View Full Version : How Good Are S-Rank and A-Rank weps and do they look any dif

Apr 24, 2003, 08:32 PM
I have some questions about s-ranks and A-ranks, r they good? do they look different ? can sum1 give me a pic of 1? and how long does it take to get 1? lastly is a axe a hunter wep. or a Fo. wep?

Apr 24, 2003, 08:35 PM
well some sranks are pretty good, the best is probably the srank twin...yes they look different, they look like a normal weapon accept the photon is sort of a orange gold color, if you really want to see some go to psoquest.com and go to weapons on the side bar and look untill you see where it says ver. 1 srank weapons and you can see pics of them all there.

Apr 24, 2003, 09:32 PM

they are really....really lame looking.
the s-rank pics here look completely different o_0
n i tohught u could pick katana,double sword,card,n other such goodies,it says it in the offical guide.