View Full Version : MUUT DITTS POUMN

Apr 24, 2003, 12:05 PM
Thiese words are mentioned in the messages of Red Ring Rico... do they have any use?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Wolf_Warhead on 2003-04-24 10:08 ]</font>

Apr 24, 2003, 12:14 PM
huh? Im confused.

Apr 24, 2003, 12:20 PM
Have you checked Red Ring Rico's messages? (those little orange things with light shining upwards) In those seh mentioned the words on the "key-columns" the last words are MUUT DITTS POUMN. Do they mean anything? Does Falz get hurt when you say those words? Do you get a good ending? Anything?

*Edit* somebody should try saying it while fighting Dark Falz at every form to see if it has any effect. Just place it as a shortcut... I'm to damn busy to try it (and tonight I'll be to tired...)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Wolf_Warhead on 2003-04-24 11:31 ]</font>

Apr 24, 2003, 12:22 PM
Gewd question.

Apr 24, 2003, 12:23 PM
It something to do with Dark Falz's rencarnation.

Apr 24, 2003, 12:25 PM
Most people think they are related to the original three planets in PSII, Mota, Deetz and Palm, which, if I remember right, kept Dark Falz imprisoned. It's one of the few solid ties you can make between PSO and the other Phantasy Star games.

-at least I think those were the names MP

Apr 24, 2003, 01:21 PM
Could it posible reL8 2 Heart of POUM??? a wepon only useible 2 Huneweals??? Mayb...Or mi second guess is it relates to the other plants bcause in early Phantasy Star games were on the whole solor System...PSO only foucuses on one of the planets that was capable 4 mankind 2 live on.

Apr 24, 2003, 02:55 PM
On 2003-04-24 10:25, MagicPink wrote:
Most people think they are related to the original three planets in PSII, Mota, Deetz and Palm, which, if I remember right, kept Dark Falz imprisoned. It's one of the few solid ties you can make between PSO and the other Phantasy Star games.

-at least I think those were the names MP

It's Dezo, not Deets

Apr 24, 2003, 03:44 PM
Actually, the names of the planets differ somewhat in the originals, I guess because they all take place 1000 or so years after each other.


MUUT = Mota or Motavia
DITTS = Dezo or Dezoris
POUMN = Palm or Palma

The three planets are what the Great Light used to seal the Profound Darkness I dont know how many years ago. Every thousand years the seal weakens and an incarnation of the Profound Darkness emerges as Dark Falz (or Dark Force, depending on the game http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif). Palma was destroyed in PS2 I believe, and is now nothing but an asteroid field....

The Heart of Poumn is also called the Alis Claw. Alis was the heroine of the original PS and ended up being royalty on the planet Palma at the end of the game if Im not mistaken. There are also some other ties to the old games in the weapons, such as the Nei Claw, Rika's Claw, the Psycho Wand... Im not sure if there are any others.....

Apr 24, 2003, 08:51 PM
Yep, those words on the monoliths are certainly a reference to Motavia, Dezolis, and Palma, the three main planets of the Algol system, which the Pioneers' culture has some major ties, which also happen to be a seal themselves. It means that this Dark Falz was sealed using a similar seal that was placed over the Profound Darkness. However, as to who sealed this Dark Falz, it's anyone's guess (Rune, Lutz I, Dark Force, Great Light...).

Apr 25, 2003, 07:39 AM
OK, I now know where the words come from, but I want to know if they have any use in the game

Apr 25, 2003, 08:04 AM
Nope. Just atmosphere.

-chant them while naked tho MP

Apr 25, 2003, 05:33 PM
On 2003-04-24 13:44, Valleo wrote:
Actually, the names of the planets differ somewhat in the originals, I guess because they all take place 1000 or so years after each other.


MUUT = Mota or Motavia
DITTS = Dezo or Dezoris
POUMN = Palm or Palma

The three planets are what the Great Light used to seal the Profound Darkness I dont know how many years ago. Every thousand years the seal weakens and an incarnation of the Profound Darkness emerges as Dark Falz (or Dark Force, depending on the game http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif). Palma was destroyed in PS2 I believe, and is now nothing but an asteroid field....

The Heart of Poumn is also called the Alis Claw. Alis was the heroine of the original PS and ended up being royalty on the planet Palma at the end of the game if Im not mistaken. There are also some other ties to the old games in the weapons, such as the Nei Claw, Rika's Claw, the Psycho Wand... Im not sure if there are any others.....

Well, you did a pretty good job of summarizing. Wouldve like to have done it myself, but oh well. Here's more to add to your synopsis. The Psycho Wand is what allowed the barriers that Zio had set (around himself & his castle) to be broken in PS4. Btw, you can use it on ANYONE even The Profound Darkness (& it DOES help!) Originally (most ppl don't know this) the wand comes from PS1. Noah himself used it to defeat Lassic & Darkfalz, alongside the rest of the party. There are other references to the old games aside from the weapons. The Bringers are reminiscent of the Horsemen from PS1. The Grass Assassin was Locust/
Locusta in PS2 (but was called G.A. in the jp version). Rappies go back to PS4 but were called Chirper back in PS3.
Other such repeated things are: meseta, the spells (although this is the first time you can use Megid BEFORE the end of the game LOL), DarkFalz possessing people (though now he possesses machines & what not). He actually did this in PS4 (& it happened EXACTLY the same as with Elly & Calus. Also, a related fact to the possession. The reason why Rico & Flowen died were because they were possessed for far too long. If it were a recent possession, they couldve been saved. A shame, it is. Examples of this are: the Governor (PS1) and Orakio & Laya (PS3--trust me, they were possessed).
What I wish they had brought back? A deeper connection to the old PS games...as in how they tie in? Its obviously further ahead time-wise but how does Coral connect to Algol? Also, what planet is Ragol REALLY? Pioneer 1 named it Ragol but what is it really? Earth? Palma (will explain in a minute)? Where? Also, anyone who played PS1 will attest. The most annoying enemy early on in the game are the Wing Eyes & the Owl Bears (especially). Basically, floating eyeballs w/wings (for those that dont know). Why would I want an annoying enemy BACK in the game? Well theyre annoying, true. But theyd look great in PSO & give me a real connection back to the glory days of the beginning. Ah, nostalgia...
To my point about Palma. I dont believe it was 'destroyed' by explosion. If there are any PS fans that played Lunar 1 or 2, think back for a second. Those games were about Earth & the Moon for anyone who didnt get that. The Silver Star (the Moon) & The Blue Star (Earth) were in danger, etc etc. The Blue Star was believed 'destroyed' (it CLEARLY uses THAT word) yet you not only get to visit the planet, you help restore it. It was destroyed in the sense that it was lifeless but still existed. I relate this to Palma in that theres an old trick to play the game in slow motion. I played it in slo-mo during the scene where Tyler rescues you (where I get 1/2 my name from...btw...Tyler is Odin, dont let anyone tell you different...it IS him). Anyway, in playing it in slo-mo you see a flash of light, enough of a pause, then the explosion. True it couldve exploded...but then my received my confirmation in PS4. There was a 4th planet (Rykros) that was masked to protect it. If one planet could be masked, why not another?
These mysteries of Phantasy Star may never be resolved but we can always have fun trying. Anyone who wants to discuss PS with me: past, present, or future, feel free to PM me or if you have Yahoo Msgr, drop me a line there to via the link. Hope I gave you all a good read. Until later...

Apr 25, 2003, 10:31 PM
there can be no light without darkness
nor darkness without light
Existance begat of nothingness
subsequently reincarnated
from an infinite life force
a law of nature proclaims its seal

I got this of a sonic team picture...lol, it has some big words in there!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif