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View Full Version : Is lockon broken for anyone else?

Sep 13, 2015, 12:15 PM
I find that whenever my target is moving fast, I lose it and lockon will switch to something else.
It's not my gamepad, I had this on several gamepads staring right after unboxing them.

For example Diabo, Banthers, Facility Bal, etc.
When they move fast lockon will just grab a random other hitbox that was close just now.

Sep 13, 2015, 12:31 PM
I've noticed that a few times, but I don't think it happens consistently.

Sep 13, 2015, 02:33 PM
Happens to me all the time =/

Sep 13, 2015, 02:35 PM
AFAIK lock on disables/changes when the current locked-on point goes out of range.
Otherwise, I've no idea. Any such strange behavior never registered in my head.
When the lock-on isn't where I want, I just cycle to get it back.

Sep 13, 2015, 03:59 PM
AFAIK lock on disables/changes when the current locked-on point goes out of range.
Otherwise, I've no idea. Any such strange behavior never registered in my head.
When the lock-on isn't where I want, I just cycle to get it back.


Sep 13, 2015, 05:52 PM
After thinking about it and testing it again I got a theory that sounds quite plausible to me.

So, for me lockon has a high chance of switch to another target when I get hit or enemies move very fast or go off screen, even if they are well within the range. On the other hand usually when nothing much happens, I can stay locked no problem.

Now Falz Arms and Magatsu have absurd amounts of lag. I am pretty sure that is because they got so many parts.
Every brekable part, possibly even every hitbox of every currently living enemy/boss must communicate with every client.
The server constantly has to check what enemy is still alive, what breakable part is intact and what is broken, so there is a ton of traffic.

And what I think is happening is that whenever something happens that makes the game check what I locked on, getting hit, enemy being off screen, etc., my bad ping can make the query so slow that the game gets confused.
It loses my previous target regardless of whether that target is still active or not and acquires a new one, probably simply the closes available target in that instant.

One thing that happened earlier is big air time on daggers when fighting facility Bal. I locked onto the mouth and got 2 Symphonic Dives in. Then Bal moved the head downwards.
Suddenly I am locked onto the neck. I guess it's cause the game needed to check again, I had a terrible ping (and or lag, I cannot even tell anymore if I am ever lag free) and the target was lost, so the closest target was used, no longer the mouth but rather the neck.

Sep 13, 2015, 10:53 PM
You're not touching the right stick or anything right? Sometimes in the settings the right stick can be used to change lock on targets.

Sep 14, 2015, 03:43 AM
The game doesn't need to check lock-on with the servers if that's what you're implying?
AFAIK the client locally checks for lock-on distance. There's no data sent between servers regarding lock-on.
When the server sends an enemy position update to your client for syncing purposes, the enemy sometimes teleports.
That's about it. Again, that's just going from my understanding and past experience in this stuff, and what I've seen when PSO2 is lagged or pseudo-disconnected.
IIRC, I can keep fighting enemies without client<->server data transfer, and not have lock-on issues.

Client relies on the server to know if a part has just broken. That shouldn't happen more than once.
Why? Because i don't think there's a data packet that tells the client that a part isn't broken.
That also shouldn't be a big packet. It's probably something tiny, like, [break notification packet header], [enemy instance ID xxxx], [break ID xx] = 01.

If anything, it sounds to me like there's a possibility that gamepad configuration has a hidden cycle/refresh target control somewhere.
As was partially suggested earlier, there's the possibility of accidentally turning on something weird in options.
I only play KB/Mouse, and I always use Symphonic Drive locked onto Bal. Never had the issue you described, even while laggily streaming on my shit bandwidth.

Sep 14, 2015, 05:42 AM
How about checking connector ports. It's strange that every gamepad has the same problem