View Full Version : Time to end the private server ban

Jan 26, 2016, 11:02 PM
It's beyond time to end the private server ban.

I agreed with the ban when there were still official servers. Every person that unsubscribed for a free private server hastened the end of PSO.

Now there are no official servers left the ban serves no purpose and many other PSO websites have changed their policies to reflect this.

Jan 27, 2016, 02:53 PM
I'm also quite curious why the discussion of Private Servers is an issue, mostly because even if PSO-World is affiliated with SEGA in any way, SEGA haven't done anything for the West since 2010 (the release of Phantasy Star Portable 2).

I feel it's obvious that SEGA also don't care about it either... I understand the website is waiting for an official confirmation, but it's never going to happen either since Phantasy Star in the west has been so stagnant for so long. The server up since 2003 never received any action from SEGA either, even though they very well could have done anything to stop it.

Jan 30, 2016, 09:37 AM
SEGA still owns the rights to PSO-anything and technically the server files aren't obtained by any legal means at all. As such, the admins don't want us talking about it here. Yeah they are EXTREMELY xenophobic of the west, and most of it is the fault of all the cheaters we had, but SEGA will start caring, if it becomes a 'hot topic'.

Besides, PSO is OLD - the lack of interest even THOSE servers is showing itself now. Eventually we will have to say goodbye to PSO for good.

Jan 30, 2016, 01:56 PM
While at one time there was a conflict of interest because of official servers being up and running, that wasn't necessarily the only reason. Most members would probably disagree with the reasoning now as it doesn't apply to their personal interests, but the reasoning is one that is of the site owners and admins for good reasons. It's just about always been this way and it most likely won't change. At the end of the day, this site still has insane costs to keep up with as well as revenue generation, along with other goals just as anyone else. Try to keep that in mind. "Affiliations" is only a part of the equation. There is also reputation and legalities beyond the scope of what's mostly seen at the surface level of most users.

It's not that difficult to find other outlets to discuss private servers, but the fact of the matter is that it's something that you agree upon when using an account here and there's no plans to change it.

Feb 10, 2016, 07:49 AM
We at ragol.co.uk actually made the decision to allow the discussion at one point (more as in mentioning the servers names), as it avoided issues with users always finding ways to nickname the servers in a different way.

Obviously one particular server started doing scams and shady stuff, i for once was glad pso-world didn't allow the discussion of servers and so we at ragol.co.uk simply decided to allow the discussion of Private servers but we made the effort to censure a particular server name as it was no longer reliable.

With PSO-World policy they kinda avoided any issues altogether, it's less stuff they need to worry about.

If you need to discuss a private server subject, just head to the server itself, most servers have forums you can use.

Feb 10, 2016, 07:20 PM
Besides, PSO is OLD - the lack of interest even THOSE servers is showing itself now. Eventually we will have to say goodbye to PSO for good.

I'll have to disagree with you.
With a once major private server coming back to life, and another certain server having interesting new features added all the time, I'd say PSO is gonna keep kicking.
PSOld is a timeless game I say, and discussion for it will continue as long as Phantasy Star in general is a thing, Hell, some people still discuss the original games.
Furthermore, I actually just picked up PSO again and dropped PSO2.
Lastly, everyone I've discussed the series with we have all come to an agreement on one thing; PSO, PSU, PSO2, (and even the Portable games to an extent) are all different and unique in their own ways, different "flavors" I guess.
Interest for PSO is not what it once was, sure, but lack of interest is still good enough to warrant discussion.
But that's my own thought.

Feb 15, 2016, 03:28 PM
PSOW's holding fast to this rule looks just as ridiculous as someone who was trapped on a desert island during WWII who still thinks the war is going on. It's time to become current: Sega doesn't care about this site anymore, and any official affiliation with Sega has been dissolved for years.

Any further clinging to this rule is just stupid pride, and the members should take note.

Feb 15, 2016, 06:51 PM
PSOW's holding fast to this rule looks just as ridiculous as someone who was trapped on a desert island during WWII who still thinks the war is going on. It's time to become current: Sega doesn't care about this site anymore, and any official affiliation with Sega has been dissolved for years.

Any further clinging to this rule is just stupid pride, and the members should take note.

Consult the site admins about it. They outlined the rules that we can't discuss about private servers and mods for the games.

It's just a matter of principle and there are other sites out there that are dedicated to the series, namely the private servers themselves, if you want to discuss it.

Feb 15, 2016, 07:20 PM
Well, this thread is an attempt at generating some discussion on the matter, but no person of authority appears to have anything to say about it.

Also, just because one owns a server / website / communication tool doesn't mean they never have to justify their position on anything. It's a normal expectation of human interaction.

I suppose someone COULD take the stance that they never have to justify themselves, but they'll soon find themselves presiding over zero people, as the disappointed members will move on.

Feb 15, 2016, 07:22 PM
Any mention of that forum would fall under this site's private server rule. So that is a no-go.

If you have any questions, send me a PM.

From the PSU section of the forums.

Feb 15, 2016, 07:53 PM
It's always pissed me off that PSOW feels they never have to explain themselves. The site has really fallen into disuse lately because of their arrogant attitudes. I'm not going to be restricted to sending questions via PM. I think the community wants this discussion to take place out in the open.

...Especially if that answer is simply going to be a "no" with a re-stating of the rule. It would be good for everyone to see the extent of the staff's argumentation "capability."

If there's a good reason for why we should continue to censor discussions about private servers, I think many of us would be intrigued to hear about it.

The reality is that there is no reason (well, no GOOD reason, anyway). The supporters of the old rule know they can't win the argument, so they are going to fall back on, "Our site, our rules," as their only way to "win." (While doing a disservice to fans of PSO, whom they claim to support).

There, I just did both sides of the whole argument. We win by logical necessity, so we can talk about private servers now. End of speech.

You don't have to be polite when you're right.

Mar 7, 2016, 01:47 AM
Are you all aware, that even naming private servers in PM can get you a ban? Sure, it is a little annoying, but it is what I agree to do (not discuss private servers) in order to access everything pso-world.com has to offer.

Mar 7, 2016, 06:56 PM
Yes, but the ORIGINAL REASON for the rule no longer exists, so it's pointless now.

Is anyone ever going to acknowledge this?

Mar 7, 2016, 07:36 PM
It's always pissed me off that PSOW feels they never have to explain themselves. The site has really fallen into disuse lately because of their arrogant attitudes. I'm not going to be restricted to sending questions via PM. I think the community wants this discussion to take place out in the open.

...Especially if that answer is simply going to be a "no" with a re-stating of the rule. It would be good for everyone to see the extent of the staff's argumentation "capability."

If there's a good reason for why we should continue to censor discussions about private servers, I think many of us would be intrigued to hear about it.

The reality is that there is no reason (well, no GOOD reason, anyway). The supporters of the old rule know they can't win the argument, so they are going to fall back on, "Our site, our rules," as their only way to "win." (While doing a disservice to fans of PSO, whom they claim to support).

There, I just did both sides of the whole argument. We win by logical necessity, so we can talk about private servers now. End of speech.

You don't have to be polite when you're right.

Dig up the countless discussions about this over the years. Re-read my previous post. The reasons go far beyond what you seem to claim it is.

The logical necessity is that it's a site rule that you agree to when using the site. There's no requirement that you have to use the site- if you don't like the site for this one particular reason, there are plenty of other sites that you can use to discuss the servers openly.

As a matter of fact, it's probably far more beneficial that you engage in discussion specific to each server within their own respective forums as each server has it's own rules and modifications to PSO that make their version of PSO unique. PSO-World still serves as a good means for general discussion concerning universal aspects of the core games.

If you want to talk about a specific server's version of PSO and it's features, then by all means go support their community and engage in their forums.

Mar 9, 2016, 11:57 AM
I think players are smart enough to understand the mechanics differences between servers by this point.

It's just pride, and nothing else.

Mar 10, 2016, 11:16 AM
Yes, I apologize. It's definitely because of pride. You are right.

#psowmasterrace :wacko:

Mar 11, 2016, 10:48 AM
There's three third party servers worth talking about. One recently lost everyone's data and averages a pathetic 10 to 40 players now instead of several 100 that it used to have making it the only worthwhile third party server. They also now admit to cheating that they can't fix. This server is considered dead. Another server which is currently the most popular has anywhere from 20 to 100 players online at a time. During peak hours it may barely have enough players to be worth playing on but most of the time not. Psobb needs at least a few 100 people to have a healthy trading economy and people to play with. Only a loser would play with sub 100 people. Also this server has a ton of modified items which is just stupid. Then there is the last server which has around 40 to 60 people on at a time which doesn't have mods and has great widescreen support. It has a sandbox mode which is cool. I got banned from even viewing their website for being mildly rude ingame like saying hey virgins every time I logged on. So if you wanna lose all your data you worked hard on by being mildly rude then you can play on that nerd server. For everyone with a brain stick to official Sega servers and play pso2 instead. Those third party servers are all trash. I recommend play psobb offline on your own server or the fourth server I didn't mention which is always dead but is mainly for Dreamcast pso and psopc. They never ban anyone and you save all your data locally. Ciao

Mar 11, 2016, 03:03 PM
I approve this thread. Why are you Outrider and etc scared of talk about private server? Sega doesn't care what happens to their game since they moved on with PSO2. And I already know they are doing a piss-poor job of moderating it.

Mar 11, 2016, 03:30 PM
Thems the rules.

Can't really question the moderators about it when they're only upholding the rules.

Mar 11, 2016, 06:44 PM
The rules suck! =p

Mar 13, 2016, 07:59 PM
Also, this thread is about lifting the ban on private server discussions, which needs to happen considering the official game has been defunct for almost 7 years now...

When someone has to revert to, "Our site, our rules" as the reason for a rule, it means they don't have any other good reasons, and they're not deserving of any sort of authority.
Are you literally incapable of reading the thread before making a ton of idiotic posts in it?

Mar 13, 2016, 10:33 PM
You guys gotta understand. Maybe you weren't here back in the day when there were SEGA reps on these very boards on official and non official accounts. The impact of your reputation as one of the only sites that a near-gone company like SEGA still holds onto is one of PSO-worlds most treasured assets. The very memory of being one of the official sites linked to on SEGAs PSO main website (when it was up) was a huge honor I don't imagine guys like Tomeeboy and the originals would like tarnished. I imagine we still have some pretty high up connections giving us whatever info there is to be had, heck does any other site have better info?!

Mar 13, 2016, 10:53 PM
Let me make it clear so that we don't have to repeat more times:
PSOW has never been against private servers. Look at forum rules #13. So there is no need to lift any ban. We just want your discussions about them free of server names & how-to's, etc.

So, keep those private servers' technical info (names & how-to) off from your discussions here & everyone is cool.

Mar 13, 2016, 11:03 PM
Yes, but there's no good reason to even restrict THAT information any longer...

The arrogance and refusal to adapt to changing circumstances is infuriating.

Mar 13, 2016, 11:22 PM
Yes, but there's no good reason to even restrict THAT information any longer...
The arrogance and refusal to adapt to changing circumstances is infuriating.
I understand your point of view, but it seems you're unable to understand ours.

Talk all about private servers all you want, just don't mention their names. People who are somewhat savvy about computer know how to search for all those servers without even asking here. Many already pointed out that those servers have their own forums for such matter. PSOW isn't the right place for it.