View Full Version : Braver mag and crafted weps

Sep 22, 2015, 02:51 PM
I was wondering if it's better to use a high powered crafted wep along with a pure dex mag and Braver Mag maxed (cause of damage variance) instead of just a 9* and higher item.

Sep 22, 2015, 03:17 PM
I was wondering if it's better to use a high powered crafted wep along with a pure dex mag and Braver Mag maxed (cause of damage variance) instead of just a 9* and higher item.

low-star items gain a much higher benefit from crafting than high level weapons do, at least from my experience they do, and I use exclusively crafted weapons.

For example:

Vita Vastall +10 has about 250 S-ATK with a 10% damage variance.

I crafted my Vita Vastall to Ex. 13 and now it has about 960 S-ATK with only a 10% damage variance, making it on par with a 10-star weapon. If I remember right, when you extend your weapon, the damage variance drops to about 55%-100% of your damage. But with rare weapons, if you extend it to level 9 then it will boost your variance back to 90-100%. 6-star and lower weapons generally require level 13 in their crafting level in order to get the 90-100% variance.

In general, crafting allows you to make your starter weapons effective in the end-game short of min-maxing with a 13-star weapon. A lot of 7-star+ rare weapons won't benefit as much from crafting, but I haven't tried crafting anything above 6* so you are free to give it a shot and see where it leads you!

Sep 22, 2015, 03:52 PM
pure dex mag and Braver Mag maxed (cause of damage variance)

That is never the answer.

7*+ weapons have a lower damage variance when you begin crafts that use silva-materials.

As for the actual question, there's no blanket answer for that. The depends on weapon and potentials. eg: 13*s generally trump almost anything else, while crafted red weapons with their potential unlocked can beat almost everything short of a 13*.

Sep 22, 2015, 08:24 PM
7*+ weapons have a lower damage variance when you begin crafts that use silva-materials.

I thought this applied to any weapon using silva materials in crafting?

As for the actual question, there's no blanket answer for that. The depends on weapon and potentials. eg: 13*s generally trump almost anything else, while crafted red weapons with their potential unlocked can beat almost everything short of a 13*.

Are crafted red weapons that strong??? o_O

Sep 22, 2015, 09:49 PM
Are crafted red weapons that strong??? o_O

14% damage bonus for being extended at level 1 Potential.

Seems pretty powerful if you ask me.

Sep 23, 2015, 01:30 AM
I thought this applied to any weapon using silva materials in crafting?

Maybe. Maybe not. But why would you ever waste the time of day on a 1-6* with no potential anyway?

Are crafted red weapons that strong??? o_O

With the potential, yes.

Sep 23, 2015, 02:27 AM
Maybe. Maybe not. But why would you ever waste the time of day on a 1-6* with no potential anyway?

With the potential, yes.

What potential would that be? Cirnopedia doesn't list anything for Red weapon unlock potentials.

Also I mainly asked because I read that having a very high Dex stat reduces variance.

Sep 23, 2015, 03:00 AM
Try swiki (http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E6%BD%9C%E5%9C%A8%E8%83%BD%E5%8A%9B#sai ki_no_aka). Cirnopedia is virtually never up to date, while swiki will cover every update in a matter of days.

Red weapons gain 14/15/16% more damage when crafted, but the potential requires Photon Boosters instead of Photon Spheres. Photon Boosters are purchased for 3.5K CM at the CM shop.

On the topic of damage variance, you'll generally have high enough DEX to negate damage variance just with default stats, Saiki, and the +60 from capping Braver/Bouncer, so it isn't a very high priority.

Sep 23, 2015, 03:30 AM
Also I mainly asked because I read that having a very high Dex stat reduces variance.

It does, but it is not worth investing into beyond what units, and base stats give you. Getting extra dex almost always comes at the cost of more atk, or better skills. High enough extension levels reduce damage range to an acceptable level to where your free dex should be good enough.

Sep 23, 2015, 03:55 AM
Maybe. Maybe not. But why would you ever waste the time of day on a 1-6* with no potential anyway?

Because Phashion Star. :-D

I haven't really found any non-6* weapons that I like. And I don't care too much about min-maxing. *shrugs*

Sep 23, 2015, 07:36 PM
You mean to say you haven't seen a single 7*+ weapon in the game you think looks better than 6* or lower?

Sep 23, 2015, 09:22 PM
Because Phashion Star. :-D

I haven't really found any non-6* weapons that I like. And I don't care too much about min-maxing. *shrugs*

"it doesnt fit my chars looks"

"my precious playstyle"

Sep 27, 2015, 10:45 AM
Red weapons gain 14/15/16% more damage when crafted, but the potential requires Photon Boosters instead of Photon Spheres. Photon Boosters are purchased for 3.5K CM at the CM shop.

Any chance i can find photon boosters in player shop?

Sep 27, 2015, 11:55 AM
Any chance i can find photon boosters in player shop?

Nope, but you can spend a couple million meseta buying a red weapon with the potential already unlocked.

Sep 27, 2015, 08:27 PM
Any chance i can find photon boosters in player shop?

Just go play CMode, even you only unlocked its potential to lv1 only then its still good enough, and only costs like 10k CM points which is just a couple of runs

Sep 28, 2015, 02:16 AM
Thanks, gonna check CM then!

Oct 3, 2015, 03:37 AM
Finally got potential for red katana ,but i'd like to add some abilites to it. Will i lose potential then? 'Cause adding abilites seems to overwrite all previous bonuses on item.

Oct 3, 2015, 07:29 AM
Adding abilities will never erase potencial, so go for it ^^

Oct 3, 2015, 09:41 AM
"it doesnt fit my chars looks"

"my precious playstyle"
I actually find it far more baffling that he doesn't like the looks of any 7* + weapon or camo than that he doesn't use weapons with potentials.
Especially cause a fully crafted 3s 1-6* weapon is still alright.

As for abilities -

It's actually very easy, just use soul receptor + Quartz soul + power III+ spirita III.
10% ability boosters are really cheap and at the moment we got a 5% boost week so if you upslot from 2s with everything at 100% to 3s and use that 10% booster, it's still all at 100%.

Oct 3, 2015, 03:25 PM
Adding abilities will never erase potencial, so go for it ^^


Nitro Vordex
Oct 5, 2015, 04:05 AM
Because Phashion Star. :-D

I haven't really found any non-6* weapons that I like.
Your taste must be very...minimalist. Or you just haven't found any good weapons or camos.

The first I can believe, the second, not so much.

Oct 5, 2015, 04:12 AM
I actually find it far more baffling that he doesn't like the looks of any 7* + weapon or camo than that he doesn't use weapons with potentials.
Especially cause a fully crafted 3s 1-6* weapon is still alright.

As for abilities -

It's actually very easy, just use soul receptor + Quartz soul + power III+ spirita III.
10% ability boosters are really cheap and at the moment we got a 5% boost week so if you upslot from 2s with everything at 100% to 3s and use that 10% booster, it's still all at 100%.

spirita 3... lol (upslot using 2s flict armas instead)

Oct 5, 2015, 06:53 AM
...for someone that is totally new and doesn't know the first thing about affixing?