View Full Version : So uhm has anybody figured a way 2 use backup char

Mar 8, 2001, 11:50 PM
So has anybody done it without using some kind of a device. I tried playing offline until my hours exceeded my original, but than my file just got corrupted

Mar 9, 2001, 06:40 AM
Well I just read some news that just prevented me from putting PSO away forever.
I hear that sega will try to find a way to stop duping and change the servers back.
Woohoo At least I have hope now that my character will once again roam rogal, online that is. Someone post it when they get any news on this.

Mar 9, 2001, 07:37 AM
Most likely it's a tag they put in your save file after you log off of the servers. I'm sure most people with enough knowledge of a hex editor could compare 2 files and find the tag. Then they'd simply have to add it to their duped file and re-download. I doubt they measure time or exp. Too many ways around it, like offline mode.

Mar 9, 2001, 07:59 AM
Okay, you make it sound very simple.
Can you please name one way to get around this. Pleeezzzze.
I've taken a glance at some of the stuff on the petition and Ambrai said that playing offline to catch up time worked. And than I hear conflicting arguments. I'm not about to go through that whole thread. So did it work for anybody. I neeeeeeeeeeed tooooo get oooonnnllllliiiiiinnnnnneeee!!!!!