View Full Version : issues with evolve and PSP2i - windows 10

Aug 4, 2015, 02:50 PM
So I've been trying to play Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity through Evolve with my brother since yesterday. We were able to connect to each others games and see them in the lobby, but when the host started a mission the other was unable to join (infinite loading screen.) I found this thread (pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=226499&page=2) , explaining that the issue is related to Windows 7.
So today i upgrade to Windows 10 and tried once again, but unfortunately now it won't even allow us to connect to other others games. We've tried with each of us hosting.

Does anyone know a possible fix for this? Let me know if I explained something poorly or my issue is unclear.

Thanks for your time trying to address this issue!

Aug 9, 2015, 11:29 AM
You're not able to connect to each other's games because there is a glitch on Evolve that prevents you from connecting to the Evolve party system when you use Windows 10.

According to a thread at Evolve forums regarding the issue, set the value for the mac address to 0 from the Device Manager to allow you to connect to the Evolve party system:

Also, feel free to join the Evolve Phantasy Star Portable 2 / Infinity group if you want to play with some fresh faces: https://www.evolvehq.com/groups/phantasy-star-portable-2-infinity-on

