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Manta Oyamada
Jan 7, 2016, 01:38 PM





Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation set to premiere every Friday starting January 8th @ 10PM PST and will be available to Crunchyroll members in the following territories: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Latin America, Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa.


Jan 7, 2016, 01:51 PM
So, it's canon now?

Jan 7, 2016, 01:58 PM
Funny how you only see 2 good weapons in that cover pic(God hand & susano shouha). Everyone else is using trash stuff. Sega where are their 13* lol

Jan 7, 2016, 02:06 PM
Stealing a comment from reddit.

"Help! When I load the anime it's all in Japanese! Is this an issue with the tweaker because it told me everything was translated! Also I get a black screen about 25 minutes into the show! has this been patched?!"

Jan 7, 2016, 02:13 PM
Nanana is still the best PSO2 (or any PSO game) anime to this date.

Jan 7, 2016, 02:23 PM
Now we know who the real end game boss is.

Jan 7, 2016, 02:41 PM
Reposting from another thread.
Well just saw the fist episode and i got to say i laughed a lot not because how bad it was but how good it represented PSO2 in many ways!
First of all it starts with tower defense and with the music on the background and familiar techniques and PAs and of course Vibrace unskipable intro showing up LOL.
Then the Opening is so good SO GOOD! the game main characters will be on the game YEA!
I found it funny that main character avatar is basically pso2 main character haha.
When he logged in to the game thats when i laughted because all people where waiting for the EQ and thats how well its representing the game its like they know this game is EQ only LOL.
Then the fight against the darkers in the end was very good and the CG is VERY VERY GOOD!
The ending is very familiar lol and the motion capture on the cast is very fluid and its frame rate is very high ( i dont know why people were saying the it was 13 frames per second when its clearly its no.t)
Overall for a fan of PSO2 its solid 8 out of 10 at least !
also the anime shows in the opening characters from EP4 Hitsugi & Koori and the game the MC plays its pso2 ep4 the main icon its different and it already has summoner in it so i think it will have a strong connection with the game.

Ps: The Opening is really good!

Jan 7, 2016, 03:09 PM
CrunchyRoll announced that they will start streaming this tomorrow.

Jan 7, 2016, 03:16 PM
So, it's canon now?

EP4 it is sequel for Anime. Not bad.

Jan 7, 2016, 03:20 PM
Now we know who the real end game boss is.

Man, EP4 looks promising if this is the boss.

Jan 7, 2016, 03:23 PM
Is... that meant to be a Breeahda?

Jan 7, 2016, 03:24 PM
Okay, first of all, as a general complaint about the style of this anime, I absolutely hate the overuse of computer animation. It just looks ugly and out of place.

I would've been fine with this if they had only used it on the Darkers, but Soro looks and moves like shit.
And I really hated when they put a drawn face on the computer animated body of the main character. wtf

That said, the opening sequence was still pretty awesome.
I love that they did actually use the game's music for this.

The opening itself is forgettable.
Seriously, I would like to say more about it, but I already can't remember it, lol

Everything that happened after the opening was just a lengthy PSO2 commercial with school life shit mixed in there, but I already expected as much.

I don't get why everyone has the hots for Izumi.
The short-haired girl accompanying here is so much hotter.

The Rappy dance ending was easily the best part of this episode. I loved that.
Aside from that, there is honestly nothing worth mentioning. If I hadn't been prepared for this, I'd go cry in a corner now.

Also, my personal highlight:

Jan 7, 2016, 03:45 PM
Soro looks and moves like shit.

LOL...Generic western comment...


Jan 7, 2016, 03:56 PM
Anyone else pick up on the anime giving the option of using the PSO1 outfits from the start?

Jan 7, 2016, 04:23 PM
I love it. The CG and the generic-ness is so amazing.

This is an anime I'll have to keep watching until the very end.

I will say though, it's nice to see they at least made the characters in the lobbies dress weird as most do in the actual game.

Jan 7, 2016, 04:39 PM
Miyazaki was right

Jan 7, 2016, 04:52 PM
Also, my personal highlight:

"Senpai! My next class is in the most distant building and I have only five minutes to get there!"
"In this kind of school, you gotta go fast"

Jan 7, 2016, 04:52 PM
btw, they are playing in ship...?
to bad they don´t use Bulletshow time for the intro.

Jan 7, 2016, 04:53 PM
Would be funny if the big reveal was that your MC came from this planet.

Jan 7, 2016, 05:03 PM
I can already see the tropes setting in...
Soro was probably the coolest part of the first episode
I was also kinda upset by Soro's player being the brown-haired waifu <.<;;

Jan 7, 2016, 05:06 PM
I can already see the tropes setting in...
Soro was probably the coolest part of the first episode
I was also kinda upset by Soro's player being the brown-haired waifu <.<;;

Basically 70% of pso2 players play with female characters and are male IRL so i dont see why cant a female person play with a CAST character.
I think its cool having a badass CAST with a female player at least its different.

Nitro Vordex
Jan 7, 2016, 05:07 PM
Oh my god this is going to be amazing and terrible all rolled into one. I'm so ready for this. Waiting on subs now, even though it's not like I needed subs to see the shit about to happen. :wacko:

Jan 7, 2016, 05:10 PM
Basically 70% of pso2 players play with female characters and are male IRL so i dont see why cant a female person play with a CAST character.
I think its cool having a badass CAST with a female player at least its different.

It's pretty cool imo too, but I'd probably be more for it if she didn't already have the previews goin' against her. If I could understand moonspeak, I'd probably be able to enjoy her more, though.

Otherwise, go female player!

Jan 7, 2016, 05:21 PM
Based on what we're seeing lore wise this seems to take place some time before PSO2 On Stage as PS Vita and PCs are still being used rather than motion control or virtual drives.

Also when the EQ loaded I was laughing expecting the new level 1 character to get one shotted constantly by level 11+ darkers.

Jan 7, 2016, 05:59 PM
I've watched it. It was frankly bad and boring. Half the episode wasted on most generic highschool shenanigans imaginable, just without anything funny or charming going for it.

The PSO2 parts were alright, in the "this is decent for a MST3k treatment" kind of way. All the dancing in lobby, fashion failure PCs, and the EQ MPA being empty because frankly, who runs Urban these days? And yes, Soro is the best part.

Overall this had a few decent moments that amused me but I'm not sure if I really want to watch any more.

No salt, just bored.

Jan 7, 2016, 06:13 PM
Ah yes, because first episode dictates the whole anime.

On a side note, I enjoyed the first episode. Sure it was a bit boring, mostly because I didn't understand a single word from it, but eh, it's the first episode. I didn't expect much, honestly. I really wanna know what's the context of that intro scene with Vibras and stuff. It looked like they were in the Mothership at first! I'm sure it'll be explained later, though. I can't wait to see 1) Big Vardha battle, 2) a PSE Burst in Anime version, and 3) Parallel World kehehehe. Overall, I give the first episode a 7/10.

Jan 7, 2016, 06:15 PM
So I notice that a character is holding a saber in the OP. That makes me sad.

The Walrus
Jan 7, 2016, 06:33 PM
Anyone else pick up on the anime giving the option of using the PSO1 outfits from the start?

this makes me very mad

Jan 7, 2016, 06:37 PM
I really wanna know what's the context of that intro scene with Vibras and stuff.

If the entire episode had been like the intro scene, it honestly would have been amazing.
I really hope we will get to see a lot more of that once all the boring character/setting introductions are out of the way.

Jan 7, 2016, 06:41 PM
If the entire episode had been like the intro scene, it honestly would have been amazing.
I really hope we will get to see a lot more of that once all the boring character/setting introductions are out of the way.

Totally, dude. Character introductions are such a pain. I mean, it's not like I want to know about the character's story or anything, that's just stupid and irrelevant. :wacko:

Jan 7, 2016, 06:48 PM
Haven't seen it yet, but I knew Solo's player was going to be a female.
Just seemed like something they would do.

Ah yes, because first episode dictates the whole anime.

But the fact is people will stop or continue watching based on the first episode.
I'm sure that's one of the reasons why a lot of animes have amazing quality in the first episode, and then it just drops to rubbish.
It's like games with a shitty start. Most people are going to say "f this" and stop playing.

As a creator, you want the start to interest people and draw them in, not bore them to death or drive them away.
You shouldn't expect people to want to endure crapness to get to goodness much later on. I think the best works are great from start to finish.
On a similar note, I recently glanced at a new manga where the most interesting and likable character died immediately in the worst way imaginable.
That manga certainly cemented itself as something I will never re-read, let alone continue to read.

If you're telling yourself "it's just the start, it might get better later" it probably means you have a personal reason to give it a chance.
For example, you're bored with nothing else to do, or you're hoping it gets better because you have some kind of personal investment (eg. it's your favorite franchise or something).
It doesn't mean that it's done well.

And of course, there's also personal opinion and expectations.
I think most people have had extremely low expectations of the anime from day one.
After watching it, if they're still finding it terrible even beyond their expectations, then... well, it's probably not very good.

Character introductions are such a pain. I mean, it's not like I want to know about the character's story or anything, that's just stupid and irrelevant. :wacko:

I think the point is there are many different ways to introduce setting and character story to the audience.
If it's done in a way that people find boring, then it's probably not done very well.

Jan 7, 2016, 06:59 PM
But the fact is people will stop or continue watching based on the first episode.
I'm sure that's one of the reasons why a lot of animes have amazing quality in the first episode, and then it just drops to rubbish.
It's like games with a shitty start. Most people are going to say "f this" and stop playing.

As a creator, you want the start to interest people and draw them in, not bore them to death or drive them away.
You shouldn't expect people to want to endure crapness to get to goodness much later on.
On a similar note, I recently glanced at a new manga where the most interesting and likable character died immediately in the worst way imaginable.
That manga certainly cemented itself as something I will never re-read, let alone continue to read.

If you're telling yourself "it's just the start, it might get better later" it probably means you have a personal reason to give it a chance.
For example, you're bored with nothing else to do, or you're hoping it gets better because you have some kind of personal investment (eg. it's your favorite franchise or something).
It doesn't mean that it's done well.

And of course, there's also personal opinion and expectations.
I think most people have had extremely low expectations of the anime from day one.
After watching it, if they're still finding it terrible even beyond their expectations, then... well, it's probably not very good.

I'm the type of person to give an anime more than just one episode in order for me to build a good opinion off of it. So that's the mentality that I carry. Take JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for an example. First few episodes are boring as hell in my opinion, but once Battle Tendency starts, everything gets a lot better. Now, I'm a crazed JoJo fan. I know a lot of people that gave up on it after the first episode, and you know what, I could understand.

But personally, I'm still going to watch through the rest of the show for me to at least find a few things that I did enjoy from it, and build a full judgement with that as well. It's not that I have no life, and I'm most definitely not saying that PSO2 will be the best anime ever, if you gave it a chance, I'm just someone that is willing to sit through boring episodes if I have to, so that I can get to the good parts. I'm saying that judging a whole anime off of the first episode isn't so much the best idea in my opinion, anyway.

Jan 7, 2016, 07:08 PM
i just hope the mc will be posting on 2ch player ids of mackrels in bl threads :-?

Jan 7, 2016, 07:10 PM
Best part about this imo is having more ingame characters (hopefully) appear in the anime and not just Quna (still quarter of a way in, coming to this thread was pretty spoiler-rific kek)

Edit: Just finished watching, gonna wait for 3-4 episodes more to see if things pickup. Overall the animation is good, but we cant say for sure the quality lasts until the last episode. While watching I can't help but think how can I recreate these charas ingame. Also, that all rappy Rare Drop Koi Koi

Jan 7, 2016, 07:14 PM
I'm the type of person to give an anime more than just one episode in order for me to build a good opinion off of it.

Your not the only one who does, i usually give anime's a couple of episodes too because you cant see a story with only the prologue.
Its 100000000x better than stupid Magical girls Macross Delta they killed one of my favorite franchises hell, Pso2 Soro CG is God compared to that crap CG abomination...
Well now its time to wait for the next episode lol!

Jan 7, 2016, 07:42 PM
Is Philia wearing black here

Yea dont forget the version the MC is playing Pso2 Ep4 and i heard that NPCs will suffer some changes clothing wise in there and maybe philia will wear black costume.
Nice eagle eyes thought!

Jan 7, 2016, 07:42 PM
I'm sure it depends on what you want/like. Varies greatly between each person.
If you see a moderate amount of things you like in the first episode, then I guess try the second and see if it has more or less things you like.
In my case, it's usually mostly things I dislike or don't care about, to the point that there's really no point in checking out further episodes.

There are some game/drama/anime series I recommended to friends, where they were quick to negatively judge based on a few minor things.
But I nagged them to give a proper chance, and now they love those works... so, yeah.

Jan 7, 2016, 08:11 PM
In the future we'll still be using windows 10 and chrome. Also who the hell plays in tiny window mode -______-


Jan 7, 2016, 08:16 PM
I see .... so, on Episode4, Launcher's WeaponAction is Guard? :wacko:
Or maybe we can assign Weapon action to anything on Ep4 :wacko:


Meteor Weapon
Jan 7, 2016, 08:26 PM
Well at least they put Dark Falz Apprentice Gia in.


Jan 7, 2016, 08:27 PM
BTW, I usually give anime the 3 episode rule. Or rather 4 episode because from my experience that's when action starts to pick up - but the first episode has to have something to draw you in first.

PSO2 failed to deliver on that front. It wasn't offensively bad like, for example, Cross Ange. But it was boring as hell.

Its 100000000x better than stupid Magical girls Macross Delta they killed one of my favorite franchises hell, Pso2 Soro CG is God compared to that crap CG abomination...


Jan 7, 2016, 08:36 PM
I see .... so, on Episode4, Launcher's WeaponAction is Guard? :wacko:
Or maybe we can assign Weapon action to anything on Ep4 :wacko:


Clearly he switched to a all-class sword to block, its just the launcher graphic didn't switch cuz lag
(But seriously I want to see more fuck ups in this anime)

Jan 7, 2016, 08:45 PM
Liked the animation and the drawing. Good music and epic battle against Breeahda ._. (well, it his first emergency).

I dont liked the opening song and in some moments the 3D. But in general i liked the first episode :D
The most i loved is that ending hahaha

Jan 7, 2016, 09:09 PM
MC with a gunslash? SEGA pls.

Also, I'm sure that by the 11th chapter, everyone will be using those almighty 13* weapons. Ares at worst, Austere at best. Just because SEGA wants to "surprise" their audience.

Jan 7, 2016, 09:15 PM
Or you know holographic costume change? Used quite a bit in past Macross.

Jan 7, 2016, 09:20 PM
I did see lobby warriors inside lobby. Not much though, SEGA cheated non-player audience by announcing "we have lobby warriors but its a minority most is hardwork and live in gateship." detail is when Soro rush to intercept MC at 2nd time in lobby. Its hilarious though when people rush to quest counter for a city cleanup EQ.

[SPOILER-BOX]Then Soro bringing that MC is like lv11 carrying a lv1, in N no less. Maybe have a Pisastan with +7 grind as opposed to a gunslash which is not even +1.

MC should do the first thing is to get inside Naberius and get his ass kicked by some rock throwing monkeys and body slam monkeys working together. [/SPOILER-BOX]

Jan 7, 2016, 09:32 PM
Or you know holographic costume change? Used quite a bit in past Macross.

Yes but it wasn't cringe worthy like this Macross Delta dance dance revolution feat Kawaii waifus and bad Cg from PSX games...

Jan 7, 2016, 10:27 PM
I really want to watch this but I need to wait Engsub :(

Jan 7, 2016, 10:35 PM

Why does this seem so ridiculously plausible?

I mean, they're going to be tying Episode 4 to this somehow...

Jan 7, 2016, 10:40 PM
Zyrusticae! Spoilers!:argh:

Jan 7, 2016, 10:40 PM
This anime is unrealistic as heck, are you kidding me??? He picks all random character customization and winds up with a default HUmar???? Wow, not watching this. :- )

Jan 7, 2016, 10:42 PM
This anime is unrealistic as heck, are you kidding me??? He picks all random character customization and winds up with a default HUmar???? Wow, not watching this. :- )

dat RNG doe. Actually, even 2ch has been making fun of this

Jan 7, 2016, 10:45 PM
I really want to watch this but I need to wait Engsub :(
Just install story patch using tweaker.

Jan 7, 2016, 10:52 PM
dat RNG doe. Actually, even 2ch has been making fun of this


Jan 7, 2016, 10:58 PM
I wonder if they're going to offer an explanation for how the animation is tied to the game prior to episode 4's release.

Jan 7, 2016, 11:25 PM
gs use oe in the op wow new pa for gs.nope sword camo bicth

Jan 8, 2016, 12:04 AM
gs use oe in the op wow new pa for gs.nope sword camo bicth

Meanwhile that same Over End can extend above the atmosphere... SEGA ban hacker pls...

Jan 8, 2016, 12:21 AM
Umm, how did (s)he Zondeel running Goldrahdas? :o

Jan 8, 2016, 12:27 AM
Umm, how did (s)he Zondeel running Goldrahdas? :o

I thought it was an over dramatic gravity bomb.

Jan 8, 2016, 12:43 AM
It was casted from a thrown talis plus those lightning effect so I thought for sure it was Zondeel.

Jan 8, 2016, 01:03 AM
In the future we'll still be using windows 10 and chrome. Also who the hell plays in tiny window mode -______-


uhh lots of people do.. specifically if you do not have a good comp

Jan 8, 2016, 01:03 AM
its just a big pso2 ad

Cyron Tanryoku
Jan 8, 2016, 01:14 AM
its just

a giant pso2 ad

Jan 8, 2016, 01:17 AM
uhh lots of people do.. specifically if you do not have a good comp
yeah but it's 2027, you'd think a "cheap PC" would wreck PSO2 by that date.

Jan 8, 2016, 01:33 AM
Soro uses 5* and 6* vendor trash. Soro is garbage.

There's a grand total of 1 player using a collab outfit. Poor representation of the game's aesthetic.

They shove a Rappy butthole in your face for 7 full seconds.

And the thing I'm getting most upset about is actually all of the sitting, walking, and idle animations they showed in the lobby which do not exist in-game. I want those.

Rappy Butthole Gakuen the Anime. 2/10.

I know you well enough now that I should've expected you'd react like this, but it STILL makes me want to say the following: Y SO SRS?!

I mean, you deal with otaku for game producers, you really shouldn't be surprised when they make what effectively is PSO2's version of Pokemon Origins (if you saw that, then you know that they put something in there that quite frankly does not belong).

Liked the animation and the drawing. Good music and epic battle against Breeahda ._. (well, it his first emergency).

I dont liked the opening song and in some moments the 3D. But in general i liked the first episode :D
The most i loved is that ending hahaha

'ey man, those things gave me trouble at first in EP1 (this was back when everyone had crap for gear). They're more annoying if they spawn El Dagans, because somehow being in the presence of Breeadha gives those fuckers a ranged attack (not to mention the fact that they have dive kicks). As a Level 1 that is GOING to fuck your day up (mostly because even on Normal those sons o' bitches seem to have a smarter AI than your common Dagan) due to getting ganked from an angle you can't see.

Why does this seem so ridiculously plausible?

I mean, they're going to be tying Episode 4 to this somehow...

Calling it right now - photons end up leaking from shitty MC's comp (or Soro's or some other random idiot's comp), they manifest as Phantoms and end up killing like 90% of the Japanese population (how else are you going to sell me on why Tokyo's empty as a ghost town?), we end up tracing said photon leakage to a distortion on Amduscia, which somehow justifies the addition of Ult Amduscia.

*inb4 pulling unjustified theories out my ass*

Umm, how did (s)he Zondeel running Goldrahdas? :o

I don't play a Force so forgive what might seem like a stupid question, but... it's not possible to do that?

yeah but it's 2027, you'd think a "cheap PC" would wreck PSO2 by that date.

Well, for one thing, nobody knows how long MS is gonna keep Win10 in season (though given how quickly they moved from Vista to 7 to 8 and finally to 10, I can agree with your skepticism).

Jan 8, 2016, 01:44 AM
'ey man, those things gave me trouble at first in EP1 (this was back when everyone had crap for gear). They're more annoying if they spawn El Dagans, because somehow being in the presence of Breeadha gives those fuckers a ranged attack (not to mention the fact that they have dive kicks). As a Level 1 that is GOING to fuck your day up (mostly because even on Normal those sons o' bitches seem to have a smarter AI than your common Dagan) due to getting ganked from an angle you can't see.

I don't play a Force so forgive what might seem like a stupid question, but... it's not possible to do that?

Your level has nothing to do with camera angles. If you're getting wrecked by El Dagan there's really nothing else to say besides lacking experience. They're really nothing special.

Goldrahda possess resistance to suction effects while running, which allows them to run through a Zondeel instead of getting pulled by it.

Jan 8, 2016, 02:23 AM
This thread is reminding me why making a show about a real game where it's still the same game in-universe is such a bad idea. :wacko:

Jan 8, 2016, 03:10 AM
The first episode was HYPE! I'm in love with the animation already~ Character's is a meh, but he feels sincere enough for me to want to hope he'll shape up~

Jan 8, 2016, 03:11 AM
Just as bad as expected xD

Jan 8, 2016, 03:13 AM
Your level has nothing to do with camera angles. If you're getting wrecked by El Dagan there's really nothing else to say besides lacking experience. They're really nothing special.

Goldrahda possess resistance to suction effects while running, which allows them to run through a Zondeel instead of getting pulled by it.

Technically we could say that about our MC here. I mean, we're all used to things like this, so it's not entirely a big deal for guys like us, but for someone playing the game for the first time a Breeadha would be a challenge (more so if they're not familiar with the genre - from what I've gathered the MC ain't no Kirito, he doesn't have massive MMO experience and such).

And good to know. I mean, the way that our supposed MC (I think it's him, just that he's in his post-este state where he got a new do, some fab clothes and what looks to be a motherfucking Orbital weapon) was holding his GS before the transition didn't seem like anything I'm familiar with (perhaps a new PA coming in EP4?).

Jan 8, 2016, 03:53 AM

Why does this seem so ridiculously plausible?

I mean, they're going to be tying Episode 4 to this somehow...

Better: Pso2 is an arks game to indoctrinate huemans to hate darkers. In other words, Sakai is an alien

Jan 8, 2016, 04:04 AM
SEGA confirmed Illuminati :O

Jan 8, 2016, 05:27 AM
Still expecting a villain being responsible for pso2 existing on earth as a game, 3 year time gap, someone's been busy.

Jan 8, 2016, 05:41 AM
In before the whole thing turns out to be the Arks Training VR Simulator.
Or they're all dead and figments of someone's imagination.

Infinity Series
Jan 8, 2016, 07:02 AM
Hoping for more battle scene.

Not really care about the story. :wacko:

Jan 8, 2016, 07:15 AM
It'd be funny if all the character interaction scenes were the same as the in-game matterboard.
Just people walking up and flapping gums and posing then walking away.

Kinda like the Shenmue Movie.

Jan 8, 2016, 07:18 AM
Hoping for more battle scene.

Not really care about the story. :wacko:

Considering how much a single breahda took... a rockbear would take an entire chapter. Angel would take an entire season i guess.

I would like see them do td4 (lol pugs)

Jan 8, 2016, 07:27 AM
Considering how much a single breahda took... a rockbear would take an entire chapter. Angel would take an entire season i guess.

I would like see them do td4 (lol pugs)

It took me about that long to beat my first Breahda.

Naoya Kiriyama
Jan 8, 2016, 07:33 AM
yeah but it's 2027, you'd think a "cheap PC" would wreck PSO2 by that date.

I would think that SEGA would have shut down the servers by that date

Jan 8, 2016, 08:07 AM
world dead by unkonwn alien human survive in coldsleep vr school life simulation
pain of Sega i mean Zega

Jan 8, 2016, 09:57 AM
Final episode, Rockbear takes over Oracle and becomes Profound Rockbear.

Jan 8, 2016, 12:02 PM
Final episode, Rockbear takes over Oracle and becomes Profound Rockbear.

Rappy! Profound Rappy :)

Jan 8, 2016, 02:08 PM
What the fuck? the first blu ray realese only contains 2 epėsodes? and there will be 6 volumes to be realesed. Too short only being 12 episodes. :(

Jan 8, 2016, 02:30 PM
What the fuck? the first blu ray realese only contains 2 epėsodes? and there will be 6 volumes to be realesed. Too short only being 12 episodes. :(

That's more or less par for the course for an anime of this nature. IIRC, tons of other video game anime have received this treatment (with the exception of Pokemon, but that's an exception, not the rule). KanColle, BlazBlue, Hyperdimension Neptunia, and such all got this exact same amount (give or take one episode).

So you really shouldn't be all that surprised, given that the only "video game anime" that truly break the trend are ones that are so popular that they fit into special exceptions (and again, they are exceptions - not the rule).

Jan 8, 2016, 02:42 PM

Jan 8, 2016, 02:59 PM
I wasn't expecting much to begin with, and still found myself shaking my head. Like a couple others mentioned earlier in the thread, it seemed like an ad for PSO2. The 3D parts were particularly bad and didn't blend very well (IMO), and I let out a laugh at the character creation scene where the guy looked so out of place compared to the background. The lobby scenes looked like anime pasted on a green screen. This is all I saw;

Anyway, like I said my expectations weren't high to begin with. Doesn't look like something I'd enjoy but I'll give episode 2 a shot.

Jan 8, 2016, 05:24 PM
I would think that SEGA would have shut down the servers by that date

Year 2027: PSO2 still going on.

We're up to episode 12 now, each episode was worse than the last. The previous ep was literally just a big advertisement for latest Star Wars.

16* weapons are considered the bare minimum and a noob's weapon.

Saiki set - still the best.

Jan 8, 2016, 05:27 PM
I think SEGA is really giving everything they got its like they found out they need to get as much fans as possible from all ways possible to play Pso2.
PSO2 has anime and game collaboration, it had a On-Stage theater,was released on PS Vita with Cross play,will release on PS4 and it has an Anime now.
All this in 3 and half years.
This is by far SEGA most profitable game if they fail SEGA shuts down.
From 2014 till this date 90% of animes are 12 episodes with 5% having 2 cours if you go to Anidb and see the calendar from 2014 till now you will see that.
Thats why the anime will only have 12 episodes, making a 12 episode anime already costs Millions of yen and with CG and high quality effects it costs even more,and SEGA is doing all this while investing on all other PSO2 stuff to keep players playing, its not cheap lol.

Jan 8, 2016, 08:07 PM
I think SEGA is really giving everything they got its like they found out they need to get as much fans as possible from all ways possible to play Pso2.
PSO2 has anime and game collaboration, it had a On-Stage theater,was released on PS Vita with Cross play,will release on PS4 and it has an Anime now.
All this in 3 and half years.
This is by far SEGA most profitable game if they fail SEGA shuts down.
From 2014 till this date 90% of animes are 12 episodes with 5% having 2 cours if you go to Anidb and see the calendar from 2014 till now you will see that.
Thats why the anime will only have 12 episodes, making a 12 episode anime already costs Millions of yen and with CG and high quality effects it costs even more,and SEGA is doing all this while investing on all other PSO2 stuff to keep players playing, its not cheap lol.

You're right. the latest videos that SEGA has shown, are an indication of everything that has been invested into this game.



Jan 8, 2016, 08:16 PM
You're right. the latest videos that SEGA has shown, are an indication of everything that has been invested into this game.



The gal gryphon looks amazing! They really are doing they're best LOL.
Thanks for the links.

Manta Oyamada
Jan 8, 2016, 09:55 PM
Phantasy Star Online2 The Animation horriblesubs link add

Jan 9, 2016, 02:04 AM
Watched it translated on CrunchyRoll. That was...strictly OK. I mean, on one hand, at least we're not doing the "stuck in the game and can't log out" nonsense, but the actual premise for this show is razor thin to the point that it's kind of distracting.

Though really, how are you going to make a twenty minute ad for PSO2 and spend only like ten seconds of it on the character creator? That's like a Hooters commercial that spends the whole thing talking about chicken wings.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:19 AM
Watched it subbed (here (https://kissanime.to/Anime/Phantasy-Star-Online-2-The-Animation/Episode-001?id=121766)), personally found it appalling, lol.

It was so incredibly forced and the plot is non-existent, honestly. There were some nice animation effects (such as the 3D on SORO, that was cool), but it was also incredibly jarring almost the entire time ingame. The characters and scenery clashed with each other hardcore.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:32 AM
It wasn't bad but I don't judge on a first episode basis,like some people said some shows just take a while to get good.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:34 AM
I strongly disliked nearly all the animation that had to do with anything in game. On one hand, I can appreciate the need for a separate aesthetic for the scenes that take place in the game setting, in order to draw a distinct line between the real world and game settings. But the style they created...it's like they superimposed cels onto footage from the game. There was some neat action choreography, but I didn't enjoy any of it because I just hated looking at it so much.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:37 AM

Jan 9, 2016, 02:44 AM
Finally watched it. Z-0 is right about the plot. "We play PSO2 because the school says to" Really...? If I had to pick anything about it I liked, it's that the MC has more than 1 friend irl right off the bat. Infact he and his friends were the only characters I could say I like on any level. The student council president is the worst case of perfect Japanese highschool girl I've seen in years. I'm calling it now. Her only "flaw" is going to be that she doesn't want people to see her as perfect or something.

As for the actual PSO2 related stuff, at least we have some sort of (relatively flimsy) excuse for why Soro/Solo uses 4-6* weapons. People were making fun of the MC for having a hard time against a breeadah and el-dagans, but I kinda had the same experience starting out. Also I know the anime hasn't had a good track record with it's accuracy of depicting the ingame stuff but I'm pretty sure the enemies in that EQ are level 20 on normal mode. I think people forget what the game is like when you can't powerlevel to HM, have no skills, no gear, and haven't played before.

The animation reminded me of why anime that use CG for mecha stuff usually try to keep the mecha and people separate though. :wacko:

Jan 9, 2016, 02:45 AM

:-o train and car

Jan 9, 2016, 02:45 AM
Yeah I think the game stuff would've looked better hand drawn but 3D is more or less becoming more common place in anime nowadays.It can look bad if done wrong like say Strike Witches.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:45 AM

You tried too hard, but congratulation for being that observative.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:50 AM

:-o train and carOh hey, background plot stuff. oboi

You tried too hard, but congratulation for being that observative.He's not the one who found it, someone else did a while ago.

Jan 9, 2016, 02:52 AM
ep1 is not really interesting in my opinion
seiga academy, everyone seems like up to play pso2 is not really an good motive

at last later, i hope the action stuffs will be good as SAO

Jan 9, 2016, 02:55 AM
EDIT: Maybe it's because I'm literally the lowest common denominator but I just watched the first episode of "Oshiete! Galko-chan" and the jokes about T&A amused me more than PSO2 did...

at last later, i hope the action stuffs will be good as SAOThat fight with the boar in the beginning of SAO was more action packed AND visually appealing than this breeadah fight, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Jan 9, 2016, 03:27 AM
20 minutes of boring high-school drama and 5 minutes of pso2. That is to be expected for each episode.

However, I hope they will make a nice dudu episode :D

Jan 9, 2016, 03:55 AM
Still haven't bothered to check it out yet, but everything i'm hearing about it sounds very facepalm.
The plot sounds like it's gonna be "if students don't beat Darkers in PSO2, ghost vehicles will cause accidents and Japan dies".

Jan 9, 2016, 04:08 AM
This is pretty much an ad thinly disguised as an animu x.x

Jan 9, 2016, 04:11 AM
This is pretty much an ad thinly disguised as an animu x.x

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 9, 2016, 04:17 AM
I watched it....for what it's worth it....I enjoyed it. I didn't expect it to be anything amazing (after all it is just an anime inspired by a game in the slick form of an ad)

but I enjoyed none the less.

Did find it funny that Summoner was in his character select screen.

Also...since two of the characters from anime appear in ep4......what if we go there and find out we're all just simply a game....of which the earthlings are playing.....

Gameception...... :o


Misaki Ki
Jan 9, 2016, 04:18 AM
This is pretty much an ad thinly disguised as an animu x.x

Eh?~ You don't play PSO2? How could you not play PSO2? Everyone plays PSO2!

Jan 9, 2016, 04:21 AM
Also...since two of the characters from anime appear in ep4......what if we go there and find out we're all just simply a game....of which the earthlings are playing.....

I don't want to see that fucking concept used in something ELSE.

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 9, 2016, 04:23 AM
I don't want to see that fucking concept used in something ELSE.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:25 AM
just watch it today and yet so fast already know who is the male cast guide and help the mc, this anime is easy to guess who is who unlike other anime I watch most of it hard to guess.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:31 AM
Loved it like seriously loved and laughed my ass off at it plus dat ending credits hnnnngh I came all over myself. An ad disguised as an anime? BRILLIANT!

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 9, 2016, 04:33 AM
Also.... If the Council of 6 isn't in actuality the 6 Student Body Members I'd be very surprised >.> Although not counting the MC it's only 5 so maybe not haha

Jan 9, 2016, 04:47 AM
Even for someone like me who can endure a weekly dose of generic shit, the first episode was really just meh. Not too bad (I had literally no expectations) but not exactly good, too...
I liked to see aspects of the game (weapons, PAs, Techniqus, locations, costumes, waifus) in an animated show, but the rest was just kinda lame.

And why the fuck is it the Vice President's job to play PSO2? I know it's an giant ad for the game, but...
It's like Sega's saying the game is so popular that all the studends are going to fail their classes because of it. That's why they need to be monitored by a generic high school student / undercover vice president.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:48 AM
I've always hear about people questioning why guys play as girls in games, how come no one questions why the president plays as a male Cast? Oh well, she's actually better as a male cast than as some student council president anyway.

Eh?~ You don't play PSO2? How could you not play PSO2? Everyone plays PSO2!
"You know, if you're not playing online games in this day and age, you'll get left behind."
This was actually said around 7:22.

then you got this:
Sure hope they meant in the animated world and not IRL.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:57 AM
Y'know, reading the subs, I actually find it funny how the MCs reactions almost seem, well, normal and realistic. Like he's entirely the anti-Kirito or something. He's not an MMO ace, he's generally "average" at just about everything, him and his IRL friend are both thinking the Pres has lost her damn mind (which happens to be my sentiments exactly).

I honestly wonder if SEGA didn't plant the Kaichou there specifically as a means of breaking down his current personality to be more "weeb" so to speak. Like somehow she's a plot device disguised as a means of taking a jab at those of us who try to take our stories and whatnot "seriously" (AKA a veiled insult at peeps like Arredoval and Maenara who like actual seriousness in their stories).

If anything, I'll keep watching - not because I find the story good, but because it's so bad that it IS good. That it's basically attempting to show us how crazy SEGA feels like going under the weed and current regime of their otaku overlords.

And if anything, perhaps SEGA will somehow either have the worlds blend together (PSO2 fuses into the real world of the anime, resulting in 2028 Tokyo that we see in game), or Itsuki regains his sanity and dismisses the Prez as just another loony in a world full of loonies. Given the vibe I've seen thus far, I'm betting on the former.

Meteor Weapon
Jan 9, 2016, 05:16 AM
Well then there's that hint' about the early stage of Phantom's existence.


:-o train and car

Jan 9, 2016, 05:18 AM
then you got this:
Sure hope they meant in the animated world and not IRL.

I just noticed...

"an online RPG that gained popularity with youth worldwide"



Sega I know that this is your description of the game in the anime's universe, but pls

Jan 9, 2016, 05:20 AM
this might be something, considering there's no need any hint that she's the one with floating rappy in game. if u get what i mean


Jan 9, 2016, 05:20 AM
I just noticed...

"an online RPG that gained popularity with youth worldwide"



Sega I know that this is your description of the game in the anime's universe, but pls

Sega can dream, too! :c

Jan 9, 2016, 05:26 AM
Well then there's that hint' about the early stage of Phantom's existence.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who took notice about this also. :O

Jan 9, 2016, 05:27 AM
I just noticed...

"an online RPG that gained popularity with youth worldwide"



Sega I know that this is your description of the game in the anime's universe, but plsPSO2 western release confirmed.


Jan 9, 2016, 05:30 AM
PSO2 western release confirmed.


Jan 9, 2016, 05:31 AM
PSO2 w̶e̶s̶t̶e̶r̶n̶ international release confirmed.
the never evering begin

Jan 9, 2016, 07:21 AM
Pretty sure its just, "Oh hey, people are willing to go out of their way to play a(n almost) JP only game."

Jan 9, 2016, 07:29 AM
Pretty sure its just, "Oh hey, people are willing to go out of their way to play a(n almost) JP only game."I was joking if it's any consolation. I should have tried to make it more obvious I guess.

Jan 9, 2016, 07:31 AM
I know it was a joke. I just wanted to make another.

Jan 9, 2016, 08:13 AM
They should have wrote "gained popularity worldwide but was never released outside of Asia for mysterious reasons".

Well, a few of my JP friends GJ'd me telling me the anime was meh and boring.
One of them wanted to deny the anime even exists.
But when I did a search on Google, it sounds like a lot of random JP people on Twitter are orgasming over it.
So... whatever.

Jan 9, 2016, 08:18 AM
this might be something, considering there's no need any hint that she's the one with floating rappy in game. if u get what i mean


Well i know she will be a summoner and also i have a feeling that she is from the Phantasy Star world and shes not from earth.
I think shes a representation of our character that will go to earth in EP4.
My theory of this is Phantasy Star Online 2 galaxy exists in the real universe and you can connect to that world using the game as a gate.
And i think the name of the opening (Peerless Stargate) give us a hint to that connection between Earth and Pso universe, plus the phantom seem to have already appeared on Earth based on ep1 plot.

Jan 9, 2016, 08:20 AM
She's probably a foreigner who wanted to play PSO2 but couldn't find a good proxy so she transferred to Japan.

The plot thickens.

Jan 9, 2016, 08:30 AM
She's probably a foreigner who wanted to play PSO2 but couldn't find a good proxy so she transferred to Japan.

"Suzuki Aika (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=character&charid=76841)" is a super Japanese-sounding name though...

Jan 9, 2016, 09:11 AM
"Suzuki Aika (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=character&charid=76841)" is a super Japanese-sounding name though...

Japanophile parents.

Jan 9, 2016, 09:26 AM
i mean the vanishing rappy scene, while it might be just random imagination stuff to hint that she's that rappy person in game (which is already obvious even w/o that scene), or might indicate paralel world or sth else
gotta play the waiting game now

Jan 9, 2016, 10:17 AM
actually this anime make me so confuse when there are character in anime is introduce in PSO2 ep4
and they playing pso2 in the anime
so ep1-3 is save the galaxy just in the game ? lol :-?

Jan 9, 2016, 10:47 AM
Feels like the story writer did not play the game at all...

Technological report as of September 5th 2027:
- We now have margin-less screens with very high resolutions and DPI in widespread use... except we decided to use bulky cases with nails and holes in plain sight;
- Microsoft has not released an OS better than Windows 10, and Chrome is still widely used.
- We now have touchscreen keyboards, gamepads and analog sticks... really?;
- We have stable internet every-f******-where;
- Webcams are now 3D and are used to generate "randomized" look-alikes (assuming those 2 holes on both console and laptops are webcams).

Also, from what I can guess, spoiler alert: by the end of the series, the game ends up mixed with reality and now they have to save Earth or something among those lines, potentialy leading to Episode 4? But Ep. 4 has already been released (because Summoner was there), meaning you can play the events before they happen? TIME PARADOX

By the way, if Ep. 4 introduces Earth, technically, it's no longer a RPG on space?

Jan 9, 2016, 10:48 AM
actually this anime make me so confuse when there are character in anime is introduce in PSO2 ep4
and they playing pso2 in the anime
so ep1-3 is save the galaxy just in the game ? lol :-?

This is merely conjecture on my part, so please don't quote me on this:

I believe that EP4's "universe" is part of a split dimension. Similarly, the ARKS fleet are in another "dimension" so to speak.

During the course of the anime, the people's fears over seemingly random and inexplicable tragedies occurring will cause the rift between these two "dimensions" to seal up (in other words, fuse together). The ARKS-verse and Anime-Verse will fuse as one single "dimension", resulting in monsters and metaphysics from the game infusing with the metaphysics of the real world (that is, the "real" world in the anime), resulting in the Phantoms being born as a result of this fusion.

The Phantoms will then proceed to enact a massacre of colossal proportions, leaving almost no one except those lucky few alive - at which point the ARKS enter the Earth in its current "state" (that state being what we saw in the EP4 trailer for Earth). We come to basically clean up a mess resulting from the fusing of these two "worlds", which results in PSO2 chars basically "coming" to the real world.

As for what exactly might possibly trigger this? We'll have to wait and see what the anime gives us on this (rememeber, one of its selling points was that the game characters would enter the "real" world, so perhaps this is how it connects the anime and EP4).

Feels like the story writer did not play the game at all...

Technological report as of September 5th 2027:
- We now have margin-less screens with very high resolutions and DPI in widespread use... except we decided to use bulky cases with nails and holes in plain sight;
- Microsoft has not released an OS better than Windows 10, and Chrome is still widely used.
- We now have touchscreen keyboards, gamepads and analog sticks... really?;
- We have stable internet every-f******-where;
- Webcams are now 3D and are used to generate "randomized" look-alikes (assuming those 2 holes on both console and laptops are webcams).

Also, from what I can guess, spoiler alert: by the end of the series, the game ends up mixed with reality and now they have to save Earth or something among those lines, potentialy leading to Episode 4? But Ep. 4 has already been released (because Summoner was there), meaning you can play the events before they happen? TIME PARADOX

By the way, if Ep. 4 introduces Earth, technically, it's no longer a RPG on space?

Going to challenge you on this: we don't have keyboards that sleek and flashy, and we have no clue how long Win10 will last (considering it hasn't been out that long - you're using Microsoft's current OS release trends as the basis for "humanity needing a better, stronger OS"); XP lasted quite a while, if you recall.

Second, it's Japan - their country is small enough that their infrastructure can actually support that kind of stability. Quit assuming we (by which I mean us "foreigners") are included as some considerable majority in this.

Won't comment on the webcam shit.

Earth is but a single planet in a larger universe - just because the ARKS are "warping" over there doesn't exclude us from being able to fly to the other planets via some manner of warp jump. And really, us landing there when almost everyone on the damn planet (or at least Japan - they really like thinking themselves the center of the universe) is dead because of Phantoms materializing and slaughtering everyone isn't going to be breaking the goddamned UP-3 any time soon (assuming ARKS even have that rule, or anything similar to it).

Also, the damn academy is called "Seiga Gakuen", as in "SEGA Academy". That should really tell you how not-seriously you should be taking this.

Jan 9, 2016, 10:52 AM
This is merely conjecture on my part, so please don't quote me on this:

I believe that EP4's "universe" is part of a split dimension. Similarly, the ARKS fleet are in another "dimension" so to speak.

During the course of the anime, the people's fears over seemingly random and inexplicable tragedies occurring will cause the rift between these two "dimensions" to seal up (in other words, fuse together). The ARKS-verse and Anime-Verse will fuse as one single "dimension", resulting in monsters and metaphysics from the game infusing with the metaphysics of the real world (that is, the "real" world in the anime), resulting in the Phantoms being born as a result of this fusion.

The Phantoms will then proceed to enact a massacre of colossal proportions, leaving almost no one except those lucky few alive - at which point the ARKS enter the Earth in its current "state" (that state being what we saw in the EP4 trailer for Earth). We come to basically clean up a mess resulting from the fusing of these two "worlds", which results in PSO2 chars basically "coming" to the real world.

As for what exactly might possibly trigger this? We'll have to wait and see what the anime gives us on this (rememeber, one of its selling points was that the game characters would enter the "real" world, so perhaps this is how it connects the anime and EP4).

Thats exacly what i was thinking 10 minutes ago lol.
I think the Phantoms are some sort of influence the darkers have on this world via the Gate (Pso2).

Jan 9, 2016, 10:54 AM
the people's fears over seemingly random and inexplicable tragedies occurring will cause the rift between these two "dimensions" to seal up (in other words, fuse together). The ARKS-verse and Anime-Verse will fuse as one single "dimension", resulting in monsters and metaphysics from the game infusing with the metaphysics of the real world (that is, the "real" world in the anime), resulting in the Phantoms being born as a result of this fusion.

IIRC, Phantasy Star Portable 2, anyone?

Jan 9, 2016, 11:04 AM
I think it comes to this, Earth connection to Pso2 world is possible via the Gate (pso2 game) and the player creates an avatar using the game.
Now i think our characters and NPCs are real beings from another dimension or galaxy and they will have to save our world and to do that they will have to create an avatar of themselves to enter our world using the cryogenic pod.
Also back in PSO2 ON STAGE there was an NPC character that entered Earth and she was a real being.

Jan 9, 2016, 11:43 AM
Is anyone else dismayed by the fact that they're ignoring PSO2's story in favor of "LOL IT'S ALL A GAME NOTHING YOU DO IS OF ANY CONSEQUENCE"?

Also...since two of the characters from anime appear in ep4......what if we go there and find out we're all just simply a game....of which the earthlings are playing.....

This is my biggest fear. Even though Ep3 was all "look, this planet in the distant future in a far away galaxy JUST HAPPENS TO BE 100% NIHONGO," I still kinda liked the character development. If I find out that the actual story of PSO2 is "it's just a game!!!1" I'll be pretty bummed.

I'm still going to watch the entire anime, though, because Phantasy Star is one of my favorite franchises, and I feel I have to. I want to enjoy it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

They should have wrote "gained popularity worldwide but was never released outside of Asia for mysterious reasons".

Well, a few of my JP friends GJ'd me telling me the anime was meh and boring.
One of them wanted to deny the anime even exists.
But when I did a search on Google, it sounds like a lot of random JP people on Twitter are orgasming over it.
So... whatever.

I'm actually really curious what JP players' opinions are. Are they as sick of the kids-playing-games anime genre as we are? Is it a popular opinion that Phantasword Start Online maybe wasn't the best way to go?
(I also wonder if JP players roll their eyes at I'm-a-badass-who-also-wants-to-be-a-pop-idol Quna)

Going to challenge you on this: we don't have keyboards that sleek and flashy, and we have no clue how long Win10 will last (considering it hasn't been out that long - you're using Microsoft's current OS release trends as the basis for "humanity needing a better, stronger OS"); XP lasted quite a while, if you recall.

Microsoft has actually said that Windows 10 is the final version of Windows; that they're going to update it indefinitely instead of releasing major versions. They call it Windows as a Service, and, so the story goes, it's how they intend to compete with Android long-term. All of this is baked into a pie of corporate speak and positive, consumer-reassuring lingo, so who knows if it'll be true, but... who knows!

Jan 9, 2016, 11:49 AM
So shall we start calling Seiga the new Segac?

But in all seriousness if we get to that point where realities merge, this has already happened before through PSO2 On Stage. We just don't know when that takes place compared to this. This could actually be a prequel to it or a sequel, if we start seeing Virtual Drives around we'll have our answer.

Jan 9, 2016, 12:33 PM
Everyone knows that hurriblesubs rips subs and videos from crunchuroll... cause they can't translate and encode on their own..

That makes me laugh so hard... then other websites that stream animes rips horriblesubs and put it on the sites... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

and you guys are happy to download that sh*t ?

PS: there will be a better version around soon ^^ *Blinks

Jan 9, 2016, 12:39 PM
MC friend is a friggin troll... lol recommending Gunslash

Jan 9, 2016, 12:46 PM
That's just Sakai's decision. He really really wants everyone to love Gunslash. The anime is actually just an advert for Gunslash.

Jan 9, 2016, 01:07 PM
That's just Sakai's decision. He really really wants everyone to love Gunslash. The anime is actually just an advert for Gunslash.

They just need to give bullet keep to gunslash.

Jan 9, 2016, 01:08 PM
I see the plot going like this:

Future Earth and the PSO2 take place in the same universe. PSO2 is a way to create more ARKS from a distance, and have people back on Earth control these soldiers. While shit's going down on another side of this universe, with Darkers and etc., this new threat called "Phantoms" start appearing on Earth. The Oracle is somehow notified about this, and they make their way back to Earth to go and help out.

The player and their own in-game "personas" coexist, and the terminals shown in that one trailer we saw for EP4 is simply a sleeping tube for when they aren't being used, maybe.

Dunno, just a theory that's all jumbled up, but I 100% doubt that they'll use that "everything was just a game, PSO2 isn't real" plot device.

Jan 9, 2016, 01:24 PM
Pretty sure that'd be majorly ripping off, lessee... "Ender's Game" springs to mind, and didn't Philip K. Dick write a story with a similar idea or something too?

Also Warframe, kinda, given the latest Big Reveals in that game.

That theory also has a whole bunch of holes large enough to fly one of those city-ships through. For starters it'd pretty much require Oracle and the ARKS to maintain a permanent presence on Earth (if only to keep the communications up and running), which rather raises the question of why an expeditionary task force making a two-year journey to the place was necessary in the first place...

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 9, 2016, 01:46 PM
I was kidding about pso2 story wise is simply a game of which earthlings from episode 4 are playing. Gameception

Since its somewhat clear that the blonde girl isnt normal i wonder what role she'll play. i believe someone speculated Arks may exist in their world and we just happen to be playing game based off that. Sort of like when bakugan they thought they just playing a child game to then find out they was real

Jan 9, 2016, 02:04 PM
inb4 Rappies and Nyau are behind it all

The damn fluffballs *do* have inexplicable space-time travel powers or somesuch after all... so what's one Fourth Wall?

Jan 9, 2016, 02:30 PM
I'm actually really curious what JP players' opinions are. Are they as sick of the kids-playing-games anime genre as we are? Is it a popular opinion that Phantasword Start Online maybe wasn't the best way to go?

I think it varies. Some of the JP people I talk to/occasionally group with are long-time Phantasy Star fans, most of them played PSO1, and the Phantasy Stars before that.
So they're not very pleased about PSO2's direction in general, or at least that's the impression I get from them. They certainly didn't think highly of the anime.

But SEGA supposedly said something like, PSO2 is intended to be a community/social phenomenon rather than a game (I forget the exact wording).
I have JP friends who don't really play games but hang out on PSO2 because it's one of the things friend circles do to socialize.
SEGA has all these social events and such that hook people in with their friendly atmosphere and appealing to nearly every demographic.
I think those are the people who are much more likely to enjoy the anime, and episode 4. Because they didn't really care about "Phantasy Star" to begin with.
They probably think it's neat seeing an anime of the game they kinda hang out in. Equivalent of "casual gamers", I guess.

Whereas I'd imagine people like myself who really liked PSO1's futuristic atmosphere, universe, story, immersion etc... feel kinda violated by the whole game within a game within a game within an anime within modern highschool girls whatever weirdness.
And I'm tired as hell and going to sleep now.

Azure Falcon
Jan 9, 2016, 02:52 PM
I'm surprised how accurately the PSO2 anime manages to portray the game. It's got a terrible plot, afk lobby dancing, high level players in EQs with garbage equipment, team drama breakups, rubbish random EQs, people falling asleep during quests and questionable animation.

Jan 9, 2016, 03:08 PM
ks..., just watched the first ep, and gotta say..., i really liked it, the episode started so dam good with the cool intro before the opening so a big plus, the opening is alright, but that ending... I want the single... nao! xD

Jan 9, 2016, 03:30 PM
First half of the chapter... I think I almost felt a nausea at some point. Second half of the chapter was quite fun with all the trolling and epicness lol

Jan 9, 2016, 03:53 PM
Imo the "in game footage" is pretty good.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:27 PM
My god that was boring. The first half of it was a distillation of every anime ever, nothing engaging in it at all. I had to force myself not to shut if off and browse the internet.
It took fifteen minutes to go to the game proper, but once it did it got entertaining. It seems like they actually did their research. All the characters on screen were dressed correctly, doing things that online players would do, and the attacks were all taken from the game. Though, I have to ask... did he really just quit playing after killing one mob? In an emergency quest, no less?
The intro and endings were pretty great too, and did a good job of summarizing the game pretty well.

I'm surprised how accurately the PSO2 anime manages to portray the game. It's got a terrible plot, afk lobby dancing, high level players in EQs with garbage equipment, team drama breakups, rubbish random EQs, people falling asleep during quests and questionable animation.

This post is amazing.

Jan 9, 2016, 04:50 PM
I'm curious to how this takes off. I cringed way more at SAO than this, at least

Jan 9, 2016, 04:57 PM
Looks like some of the pso2 player don't like this anime because it's about high school student who play an online game, well if this not about someone playing an online game then the title would be "Phantasy Star" without the "Online" word.

For the first episode, i think it's quite good, only one thing that's bother me, they really needs to fix the CGI, it's looks like a half baked cel shade CGI for me :nono:

Jan 9, 2016, 05:48 PM
For the first episode, i think it's quite good, only one thing that's bother me, they really needs to fix the CGI, it's looks like a half baked cel shade CGI for me :nono:

Too fix CGI they would need more money and time and that´s pretty limited since they already have too much stuff on they´re hands.
Instead be reasonable and think like this: for an anime based on an online game that has as the main priority advertising PSO2, the CG is enough.
Of course everyone would want Gundam Unicorn quality in PSO2 but that would take tons of money and 4 years in the making and im not interested in waiting 4 years just to see a 12 episode anime.
Square Enix made they're fans wait 10 years on FF15 they announced it in 2006 and it still not out just because they wanted they´re CG´s with super quality while sacrificing on whats important that is gameplay and removing the ability to control other party members.Same happened too FF13 so much CG and high quality and the game is corridor a with no story.
In the end a good CG doesn´t mean a good product...

Jan 9, 2016, 06:07 PM
Looks like some of the pso2 player don't like this anime because it's about high school student who play an online game,

The plot is literally me if I was ten years younger.

Jan 9, 2016, 06:18 PM
As long as the characters are not generic cut-outs of stuff that's been done to death in anime or gaming, I think they might like it. As long as they don't create characters that aren't similar to the cast of PSU.

Jan 9, 2016, 06:38 PM
Looks like some of the pso2 player don't like this anime because it's about high school student who play an online game
Yes, but it's a bit more complicated than that. The problem is that the genre of "kids play the game" has been so overdone (.hack, SAO, Spy Kids 3D) that some people groan when the idea of another one being made is mentioned. Even worse is that highschool kids have nothing to deal with the actual plot or lore of the game so far (not until ep4 drags it in hue hue). They could have done something more akin to the visual novel, where we follow the daily lives of side characters like Lisa and Fourier, and it would have been great.
SEGA falling back on "kids play the game" just comes off as really lazy and such a let down compared to what they can normally cook up for PS storylines.

well if this not about someone playing an online game then the title would be "Phantasy Star" without the "Online" word.
Dat flawed logic do. I'm not even going to get into how dumb this is.

Jan 9, 2016, 07:26 PM
The problem is that the genre of "kids play the game" has been so overdone (.hack, SAO, Spy Kids 3D) that some people groan when the idea of another one being made is mentioned.

It's been parodied years ago. (https://www.youtube.com/v/yN1begJLa5I?start=18&end=38)
I think more important than that is, the plot is just boring. I don't care about what happens to the school kids because school kids are boring. I've seen school kids for twenty years, in situations where the plot is tailored to having school kids in it. In this anime, the school kid plot seems awkwardly forced in, despite taking most of the runtime. And not only that, but it also makes the game portion less interesting.
All the tension is the fight scene is lost, because there's no stakes. I care about as much if he wins as I care if my little cousin beats Bowser, except I care about my little cousin. If he wins, he's a little bit happy because he did good at a game. If he loses, he gets a little bit sad because he did bad at a game. Either way, I don't care much what happens.
At least the fight scene itself was interesting enough.

Jan 9, 2016, 07:33 PM
The cgi really is more for saving time and money.I have to wonder what would've happened if they got Polygon Pictures to do the anime,the same people that did Knights of Sidonia and the upcomming Ajin.

Jan 9, 2016, 07:34 PM

Karaoke done...
We are not a speedsub team but we will soon release our version..
The other episodes should be released faster..

Jan 9, 2016, 07:41 PM
I don't care much what happens.

Man... How about you go see Finding Nemo, and stop making comparisons that make no sense whatsoever for once...

Jan 9, 2016, 07:49 PM
Yes, but it's a bit more complicated than that. The problem is that the genre of "kids play the game" has been so overdone (.hack, SAO, Spy Kids 3D) that some people groan when the idea of another one being made is mentioned. Even worse is that highschool kids have nothing to deal with the actual plot or lore of the game so far (not until ep4 drags it in hue hue). They could have done something more akin to the visual novel, where we follow the daily lives of side characters like Lisa and Fourier, and it would have been great.
SEGA falling back on "kids play the game" just comes off as really lazy and such a let down compared to what they can normally cook up for PS storylines.

Dat flawed logic do. I'm not even going to get into how dumb this is.

It's not a VRMMO and the characters aren't trapped in the game so that's already quite different from the SAO-types.

The impression I get is that this is set in a school setting not so much because the trend is there. In a school setting they can insert strategic product placements like people beating Vol Dragon on a Vita as well as thinly veiled propaganda - even if you're a totally average loser in real life, you can kick ass with a Gunslash in PSO2! And it won't affect your grades! Also it's cool and a worldwide phenomenon that everyone who could be arsed to jump through the Japanese captcha hoops is playing!

The Walrus
Jan 9, 2016, 08:04 PM

Karaoke done...
We are not a speedsub team but we will soon release our version..
The other episodes should be released faster..

[spoiler-box(replace this with a ])[/spoiler-box]

Jan 9, 2016, 08:26 PM
Are they intending have episodes on a weekly basis?

I'm curious as to whether or not they're going to do more then simply drop hints about the impending Phantom invasion prior to Episode 4's release.

Jan 9, 2016, 09:26 PM
Im thinking this animation is gonna need its own section. Different topic about a show can bloom rapidly

Jan 9, 2016, 09:28 PM
I doubt it. Once the show's done, I doubt anybody's going to be talking about it. It's just a neat curiosity right now.

Jan 9, 2016, 10:48 PM
It's not a VRMMO and the characters aren't trapped in the game so that's already quite different from the SAO-types.

The impression I get is that this is set in a school setting not so much because the trend is there. In a school setting they can insert strategic product placements like people beating Vol Dragon on a Vita as well as thinly veiled propaganda - even if you're a totally average loser in real life, you can kick ass with a Gunslash in PSO2! And it won't affect your grades! Also it's cool and a worldwide phenomenon that everyone who could be arsed to jump through the Japanese captcha hoops is playing!

FUCK YEAH :D *SPams the invisable LIKE Button only I can see*

Jan 10, 2016, 06:15 AM
Its really lousy. The two main characters are staler than old bread. Even if S0HO is just generic president girl Rina they are so bland and un-unique. Also props to Sega for having every single fucking Highschool trope in the span of 10 minutes.

If this was suppose to get people to realize how cool PSO2 is they didnt make a good effort showing like 6 minutes of fighting ONE Bhreeda by shooting it like any other scifi megamans jump and shootmans game. The intro bit with the assumingly Darker Infestation ala TD is a MUCH better showing for how "good PSO2 is come on everyone should play it" than MC's stellar performance.

Also someone i talked to about it joked, "how did he write a 30+ page report on PSO2 after playing it for one night and not even getting the game?"

a game that meets you with Nice to meet you? you mean HERES SOME STONES

Lastly, the PSO2 Staff sang Rare Drop Koi better than these Seiyuu. Ditch the Rappys and have the characters dance instead like SOHO. Reminds me of some other old anime that had their cast dance in super deformed form for the credits. or whatever that recent anime is with the cast dancing on a red carpted stage.

Jan 10, 2016, 06:23 AM
Also someone i talked to about it joked, "how did he write a 30+ page report on PSO2 after playing it for one night and not even getting the game?"

He just copypasted the log, which is mostly SOHO talking, and then for the remaining pages he just went to psow and copied the ep4 thread salt.

Ditch the Rappys and have the characters dance instead like SOHO.

I'm not so sure i want to see a cast butt either...

Jan 10, 2016, 06:28 AM
On behalf of PSOW ill SUE!
(im lying)

also, they wouldnt focus SOHO anyway for that scene anyway. (Use the MC mmm dat Humar booty)

Jan 10, 2016, 06:51 AM
I'm not so sure i want to see a cast butt either...

Toaster lovers need fanservice too!

Jan 10, 2016, 07:01 AM
I'm not so sure i want to see a cast butt either...Temptation to link caseal butt gallery intensifying...

Jan 10, 2016, 07:03 AM
I want to say "That exists?", but at the same time i'm not surprised either.

Jan 10, 2016, 07:06 AM
>>cast butt
>>not caseals.


Jan 10, 2016, 07:06 AM
I want to say "That exists?", but at the same time i'm not surprised either.
I made it, I would know.

>>cast butt
>>not caseals.
Give me a month :wacko:

Cyron Tanryoku
Jan 10, 2016, 05:47 PM

Jan 10, 2016, 06:20 PM
Felt too much like an advertisement and Kirito's lack of knowledge on the thing that's LITERALLY the job of a vice school president and LITERALLY surrounds him constantly to allow them to force an exposition advertisement in our faces didn't help with that at all.
Hopefully this was just Episode 1 being Episode 1 (seriously, name as many anime as you can from the past 5 years that knew how to properly start a story. You'll get a handful. No one seems to know how to start or finish a story, so the introduction episodes always end up being horrible exposition dumps), only time will tell.

Jan 10, 2016, 06:24 PM
My eyes bled, but PSO2 the game prepared me, by making me a masochist.

When's ep2.

Jan 10, 2016, 09:48 PM
Extreme salt.

That was both terrifying and satisfying to read.

One thing that strikes me about this anime is that it obviously did its research with the game. Almost everything about PSO2 is spot on. And yet, hitting Random somehow not only created a character that doesn't look hideous, but is actually something the protagonist is happy with. And, the protagonist goes through the trouble of installing and setting up the game only to kill one enemy, log off, and write a thesis on the experience.
Also of note. The protagonist is so bland that I can't remember his name, so I've taken to calling him "boy", since that is his only real characteristic. But calling him that would require me to explain that in every post I use it in, so I used "the protagonist" instead. And yet, that also encapsulates his character completely as well. He is the protagonist, and so protagonist things happen to him. That is his only personality trait.

Jan 12, 2016, 03:59 AM
Advice on Newbs who join after the airing of first episode of PSO2TA:

Please do not use gunslash and thinking it'll be OP although the MC used it like naturally and OP (though likely in N difficulty) because you are NOT MC.

Jan 12, 2016, 04:38 AM
Advice on Newbs who join after the airing of first episode of PSO2TA:

Please do not use gunslash and thinking it'll be OP although the MC used it like naturally and OP (though likely in N difficulty) because you are NOT MC.

But... But... Charged Shot much bright....

Joking... But please do not use Over End with that 1 star sword of yours and expect it to be able to cleave a planet, PSO2 would be over really quick if it really had that much power :v

Jan 12, 2016, 06:18 AM
But... But... Charged Shot much bright....

Joking... But please do not use Over End with that 1 star sword of yours and expect it to be able to cleave a planet, PSO2 would be over really quick if it really had that much power :v

Maybe its Regius Katana (sealed sowrd form) with a 1* camo... xD

Jan 12, 2016, 06:18 AM
Felt too much like an advertisement and Kirito's lack of knowledge on the thing that's LITERALLY the job of a vice school president and LITERALLY surrounds him constantly to allow them to force an exposition advertisement in our faces didn't help with that at all.
Hopefully this was just Episode 1 being Episode 1 (seriously, name as many anime as you can from the past 5 years that knew how to properly start a story. You'll get a handful. No one seems to know how to start or finish a story, so the introduction episodes always end up being horrible exposition dumps), only time will tell.The MC is nothing like Kirito... Like... in any way other than having black hair and playing an online game.

Jan 12, 2016, 06:23 AM
Would be funny if the MC obtains a rare ability called Earth Bullet.

Jan 12, 2016, 08:14 AM
High school? Check.
Clueless protagonist? Check.
Meet student council president within 15 seconds of being on campus? Check.
Get involved with student council? Check.
Lazy animation with a disgusting overuse of CGI? Check.
Weak story? Probably, I can't speak moon so I only have the slice of life in a school setting bullshit to go off of.

All in all this is a recipe for disaster and is throwing red flags all over the place telling me to run. I'll probably still watch it for Soro but it'll be fun watching the critics rip it a new one. Who knows though, maybe it'll improve.

Jan 12, 2016, 08:48 AM
The MC is nothing like Kirito... Like... in any way other than having black hair and playing an online game.

Shhh, dont bring logic into this. SAO is totally the only and first anime to done the videogame setting

Jan 12, 2016, 09:26 AM
What about Code Lyoko

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 12, 2016, 09:30 AM
Shhh, dont bring logic into this. SAO is totally the only and first anime to done the videogame setting

What about Code Lyoko

Haha I'm sure that was joke.

(or at least I hope :o)

Jan 12, 2016, 09:31 AM
Nah I just wanted to remind people about that steaming pile

Jan 12, 2016, 10:50 AM
Advice on Newbs who join after the airing of first episode of PSO2TA:

Please do not use gunslash and thinking it'll be OP although the MC used it like naturally and OP (though likely in N difficulty) because you are NOT MC.

That's another thing I meant to point out. A friend gives advice to the protagonist in the form of a large report it obviously took him hours to write. In that time, he could have just sat with his friend and given him advice as he played.
And if the main piece of advice he had was that gunslash was the preferable weapon to main, he probably wasted his time.

Jan 12, 2016, 10:53 AM
I fear it would be too much to hope that said friend is simply a massive troll. :/

Jan 12, 2016, 01:18 PM
That's another thing I meant to point out. A friend gives advice to the protagonist in the form of a large report it obviously took him hours to write. In that time, he could have just sat with his friend and given him advice as he played.
And if the main piece of advice he had was that gunslash was the preferable weapon to main, he probably wasted his time.

His friend was busy so he gave him a report on it.

Jan 12, 2016, 02:06 PM
The MC is nothing like Kirito... Like... in any way other than having black hair and playing an online game.

well, he does come across and pretty generic and uninspired. it's too early to tell if he will also be a whiny bitch.

off the mc point and onto the series itself, the first episode was pretty amazing. it's so bad that it's actually entertaining. it falls somewhere between an advertisement and a parody. the fact that when he logs into the game everyone is standing around waiting for an eq to start (and there is a random person dancing on the stairs) is awesome.

Jan 12, 2016, 02:20 PM
His friend was busy so he gave him a report on it.

thus putting in more time and effort than if he just played with him.

it's so bad that it's actually entertaining.

I didn't get that. The only entertaining part before the PSO2iness kicked in was listing off all the anime cliches it was using. If you separate the anime into scenes, you can pretty much name each scene by trope.
"The scene where the protagonist messes up to be more endearing."
"The scene where the protagonist blankly asks what something is to shoehorn exposition."
"The scene which introduces the side character by having everyone say how great she is at everything."
"The scene where the protagonist is picked on by his friends so he's more relatable."

Luckily, those were broken up by scenes explaining how great PSO2 was so things wouldn't get stale.

Jan 12, 2016, 02:30 PM
well, he does come across and pretty generic and uninspired. it's too early to tell if he will also be a whiny bitch.
The problem with Kirito was that he was too good at everything right off the bat, and the whole series sort of revolved around how awesome he was compared to everyone else. Like, most of the other characters barely got to do anything for themselves. The MC in this seem to have a knack for PSO2, but let's face it, they definitely played up the part where Solo helped him. He's an entirely separate character type from Kirito, and I feel like the people comparing them don't even know why Kirito, and by extension SAO was so, for lack of a better word, bad, and just hate on him because it's the cool thing to do.

EDIT: The student council chick is more like Kirito...

"The scene where the protagonist is picked on by his friends so he's more relatable."
The scenes where he was just hanging out with his friends were actually the best ones to me. That might just be because in most anime like this the MC for whatever reason only has like... 1 friend if any irl.

Jan 12, 2016, 02:33 PM
thus putting in more time and effort than if he just played with him.

Too bad common sense isn't a thing in anime.

Jan 12, 2016, 02:58 PM
I can't seriously respect a protagonist that clicks random in character create and gets a clone of himself on first try.

I still haven't seen it yet. Just heard from others how silly it is.
Friend watched it and said he hated all the characters immediately.
He liked Solo until he realized that Solo's player is also the character he hated most.

One JP friend praised the ED for its rappiness.

Jan 12, 2016, 03:39 PM
Haha I'm sure that was joke.

(or at least I hope :o)

Logic in anime? Wat? =o

Also lemme chime in and add Dothack// though GU was disappointing. =/

Jan 12, 2016, 03:46 PM
I can't seriously respect a protagonist that clicks random in character create and gets a clone of himself on first try.

I still haven't seen it yet. Just heard from others how silly it is.
Friend watched it and said he hated all the characters immediately.
He liked Solo until he realized that Solo's player is also the character he hated most.

One JP friend praised the ED for its rappiness.

Yeah well the ED is quite "Rapptacular"

Jan 12, 2016, 04:58 PM
I'm hoping there's gonna be an arc where MC gets so into Pso2 that he eats , sleeps, and breathes Pso2 so much that his grades are abysmal, he doesn't interact with his friends he's just there.... Sitting at his desk eating and drinking the Japanese equivalent of Doritos and Mtn Dew.

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 12, 2016, 06:22 PM
Nah I just wanted to remind people about that steaming pile

Haha I meant the person you quoted

Logic in anime? Wat? =o

Also lemme chime in and add Dothack// though GU was disappointing. =/

.hack was my first thought too lol Which i find funny when people (not in here) praise SAO and say the idea is new.....I said .hack but they had no idea what i was talking about lol

Jan 12, 2016, 07:25 PM
I wonder if Dudu will appear in the anime.

Jan 12, 2016, 07:39 PM
I wonder if they're making the MC scream in pain after failing affixes / grinds on Dudu / Monica ......

Would be funny if they ..... show what it failed too (failed a lot of 99% would be fun watch lol)

Jan 12, 2016, 07:43 PM
MC: "B-but my clothes and LA budget T_T"
Soro: "Shut up, you're a male character"

Jan 12, 2016, 07:44 PM
I wonder if they're making the MC scream in pain after failing affixes / grinds on Dudu / Monica ......

Would be funny if they ..... show what it failed too (failed a lot of 99% would be fun watch lol)

A 30 page report will be made on how much he hates them.

Jan 12, 2016, 08:35 PM
I'm really glad they emphasized HU being the well rounded "perfect sub" class, same with Gunslash.

First Ep though was pretty....meh if they get the boring stuff out of the way first thats good but definitely not the lift off it needed

Jan 12, 2016, 08:47 PM
I wonder if they're making the MC scream in pain after failing affixes / grinds on Dudu / Monica ......

Would be funny if they ..... show what it failed too (failed a lot of 99% would be fun watch lol)

As my friend said, this dude hit Randomize All and got a clone of himself. With luck like that, dude will probably get a perfect grind streak to +10 the first time he tries.

Jan 12, 2016, 09:04 PM
Obviously he's A) hacking the Matrix B) a wizard.

Jan 12, 2016, 09:56 PM
Do not underestimate MC's aura.

As soon as he goes into vh, 10* start raining all over the vh playground for him.

As long as he goes into sh, he invented OverEnd with gunslash, then goes along and slice vibrace with one strike.

XH? probably whack double in 1 strike and Profound darkness in less than 15s, then the imbalance and hate and salt and jellies on MC is too much after 1 year, Phantom monsters start to appear all over Tokyo!

Jan 12, 2016, 10:43 PM
As long as he doesn't pull out a second Gunslash and start dual wielding with zero gravity Gun Fu :wacko:

Jan 12, 2016, 10:51 PM
Judging the show off the first episode only (obviously), I think it's probably going to be shit. That being said, I will still watch it and hope for the best, as I love the series at least. The art is great too. But I don't understand why they didn't make the show the actual game's story or something similar, instead of some kid(s) playing the game? Oh well.

Jan 12, 2016, 10:51 PM
As my friend said, this dude hit Randomize All and got a clone of himself. With luck like that, dude will probably get a perfect grind streak to +10 the first time he tries.

Nah, Dudu will give the MC a wake up call.

Jan 12, 2016, 10:57 PM
Wonder what antagonist will appear. Hope it's not gonna end up being his friend.

Jan 12, 2016, 10:59 PM
Wonder what antagonist will appear. Hope it's not gonna end up being his friend.

this guy


[SPOILER]just kidding i think?

Jan 12, 2016, 11:13 PM
this guy


[SPOILER]just kidding i think?

after we face df dick now behold the phantom train dick head tentacle

btw that guy name ash

Jan 12, 2016, 11:26 PM
I wouldn't mind this as a feature.

Jan 13, 2016, 02:59 AM
It probably would have been a feature if Summoners could tame stuff.
Imagine having a Goldrada pet and ordering it to suicide bomb enemy groups or something. They'd make a great mount, too.

Jan 13, 2016, 04:40 AM
Makes you idly wonder if Eu still retains some of her old authority to boss the bugs around...

mounts when? sega pls

Jan 13, 2016, 06:01 AM
Ep4 has some kind of car racing thing going on, so maybe...

I did request a car race mini game in the last few enquetes.

Naoya Kiriyama
Jan 13, 2016, 06:49 AM
Ep4 has some kind of car racing thing going on, so maybe...

I did request a car race mini game in the last few enquetes.

B-but we can do some races in casino with Photon Chairs... ;_;

Jan 14, 2016, 01:00 PM
[Ohys-Raws] Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation - 02 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=774716)

it's out guys

edit : i knew it that rappy wasn't something imaginary

Jan 14, 2016, 01:30 PM
Well that was something

Jan 14, 2016, 01:34 PM
that ep4 blue tower

Jan 14, 2016, 02:01 PM
Well, this episode was even more boring than the first.
Even less actual PSO2 and more run-of-the-mill school life shit.

The only two cool things happening were cut too short and ruined by the ultra shitty CGI.
That Rockbear looked atrocious, and wow... they defeated him in, like, 3 or 4 still images, just to have more time to shove more school scenes in there...

Jan 14, 2016, 02:31 PM
Well, this episode was even more boring than the first.
Even less actual PSO2 and more run-of-the-mill school life shit.

The only two cool things happening were cut too short and ruined by the ultra shitty CGI.
That Rockbear looked atrocious, and wow... they defeated him in, like, 3 or 4 still images, just to have more time to shove more school scenes in there...

I think it was great!...To make a parody sub.

MC finds out his friend trolled him about the gunslash, and now tries to troll him about attacking love rappies. MC finds out and wants to quit because he sucks at using swords.

Blonde girl is a stalking yandere that wants to rape MC who hides from the nsa, but MC only has wet dreams of prez and tries to shoo her away. Meanwhile soro-prez is a forever alone pug that uses launchers like a machinegun.

*insert stupidly huge baize and terribad rockbear*

Quna Still can't move her hands even in animu form. Are they glued or something? Soro explains she's genetically modified so its easier for her to withstand handshake events.

Jan 14, 2016, 02:33 PM
I think it was great!...To make a parody sub.

MC finds out his friend trolled him about the gunslash, and now tries to troll him about attacking love rappies. MC finds out and wants to quit because he sucks at using swords.

Blonde girl is a stalking yandere that wants to rape MC and sucks at using computers, but MC only has wet dreams of prez and tries to shoo her away. Meanwhile soro-prez is a forever alone pug that uses launchers like a machinegun.

*insert stupidly huge baize and terribad rockbear*

Quna Still can't move her hands even in animu form. Are they glued or something? Soro explains she's genetically modified so its easier for her to withstand handshake events.
That wasn't a baize, that was a funji

Jan 14, 2016, 02:34 PM
That wasn't a baize, that was a funji

Derp true! Sleepy!

Manta Oyamada
Jan 14, 2016, 02:35 PM
Youtube Raw add

Jan 14, 2016, 02:36 PM
So, what are the odds of this getting a Ghost Stories style dub? Also, thanks for the link.

Edit: Heh, sonic unleashed (https://youtu.be/bPBKIhm1Gs4).

Jan 14, 2016, 03:07 PM
This episode was okay, could've been better.

He should've grabbed the booty

Jan 14, 2016, 03:25 PM
Well, this episode was even more boring than the first.
Even less actual PSO2 and more run-of-the-mill school life shit.

The only two cool things happening were cut too short and ruined by the ultra shitty CGI.
That Rockbear looked atrocious, and wow... they defeated him in, like, 3 or 4 still images, just to have more time to shove more school scenes in there...

I got to say the rockbear scene looked bad, he had outer light all around his body and he looked like he was cropped and put into the anime, he his in a totally different place as the main character.
This episode was a bit weak 5/10, hope they improve the quality on the upcoming parts cause that rockbear...

Jan 14, 2016, 03:25 PM
20 minute commercial. Not surprised.

Jan 14, 2016, 07:31 PM
So, I retract my statements about brown-haired. God, she's so great...

(also Soro was the best part of EP2 *coughcough*)

Meteor Weapon
Jan 14, 2016, 08:24 PM
Funji is a bitch to deal with on low level when you're alone and don't have a good DPS weapon.

Jan 14, 2016, 08:28 PM
The moment you have a RL settings inside your game anime, then the most important thing become balance between real life and in game life.

Well, good thing no Symbol Arts during concert popout in that anime though.

EC:Funji is da worst when cycloneda, breedha and carthago spawn outside of barrier, not a rockbear though. And yeah, if its a Falz Hunar/Angel...

Er wait.... because that girl is experienced in PSO2 and become advisor... legit.

Jan 14, 2016, 08:32 PM
Funji is a bitch to deal with on low level when you're alone and don't have a good DPS weapon.

Funji is based on number of hits, not damage done, though?

Meteor Weapon
Jan 14, 2016, 08:55 PM
I've been wondering about that. Thanks for the correction, but yh still a bitch.

Jan 14, 2016, 09:17 PM
Funji is based on number of hits, not damage done, though?

Correct. Bieze has actual HP.

Jan 14, 2016, 09:52 PM
aaand it's launcher, even worse. i hate how they made the "climax" into series of static picture, probably not enough time to make, or less budget

Jan 14, 2016, 09:55 PM

MC: Hyeaaa!
Robot Waifu: Aim for the head!
MC: OK! Hyeeaaaaaa!
Robot Waifu: We did it!
MC: I couldn't have done it without you.
Robot Waifu: Check for loot.

Jan 15, 2016, 12:00 AM
-Trillsplosion has Nafoie burning floor effect.... OK...

-1~2 shotting garongos with rocket launcher, probably playing in normal mode again

-how do lobby people know that Soro got kidnapped by a funji?

Jan 15, 2016, 12:22 AM
Maybe this anime represents how things work on SEA server

Meteor Weapon
Jan 15, 2016, 02:20 AM
-how do lobby people know that Soro got kidnapped by a funji?

I don't think they did? They only knew that he was playing on low difficulty i guess, but better wait for subs.

Jan 15, 2016, 03:18 AM
That Rockbear looked atrocious

Got any pics?

Jan 15, 2016, 06:37 AM
Got any pics?
