View Full Version : Guide How to win at Casino games: Black Nyack, Mesetan Shooter, Rappy Slot & Lili Roulette

Nov 21, 2015, 03:39 PM
Pasting this from an old post I wrote. Added a few things here and there.
Edit: Added more tips from posts below. Thanks!

Why play Casino?:
- You can use Casino Coins to buy "endgame" exchange items, such as Ultimate Quest stones, Lambda Grinders (for upgrading 13 stars), etc.
- You can exchange for Casino-exclusive items, such as rare boss triggers, Casino-themed weapon camos, Lilipa/Nyau suits.
- There are some Casino Client Orders that give various rewards.

Which game should I play?:
- Black Nyack is the easiest, but requires a little thinking. You can also play it while doing other things, and leave at any time. Can be played alone or with others.
- Mesetan Shooter requires playing for a long time to regain initial losses, and it's recommended to play with others.
- Rappy Slot is kind of mindless, and can take insane amounts of time for gain. Not sure how good it is now, as it was recently buffed.
- Roulette can yield massive reward, but is not reliable unless you successfully see a pattern. There's also tons of time to do other things while playing Roulette. You can play Black Nyack at the same time.

Black Nyack:

How it works:
- Each person is drawn two cards. Only the first card is visible to other players, until totals are revealed.
- The goal is is to beat the Dealer (Nyau)'s card total without Busting (ie. going over 21).
- "Hit" means to draw another card. You can draw up to 5 cards. "Stay" means to stay with the cards you currently have.
- "Double Down" means to double your bet and receive only one more card. You cannot "Hit" after a "Double Down".
- The Dealer is required to Hit if his hand is 16 or under, making the Dealer have a high chance of Busting.
- Joker, Queen and King are all equal to 10. Ace can be either 1 or 11, and will automatically change depending on following cards.
- If you reach 21, you will automatically Stay.
- The only thing that can beat a 21 is drawing 5 cards without Busting.
- Playing in a group allows for Battle Bonyas, where the winner of that round receives a large coin victory bonus.
- Battle Bonyas is random, but chance increases with more players.

How SP cards work:
- SP cards start with a value of 0.
- Total SP card value is denoted in the upper right of the screen.
- Every time someone receives an SP card, a di will be rolled when it is that person's turn. This only happens on the turn the SP card is drawn (ie. not on every turn).
- This di will add to the total SP card value, eg. if SP = 0, and someone rolls 2, all player's SP cards will become 2. If someone rolls SP = 3 after that, all SP cards will become 5 (ie. 2+3 = 5).
- If you have three SP cards, and you roll 0, 2 and 3 for each, all three cards will become worth 5 each = a total of 15.
- You can imagine this becomes extremely risky if you have 3 SP cards and happen to roll large numbers on all three.
- However, SP card dice often roll low numbers such as 0 or 1. High numbers seem rare.

- As long as you don't Bust and have a total card value higher than the Dealer's, you will win. Your bet will be returned, and you gain the value you betted (effectively x2 your bet).
- If you Bust or have a lower total card value than the Dealer's, you lose, ie. you lose the amount you betted.
- Having a total of 21 is a Black Nyack, and rewards x3 your bet.
- Winning with 5 cards rewards x5 your bet, and is the only hand that can beat a Black Nyack.
- Winning with one SP card gives x1 the amount of your bet (ie. 50 coin bet = +50 coin bonus for 1 SP card). 2 SP cards = x3 your bet. Three SP cards is x50 your bet.
- Winning a round affected by Battle Bonyas rewards x6 your bet. This value increases to x8 during Black Nyack boost events.
- Double Down doubles your total wins, meaning if your total reward is 700 coins, Double Down will make that 1400 coins.

- You will inevitably lose some games. You'll want to gain as much as possible while losing as little as possible.
- As long as you don't Bust, even if your cards suck, there's a chance you will either draw equal or win by Nyau suicide.
- Because Jokers, Kings, Queens and Tens are all equal to 10, and there are 4 of each, there is generally a high chance of drawing 10.
- SP cards tend to be low values (0~2) but every SP roll adds to all SP card values. Don't take risks with SP cards if many other players/Nyau have SP cards too.
- Card counting works to a slight extent in Black Nyack. If you're dealt high cards (especially 10s) consecutively, try to wait it out.
- After a certain point, the card values will start dropping and you'll have a higher chance of getting low Hits.
- Conversely, if you get a lot of low cards to begin with, expect to be dealt a lot of high cards later on.
- If you manage to win whilst having 3 SP cards, you'll get a large reward and Deal will announce your victory.
- There's a much higher chance of getting SP cards when playing with many people, because more cards will be dealt.

Nyau's behavior:
- If Nyau's first cards include Ace, or equal 10, there's a high chance he will get 20-21 or 5 cards.
- Nyau tends to kill himself. For this reason, it's a good idea to Stay if you think you might Bust.
- Chance of Nyau suiciding goes up if someone has a better total than him (he will take a risk to win). This is a good incentive to play with others.
- If Nyau looks like he has low value cards, he will likely get 5 cards. The only counter to that is getting 5 cards as well.
- If Nyau keeps drawing 5 cards or Black Nyack, or keeps dealing you 12-15 over and over, try another table.

Things to do:
- In general, if it looks like you might go over 21, Stay.
- If your first cards are very low numbers, try to aim for 5 cards.
- If your first cards are 12 to 17, drawing is probably a 50/50 chance that you'll either Bust or get closer to 21, so you may want to just Stay and hope Nyau Busts.
- If your first cards = 10 or 11, you may want to try Doubling Down, because there's a good chance you will get 20-21 and win. However, do not do this if Nyau has a 10, an Ace, or a very low value card.
- It's fine to play at maximum bet if you can afford it. I always play at maximum bet.

Things not to do:
- Don't Double Down if it looks like Nyau is going to win (ie. his starting card is a 10, an Ace, or a very low value card).
- Don't Hit if you're at 17 or above. High chance of Busting. If you want to be extra safe, don't Hit if you're at 15 or above.
- Don't Double Down if you have less than 10 or so.
- Don't Hit if you're at a high total value with an SP card, and other players have have SP cards. You'll run the risk of Busting via SP card value increase.

When you should take risks and try your luck:
- If you're very sure Nyau will beat you, you may as well try your luck.
- If you have a high chance of getting 5 cards without going Bust, or winning Battle Bonyas, etc.
- If Nyau has a card that's anywhere between 4 and 7, you can probably take a risk and Stay even with 12~16.
- If you've already made a good enough profit (250~500 CC), there's no real harm in taking bigger risks.
- If you're willing to take risks, if you've a starting hand of 12~16, you might as well Hit, as you may hit 21. Alternatively, if you have 4 cards but you're above 15, try Hitting anyway.

Electrolytes' strategy:

Here's a generic black jack strategy that I used to gain 30k CC during the first week the game was out, for those that want something cookie-cutter guaranteed to profit in the long term. "Hard" is for when your hand has no aces; "Soft" is for when it does.
Of course, Black Nyack is a slightly different game, so following this completely would probably be sub-optimal. A couple key differences:

Special cards are usually low, meaning the average card is a lower value than a standard deck, meaning busting out probabilities are a little lower than shown.
You can win big with five cards, three specials, or Battle Bonyas, which can justify taking a risk you wouldn't in normal blackjack.

A couple things which remain the same:

Never double if your total is above 11 and you have no aces. You will be throwing your CC away in the long term.
Take note that there is a dramatic difference in how to react when Nyau's upcard is below 7 (where he is likely to bust out), versus at 7 and above (where you need to reach 17+).


Mesetan Shooter:

How it works:
- You shoot Mesetans of various types, and then pick up the coins they drop.
- Each wave will be either Bronze, Silver, Gold or Wildcard. During a Burst, all waves will be Gold.
- The type of wave denotes the kind of enemies that appear, and the worth of the coins they drop.
- Enemies have a random chance to contribute PSE towards Burst on death.
- If no PSE occurs over an extended period of time, the Burst gauge will lose a gauge stock.
- During Burst, a Queen has a chance to appear. Defeating the Queen causes her to drop an item that, when picked up, spawns a huge flood of coins.
- Shooting Nyau will yield various buffs that make things much, much easier.
- Shooting Umbra will cause him to drop bombs that inflict huge penalties if touched. On the other hand, not shooting Umbra will cause him to drop goodies.
- Shooting Mr.Bowan will give you a temporary x2 boost. I personal feel this isn't worth taking risks for, ie. isn't a high priority.

Primary goal:
- You have to play for a long time to regain initial losses.
- It's important to kill more enemies than trying to collect individual coins. Small temporary loss in exchange for eventual large gains.
- The most money you gain back is from Bursts. This is the primary goal of Mesetan Shooter.
- You can still break even or gain slight profit even if a Queen never appears, as long as you're careful.

- Your catcher is slow (unless you have the speed up buff) so you need to act in advance to catch good balls or avoid bombs. As above, prioritize getting Nyau balls, and Mr Bowan for double points.
- You won't be able to catch all balls - this is fact. Trying to chase after bronze or silvers that are far away will make you lose on better prizes that are near you.
- HOWEVER just because you can't reach a Mesetan doesn't mean you shouldn't shoot it.
- Bronze, silver and golden Mesetans all take the same amount of hits to take down. If you can shoot at a gold or a bronze, there is no incentive to fire at the latter.
- Playing with others can make it easier to get a Burst more quickly, but they have to not make mistakes.
- If playing with two players, have one player on the left and the other on the right.
- You move slightly faster if you stop shooting. If there's few targets you can take out easily before they run, you can stop shooting for a little, to grab any straggling coins.

Things to do:
- Avoid bombs at all costs. Bomb penalty is much higher than any gain.
- Make sure all Nyaus are swifly shot and their powerups picked up.
- Play at Bronze until you see gold waves and it looks like you'll Burst, then play at Silver

Things not to do:
- Don't shoot Umbra, as he will drop bombs that screw everyone over.
- If you don't have the power up buff, don't fire at the King Mesetan unless there are no other good targets.

Rappy Slot:

I haven't played Rappy Slot in about a year, so I've probably gotten some stuff wrong.

Primary goal:
- You have to play for a long time to regain initial losses, unless you are insanely lucky.
- The most money you gain back is from Bursts. This is the primary goal of Rappy Slot.

How it works:
- All you can do is change your bet. However, you can't change your bet once Burst Chance has begun.
- As you play Rappy Slot, you will accumulate Rappy Coins whenever you get a row of Gold Rappies.
- Once the Rappy Coin gauge is full, you will enter Burst Chance.
- During Burst Chance, you must successfully time the slot to hit the Wildcard, or else it will fail and you need to get another Rappy Coin.
- During Burst, any Wildcards you get will stay onscreen until Burst ends.
- If you manage to get 9 Wildcards, you will win big.

- Best to play at low bet until you're about to hit Burst Chance, and then you may want to raise your bet.
- Depending on your luck, Rappy Slot can be insanely time consuming. You can play for a long time without getting anything.
- Machines will have partially-filled Rappy Coin gauges. You should check slot machines for a machine that's about to hit Burst chance.
- If you're not winning at all, try changing machines or blocks. Some machines have a high Burst rate, which should be listed on the machine itself.

Some helpful info from takaizu91:

About rappy slot, it hasn't changed much since the day it was being introduced. The only notable difference now is higher chance to hit burst.

Unlike other casino games, rappy slot depends on your RNG, rather than betting skills so if you can't win much, you're probably out of luck. Best if you want to test your luck, do it with the drink machine instead.

Honestly, no machine can guaranteed a burst since it heavily relies on your luck but you have higher chance to get one with machine that have more than 2~3 rappy coin and trigger burst chance more often. Chance to get a line or two depends on the rappy to your right. It will popping out (?) or (!) if you may get a line. (!) has greater chance to get a line and possibly trigger rappy animation whenever you miss a roll to get a line.

If your machine has 3 or 4 rappy coins, start betting at max (5cc) to maximize your gain when you get burst chance. Once you get 5 rappy coins, you get a chance to enter burst chance mode by getting rainbow rappy (or whichever it may call). This is the only time that relies on your quick tap on your keyboard so if you miss it, then you're slow. Quickly press Enter when you see a circle popping up.

In rappy chance mode, you get 5 turns to get a rainbow rappy line to trigger burst so act wisely, you don't need to rush the turn so take your time. Chance to get a line or more is greater in this mode. Nothing obvious here.

If you managed to get a line of rainbow rappy, congratulations. In this mode, your cc definitely gain so much out of this mode. You have 5 turns in this mode as well so make it count. Best thing in this mode is whenever you get rainbow rappy in any slot, it will stick there until the burst ends so getting line combo is so much easier. Not only you gain a lot of cc in burst, you also have a chance to get jackpot by getting all rainbow rappy in all slot which returns you up to 500k cc (check the jackpot to see the total amount of cc you can win).

One thing that I'm still clueless about rappy slot is the rappy type in the machine. Probably depends on season, certain rappy give higher chance to get burst but I still can't confirm this. Hope this helps, do correct me if I'm wrong.

Lili Roulette:

I've yet to grasp how to win at Roulette.
Please feel free to contribute any useful information. Thanks.

In the meantime, here's Gankfest's tips:

Roulette is sexy, but this isn't real roulette. As Lili runs off a pattern program; rather than random. I hit 50 roughly week ago, and hit the Casino... Been stuck in it since, and been slaving away at the roulette/Blackjack table. I started with 2k coins, and currently I'm up 12k. After 30+ hours on Roulette I've probably had 20k by now go though my hands...

When it comes Lili Roulette your goal is to win big, and expect to lose big. Personally I play for the fun aspect, and really don't care so much about getting the items. Lili Roulette takes a lot of thinking and pattern memorization to be effective. If you want easy mindless wins for loot, blackjack is the way to go. I can win way more at blackjack than I could at roulette, but blackjack doesn't make my butt hole pucker to a decimal when I win. :P

With the being said, this how I play Roulette...

When I enter a channel and hit the Casino, say b-10. I look at the roulette patterns, and see if there is currently a pattern going on. A pattern for example looks something like this {G4,G4,B5,R1,G5,G2,B1,R4,R4,G1}. I look for when a win has happened twice in a row ex.(G4,G4), and see how far into the pattern it's in. If there is a pattern that just started I start betting on the trend of the pattern. There is no science in this that will guarantee wins, but you can up your chances by understanding the trend that is happening and playing with it. If there is no pattern, and a lot of sporadic numbers. Then I switch channels, and start checking the pattern on that board. I also switch channels if triple or double spins have been played recently, regardless of the pattern. Every roulette game is different throughout the channels.

I Never bet on colors as it's only 3x, and that's crap... I mainly bet on a color number(Green 3 @ 100cc), and a number(Grey 5 @ 50cc). Depending on the pattern, rarely I play two color numbers. Playing 2 color numbers is something you gotta feel out for yourself, and either want to run 50/50cc or 100/100cc split. Always bet big, playing 50cc on grey numbers isn't big, but if I hit it, I win my money back plus some change. Hitting a color number with 100cc is 1500cc payout. Betting anything else is useless, and not even worth it. Either go big, or go home. If you aren't willing to risk roughly 5k, then play blackjack.

Anytime I win at Roulette, I hit blackjack. I'm pretty sure the pattern breaks when a win occurs, but not 100% on that yet. I play blackjack until I start getting crap cards, and check the roulette table again. If there is a pattern and a purple loss(2 purple icons next to the gold one.) has been played. I'll play a game, but if there is no purple loss that has been played, I switch channels.

Hope that helps...

Everyone in this thread.

Nov 21, 2015, 04:27 PM
Would like to add a few things regarding Black Nyack:
- In case you don't know about the rules of real Black Jack, know that the Dealer is required to Hit if his hand is 16 or under, making the Dealer have a high chance of Busting. This rule applies to Black Nyack as well. It helps to know this when you see that Nyau has a card that's anywhere between 4 and 7; you can probably take a risk here and Stay even with 12~16.
- If you've already made a good enough profit (250~500 CC), there's no real harm in taking bigger risks. In this case, if you have a starting hand of 12~16, you might as well hit; never know when you might hit 21 anyway. Or if you have 4 cards but you're above 15, try hitting anyway.
- Card counting works to a slight extent in Black Nyack. If you're dealt high cards (especially 10s) consecutively, try to wait it out. After a certain point, the card values will start dropping and you'll have a higher chance of getting low Hits. Conversely, if you get a lot of low cards to begin with, expect to be dealt a lot of high cards later on.

Nov 21, 2015, 05:00 PM
Here's a generic black jack strategy that I used to gain 30k CC during the first week the game was out, for those that want something cookie-cutter guaranteed to profit in the long term. "Hard" is for when your hand has no aces; "Soft" is for when it does.
Of course, Black Nyack is a slightly different game, so following this completely would probably be sub-optimal. A couple key differences:

Special cards are usually low, meaning the average card is a lower value than a standard deck, meaning busting out probabilities are a little lower than shown.
You can win big with five cards, three specials, or Battle Bonyas, which can justify taking a risk you wouldn't in normal blackjack.

A couple things which remain the same:

Never double if your total is above 11 and you have no aces. You will be throwing your CC away in the long term.
Take note that there is a dramatic difference in how to react when Nyau's upcard is below 7 (where he is likely to bust out), versus at 7 and above (where you need to reach 17+).

Nov 22, 2015, 01:03 AM
Mesetan Shooter:
- Focus on killing as many enemies as possible, for a chance to "burst"... this means focusing on weaker enemies

That's bad advice. Bronze, silver and golden mesetans all take the same amount of hits to take down. If you can shoot at a gold or a bronze, there is no incentive to fire at the latter.

This should read "if you don't have the power up buff, don't fire at the king mesetan unless there are no other good targets - you probably won't take it down anyway"

My own suggestions:
-Focus on Nyau. Nyau drops buffs and you need those. Power up buffs especially but really, they're all good.
-Your catcher is slow (unless you have the speed up buff) so you need to act in advance to catch good balls or avoid bombs. As above, prioritize getting Nyau balls, and mr Boing ones for double points.
-You won't be able to catch all balls - this is fact. Trying to chase after bronze or silvers that are far away will make you lose on better prizes that are near you. HOWEVER just because you can't reach a mesetan doesn't mean you shouldn't shoot it. PSE grows from kills so kill everything.

Nov 22, 2015, 02:00 AM
CC was pretty valuable back when we couldn't trade 11* unit
but now not only can we buy saiki , ggg trigger isnt even here anymore
neither does tagami nor burn draal

whatelse are you spending your CC on?

Nov 22, 2015, 03:14 AM
Thanks for all the helpful posts.

I spend CC on Lambda Grinders.

Nov 22, 2015, 03:14 AM
Ult stones and lambda grinders, I assume. That's 8,500CC a week per ship if you're getting all of the ones you can.

Nov 22, 2015, 04:32 AM
Oh, with Mesetan Shooter, it's a good thing to know that you move slightly faster if you stop shooting. If there's few targets you can take out easily before they run, you can stop shooting for a little bit to grab any straggling coins.

Nov 22, 2015, 05:06 AM
Added. Thanks.

I didn't know about the Black Jack under 16 rule, by the way.

Nov 22, 2015, 12:20 PM
I've yet to grasp how to win at Roulette.
Please feel free to contribute any useful information. Thanks.

Roulette is sexy, but this isn't real roulette. As Lili runs off a pattern program; rather than random. I hit 50 roughly week ago, and hit the Casino... Been stuck in it since, and been slaving away at the roulette/Blackjack table. I started with 2k coins, and currently I'm up 12k. After 30+ hours on Roulette I've probably had 20k by now go though my hands...

When it comes Lili Roulette your goal is to win big, and expect to lose big. Personally I play for the fun aspect, and really don't care so much about getting the items. Lili Roulette takes a lot of thinking and pattern memorization to be effective. If you want easy mindless wins for loot, blackjack is the way to go. I can win way more at blackjack than I could at roulette, but blackjack doesn't make my butt hole pucker to a decimal when I win. :P

With the being said, this how I play Roulette...

When I enter a channel and hit the Casino, say b-10. I look at the roulette patterns, and see if there is currently a pattern going on. A pattern for example looks something like this {G4,G4,B5,R1,G5,G2,B1,R4,R4,G1}. I look for when a win has happened twice in a row ex.(G4,G4), and see how far into the pattern it's in. If there is a pattern that just started I start betting on the trend of the pattern. There is no science in this that will guarantee wins, but you can up your chances by understanding the trend that is happening and playing with it. If there is no pattern, and a lot of sporadic numbers. Then I switch channels, and start checking the pattern on that board. I also switch channels if triple or double spins have been played recently, regardless of the pattern. Every roulette game is different throughout the channels.

I Never bet on colors as it's only 3x, and that's crap... I mainly bet on a color number(Green 3 @ 100cc), and a number(Grey 5 @ 50cc). Depending on the pattern, rarely I play two color numbers. Playing 2 color numbers is something you gotta feel out for yourself, and either want to run 50/50cc or 100/100cc split. Always bet big, playing 50cc on grey numbers isn't big, but if I hit it, I win my money back plus some change. Hitting a color number with 100cc is 1500cc payout. Betting anything else is useless, and not even worth it. Either go big, or go home. If you aren't willing to risk roughly 5k, then play blackjack.

Anytime I win at Roulette, I hit blackjack. I'm pretty sure the pattern breaks when a win occurs, but not 100% on that yet. I play blackjack until I start getting crap cards, and check the roulette table again. If there is a pattern and a purple loss(2 purple icons next to the gold one.) has been played. I'll play a game, but if there is no purple loss that has been played, I switch channels.

Hope that helps...

Nov 22, 2015, 01:14 PM
Thanks, will give it a try next time I log-in.

Nov 23, 2015, 10:58 AM
Thanks for guide, I've been looking for this since Black Nyack came out!
Though, could you list what exactly the SP cards, Battle Boys, etc do?
And how exactly 5 card win works?

Also, pretty sure Rappy slots are in various states by default, not cause people got them up and then stopped playing.
They can randomly be at any value below 5, the higher the value the fewer of them.
So you'll see the a lot of 1-2 point machines, some 3 point machines but only few 4 point machines.
To get a 4 point (and occasionally to get even a 3 point machine) you might have to change blocks.

But considering that it's usually cheap to get from 3 to 4 points you can also try getting there yourself if you are impatient.
The only real hurdle in Rappy Slots is 4 to 5 points which can take hundreds of coins if you got bad luck, but 3 to 4 is usually easy (coming from someone with terrible luck).

Nov 23, 2015, 12:38 PM
Thanks. I added much more to the guide elaborating on how Black Nyack works, and explaining SP cards.
Hope that helps.

Nov 27, 2015, 03:26 PM
I have no clue what they did to the Rappy Coin Slots, but I just sat at a winning one (36 wins) and played 500 rounds and got zero rappy bursts. (from 11 rappy rushes)

Nov 27, 2015, 03:52 PM
When I wrote the Rappy Slot section I was very, very tempted to call it "cRappy Slot".
If it wasn't for the timing on the burst chance I would just leave a macro running and go to bed.

Dec 21, 2015, 03:28 AM
I realized earlier there's a much higher chance of getting SP cards in groups because more cards of the deck are used.
Also wondering how many SP cards there are in a deck.

Dec 24, 2015, 02:07 AM
About rappy slot, it hasn't changed much since the day it was being introduced. The only notable difference now is higher chance to hit burst.

Unlike other casino games, rappy slot depends on your RNG, rather than betting skills so if you can't win much, you're probably out of luck. Best if you want to test your luck, do it with the drink machine instead.

Honestly, no machine can guaranteed a burst since it heavily relies on your luck but you have higher chance to get one with machine that have more than 2~3 rappy coin and trigger burst chance more often. Chance to get a line or two depends on the rappy to your right. It will popping out (?) or (!) if you may get a line. (!) has greater chance to get a line and possibly trigger rappy animation whenever you miss a roll to get a line.

If your machine has 3 or 4 rappy coins, start betting at max (5cc) to maximize your gain when you get burst chance. Once you get 5 rappy coins, you get a chance to enter burst chance mode by getting rainbow rappy (or whichever it may call). This is the only time that relies on your quick tap on your keyboard so if you miss it, then you're slow. Quickly press Enter when you see a circle popping up.

In rappy chance mode, you get 5 turns to get a rainbow rappy line to trigger burst so act wisely, you don't need to rush the turn so take your time. Chance to get a line or more is greater in this mode. Nothing obvious here.

If you managed to get a line of rainbow rappy, congratulations. In this mode, your cc definitely gain so much out of this mode. You have 5 turns in this mode as well so make it count. Best thing in this mode is whenever you get rainbow rappy in any slot, it will stick there until the burst ends so getting line combo is so much easier. Not only you gain a lot of cc in burst, you also have a chance to get jackpot by getting all rainbow rappy in all slot which returns you up to 500k cc (check the jackpot to see the total amount of cc you can win).

One thing that I'm still clueless about rappy slot is the rappy type in the machine. Probably depends on season, certain rappy give higher chance to get burst but I still can't confirm this. Hope this helps, do correct me if I'm wrong.

Dec 24, 2015, 10:42 PM
Thanks for taking the time to type that. For the time being, I'll just slap it into the main post.

Dec 25, 2015, 03:07 PM
Something weird just happened.
I had 2 aces, so I doubled down. Then I got a jack. And busted. A 14 points.
Oh and I was playing alone without a single special card or anything else.

Dec 25, 2015, 10:06 PM
That should be 12 points, right? Weird. Sounds bugged.

Jan 6, 2016, 05:32 PM
appreciate this

Jan 7, 2016, 07:12 PM
Glad to help. Have fun!

Feb 11, 2016, 12:47 PM
Think the slots might actualy have better odds if the rappies match the season.
Because I've been to different slots with the Love (not Lovey!) rappies, and I just keep getting so many (?) and (!).
In the first slot, I've gotten 2 Rappy Burst chances, with the first one getting a Burst right at first try and netting me 5 wildcards.
The second slot gave me a Rappy Burst straight out of zero coins (which was kinda sad, since I was betting a single coin), and netted me 4 wildcards total during said burst. And then, another Rappy Burst chance.

Feb 11, 2016, 06:46 PM
Think the slots might actualy have better odds if the rappies match the season.
Because I've been to different slots with the Love (not Lovey!) rappies, and I just keep getting so many (?) and (!).
In the first slot, I've gotten 2 Rappy Burst chances, with the first one getting a Burst right at first try and netting me 5 wildcards.
The second slot gave me a Rappy Burst straight out of zero coins (which was kinda sad, since I was betting a single coin), and netted me 4 wildcards total during said burst. And then, another Rappy Burst chance.

Some machines have better (Or worse) odds of winning in general.

It has nothing to do with the Rappy from my experience.

Jul 21, 2016, 09:49 AM
Just a bump to say that the payout in Arkuma slots is terrible and not worth playing at the moment. Costs 500 coins to gain very little. Never actually reached 500 coin score, and never actually banked anything, since it takes around 15 stages to reach 3 digits most of the time. 7 or so games, never reached stage 20.

Jul 21, 2016, 10:20 AM
I've seen people cash out at 5k CC

Jul 21, 2016, 02:23 PM
Thanks. I haven't tried it, can't be bothered.
They said it's high risk, and my luck sucks, so my coins would probably all vanish into thin air immediately.

Jul 21, 2016, 02:31 PM
Arkuma Slots have really good payout, but the RNG is even more cruel than Rappy Slots. Hold onto dear life if you roll Falz Arms, because you may have just lost 500 CC. I tend to cash out at 1000 CC, which is a 500 CC profit.

Quick rules writeup:

[SPOILER-BOX]How to win:
Reach Stage 30 and defeat Dark Falz Elder.

Playing Arkuma Slots:
1. Pay 500 CC to play. You can play 10 times per 5 days.
2. Press Interact to roll the slots. Each roll constitutes one Stage.
3. There are four outcomes: Arkuma, Arkmami, Arkuma + Arkmami, and Falz Arms. The odds of scoring a match are rather high. Arkuma = 10 CC, Arkmami = 30 CC, and Arkuma + Arkmami = 50 CC.
4. Rolling the former three once each completes a set, which is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Completing a set wins a Complete Bonus, which scores a ton of CC. The value of the bonus rises with every Complete Bonus you earn.
5. Rolling Falz Arms engages the player in a Battle Game. 2 to 4 Falz Arms appear. Select one to attack. One Falz Arm ends your game; the others increase your CC by a percentage multiplier. The fewer onscreen Arms, the higher the potential multiplier.
6. At Stage 30, the player engages Dark Falz Elder. Select a spot to attack to win a huge mutliplier and win the game.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Jul 21, 2016, 03:32 PM
Wow, then I must have terrible luck then. Also, getting Arms and losing before stage 5 is pretty common for me, even in slots with high average.

Jul 21, 2016, 07:15 PM
ive cash out 6k, its pretty great
then i played again and i was near the end, then it made me choose between 2 Falz Arms... and that 2k = *poof* (well i only lose 500cc)

Jul 21, 2016, 08:11 PM
My coin went from 16k>21k>11k after 20 slots.

I love how arkumami let you "pick out" the real falz arm in battle games. They should have just skip the fake selection screen and pop up "try again loser" message instead.

Great Pan
Jul 21, 2016, 11:52 PM
I went broke with Akuma Slot last nite, shoulda back to Blah Nyah.

Jul 22, 2016, 09:38 AM
I find Arkuma Slot pretty unsatisfying, as it is pretty non-interactive. All you do is watch it slowly add 10 and 30 to the total. Even when offered an apparent choice against Falz Arms, it isn't a real choice since there is no way of telling which Falz Arm will have the fatal 0%.

You pretty much just mash Enter until it kills you. The only real strategy to it is when to pull out, and even then, it often killed me before I had 500cc in the pool. Ugh.

At least with Black Nyack, I feel I will profit if I put enough time in, as long as I can tolerate the Nyau salt. So I would have to spend some time at the Black Nyack tables to have the money to throw away on Arkuma Slots. Seems like a pretty good plan.

Jul 22, 2016, 07:42 PM
First day: won 14k
Second day: lost 3.5k (unlucky)
Third day: lost 5k (very unlucky)
Fourth day: won 9.5k

Arkuma slots are swingy as hell. They reward playing big, but not so big that you bet too much and end up losing it all. That's if you don't get wrecked by the first falz encountered that is, which happens annoyingly often.

Definitely not a game for people who want to have a net gain each day. It feels like on average this game produces large coin gains, but due to being very RNG-heavy that average is spread out across a long, long time.

Sep 4, 2016, 12:57 PM
Nyau's AI has improved GREATLY. Good luck beating him now.

Sep 4, 2016, 01:29 PM
his AI hasnt changed, still a matter if your hitting or staying

Sep 4, 2016, 03:37 PM
I like Arkuma slots, I've never lost before hitting 500cc, if I lose, it's because I get way too cocky with a win streak.

Just kind of wish the Casino games were more, engaging I guess.