View Full Version : Black Screen (occurs every time in 2nd floor of Lobby)

Aug 30, 2015, 03:06 AM
Hello, I just started playing PSO2 about 2 days ago. As far as the story quests go I am not very far. I noticed after my first solo mission run that I had a new quest marker telling me to visit the 2nd floor of the lobby. Once I am upstairs I approach the quest marker ( which I assume is a continuation of the story quest ) only to have my screen go black without fail. Although the game still runs in the background. Anyway I was wondering if anyone else had similar problems occur and new a fix/ way around it?

Aug 30, 2015, 11:07 AM
Run a filecheck. (In the tweaker, go to the orb, then Troubleshooting, then "Check for Old/Missing Files.")