View Full Version : Win 10 still get crash after 10~20 min 'A'

Aug 7, 2015, 01:19 AM
as from title. still after 5/8 update . i just up my win 8.1 >10 yeterday ... though try reset window but nothing help :(
i saw this from window event. though cause by gameguard , try fix game guard and ... doesnt work.
Faulting application name: pso2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55b75db9
Faulting module name: npsc.des, version: 2015.3.19.1, time stamp: 0x550a9710
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000d1b0
Faulting process id: 0xef0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d0d0d10b3a1ed4
Faulting application path: D:\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin\pso2.exe
Faulting module path: D:\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin\GameGuard\nps c.des
Report Id: eb6c9613-f375-4e1f-a246-f139d907a09c
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Aug 7, 2015, 02:15 AM
Faulting module path: D:\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin\GameGuard\nps c.des

When in doubt, blame Gameguard. That fucking gameguard still hasn't fixed errors with chrome64bit on win7, what do you expect

Aug 7, 2015, 05:23 AM
:mad: i stay over night looking for solution but ... T-T even try many way to login...

Aug 7, 2015, 11:12 PM
I had this same issue the other night. I updated to Windows 10 from 8.1, and my game started crashing 10 to 30 minutes after launch, usually in the middle of the first quest I tried. I tried many things, updating my graphics drivers, making sure I had Directx 12, messing with the sound, etc. It felt like nothing was working.

So, I did a clean install (or as Windows 10 puts it, a reset or something) of my Windows 10 and reinstalled PSO2 from the tweaker. It seems to be working fine at the moment, but I don't dare to change the settings from the default windowed mode at the moment. Tho I did up all the graphical settings I can modify from inside the client, and it seems to be running fine. Doing a fresh wipe of Windows 10 seems to be recommended by folks, I just didn't want to sift through what files to delete and what ones to back up.

Aug 8, 2015, 01:20 AM
i try clean install win 10 it seem work ... now

Aug 9, 2015, 01:09 AM
op.... i dont know why this problem come back ưwhen i try install my tablet driver or driver headphone ...X_X so depressed!

Aug 10, 2015, 08:57 PM
op.... i dont know why this problem come back ưwhen i try install my tablet driver or driver headphone ...X_X so depressed!

Yeah, disabling the sound driver seems to solve the problem. Dunno why it's that way. I re-enabled my sound after being in game for sometime (like 30 minutes) and it continued to work, but take this experience with a grain of salt.

Aug 11, 2015, 12:58 PM
It definitely sounds like a driver issue.

I had no problem with my main win10 setup until yesterday, when I updated some Intel drivers and DirectX. Then the game started to close itself after playing 10-15 minutes.
I tried reinstalling the game, reseting gameguard, my pso2 folder in my docs, playing around the settings... still the same.

But I decided to try with my secondary win10 setup (from the Insider program) with roughly the same stuff installed (minus the drivers mentioned above), and the game works just fine so far.

Edit: Uninstalled the Intel drivers and it seems to work fine again.

Aug 13, 2015, 05:28 PM
in my case it's wacom driver. if i unplug my tablet. its working fine. plug in it crash....
even though not diasable sound driver it working if i unplug my tablet

Aug 14, 2015, 07:28 AM
in my case it's wacom driver. if i unplug my tablet. its working fine. plug in it crash....
even though not diasable sound driver it working if i unplug my tablet

Thanks seems this solved my problem, i did some reinstalling on my Asus laptop and the most recent nvidia driver AND i uninstalled Wacom Pen Tablet, so far I left PSO2 on iddle 40min+, still haven't crashed.

Aug 17, 2015, 10:47 AM
I'm having the exact same issue with the exact same error in the Event viewer. Unfortunatley I don't have a Wacom tablet.

Running Windows 10 and I recently reinstalled the game and applied the English patches and I can play for anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes before the game crashes. I've tried using the troubleshooting tools built into PSO Tweaker, deleting my SEGA directory in My Documents, etc but still having the issue. Some other folks on this forum (like this thread) reported similar issues.

I can even boot the game, login, and just stand in the lobby and do nothing and eventually it will crash, so I don't think it's related to anything specifically done in game or related to the English patch.

Virulent Tiger
Dec 6, 2015, 10:46 PM
I have a similar issue, I am on Windows 10, upgraded from 7. I do have a Wacom tablet but I haven't had it plugged in for a long time. haha. So I don't think that's my problem. I can log in, select character and play for a bout 10 minutes. I've tried just about everything you guys have and no dice. Tried running in comparability modes, i turned off anything that was tablet related, tried all the troubleshooting stuff inside of Tweaker.

Dec 22, 2015, 03:18 PM
I'm having the same issues, but my laptop is originally windows 10, and for me, its done the crash thing from the start, i have to have tweaker check for missing/deleted files, and it always comes up with the same number of files missing(it increases with each update), the most recent number of missing files being 60, i do that and make it do the empty search as well, then re install EN and large files patches and it works, but every time the next time i play the game, usually after a shut down for the night, it crashes again, no setting change, no driver change, idek how to change drivers, but either every time i close pso2 or every time i shut down my computer, i have to "fix" pso2 again for it to work

Dec 27, 2015, 11:28 AM
Well this is fuckin' awkward.

My game is now crashing like this as well. However, the faulty module is apparently pso2.exe and I have NO CLUE what's causing it.

I did a complete file check, redownloaded the .exe, so on and so forth, no go. Uninstalled unnecessary sound drivers, no go. Disconnected my scanner, no go.

What's weird is that it only ever happens in the lobby (if I start a mission it won't ever crash), and it's completely random as far as I can tell. There's no particular point where I can say 'ah, this is where it crashes'. Like it just reaches some amount of used memory and then BAM, no more. Very frustrating.

Actually, it probably is some model in particular. I'm gonna reinstall... sigh... redownload the entire fucking game to see if that fixes it. One can only hope.

Jan 14, 2016, 01:11 PM
I've found that the best way to fix this problem is to reinstall windows 7. I suspect that it's something in Windows 10 because any time i try to do a virus scan using Avast (boot time and when Win10 was running), it would keep scanning at 1% but still be stuck on the same file, and upon shutting that down I would get similar issues to what I'm about to describe with PSO2. So, I am running this game on a computer that can handle it (8gb ram, can't remember the video card but I know that it's beyond acceptable for PSO2) that has 0% disk usage and low memory/cpu usage when the game is running yet when I idle freeze in the lobby, or menulag, or disconnect if I'm lucky enough and it gets out of the idle freeze it slows down explorer so much (Right clicking doesn't work, well it does but it takes minutes to shut down, and restarting can anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 freaking hour, in which I get impatient and just press the shutdown button which has caused other issues) and it raises disk usage to like 50% and even shutting down pso2.exe doesn't fix it. My CPU and memory usage doesn't spike at all or very little when I have these issues.

The first time this happened in Windows 10 I ended up having to do a complete reinstall of Windows 7. Once I had everything updated and to the point I wanted it to be in case I had to go back to the previous build I tried reinstalling Windows 10 again. For about three weeks I had no issues but last week it started happening again. The first time it messed up the OS so much that I lost the store, edge, and calculator icons on my taskbar. It happened again last night after a hang so I just chose to go back to the previous build. Now, knowing that both Avast and PSO cause hidden disk usage issues in Windows 10 but not windows 7, I'm suspecting that it's probably an OS issue. I'd like to take advantage of the free Windows 10, as I did love the functionality of having double taskbars when playing in dual screen mode but so far, it's better to stick with 7 until Microsoft fixes Windows 10. So far, it seems like on my PSO2 computer, I will be sticking with Win7. Thankfully, it was still within the first month of the second Win10 reinstall so I didn't have to completely reinstall PSO2 or Windows 7 from scratch. Windows 10 does have some nice features, but it's like a rotten apple. On certain computers it looks good on the outside, but it's filled to the core with bugs.

Jan 19, 2016, 02:55 AM
For those with drawing tablets on Windows 10, I solved this problem by ending the task "Tabtip32". Open Task Manager (ctrl+shift+esc or ctrl+alt+delete->open task manager) and go into the Details tab, there you can find tabtip (and tabtip32.)
Just ending tabtip for me ends tabtip32 as well. After ending that pso2 stopped crashing. (The crash I've been having was also the game stopping working after 10-20 mins randomly.)

Tabtip is apparently part of windows' virtual keyboard and tablet input which automatically activates when you plug in a drawing tablet apparently. I'm still looking for a way to permanently disable tabtip but I'm kinda lazy so for now that quest is on hold, lol.

I've added an attachment to show tabtip in my task manager, I hope this helps. It might even help people who don't have drawing tablets, since Windows10 takes great pride in running on desktop as well as mobile, the tabtip service could be started by other things as well. (That's my guess anyway.)

Jan 19, 2016, 01:47 PM
Tabtip is a default windows 10 item. It will also restart if you click the on screen keyboard Icon in your tasktray. Just one of those things lol. Ive been running windows 10 since it was insider preview only and have had some weird issues come and go.

Id stick with 10 since its the only game having the issue, simply because well the HAL is so much better in 10 and the FPS gains are solid in 10 over 7. Just hope that Sega or GameGuard whichever one is having the issue with tabtip fixes their product.

Apr 20, 2016, 09:13 AM
Weirdly my Windows 10 didn't come with tabtip and ever since the pre-patch update my game has been crashing randomly and I can't seem to find out why -__-