me."
Alli, the one in the seat, started to speak. "Do you ever know what happened to the Soul Eater?"
Raven looked at the back of the chair. "How about you turn around?"
Felici elbowed Raven. "Sorry about that, she doesn't know your first impressions involving not showing yourself. We haven't seen the Soul Eater since the destruction and recreation of the black hound."
Alli lowered her tone. "It is now in the hands of a young force, a FOnewearl wearing a light blue costume. She seemed to have arrived with a note as well. I am currently finding the writer of this message, but I think it is wise to follow her. I'm a bit tied up at the moment, but I must say this..." Alli turned her chair around, showing her as a RAmarl herself with a white-and-pink uniform, along with a hat, pink hair tied in a ponytail, and big round glasses.
Raven stepped back in surprise. "We were taking info from a young child!?!" Felici then covered Raven's mouth. "I know this mission will determine the fate of Pioneer 2..."
"No" Alli said. "The situation has just been made more complicated... this mission will determine the fate of Ragol as well..."
Okay, that was the longest chapter yet. I wasn't able to get a lot of puns in, but I'll try next chapter.

You noticed I half-copied a line from a game?
Guess it and... Eh... I don't have anything to give. R&R please.

Aug 29, 2003, 09:11 PM
Awesome chapter! You even took the time to get the names of the black paper members right! Kudos, my friend, kudos!

I love the part about MOME XD It's quite true, too. Mome will do everything EXCEPT what you want him to.

Anyways, great chapter, bring on the next one!

Feb 29, 2004, 02:38 AM
After a HUGE delay, chapter 7 folks! Now, Aurora is probably © RubyEclipse, but I don't know. Garanz MK2 is... you know.

Chapter 7:

"I am the military commander with no name: Sakon. Nice to meet you." Sakon (the HUmar from the previous chapter) held out his hand for two newcomers. One of these newcomers was a female ranger named Aurora, and the other, a green-and-orange RAcast: Garanz. "I believe you two already know your part of the bargain."
Aurora stepped foward as Garanz polished up his weapon. "Yes. We deliver the forbidden food, with some extra 'seasoning'..."
Sakon finished the sentence. "And we call a quarantine, bringing those who ate the food for our experiments. It's such an ingenious plan! HA HA HA HA HA HA--"
Garanz interrupted. "If I may..." He searched for his special laugh. "GUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
"Garanz! I told you a million times to stop doing that!"

The previous RAmar came in. "Sakon, why are you shipping this... food to six children?"
Sakon looked at this RAmar. "Didn't I tell you Ukon!?! I am not going to reveal this plan to anyone until the time is right!"
A skinny red, white, and blue RAcast with a beak-shaped head is walking around Pioneer 2, holding what seems to be five packages. "Why do I have to do this? Stupid delivery company. I'd give them a thing or two... sometimes I regret ditching my creator." The android turned a corner. "How can they send me..." A smokescreen covers him, and as it clears, a background featuring a japanese sunset is shown, while the android is posing by angling his arm 40 degrees and turning sideways, while keeping his legs in the near-same position. "...CHIBOT V!..." Two random guys drag the background away, "...to be brought down to a lowly delivery android? It's unheard of! Now what did I have to do?"
Chibot V knocks on the door, and when it slides up, it reveals a small HUnewearl wearing an orange top, blue jean shorts, and crystal-blue hair in a ponytail. "Hello there! You're a mailman, aren't you? What did you get me? Huh? Huhhuhhuh?"
Chibot V looks at this child. "Let me see... okay which one was it?" He searches his memory. "No, no, no, no... yes! Hoshi, am I right?"
The girl responds with a resounding "Yes!"
Chibot V then hands Hoshi a box with her name on it. "Here you go. Now remember, be careful with that box, and brush your teeth after eating." Hoshi nods, and in a second, the door closes.
"Well, that went well..." Chibot V consoled himself. "Five more to go."
Back at the fight in the flooded level of the caves, the battle rages on. Tobokke uses Ryuker when Rudolph isn't looking and escapes, and the portal stays scened in the background of the three remaining brawls. Although sniping ensued from Doronbo to Tipe 0, Roy was holding his own, casting a high-level Foie at Tonzlar. As for Gekigasky and Marth, the biggest clash raged.
"How dare you steal my love!" Marth slashed straight at Gekigasky.
"First Anna, then Yolanda, and now Sue!?! Do you even have a life?" Gekigasky uses his rifle and misses.
"Well, I do. It's just better than yours." Marth then lunges at Gekigasky, as it leaves a small gash at his leg. "Arg! Doronbo! Tonzlar! Try to hold them off! They musn't know our plan!" With that, Gekigasky takes the portal. With only Tonzlar and Doronbo left, Roy strikes the latter with his pillar, and after the Foie, he faints from the attacks. Doronbo quits sniping Tipe 0 as he takes Tonzlar and leaves via the teleport, which dissapears.
Chibot V stops at another door. This time, a young FOmarl girl stepped out. "Yes, who is this?"
Chibot V takes out a package. "Is your name Sevampa?"
"No, my name is Semarpa" the FOmarl answered.
The android checked his memory again. "Sorry, I rushed the name. Package for you Semarpa." Semarpa takes the package and walks back in. As the door closes, Chibot V walks off to his next destination.

After turning three corners, Chibot V reaches his next destination. "Here we go! 21... wait... if Semarpa lived at 20... then..." He looks to his left to see Semarpa's door. "I turned three right corners... nontheless." Chibot V rings the doorbell, and nothing happens. He then looks at the door and spots a message capsule. "If it were a wolf it would've bit me." He activates the message. A second later, it sounded. "I am at a STUPID mission for Dr. Whitill, so I am not home right now. I also heard there will be a package delivered here. If you are that mailman, leave the package on the panel. Wait for following instructions." Chibot V placed the package on the panel, and the door opened slightly while the package slid in. When the door closed, the word "analyzing" was heard and a monotone sound came from the capsule. After a few seconds, the sound stopped. "Thank you. The package has been accepted. To prevent this message from being played again. it will now self-destruct." Before Chibot V had a chance to say "what!?!", he was blown to the opposite wall with a decently-powered bomb.
"What happened delivery guy?" Apparently Semarpa came out to see the commotion.
"I just got blown back by a message."
"Well, it must've been that prince guy's bomb. He's kinda annoying."
Yolanda stumbled into the Hunter's Guild. A good amount of people were staring at her, mostly because she was soaking wet. As she passed by someone, though, she stopped. She turned her head to see a pony-tailed teal-haired HUmar. "And you are?"
The HUmar turns around to reveal himself. "It's Daigoyin. May we speak in a back room?"

Ten minutes later, Yolanda and Daigoyin were sitting in a secluded room in a warehouse.
"Well, I introduced myself. Now you're Yolanda, correct? And I believe after the current mishap, ex-Black Paper member."
Yolanda smirked. "Well, I see you've been keeping up with the recent news. And what did you bring me for?"
Daigoyin clasped his hands together. "At the moment, there are packages being sent to six kids containing class-3 restricted edibles.
Yolanda started talking with the words "You mean c--", but Daigoyin shushed her. "It's class-three, so it can't even be mentioned."
Daigoyin continued. "Now I suspect this is under the plans of WORKS, 32nd squadron, etc. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate WORKS, situated at the mines, and prevent the next step of the plan, whatever it is."
"I accept." Yolanda looked at Daigoyin closely for a second. "Wait, how do you know all of that?"
Daigoyin grinned. "For reasons unknown to me, I am an exceptional hacker."
After a bad day at the mines, Mome returned to see Ukon standing in front of him. "A member of WORKS, correct?"
Ukon merely said "Yes, I am. Mercenary Mome, I have a job for you."
The merc looks at Ukon more closely. "How much is the pay?"
"One hundred thousand meseta."
Mome smirked. "You've got a deal. What is the job?"
Ukon held out a capsule showing a map of the mines. "Guard duty. You simply need to guard this point." Ukon points out a spot right in front of what seems to be a big teleporter. "Make sure no one passes."
Aurora walked into a room. "Now Garanz, are you sure the new recruit is doing his job?"
"Yes. He seems to be very promising." While speaking, Garanz is also polishing his guns, which are virtually the only things in the room, except for walls, the floor, the ceiling, and the door.
"Well, the plan will soon be complete, FedUp will be back in business, and we will have a huge payoff!" Aurora raised her voice with each word. Garanz started his laugh, but was stopped by Aurora. "Garanz! Not in the same chapter!"

Sep 5, 2004, 05:11 PM
i found it a bit hard to follow, due to the continuous setting change, but nevertheless a great fic.