View Full Version : Item: I have a theory...

Apr 24, 2003, 09:20 PM
My theory is that certain rare monsters fork over rares more often then the other rare monster. For example my main char Abril is a Viridia and she has a near perfect rare rate from Rappys and Lilys and gets jipped crazily by Bears and Slimes. I've found 3 Pouilly Slimes and 3 Mil Lilys in the past 3 das and i have 3 God/Powers (all from lilys btw) and a monomate from the second slime... And i ve found 3 Pal Rappys a while back which all gave me red scorpios and i found 7 Hildetorrs which: killed me, nothing, Club +5, nothing, monomate, photon drop, antidote... i still need to research on earlier difficulys and wit my HUmar Super Cross but he cant kill any thing w his weak sauce defence so that'll take me a while but neway if you can help it would b nice because there r way too manyfactors for me to research by my self especially i dont play much nemore and dont plan on it unless i get online but... ima leave it at that any help will b appreciated.

Apr 24, 2003, 09:25 PM
yeah thats true and i also noticed your section I.D. has a certain time rares show up alot.
I.E. Whitill Beat 890-999 i found like 9 rares in a row.
Oran Beats 300-400 i found 4 rares in these beats.

Apr 24, 2003, 09:27 PM
i also think section id's have certain monsters and stages were rares show up more, but im not sure yet i'll check it out.

Apr 24, 2003, 09:39 PM
btw i havent tested Ep.2 and you cant make me