View Full Version : Banned in Gchat for tech reasons?

Jan 18, 2016, 08:56 PM
Gchat was acting out and kept talking while i disabled it i spammed the !goff command to make sure. but it kept talking anyway. i started to type things in gchat while the !goff command was still on. people naturally couldnt see my messages but eventually a message said "clone" then gchat finally stopped. i was glad foe the time being however when i tried to gather people for tacos in gchat i got a red message that said that i was muted and couldnt use gchat. so what do i do now?

Jan 19, 2016, 09:13 AM
Are you sure that you're not being "intrusive" by spamming certain stuff or talking with inappropriate manner or such?
You can visit gchat to consult your problem using IRC channel.

There's similar topic in the past, and the OP of the thread get BTFO'd because someone from gchat provided that he's speaking with foul language several times to the point that he's being annoying, if you're that kind of guy or felt doing similar stuff then you're probably out of luck.

Jan 19, 2016, 01:07 PM
i have a similar problem, for some reason im banned from gchat, however im clueless off the reason why would ive been banned. i used to speak on it just fine before, then i took like a 1 year break from the game and when i came back and tried to speak to it i find myself banned from it