View Full Version : Another Gameguard Rev 270 Error

Aug 4, 2015, 05:12 PM
Sheesh this has to show up again... Well i need someone to help clarify.

I wasn't able to access at all (like the last time) on both the PSO2 tweaker and the PSO2 launcher itself, somehow after trying everything (troubleshoot tasks to fix errors thru PSO2 tweaker, deleting gameguard folder, even reinstalling PSO2 itself), it seems i was able to remedy it thru the direct launcher (yet somehow the item translation patch still works but the rest[obviously] does not work...

...and i still get the PSO2 gameguard rev 270 error thru the tweaker itself. I will attempt to try fresh re'creating the PSO2 tweaker but if anyone else has any solutions that would be quite helpful. -_- Plus the tweaker is fully up to date it seems.

Aug 4, 2015, 09:24 PM
Just disable the item translation then?

Disabling it just make item name revert to JP name, but still retain any other patches you installed.
Since item translation use some kind of injection, when gameguard are updating something tend to broke.

Aug 5, 2015, 09:16 AM
Starting to run out of solutions really. Even tried uninstalling all the english patches, open it directly and thru the tweaker and even already reverted back to windows 8. Seriously this is just getting ridiculous and just when the latest update for Ep 3-6 was released too, amongst other things...

Going to once again try another fresh install, but if it does not work then i might need an expert to ghost my own computer to figure out why the heck is this occurring...Even seems like how i got it to work before is not working at all again.

Well its still a few hiccups but took fiddling with the gameguard folder again, trying to figure out how much it is the gameguard's fault and how much the translations affect it because it feels like gameguard needs some serious fixing up if its affecting the game 'outside' of PSO2 tweaker's influence.