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Mar 9, 2016, 09:43 AM
Wow, so many Mother Cluster mentioned during the new story board.
Hagito's actions are too obvious. Hopefully a red herring.

And I need Enga's voice ticket soon. He's a cool bro.

Mar 9, 2016, 10:51 AM
The scene where our characters and Ciela avoids Hitsugi's eyes when she asks how we knew things was amusing. It actually made me chuckle. Other than that, the rest of the new storyboard updates were pretty frustrating since we still don't get to kill things.

What's up with the last cutscene and Kohri freaking out? I could only pick up something about "Mother" but it otherwise looked like she just got muulested by the president dude.

Mar 9, 2016, 06:01 PM
At first it was funny, now I can't even smile because this is all just so bad.

I really want to know what the Japanese fans think of it all. That's the main audience after all.

Mar 10, 2016, 02:18 AM
Anyone starting to feel annoyed by the BGM that keeps playing during the Earth segments involving Hitsugi? Its a nice sounding music but gets really annoying after a while.

I'm surprised that Kohri's PSO2 character looks conveniently like her but with blue hair. Given her implied shota fetish, you would think she'd have made a young boy character like Hitsugi too. Maybe she pressed the "randomizer" button too like the main protagonists in the PSO2 anime?

Really disappointed by the lack of action again in this chapter. Doesn't help that the PC doesn't get to have another reunion cutscene with some of the other NPCs.

Mar 10, 2016, 02:48 AM
What the hell did Hagito and Kohri talk about to have Kohri get freaked out that badly? Nothing about that seemed good or neutral.

Mar 10, 2016, 02:55 AM
I really hope we will punch Hagito's face in the next episode.

Mar 10, 2016, 04:01 AM
What the hell did Hagito and Kohri talk about to have Kohri get freaked out that badly? Nothing about that seemed good or neutral.

What's up with the last cutscene and Kohri freaking out? I could only pick up something about "Mother" but it otherwise looked like she just got muulested by the president dude.

Same question.

Meteor Weapon
Mar 10, 2016, 05:35 AM
https://youtu.be/lubwf6GHSX0?t=1159 again


Mar 11, 2016, 02:39 PM
Same question.

but is there an answer???????

Mar 12, 2016, 02:34 AM
All I could understand was Hagito was a alumnus of Tensei and the former student council president making him their senpai.

Also Kohri mentioned something about being alone and having no friends till Mother found her,then she joined Mother Cluster and made her first real friend,Hitsugi.She was freaking out worrying that Hitsugi would leave or some shit.

Mar 12, 2016, 01:35 PM
So wait, is Mother Cluster an organization or a thing? Should my takeaway from this be that Kohri is some sort of artificial human?

Mar 13, 2016, 07:11 PM
In this week's episode of the anime, Casra...and the commercial breaks...dropped a ton of important info really relevant to the game.

The things happening within PSO2 are real and not actually a video game. It's in an alternate universe from Earth, and the humans on the Earth "playing the game" are actually helping defeat the real darker threat by creating avatars. Humans with an exceptional affinity for photons are actually able to go inside of the game, which really means moving between the universes (like Itsuki and Hitsugi), and even use their PAs on Earth. Dark Falz is looking for a human vessel with a strong affinity for photons, like Itsuki and possibly Hitsugi later on, to take over so it can invade Earth entirely.

Still wonder what the Mother Cluster is, though.

Mar 23, 2016, 05:44 AM
I wonder if the plot made a reference to this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet). If so, that's actually kinda clever on Sega's part.

Mar 23, 2016, 06:00 AM
So among all those "new" heads (except one), who the hell is Char19_BT ? D:

And does Hitsugi just awakened to photons or she always had this power ?

Also we finally get to hear those BGM used for the trailers but in game now !

Mar 23, 2016, 07:13 AM
I'm actually interested in this particular line.
Error Code: Olympia.
...I guess this is a fail-safe measure built by Mother Cluster to avoid contact between Earthlings and ARKS?

Also, [Emerald Tablet] are going to be a plot-important item.

Mar 23, 2016, 09:02 AM
After several cutscenes of highschool bullshit, the PC finally gets to stop all the creepy spy work and get into some action while making a pretty epic entrance too. Michael Bay would be proud. I'm pretty pleased that the PC is actually ARMED with a weapon within a cutscene this time. Always been a pet peeve for me in the story that the PC is normally unarmed whenever the action starts. I don't even mind at all that its a weapon that doesn't make sense for non-Fighter characters especially since the Double Saber the PC was wielding might be a nice nod to a certain dark-attire individual.

While Hagito doesn't seem like main villain material, I find myself to be very entertained by how hammy he is. His last appearance in this chapter has him summoning some kind of sailor which presumably will lead to the upcoming Yamato battleship boss fight.

I totally saw Kohri getting slapped by Hagito coming :-D. Kinda disappointed by the "Oh, no my bff left me! I must turn evil in revenge!" route they went for her, though.

Looks like Hitsugi, like Itsuki and Rina from the anime, is also an Earthling with high photon affinity so she could summon her photon weapons at will in response to intense emotions.

Mar 23, 2016, 09:35 AM
The PC didn't use weapons because Sega can't be sure what class you are. Well, technically there's a gunslash but no one sane uses that. At least it had an amusing side effect of making you look so badass, you wreck enemies with bare hands.

Persona's DS is yours now (and technically was all along because Persona) so Sega has a convenient "legacy" weapon to equip the PC with.

Mar 23, 2016, 10:15 AM
The PC didn't use weapons because Sega can't be sure what class you are. Well, technically there's a gunslash but no one sane uses that. At least it had an amusing side effect of making you look so badass, you wreck enemies with bare hands.

Persona's DS is yours now (and technically was all along because Persona) so Sega has a convenient "legacy" weapon to equip the PC with.

Kind of agree with this. While it was awkward as hell, bare-handed everything does sound badass. I also liked that Coat Doublis are (probably) our default weapon in story mode from now on. I still prefer SEGA synchronized the weapon with the one we currently equipped, but at least Coat Doublis is an improvement from bare-hand.

For a sidenote, Hitsugi's katana looks good.

Mar 23, 2016, 10:32 AM
Can't wait to get the camo of Hitsugi's katanaif we ever get it. :wacko:

Mar 23, 2016, 12:39 PM
Can't wait to get the camo of Hitsugi's katanaif we ever get it. :wacko:


That was pulled from the es files. It used to be a filler weapon holder, which eventually had a name on there.

Mar 23, 2016, 01:05 PM
i remember that after hagito shows the telepathy apps sierra said that the software update (by the YMT corp) is far too advance than the hardware, and this make us (PC and sierra) suspicious. am i right?

Mar 23, 2016, 01:14 PM


Symphogear reference

Mar 23, 2016, 04:27 PM
Well, at least they finally actually found and determined Earth's location. So, it's two seperate worlds, then?

Something note-worthy; Earth is now visible from The Bridge. The rest of the ARKS Fleet is missing.

Mar 23, 2016, 04:35 PM
Everyone is talking about Hitsugi's katana, but I want the Emerald Tablet as a talis and/or baton. 3:

Mar 23, 2016, 05:43 PM
Oh yeah almost forgot about this.

Do you want the "Emerald Tablet" tablet edition or human edition ? :wacko:
Both are a proof that actually, Sega isn't that green phobic.

Mar 23, 2016, 06:33 PM

Symphogear reference

Uhh Ame no Murakumo?

Mar 23, 2016, 06:52 PM
Looks like we get to take Hitsugi and Al on a tour of Oracle in the early April update. Also based on some images looks like Aika from the anime will be assisting us in the "Earth" problem because she's been there before.

Mar 23, 2016, 07:16 PM
Everyone is talking about Hitsugi's katana, but I want the Emerald Tablet as a talis and/or baton. 3:

It's just an Iphone with green fund

Mar 23, 2016, 10:27 PM
Looks like we get to take Hitsugi and Al on a tour of Oracle in the early April update. Also based on some images looks like Aika from the anime will be assisting us in the "Earth" problem because she's been there before.

Not really looking forward to Aika at all but its good to have her for the sole reason of having a "serious" Summoner to balance out Pietro's "silly" Summoner. Kinda like how the Bouncer class had the "silly" Katori and the "serious" Saga.

Mar 24, 2016, 12:17 AM
Was really happy to see the show of power when we saved Hitsugi.

We were discussing how the PC isn't exactly shown to have any impressive feats of strength in the story compared to Itsuki in the anime thread so that cutscene was so damn satisfying to watch.

Also I laughed at Hitsugi getting hit and ragdolled by a tank missile because how was she supposed to survive that?

Mar 24, 2016, 12:21 AM
that katana of hitsugi.. CAMO NAO SEGA

Mar 24, 2016, 12:28 AM
So Hitsugi and Kouri is like Ulc/Theo part 2.Story is geniunely getting more intresting now though it's hard to understand a good deal of it without a translation.

Mar 24, 2016, 12:38 AM
Looking back at the scene of Hagito slapping Kohri, I find it hilarious that even though Hagito slapped her left cheek, Kohri fell down as if she got slapped on the right cheek :-D. Nice work, animation team XD

Mar 24, 2016, 02:11 AM
Uhh Ame no Murakumo?

Ame no Habakiri. It's a mythical Japanese sword and because of that it tends to pop up in various anime every once in a while. Symphogear included, which is amusing because just like in PSO2 it's blue themed in that variation, and PSO2 did obvious Symphogear references (http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Orbit.jpg) before.

Mar 24, 2016, 10:21 AM
Ame no Habakiri. It's a mythical Japanese sword and because of that it tends to pop up in various anime every once in a while. Symphogear included, which is amusing because just like in PSO2 it's blue themed in that variation, and PSO2 did obvious Symphogear references (http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Orbit.jpg) before.

That supports the description, sorta.


Ignore the yen sign, it's present in all filler no description weapons.

Mar 24, 2016, 09:51 PM
Oh right,I must've gotten it mixed up with Strider Hiryu's move.

Mar 24, 2016, 11:29 PM
Was really happy to see the show of power when we saved Hitsugi.

We were discussing how the PC isn't exactly shown to have any impressive feats of strength in the story compared to Itsuki in the anime thread so that cutscene was so damn satisfying to watch.
Its as if the PC has reached a new level of awesome where they now operate on Super Sentai logic; every dramatic entrance is immediately followed by background explosions :-D

Mar 25, 2016, 02:34 AM
Its as if the PC has reached a new level of awesome where they now operate on Super Sentai logic; every dramatic entrance is immediately followed by background explosions :-D

I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the PC doing some poses with Huey, seeing as how we already had some tokusatsu-esque LAs in the game right from the beginning :P

Mar 25, 2016, 11:49 AM
So, that guy that Hagito spawned with the Emerald Tablet, I'm guessing he's gonna be the captain of the ESC-A Yamato?

Also, betting that that character that approached Kohri is gonna be the Phantom Goddess or Mother Cluster.

Mar 25, 2016, 12:36 PM
So, that guy that Hagito spawned with the Emerald Tablet, I'm guessing he's gonna be the captain of the ESC-A Yamato?

Yamato PV shows EMERALD TABLET summoning missiles at our asses.

EDIT: see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMrXwQYy1Ms&feature=youtu.be&t=3m43s

Mar 25, 2016, 01:03 PM
So, that guy that Hagito spawned with the Emerald Tablet, I'm guessing he's gonna be the captain of the ESC-A Yamato?

Also, betting that that character that approached Kohri is gonna be the Phantom Goddess or Mother Cluster.

Phantom Goddess has a normal and a rare form in the data, so I doubt it could be this one.

Cyber Meteor
Mar 25, 2016, 01:23 PM
Oh, Phantom Goddess has a rare form? Then it'll probably be a free field boss. I was just wondering in what form we will get it (EQ, free field, story only....), but now we know :-P

Mar 25, 2016, 01:59 PM
Post from Chikinface, psumods.co.uk

Coulda swore I posted the other enemies here, oh well.

Here they all are again anyway:

Char19_BT - Has a weapon.

Some of these are from a while back but there's a couple of new ones since the last update; UFOs and Riders in particular.

Mar 26, 2016, 12:29 AM
Can someone remind just exactly what the Photoners are?

Mar 26, 2016, 12:33 AM
Can someone remind just exactly what the Photoners are?In short: The people who first came into contact with Xion and developed Photon technology with her help.

Mar 28, 2016, 06:34 PM
Looking back at the scene of Hagito slapping Kohri, I find it hilarious that even though Hagito slapped her left cheek, Kohri fell down as if she got slapped on the right cheek :-D. Nice work, animation team XD

Wait, what?
Does it make a difference which cheek you slap?

Mar 28, 2016, 08:41 PM
Speaking of the lastest story quest, does any have a music rip the "boss" theme? (When you fight all the Phantoms)

Mar 28, 2016, 09:46 PM
Wait, what?
Does it make a difference which cheek you slap?

Well, kinda. Get slapped in the right side of the face, face flinches to the left. Get slapped in the left side of the face, face flinches to the right. Its basic physics and the animation team made such a careless mistake. Sure, I guess it doesn't really matter since Kohri gets knocked out anyway and it doesn't really change how the scene makes it a point of how much of an asshole Hagito is but such an oversight in animation is worth poking fun at, no? :-P

Mar 29, 2016, 03:14 AM
Well, kinda. Get slapped in the right side of the face, face flinches to the left. Get slapped in the left side of the face, face flinches to the right. Its basic physics and the animation team made such a careless mistake. Sure, I guess it doesn't really matter since Kohri gets knocked out anyway and it doesn't really change how the scene makes it a point of how much of an asshole Hagito is but such an oversight in animation is worth poking fun at, no? :-P

I mean, we still don't have animated hands after like, four years. It's not too much of a stretch, no?

Mar 29, 2016, 05:21 AM
I mean, we still don't have animated hands after like, four years. It's not too much of a stretch, no?

What's not too much of stretch?

Mar 29, 2016, 06:29 AM
What's not too much of stretch?

Animated hands

Mar 29, 2016, 06:46 AM
Animated hands

But I was talking about how Kohri's face flinched in the wrong direction in response to getting slapped, not about the quality of PSO2's animated hands.

Mar 29, 2016, 07:33 AM
But I was talking about how Kohri's face flinched in the wrong direction in response to getting slapped, not about the quality of PSO2's animated hands.

I thought it was pretty clear what Altiea and Tymek wanted to say.

it's been 2+ years since we got Quna's concert and Good Job Lobby Action. And to this date, both of it still didn't have animated hands. If SEGA can overlook matters like this for that amount of time, how Kohri's face flinched in the wrong direction is not really a surprising matter *shrug*

...Then again, one can argue that Hagito's slap are infused with Ethertm and Photonstm so that it could ignore the law of physics and logic about which direction Kohri's face should flinch.

Mar 29, 2016, 08:52 AM
...Then again, one can argue that Hagito's slap are infused with Ethertm and Photonstm so that it could ignore the law of physics and logic about which direction Kohri's face should flinch.

Yeah, lets just go with that.

Apr 4, 2016, 08:49 AM
So, is this all we're saying?
Or are we waiting until the next Matter Board update?
I think Aika will appear with the April 20th update.

Apr 4, 2016, 10:05 AM
Remember back when "Phantom" stuff was datamined and people thought it might actually be something cool and exciting?

I really can't wait to see what the hell episode 5 will be about.
It'll probably be a full-on collab with Final Fantasy 14.
Photons open a gateway to Hydaelyn, where people there play a card game called Phantasy Star Online 2...

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Kazuma Kiryu showed up as an NPC in PSO2.

Apr 4, 2016, 02:16 PM
Time to quit the game then.
Aika should appear this week , along with lisa tablet, casra and others. She has DF colouring in the end of her hair, she is a proper NPC from the bridge area.

Apr 4, 2016, 03:09 PM
Remember back when "Phantom" stuff was datamined and people thought it might actually be something cool and exciting?

I really can't wait to see what the hell episode 5 will be about.
It'll probably be a full-on collab with Final Fantasy 14.
Photons open a gateway to Hydaelyn, where people there play a card game called Phantasy Star Online 2...

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Kazuma Kiryu showed up as an NPC in PSO2.

If that's what it takes to get Yakuza 5, JUST DO IT
(i believe yakuza 5 was already greenlit for localization. and a much better game tbh)

Apr 4, 2016, 04:06 PM
So, is this all we're saying?
Or are we waiting until the next Matter Board update?
I think Aika will appear with the April 20th update.

But there isn't new story board events at April 20th update, there is ?

Cyber Meteor
Apr 4, 2016, 04:39 PM
But there isn't new story board events at April 20th update, there is ?

Yeah, the trailer of 20th April (aka PS4 release) doesn't show new story board event, we're getting new story board this week, but not on 20th April. That makes me wonder if SEGA will keep the "EQ 2 weeks after story quest" scheme they usually, which then means Yamato EQ will come middle/late May, or if they'll release both story quest and EQ at the same time, that would be early May then, since we already saw Hagito summoned the Yamato's captain via his emerald tablet, so the pre-EQ story quest is kinda already done

Meteor Weapon
Apr 4, 2016, 08:50 PM
Time to quit the game then.
Aika should appear this week , along with lisa tablet, casra and others. She has DF colouring in the end of her hair, she is a proper NPC from the bridge area.

I'd rather have her wandering around in ARKS instead of Stargazer Kirito EP4.0, he just effortlessly bullshitted every single effort and hardwork of every powerful characters in the game with Radiant Excalibur that's not even a Genesis Weapon with built in OP PA known as Stargazer, Rear/Shujinkō Cosmic, Arm/Shujinkō Universe , Leg/Shujinkō Dimension with bonus set of adding over 9000% to every stat and affixes of Kirito Soul, Protagonist ∞,Plot Resist ∞ and Harem Fever

Apr 4, 2016, 09:42 PM
I.......got the exact opposite feeling about the anime characters, actually.

Given that the current EP4 story are linked with the anime; anime characters are bound to pop up in-game, either as a cameo, or as full-blown NPC. We're still in the beginning of the 'Phantom era', and I doubt it would end so quickly.

Apr 4, 2016, 09:48 PM
I am hoping Aika becomes a primary supporting character like Matoi was in EP3.

Apr 5, 2016, 12:01 AM
If that's what it takes to get Yakuza 5, JUST DO IT
(i believe yakuza 5 was already greenlit for localization. and a much better game tbh)Yakuza 5 was already out in English on December 8 2015, 2 years after the original Japanese release. Its available only as a digital release and on the PS3.

And yes, it is arguably SEGA's best game series that they haven't screwed up possibly thanks to it having a passionate and dedicated studio who love what they do. I love the Yakuza series a lot since unlike other JRPGs, its storytelling is actually pretty mature and grounded on top of being very well written, averting typical JRPG cliches like overly nice characters or the power of friendship (friendship is still an important theme, though).

At least two soundtracks from each released Yakuza game can be acquired from scratches in PSO2.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Kazuma Kiryu showed up as an NPC in PSO2.Funny enough, PSO2 EP4 has Zombie Yakuzas as Phantom enemy types and Zombie Yakuzas were something that the Yakuza games already did in one of their spin-off game, Yakuza of the End/Dead Souls.

That said, Kiryu is just way too cool and manly for PSO2 but it would be pretty awesome if his iconic Tiger Drop move is an available PA for Knuckles Fighters.

I am hoping Aika becomes a primary supporting character like Matoi was in EP3.
I'd prefer to have just Matoi back. She has more personality while Aika has none.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 5, 2016, 12:20 AM
welp, they showed up anyway https://youtu.be/rE24qaBsUNE

Apr 5, 2016, 12:39 AM
Rappy egg o_o

Apr 5, 2016, 01:00 AM
welp, they showed up anyway https://youtu.be/rE24qaBsUNE

Anyone notice how Aika's voice actually had a little more emotion to it? Like as though the VA actually gave a damn?

Its also hard to tell if Itsuki's weapon will actually have the ability to switch from Gunslash mode to Sword mode or if they'll simply offer two versions of his weapon as a Gunslash and Sword separately. Same goes for RINA's weapon.

If there happens to be Emergency Codes where either of the anime characters appear, I think I'll make it my goal to skip the ECs and leave them to their fates :-P

Apr 5, 2016, 07:49 AM
So, is the proper space opera story over?

I kinda hoped that after anime's end we'll get something else. Even its this something is space exploration like in Nova.

Apr 5, 2016, 08:04 AM
So, is the proper space opera story over?

I kinda hoped that after anime's end we'll get something else. Even its this something is space exploration like in Nova.

We're still in cross-dimensional space opera, but at least some of the key players are not stuck with the little box named anime. And things are kind of heating up.....I guess. And don't forget we're still waiting for a certain 'planet' to come back and tell us the grand plan to cut the cycle.

Apr 5, 2016, 08:11 AM
Rear/Shujinkō Cosmic, Arm/Shujinkō Universe , Leg/Shujinkō Dimension with bonus set of adding over 9000% to every stat and affixes of Kirito Soul, Protagonist ∞,Plot Resist ∞ and Harem Fever

I laughed. Good post.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 5, 2016, 08:27 AM
We're still in cross-dimensional space opera, but at least some of the key players are not stuck with the little box named anime. And things are kind of heating up.....I guess. And don't forget we're still waiting for a certain 'planet' to come back and tell us the grand plan to cut the cycle.

What planet? Rykos?

Apr 5, 2016, 08:51 AM
What planet? Rykos?

Remember, Xiao is a copy of Xion; and Xion technically is an intelligent planet. So, in proxy, Xiao is also a planet.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 5, 2016, 08:57 AM
Lol, well then again would be nice Rykros gets mentioned again. Or Xiao himself ends up being the absolute seal of Profound Darkness and becomes Rykros.

Apr 5, 2016, 09:22 AM
Is any of Ep4 translated yet? I mean via Eng patches.

Apr 5, 2016, 09:36 AM
Lol, well then again would be nice Rykros gets mentioned again. Or Xiao himself ends up being the absolute seal of Profound Darkness and becomes Rykros.

That would suck. It would just mean that the PC and everyone else was too weak to destroy PD, and that someone ultimately had to take one for the team.

Apr 5, 2016, 10:13 AM
Lol, well then again would be nice Rykros gets mentioned again. Or Xiao himself ends up being the absolute seal of Profound Darkness and becomes Rykros.

Lol, did you have any qualms with Megumi Ogata, by any chance? If that happened, all of Megumi Ogata's voiced character are the only one who died in PSO2........and that guy in tutorial.

Apr 5, 2016, 01:13 PM
Its also hard to tell if Itsuki's weapon will actually have the ability to switch from Gunslash mode to Sword mode or if they'll simply offer two versions of his weapon as a Gunslash and Sword separately. Same goes for RINA's weapon.

It's a weapon camo, so it goes over swords and gunslashes. Same deal with Rina's weapon being a camo for assault rifles and twin mechs.

Apr 5, 2016, 01:50 PM
Are both Camos limited to the deluxe package? Planning on getting the package, so those camos would be a neat bonus.

Apr 5, 2016, 02:17 PM
If it's like any of the other deluxe packages, the items wont be account bound so you should be able to buy and sell most of the promotional items on the player market. Although the Rappy Egg / Pet will be bound due to not being able to sell 10* eggs.

Apr 5, 2016, 02:49 PM
Aika will appear tomorrow, but we're not getting her partner card until late May.


Apr 5, 2016, 03:31 PM
Aika will appear tomorrow, but we're not getting her partner card until late May.


Because Photons Ether SEGA.

Sanada Yukimura
Apr 5, 2016, 06:03 PM
So follow me on this.

What if this whole episode 4 story is just a filler till they find out what they really want to do with the story :^)

I just want to go back to the Gurhal System.

Apr 5, 2016, 06:42 PM
No, this is what they want to do.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 5, 2016, 09:57 PM
Lol, did you have any qualms with Megumi Ogata, by any chance? If that happened, all of Megumi Ogata's voiced character are the only one who died in PSO2........and that guy in tutorial.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Apr 5, 2016, 11:24 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Megumi Ogata are the voice behind Xion and Xiao

Apr 5, 2016, 11:31 PM
im still doubting about the artistic direction , because they could inspire in anything from scifi influence here are some ideas 2 of them involving new enemies

1 make a new enemy which is an something like the primal zerg from starcraft , i mean an adaptoid race
2 an alien race that looks like black doom from the shadow the hedgehog game, also they would use tachyon weapons ( tachyon is a particle that travels faster than photons (light)), influenced by double in the past they start their crusade if something happen to the twins .like a backup plan or something like that
3 expand the existing planets , for naberius jungles or swamps or for lilipa a space station or putting a prison in amduscia : i mean if the sanctum is in the middle of skyscape why a prison is not going to be in the middle of the volcanic caves , also that place would have sealed kashina the hell dragon from the legends :O and for harukotan putting meadows and mountains, i mean common we dont know anything about the wild life in that planet and from my perpective most of the kuronite arsenal are golems

or ignoring my theories maybe sega is sacrificing this episode because is actually a prelude for a multiverse history , maybe the ether is going to be the bridge for visiting the gurhal system or ragol or even algo system

Apr 6, 2016, 02:14 AM
I mean if PSO2 is a game on Earth, surely they had PSO1 at the very least.
So I could see this being the set up for other universes.

Apr 6, 2016, 05:27 AM
So, what happened to Matoi?

All we did in Ep3(or at least extra chapter) was for nothing?

Apr 6, 2016, 06:20 AM
So, what happened to Matoi?

All we did in Ep3(or at least extra chapter) was for nothing?

A surprisingly easy to miss cutscene with Fillia reveals that Matoi is currently placed in cryo sleep. She's fine. I'm guessing she's being temporarily taken out of the story so that the PC would have a reason to focus on the new main characters of EP4's story.

Apr 6, 2016, 06:37 AM
Any dialogues with Aika is really a good way to fill in the blanks within the seven-months gap.

I......think I kind of know what happened after the anime finale episode when Aika absorb the remains of [Apprentice].

So, Aika did try to re-enact what happened to Matoi in 3-7. However, Aika cannot control the amount of negative photons and close to become Dark Falz Apprentice IV. Well, as expected, Matoi hijack the negative photons into herself. Here is when things get really weird.

When Matoi take the negative photons from Aika, Dio Hunar pop up to the area, according to Casra. Dio Hunar then.......take away the leftover negative photons of [Apprentice] from Matoi. After it was finished, Dio Hunar then......go away. Both Aika and Casra are baffled. But Casra did asked you whether you knew the reason behind Dio Hunar's action. Nonetheless, I guess Matoi are in coldsleep to cleanse the remaining of [Apprentice] that did not absorbed by Dio Hunar.

It's a good question to be asked though. Why Dio Hunar absorb the [Apprentice] remains from Matoi? Is it because this Dio Hunar just 'reset' its own time and [Persona] is still in full control of Dio Hunar? Or this Dio Hunar aimed to gather the scattered Dark Falz powers and make [Profound Darkness].......complete?

Either case, I'll add more when I fully translate Aika story mode dialogues

Meteor Weapon
Apr 6, 2016, 06:42 AM
Well Dio Hunar is just us in the first place.

Apr 6, 2016, 06:50 AM
Well Dio Hunar is just us in the first place.

Well, at this point us and [Persona] can be treated as separate entity.......in a sense?

Also, forget to add this in my earlier post, but do pay attention to 4 random ARKS in node 043-C
Those 4 are members of Mother Cluster. Which means that those 4 might bear significance role in future.

....or just plain red-shirts.

Apr 6, 2016, 07:16 AM
EDIT: Unrelated, were Katori and Pietro arguing about the ethics of having adorable animals fight for you?

Well, at this point us and [Persona] can be treated as separate entity.......in a sense?

Also, forget to add this in my earlier post, but do pay attention to 4 random ARKS in node 043-C
Those 4 are members of Mother Cluster. Which means that those 4 might bear significance role in future.

....or just plain red-shirts.I don't think those 4 specifically were important. That seemed to just be set up for future stuff. If there are Mother Cluster members spying on the ARKS that could be relevant later.

I hope it means we get to fight more ARKS members though. :U

Apr 6, 2016, 07:35 AM
EDIT: Unrelated, were Katori and Pietro arguing about the ethics of having adorable animals fight for you?

Either that or its another case of "my class is better than your class" argument often seen back in EP1.

I've seen some of the other filler cutscenes and have some decent understanding of it:

- Hitsugi and Aru meeting Quna; Hitsugi is excited to meet Quna, saying that she attends to all of her live performances and enjoys her songs. Quna seemingly snarks at the PC over the fact that its nice to talk face-to-face with someone who actually appreciates her work (the PC is canonically not a fan of Quna). Aru asks what an idol is and Quna explains it to him. Quna doesn't seem to be wearing idol-like clothings so I can only assume this is her Idol mode's casual attire.

- Hitsugi and Aru meeting Risa; Hitsugi is frightened of Risa but Aru somehow likes her and actually thinks that Risa is nice...

Meteor Weapon
Apr 6, 2016, 07:45 AM
Pietro's Wanda name is Katorin and I guess Katori felt insulted lol

Apr 6, 2016, 07:48 AM
EDIT: Unrelated, were Katori and Pietro arguing about the ethics of having adorable animals fight for you?

Katori is mad cause BO is no longer the meme class. Pietro doesn't understand why all the hate.

Katori then asks Saga if they could switch to SU. Course Saga says no, and reminds Katori her duties as a BO representative that she needs to stay her class while dragging her ass away while Pietro's wanda mauls him to death.

Apr 6, 2016, 08:04 AM
Something I've noticed is how overly casual Quna is about seeing the PC. Our PC was frozen for 2 years and I'm pretty sure this is the PC's first meeting with Quna since EP3. Like with Io, why is it that the NPCs that the PC once fought side by side with don't seem too shocked at all in seeing the PC again after being unseen for 2 years? Was the PC being frozen not actually a secret and that the NPCs who were close to the PC were given notice that the PC is being re-awakened?

Also, Dio Hunar should have appeared in the anime. Instead, we are told of its appearance and involvement in this story update. If time constraints in the finale were the problem, what the anime should have done is make it so that Apprentice was defeated as a result of being separated from its host, cutting out the stupid Star Gazer scene, so that they could have fitted in Dio Hunar.

Apr 6, 2016, 10:07 AM
Did we even ever actually get a formal (re)introdcution to Aika and Cast-ra?
How were we supposed to know who Aika is?
And Casra hasn't even explained his new clothes yet smh.

On a kind-of-unrelated-but-still-slightly-related note, I'd like to remark on how we actually still barely know anything about what's going on despite PSO2TA existing.

We barely know anything about Aika.
Why was Zeno in a tube after fighting AppRinatice?
Where are Claris Clone, Huey, Maria and Regius?
What is ESC-A? (Aika went to investigate one of the ESC-A Towers in one of the episodes, but that's all of the "ESC-A Investigation" we've had throughout the entire show.)

That kind of stuff.

Apr 6, 2016, 10:45 AM
Did we even ever actually get a formal (re)introdcution to Aika and Cast-ra?
How were we supposed to know who Aika is?
And Casra hasn't even explained his new clothes yet smh.

On a kind-of-unrelated-but-still-slightly-related note, I'd like to remark on how we actually still barely know anything about what's going on despite PSO2TA existing.

We barely know anything about Aika.
Why was Zeno in a tube after fighting AppRinatice?
Where are Claris Clone, Huey, Maria and Regius?
What is ESC-A? (Aika went to investigate one of the ESC-A Towers in one of the episodes, but that's all of the "ESC-A Investigation" we've had throughout the entire show.)

That kind of stuff.

- We did got formal introduction of Aika. She clearly stated that Casra is her boss, and she's been deployed on Earth as ARKS agent.
- Aika and Casra did explain what happened after the [Apprentice] battle.
- Uh, isn't it clear that Apprentice III beat Zeno's arse so hard, Zeno need to get into the tube to recover?
- PSO2:TA actually put a midcard to explain the whereabouts of the other Heroes. Also, Claris Clone are already official as Claris Claes III.
- Kohri, and Hagito did explain about ESCA during our 'Truman Show' phase. And if you did notice, Casra and Aika give information dump to Sierra's computer.

Apr 6, 2016, 01:22 PM
- We did got formal introduction of Aika. She clearly stated that Casra is her boss, and she's been deployed on Earth as ARKS agent.
- Aika and Casra did explain what happened after the [Apprentice] battle.
- Uh, isn't it clear that Apprentice III beat Zeno's arse so hard, Zeno need to get into the tube to recover?
- PSO2:TA actually put a midcard to explain the whereabouts of the other Heroes. Also, Claris Clone are already official as Claris Claes III.
- Kohri, and Hagito did explain about ESCA during our 'Truman Show' phase. And if you did notice, Casra and Aika give information dump to Sierra's computer.

I should've been more specific regarding the introductions, so this one's my bad, haha:
After Aru and Hitsugi get warped to our Ship, the cutscene that follows shows Player, Sierra, Funky-New-Outfit Casra and Aika standing there together, implying they were awaiting her. But, did we get introduced to Aika before that, or were we introduced to her at the same time Hitsugi was? Is anything about that said?

Regarding Zeno: That's true, I guess... :P

The Other Heroes: Well, yeah. It was stated that they're currently away on some sort of mission. But what kind of mission? (Also, I know Claris Clone is Claris Claes III, but I she's an awful character and I dislike her so... :P

Information Dump: Casra and Aika did that? :O I didn't know that, haha. I guess she told Player to show Hitsugi and Aru around the Ship while she sorts everything out?

Apr 6, 2016, 02:10 PM
EDIT: Unrelated, were Katori and Pietro arguing about the ethics of having adorable animals fight for you?

basically, Katori is jealous because summoner doesn't need to fight. they only need to send their pet to fight for them. Katori then made up her usual BS to throw tantrum on Pietro.
Saga is a bit relieved that Katori has become a BO before SU exist or else she won't be a BO for said reason.

I don't think those 4 specifically were important. That seemed to just be set up for future stuff. If there are Mother Cluster members spying on the ARKS that could be relevant later.

it actually have been told several time that there are people intruding to oracle. either pure innocent people that think oracle is a "game" like Itsuki or unknowing people with a certain motive like Mother-cluster. so the scene is not really a set up for the future. it just to make it realistic that there is a lot more Mother-cluster invading oracle aside Hitsugi and Kohri... meaning Hagito and Mother herself might be on Oracle at one time

Apr 6, 2016, 03:05 PM
The more I see of Episode 4, the more I find to dislike.

1). The Matoi thing. Given that Matoi is portrayed in Episode 3 as being important to the player character, there is no way the player character should have accepted waiting that long for an explanation of where Matoi was. I know for both of my main characters, "Where's Matoi?" would have been the very first question they asked, and they wouldn't have lifted a finger for Sierra until they got some kind of answer to it.

I get that they delayed giving us this answer so that they could use her in the last episode without spoiling it, but they could easily have told us that she was in cold sleep due to having absorbed some more negative photons and not elaborated beyond that and still avoided the spoiler.

2). Aika's client orders. Oh, she thinks she's entitled to "test" the player character, does she? There should be plenty of records of the ridiculous feats the player character has accomplished by this point, and if she has any doubts she can ask her boss, who once stated himself that the player character could very well be the next Regius. At this point, it's even stated in the story that the player character isn't accountable to anyone in the ARKS command structure at this point, so what makes Aika think we should have to prove anything to her?

3). Hagito. Seriously, if I don't even need to be able to understand his dialogue to understand that he's a spoiled, petulant man-child who makes Luther look positively mature and composed (and all of this is easily discerned from his tone of voice), that makes him one seriously lame villain.

4). Kohri. Come on, grow a brain already! Seriously. Hagito (whose entire manner screams "I am the villain, even though I'm a really crappy one!") just tried to kill your friend with incredible cosmic power and freaky looking zombies, and now you're freaking out because she's leaving? You should /want/ Hitsugi to go someplace safer, if you are really her friend. Even youth and naivete do not justify this level of stupidity.

Apr 6, 2016, 04:27 PM
The more I see of Episode 4, the more I find to dislike.

1). The Matoi thing. Given that Matoi is portrayed in Episode 3 as being important to the player character, there is no way the player character should have accepted waiting that long for an explanation of where Matoi was. I know for both of my main characters, "Where's Matoi?" would have been the very first question they asked, and they wouldn't have lifted a finger for Sierra until they got some kind of answer to it.

I get that they delayed giving us this answer so that they could use her in the last episode without spoiling it, but they could easily have told us that she was in cold sleep due to having absorbed some more negative photons and not elaborated beyond that and still avoided the spoiler.

2). Aika's client orders. Oh, she thinks she's entitled to "test" the player character, does she? There should be plenty of records of the ridiculous feats the player character has accomplished by this point, and if she has any doubts she can ask her boss, who once stated himself that the player character could very well be the next Regius. At this point, it's even stated in the story that the player character isn't accountable to anyone in the ARKS command structure at this point, so what makes Aika think we should have to prove anything to her?

3). Hagito. Seriously, if I don't even need to be able to understand his dialogue to understand that he's a spoiled, petulant man-child who makes Luther look positively mature and composed (and all of this is easily discerned from his tone of voice), that makes him one seriously lame villain.

4). Kohri. Come on, grow a brain already! Seriously. Hagito (whose entire manner screams "I am the villain, even though I'm a really crappy one!") just tried to kill your friend with incredible cosmic power and freaky looking zombies, and now you're freaking out because she's leaving? You should /want/ Hitsugi to go someplace safer, if you are really her friend. Even youth and naivete do not justify this level of stupidity.

You're playing a classic anime trope!

Japan has a hard-on for this and eats this shit up like candy. There's probably a reason SEGA doesn't release this in the west, since we're so cynical of it.

Apr 6, 2016, 04:35 PM
Kohri. Come on, grow a brain already !
Even youth and naivete do not justify this level of stupidity.

I needed to change my sig, and I found THE post to do it ! Thanks man. :wacko:

Apr 6, 2016, 04:57 PM
I needed to change my sig, and I found THE post to do it ! Thanks man. :wacko:

Glad to be of service.

Apr 6, 2016, 07:07 PM
The more I see of Episode 4, the more I find to dislike.

1). The Matoi thing. Given that Matoi is portrayed in Episode 3 as being important to the player character, there is no way the player character should have accepted waiting that long for an explanation of where Matoi was. I know for both of my main characters, "Where's Matoi?" would have been the very first question they asked, and they wouldn't have lifted a finger for Sierra until they got some kind of answer to it.

I get that they delayed giving us this answer so that they could use her in the last episode without spoiling it, but they could easily have told us that she was in cold sleep due to having absorbed some more negative photons and not elaborated beyond that and still avoided the spoiler.

2). Aika's client orders. Oh, she thinks she's entitled to "test" the player character, does she? There should be plenty of records of the ridiculous feats the player character has accomplished by this point, and if she has any doubts she can ask her boss, who once stated himself that the player character could very well be the next Regius. At this point, it's even stated in the story that the player character isn't accountable to anyone in the ARKS command structure at this point, so what makes Aika think we should have to prove anything to her?

3). Hagito. Seriously, if I don't even need to be able to understand his dialogue to understand that he's a spoiled, petulant man-child who makes Luther look positively mature and composed (and all of this is easily discerned from his tone of voice), that makes him one seriously lame villain.

4). Kohri. Come on, grow a brain already! Seriously. Hagito (whose entire manner screams "I am the villain, even though I'm a really crappy one!") just tried to kill your friend with incredible cosmic power and freaky looking zombies, and now you're freaking out because she's leaving? You should /want/ Hitsugi to go someplace safer, if you are really her friend. Even youth and naivete do not justify this level of stupidity.

1) Sierra had no idea where was Matoi since SHE didn't know about Earth until we "accidentaly" went there and after she met Casra and Aika she got to know where is Matoi currently (and she got to know everything that has been happening on Earth exactly at that point) so you are trully overreacting about it

2) Aika's orders has NOTHING to do with the story lol, those orders are there for the purpose of keeping us more "busy" doing other stuff aside from Daily orders and what not, it's like "Oh Franka is giving me cooking orders? OMG if I don't learn how to cook for the story then I'll be doomed!" wich is not the case, again, you are overthinking about it

3) Hagito is indeed a Villian but not the main Antagonist, he is just a "minion" of Mother Cluster or at least someone relevant there, and he has spoiled personality? that's his character then, nothing special about it, I repeat once again, overreacting about it

4) When someone is sad, depressed or desperate over a situation that makes the person react ilogically on things, that's how humans emotions works in a way, yeah it seems kinda stupid but that's how it is, human stupidity has no limits, should I repeat again what I said on the other points?

EP4 in Japan has been recieved very well, it started kinda slow but I'm sure it had a lot faster start than all past Episodes on PSO2 but if we talk about Western players... oooh boy... most of you are salty and butthurt about it (the first week of the story and the anime was filled with saltyness, butthurt and whinning in this forums wich made me laugh a lot)

Apr 6, 2016, 07:15 PM
it just to make it realistic that there is a lot more Mother-cluster invading oracle aside Hitsugi and Kohri... meaning Hagito and Mother herself might be on Oracle at one time
That's literally what a set up is in this context...

Apr 6, 2016, 07:25 PM
EP4 in Japan has been recieved very well, it started kinda slow but I'm sure it had a lot faster start than all past Episodes on PSO2 but if we talk about Western players... oooh boy... most of you are salty and butthurt about it (the first week of the story and the anime was filled with saltyness, butthurt and whinning in this forums wich made me laugh a lot)

We're not the target audience, so of course we're gonna take issue with it. The internet is 70% salt anyway, we just happen to fill a particular salt niche.

... That's not to say I'm displeased with EP4 personally. I think it's fine, so sue me.

Apr 6, 2016, 07:30 PM
... That's not to say I'm displeased with EP4 personally. I think it's fine, so sue me.I think it's fine too, in concept. I'm just not too fond of the pacing, and the lack of actual story quests so far.

Apr 6, 2016, 07:48 PM
Speaking of salt and Mother Cluster on Oracle.....how salty would people be if Hagito or mysterious woman lending power to Kouri does what Luther couldn't do,destroy ARKS from the inside out?

Apr 6, 2016, 07:51 PM
Speaking of salt and Mother Cluster on Oracle.....how salty would people be if Hagito or mysterious woman lending power to Kouri does what Luther couldn't do,destroy ARKS from the inside out?But... Luther wasn't trying to destroy the ARKS anyway, just use them. ._.

Either way I'd be disappointed if Hagito managed something like that, only because he seems like an idiot who's getting in over his head, not some sort of schemer. It's got nothing to do with him being from earth or anything, he just doesn't seem like someone who'd be capable of pulling that off.

Apr 6, 2016, 07:54 PM
Admittedly I didn't play through episode 1-3 much because I hated Matterboard.It seemed like that's what Luther was doing when watching stuff on the visiphone so yeah my bad.

Apr 6, 2016, 08:23 PM
Admittedly I didn't play through episode 1-3 much because I hated Matterboard.It seemed like that's what Luther was doing when watching stuff on the visiphone so yeah my bad.

Luther wanted to achieve omniscience. He was just really damn bad at it.

Apr 6, 2016, 08:27 PM
Luther wanted to achieve omniscience. He was just really damn bad at it.

Don't forget his side objective. He wanted to become Xion's boyfriend ;-)

Apr 6, 2016, 08:36 PM
I think it's fine too, in concept. I'm just not too fond of the pacing, and the lack of actual story quests so far.

Story quest are coming slighly faster than how it was before, 3 months of EP4 and we got 2 complete chapters and some fillers (unlike EP1-EP3 motherboard where the story quest came slowly) but people seem to forget about it

We're not the target audience, so of course we're gonna take issue with it. The internet is 70% salt anyway, we just happen to fill a particular salt niche.

... That's not to say I'm displeased with EP4 personally. I think it's fine, so sue me.

We are on the same boat, I actually like EP4 and how it's going but the saltyness of at least the majority on this forum is really high

Apr 6, 2016, 08:48 PM
Story quest are coming slighly faster than how it was before, 3 months of EP4 and we got 2 complete chapters and some fillers (unlike EP1-EP3 motherboard where the story quest came slowly) but people seem to forget about itIt's not that they're coming slowly, it's that we're getting story updates that are entirely cutscenes. I'd rather they take longer and give us more at once. I:

EDIT: and by pacing I meant the story pacing, not the speed of the updates, there's been a whole lot of nothing happening outside of some info dumps and the fight with Hagito, and it's reminding me of early/mid episode 1 which had similar pacing problems.

Apr 6, 2016, 08:58 PM
It's not that they're coming slowly, it's that we're getting story updates that are entirely cutscenes. I'd rather they take longer and give us more at once. I:

EDIT: and by pacing I meant the story pacing, not the speed of the updates, there's been a whole lot of nothing happening outside of some info dumps and the fight with Hagito, and it's reminding me of early/mid episode 1 which had similar pacing problems.

I actually find EP4 having the fastest pacing in story, you might find it slower by the fact that we are not doing orbs for matterboard and instead we are watching the scenes directly (instead of going to a certain map and find the gold scene block)

Apr 6, 2016, 09:00 PM
I actually find EP4 having the fastest pacing in story, you might find it slower by the fact that we are not doing orbs for matterboard and instead we are watching the scenes directly (instead of going to a certain map and find the gold scene block)Did you not read what I said? ._.

Apr 6, 2016, 09:17 PM
Did you not read what I said? ._.

Yes, but you didn't get what I said

Apr 6, 2016, 09:18 PM
1) Sierra had no idea where was Matoi since SHE didn't know about Earth until we "accidentaly" went there and after she met Casra and Aika she got to know where is Matoi currently (and she got to know everything that has been happening on Earth exactly at that point) so you are trully overreacting about it

2) Aika's orders has NOTHING to do with the story lol, those orders are there for the purpose of keeping us more "busy" doing other stuff aside from Daily orders and what not, it's like "Oh Franka is giving me cooking orders? OMG if I don't learn how to cook for the story then I'll be doomed!" wich is not the case, again, you are overthinking about it

3) Hagito is indeed a Villian but not the main Antagonist, he is just a "minion" of Mother Cluster or at least someone relevant there, and he has spoiled personality? that's his character then, nothing special about it, I repeat once again, overreacting about it

4) When someone is sad, depressed or desperate over a situation that makes the person react ilogically on things, that's how humans emotions works in a way, yeah it seems kinda stupid but that's how it is, human stupidity has no limits, should I repeat again what I said on the other points?

EP4 in Japan has been recieved very well, it started kinda slow but I'm sure it had a lot faster start than all past Episodes on PSO2 but if we talk about Western players... oooh boy... most of you are salty and butthurt about it (the first week of the story and the anime was filled with saltyness, butthurt and whinning in this forums wich made me laugh a lot)

1). Regarding what Sierra did or did not know - that doesn't actually matter. Because Sierra doesn't have to answer the question. Sierra only has to find someone who does know. Given that Sierra gives you a message directly from Ulc, that shouldn't be a problem for her. Also, if ARKS was competently run, someone in ARKS should have made arrangements the player character to learn Matoi's status when he or she comes out of cold sleep. The player character is the closest thing to a next of kin that Matoi has (given that she has no family that we see, and the player character is her closest friend - and that's without even getting into the ship teasing throughout Ep. 3).

Even if the circumstances of why Matoi is in cold sleep are a secret (which is likely), and even if the player character is not cleared for that secret (much less likely, given the player character's position in ARKS at this point), just passing on that she IS in cold sleep is sufficient in this case... but even that doesn't happen. And let's not forget that the player character's position and current assignment give him or her a "need to know" for that secret anyway... and a fairly pressing one.

2). How things are presented matters. Gameplay and story segregation is fine, as long as you don't present your gameplay in a manner that implies story connections, but as soon as you do, that gameplay becomes part of the story. It's not that Aika has client orders that bothers me, it is the way they are presented.

3). "This villain sucks" is not an overreaction, it's an evaluation of the quality of the villain we've been presented. And the villain we have been presented gives us the worst qualities of Luther without any of the qualities that might have made Luther an interesting villain (I was never overly impressed with Luther as a villain, either, honestly, but he is at least a much more convincing schemer than Hagito!).

Might there be a more interesting villain on the horizon? Possibly. But I can only evaluate the content we've been shown - and I'm Not Impressed.

4). There comes a point where a character's behavior starts to break the suspension of disbelief. Kohri crosses that line in the story quest. She ceased to be a plausible character to me, at which point the story starts to come apart.

It didn't have to be that way. There are things they could have done to make her behavior more believable.

And as for how it is received in Japan, honestly, that means nothing whatsoever to me. There's a lot of fairly bad anime in Japan that is popular. There are a lot of fairly bad movies in the West that are popular. Whether other people can enjoy it or not is meaningless to me. As someone who appreciates the storyteller's art, I'm disappointed in this story because it's failing to maintain my suspension of disbelief.

Look, I'm not saying that Episode 4 is the worst piece of fiction ever written, because clearly it isn't. It isn't completely terrible, it just isn't good. I'm not even saying it can't be fixed and it's doomed to be a failure. I can think of at least a couple of ways they could retroactively correct some of these issues without changing any existing scenes (just by adding new material that backreferences some of the existing stuff).

What I am saying is that Episode 4 continues to provide me with new things to dislike, and it has provided me with very few things (I won't claim there's nothing, as there have been a couple of good moments) to like so far. What we have seen on the whole, however, is not good writing. Episodes 1-3 were not masterpieces, but they were decently entertaining stories that held together fairly well. Episode 4, to this point, is not meeting that reasonable expectation.

I'm not looking for Final Fantasy Tactics here. It doesn't have to be the greatest game story ever told. I'd just like to see them do a little better than they have so far.

In fact, one of the things that bothers me so much is how EASY it would have been for them to close some of the plot holes. In a couple of cases, the effort required would have been trivial. They just didn't bother.

Apr 6, 2016, 09:42 PM
And as for how it is received in Japan, honestly, that means nothing whatsoever to me. There's a lot of fairly bad anime in Japan that is popular. There are a lot of fairly bad movies in the West that are popular. Whether other people can enjoy it or not is meaningless to me. As someone who appreciates the storyteller's art, I'm disappointed in this story because it's failing to maintain my suspension of disbelief.

Look, I'm not saying that Episode 4 is the worst piece of fiction ever written, because clearly it isn't. It isn't completely terrible, it just isn't good. I'm not even saying it can't be fixed and it's doomed to be a failure. I can think of at least a couple of ways they could retroactively correct some of these issues without changing any existing scenes (just by adding new material that backreferences some of the existing stuff).

What I am saying is that Episode 4 continues to provide me with new things to dislike, and it has provided me with very few things (I won't claim there's nothing, as there have been a couple of good moments) to like so far. What we have seen on the whole, however, is not good writing. Episodes 1-3 were not masterpieces, but they were decently entertaining stories that held together fairly well. Episode 4, to this point, is not meeting that reasonable expectation.

Pretty much you described how I felt with EP3 when it started, I didn't like it at all until later on, as far as story goes my favorite one is EP2 for the most part, EP3 had really interesting moments and is too early to say stuff about EP4, so far I like it but is not a big hit yet, unlike EP1 and EP3 were for me for the most part got me bored until later on, in the end depends on the player and its taste

Apr 6, 2016, 09:57 PM
Yes, but you didn't get what I saidYes, and I said I don't like the pacing, not that I think it's slow. Maybe it's my fault for not communicating properly. My issue is the density, not the rate. It's reminding me of early episode 1 like I said. I'm sure things will pick up, it's just frustrating to see them doing this again after episode 2 and 3 were getting so good with giving us long interesting story quests.

Apr 6, 2016, 10:01 PM
Yes, and I said I don't like the pacing, not that I think it's slow. Maybe it's my fault for not communicating properly. My issue is the density, not the rate. It's reminding me of early episode 1 like I said. I'm sure things will pick up, it's just frustrating to see them doing this again after episode 2 and 3 were getting so good with giving us long interesting story quests.

New season, so slower pacing to re-establish new and old characters before the new "arc" shows up.

Treating this like atypical anime makes you realize how predictable the story has been going so far.

Apr 6, 2016, 10:09 PM
New season, so slower pacing to re-establish new and old characters before the new "arc" shows up.I know, but it feels like it's been going on too long. I feel like it could have been a lot more condensed is all. That's probably a better way of putting it.

Treating this like atypical anime makes you realize how predictable the story has been going so far.atypical or a typical? because those mean completely different things. :wacko:

Apr 6, 2016, 10:17 PM
Whoa with the big paragraphs.
Seriously, we need a thread mades specifically for ranting about PSO2 one of these days.

Well, I would say that while it's too early for judge EP4's writing as for now, I see the story so far is.......service-able. Not on par with the writing of EP1 through 3, but serviceable nonetheless. But I guess the only thing nagging my mind about the story so far....

....Treating this like a typical anime makes you realize how predictable the story has been going so far.
......is this. Hagito did become antagonist. Matoi did try to absorb the remains of [Apprentice]. Well, Dio Hunar came and absorb the remaining negative photons of [Apprentice] did throw me off the loop. But so far, the story is like it was playing text-book anime cliches to the letter.

But again, this might because it was still tying up the remains of PSO2:TA into PSO2. As soon as it was done, well hopefully the writing quality would improve.

Apr 6, 2016, 10:22 PM
Matoi did try to absorb the remains of [Apprentice]. Let's be real here, cliche or not it fits Matoi's MO perfectly. :/

Meteor Weapon
Apr 6, 2016, 10:55 PM
PSO2:TA BR sold less than 1.5K in case anyone is wondering.

Apr 6, 2016, 11:09 PM
PSO2:TA BR sold less than 1.5K in case anyone is wondering.

Considering the price, not really surprised. And we're not even talking about the anime story.
Welp, rip the dream for cheap M.A.O. voice ticket. Or Musashi's one.

Apr 6, 2016, 11:20 PM
Let's be real here, cliche or not it fits Matoi's MO perfectly. :/

Yeah, especially since Matoi does indeed care for Aika given the few seconds of screen time she had in the anime. If there's one thing Matoi learned throughout EP1 to 3 is that it is hard to commit yourself to saving strangers but its FAR easier to give your life for someone you actually give a damn about.

Anyway, I agree with what Stormwalker said. I really liked EP3's story and thought the pacing was fine, certainly a lot better than how EP4 starts out. That said, I do like this chapter and the chapter that came out before a lot better than the ones that first came out as part of EP4's story.

Although, I like to point out that the PC can find out about Matoi's current condition early in EP4 from Fillia... but even THAT is worth criticizing since the conversation with Fillia is completely optional, not mandatory.


2). Aika's client orders. Oh, she thinks she's entitled to "test" the player character, does she?

Wow, seriously? She thinks the PC is the one that needs to be "tested" to prove their worth to her? Given her battle performance in the anime, she's as bad at fighting as she is at being a spy (and she was a terrible spy). While its unfair to compare Aika to monsters like Matoi or the other Council members she works under, watching the anime itself, she's completely outperformed by Itsuki who only JUST became an ARKS at the time and would constantly win the fights that Aika can't, and Rina who's human form as a Dark Falz could beat Zeno (I'm assuming that a Dark Falz's human form is directly proportional to their hosts capabilities).

Heck, I'm pretty sure that Echo, whose incompetence is constantly pointed out even in the story, is shown to be stronger than Aika since she didn't tire out as quickly as Aika did. Sure, you could excuse this as Echo having grown stronger under Maria's training but Aika herself should have been depicted as being a little more competent at her job seeing as how she was made into a Guardian which is a position that I'm pretty sure isn't handed out to average ARKS.

Apr 6, 2016, 11:33 PM
Pretty much you described how I felt with EP3 when it started, I didn't like it at all until later on, as far as story goes my favorite one is EP2 for the most part, EP3 had really interesting moments and is too early to say stuff about EP4, so far I like it but is not a big hit yet, unlike EP1 and EP3 were for me for the most part got me bored until later on, in the end depends on the player and its taste

Episode 1 had to do a ton of stage setting, so it was really slow to start, and it ended on kind of a weird note, but that was partly because it had a ton of hooks buried in it for stuff that was going to happen later. It laid the groundwork for Episode 2 to follow.

I do agree that Episode 2 is the strongest overall episode. It was pretty solid all the way through.

Episode 3 was kinda weird. The start of it wasn't bad, at least not in the sense of having massive plot holes (my major problem with Episode 4 so far), but... it really took its time getting to the point is I guess what I want to say. And it's like it was two different stories (Harukotan in general being one, and the whole Matoi/Double/Persona/Profound Darkness arc being the other) that were only loosely connected to each other. So it felt a little disjointed at times. The last few chapters were good, though, so it ended on a strong note.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 6, 2016, 11:39 PM
What was Aika actually saying when we were taking her CO's? I mean does she sounded like she was looking down on us? The one who partially absorbed Elder, Loser's power and continuously killing a crapload of Darkers and at the same time not even realizing we gathered so much negative photon and almost became the Profound Darkness itself, only for our alternate to take it for themselves? When Aika herself couldn't even keep a tiny fragment of Apprentice?

Apr 6, 2016, 11:49 PM
What was Aika actually saying when we were taking her CO's? I mean does she sounded like she was looking down on us? The one who partially absorbed Elder, Loser's power and continuously killing a crapload of Darkers and at the same time not even realizing we gathered so much negative photon and almost became the Profound Darkness itself, only for our alternate to take it for themselves? When Aika herself couldn't even keep a tiny fragment of Apprentice?

More than anything else, I got the impression that she has... issues. It wasn't her behavior that bugged me, though, it was the client orders themselves.

Or, as I described my character's reaction to a friend...

Katarin: So you want me to... wait. You don't actually know who I am, do you?

Which is what provoked him to make the observation that she might truly not know. A lot of what the player character and Matoi did at the end of Episode 3 is probably not public knowledge, and may even be classified. Of course, if Casra didn't brief her before introducing her, he did her a serious disservice. Since Casra has never struck me as the nicest guy in ARKS... it's possible.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 6, 2016, 11:56 PM
For the record, Tea, Patty and even Hitsugi knew about our characters went cold sleep just after dealing with Profound Darkness and probably Apprentice Gia's assault and our involvement with it.

Apr 7, 2016, 12:06 AM
For the record, Tea, Patty and even Hitsugi knew about our characters went cold sleep just after dealing with Profound Darkness and probably Apprentice Gia's assault and our involvement with it.

Yes, but we don't know how much detail they know. It's one thing to say that the player character was involved in fighting the Profound Darkness. It's another thing to know exactly how that all went down, and what he or she had to fight through to get to Matoi to begin with, and all of this. And also, Aika is an intel operative who has been on a remote undercover assignment - meaning she probably knows a lot more about Earth right now than she does about what has been happening with ARKS.

What I'm saying, I guess, is that it's possible that Aika doesn't actually realize how insulting those little tests are to someone who has done the things the player character has done.

Apr 7, 2016, 03:44 AM
Heck, I'm pretty sure that Echo, whose incompetence is constantly pointed out even in the story, is shown to be stronger than Aika since she didn't tire out as quickly as Aika did. Sure, you could excuse this as Echo having grown stronger under Maria's training but Aika herself should have been depicted as being a little more competent at her job seeing as how she was made into a Guardian which is a position that I'm pretty sure isn't handed out to average ARKS.

I'm not sure if Echo was trained by Maria, but at ep 2 Echo is one of few arks that resisted Abyss outside rokubou.

I also not sure if Aika is one of guardian. plus she is just recovered from the apprentice infection.

Episode 3 was kinda weird. The start of it wasn't bad, at least not in the sense of having massive plot holes (my major problem with Episode 4 so far), but... it really took its time getting to the point is I guess what I want to say. And it's like it was two different stories (Harukotan in general being one, and the whole Matoi/Double/Persona/Profound Darkness arc being the other) that were only loosely connected to each other. So it felt a little disjointed at times. The last few chapters were good, though, so it ended on a strong note.

Harkotan is linked to Sukunahime = Matoi's 2nd friend, the trigger that made Matoi assault Double despite her body is at her limit at that time.

Apr 7, 2016, 04:33 AM
I'm not sure if Echo was trained by Maria, but at ep 2 Echo is one of few arks that resisted Abyss outside rokubou.

The last time we saw her, Echo was tagging along on Zeno's training, so she was training with Maria too.

Apr 7, 2016, 06:32 AM
Yeah, especially since Matoi does indeed care for Aika given the few seconds of screen time she had in the anime. If there's one thing Matoi learned throughout EP1 to 3 is that it is hard to commit yourself to saving strangers but its FAR easier to give your life for someone you actually give a damn about.

Anyway, I agree with what Stormwalker said. I really liked EP3's story and thought the pacing was fine, certainly a lot better than how EP4 starts out. That said, I do like this chapter and the chapter that came out before a lot better than the ones that first came out as part of EP4's story.

Although, I like to point out that the PC can find out about Matoi's current condition early in EP4 from Fillia... but even THAT is worth criticizing since the conversation with Fillia is completely optional, not mandatory.


Wow, seriously? She thinks the PC is the one that needs to be "tested" to prove their worth to her? Given her battle performance in the anime, she's as bad at fighting as she is at being a spy (and she was a terrible spy). While its unfair to compare Aika to monsters like Matoi or the other Council members she works under, watching the anime itself, she's completely outperformed by Itsuki who only JUST became an ARKS at the time and would constantly win the fights that Aika can't, and Rina who's human form as a Dark Falz could beat Zeno (I'm assuming that a Dark Falz's human form is directly proportional to their hosts capabilities).

Heck, I'm pretty sure that Echo, whose incompetence is constantly pointed out even in the story, is shown to be stronger than Aika since she didn't tire out as quickly as Aika did. Sure, you could excuse this as Echo having grown stronger under Maria's training but Aika herself should have been depicted as being a little more competent at her job seeing as how she was made into a Guardian which is a position that I'm pretty sure isn't handed out to average ARKS.

do you have a summary of what Fillia says about matoi? or know where I could find one?

Apr 7, 2016, 08:17 AM
I'm not sure if Echo was trained by Maria, but at ep 2 Echo is one of few arks that resisted Abyss outside rokubou.

I've always had the impression that Echo is actually a lot more capable than she believes that she is - that her primary problem is one of confidence, not of ability. I know someone very much like that where I work - she's extremely capable, but she doesn't trust in herself enough.

Harkotan is linked to Sukunahime = Matoi's 2nd friend, the trigger that made Matoi assault Double despite her body is at her limit at that time.

I'm aware of that. The problem is that the two sides of the story... the connection between them doesn't become apparent until the very end, so they never really FEEL connected - they never really feel like two parts of a single story, but rather like two separate stories that happen to come together at the end - and that's due to flaws in the storytelling.

As noted, I liked Episode 3, and I thought on the whole it was good, but Episode 2 had better presentation from start to finish.

Apr 7, 2016, 09:29 AM
I'm not sure if Echo was trained by Maria, but at ep 2 Echo is one of few arks that resisted Abyss outside rokubou.

She resisted the mind control because of the power of friendship, not because she's a particularly strong person mentally and physically.

Apr 7, 2016, 09:41 AM
She resisted the mind control because of the power of friendship, not because she's a particularly strong person mentally and physically.

Actually, some of Luther's dialogue to Echo in one of the Episode 2 story missions suggests that Echo actually has quite a bit of raw power, but she has difficulty tapping into it for some reason. I'm wondering if Sega still has any plans to follow up on that little hint, though.

Apr 7, 2016, 09:52 AM
Actually, some of Luther's dialogue to Echo in one of the Episode 2 story missions suggests that Echo actually has quite a bit of raw power, but she has difficulty tapping into it for some reason. I'm wondering if Sega still has any plans to follow up on that little hint, though.I kinda got the impression that it was her lack of self-confidence holding her back, rather than any sort of big plot thing.

Apr 7, 2016, 09:58 AM
Actually, some of Luther's dialogue to Echo in one of the Episode 2 story missions suggests that Echo actually has quite a bit of raw power, but she has difficulty tapping into it for some reason. I'm wondering if Sega still has any plans to follow up on that little hint, though.

They seem pretty comfortable with making Echo being clingy to Zeno and never developing her character at all. Her entire character revolves around Zeno, after all and that hasn't changed whether Zeno was gone or back.

Apr 7, 2016, 10:21 AM
She resisted the mind control because of the power of friendship, not because she's a particularly strong person mentally and physically.

right after that Maria seems to realized that Echo is that kid. No one know what Maria really meant there tho' but she seems to know a bit about her background.

But sadly Echo is not popular in Japanese community... so not sure if we will really got that development on her.

Apr 7, 2016, 10:41 AM
Not sure if it's relevant, but isn't Echo 2nd Generation ARKS, from what I understand? The whole "good at one thing and one thing only" schtick?

Apr 7, 2016, 11:43 AM
Not sure if it's relevant, but isn't Echo 2nd Generation ARKS, from what I understand? The whole "good at one thing and one thing only" schtick?

All that means is that she's decent as a Force but sucks at every other class.

Apr 7, 2016, 01:40 PM
right after that Maria seems to realized that Echo is that kid. No one know what Maria really meant there tho' but she seems to know a bit about her background.

But sadly Echo is not popular in Japanese community... so not sure if we will really got that development on her.

Yeah, there are a number of little hints like that, but as you noted, we will probably never see the payoff due to her lack of popularity (unfortunate, as I like Echo and seeing her come into her own would be nice).

She remains a potential Chekhov's Force, should they decide at some point to play that card, however.

Apr 8, 2016, 07:39 AM
Yeah, especially since Matoi does indeed care for Aika given the few seconds of screen time she had in the anime. If there's one thing Matoi learned throughout EP1 to 3 is that it is hard to commit yourself to saving strangers but its FAR easier to give your life for someone you actually give a damn about.

Anyway, I agree with what Stormwalker said. I really liked EP3's story and thought the pacing was fine, certainly a lot better than how EP4 starts out. That said, I do like this chapter and the chapter that came out before a lot better than the ones that first came out as part of EP4's story.

Although, I like to point out that the PC can find out about Matoi's current condition early in EP4 from Fillia... but even THAT is worth criticizing since the conversation with Fillia is completely optional, not mandatory.


Wow, seriously? She thinks the PC is the one that needs to be "tested" to prove their worth to her? Given her battle performance in the anime, she's as bad at fighting as she is at being a spy (and she was a terrible spy). While its unfair to compare Aika to monsters like Matoi or the other Council members she works under, watching the anime itself, she's completely outperformed by Itsuki who only JUST became an ARKS at the time and would constantly win the fights that Aika can't, and Rina who's human form as a Dark Falz could beat Zeno (I'm assuming that a Dark Falz's human form is directly proportional to their hosts capabilities).

Heck, I'm pretty sure that Echo, whose incompetence is constantly pointed out even in the story, is shown to be stronger than Aika since she didn't tire out as quickly as Aika did. Sure, you could excuse this as Echo having grown stronger under Maria's training but Aika herself should have been depicted as being a little more competent at her job seeing as how she was made into a Guardian which is a position that I'm pretty sure isn't handed out to average ARKS.
Wait, Aika is one of the Guardians too?

W h y ?

Apr 8, 2016, 08:19 AM
Wait, Aika is one of the Guardians too?

W h y ?

Nah, the guy you quoted probably mis-interpret the line. In both of her introductions, Aika presented herself as the member of Casra's division (Information division, IIRC). And she called Casra as 'Commander'. Also, her stay at bridge have nothing to do with Guardians or whatnot.

Also, I think I kind of get as of why she gave those COs. She did say that she want to be certain of something about us (also act as representative of Earthlings or something). Calling it a test is not wrong, but I think it's more likely that she wanted to see if the words and praises about us are real. After all, she became ARKS when we're in popsicle, and the only thing she possibly heard about us is praises.

.....For her, we are almost like urban legend.

Apr 8, 2016, 09:02 AM
So after asking in the quick questions thread, I learned that AP is "After Photon." I've taken some terribad phone pics of a page in the pso2 section of the Visual Chronicles of what looks like the timeline leading up to the game's events. They can be found here (http://imgur.com/a/oiTti).

You might be better off just looking at the whole page instead of the blowup of the bottom. The top of that one is blurry and for that I am sorry. :wacko:

This is the timeline that Aida cooked up in the original story thread.
[SPOILER-BOX]????: Photon particles discovered. A method to use them as energy is found.
0: With photons used as energy, problems with space flight were solved. A new era in space begins!
20: Arks create a Mothership.
50: 24 more ships are added to the fleet, now named "Oracle".
200: Oracle travels to a lot of galaxies, studying about different life forms and energies.
500: A science vessel studying a black hole disappears. There was no distress signal, and no signs of attack.
600: On a new planet, a naturally aggressive life form is discovered. This life form later becomes known as "Darkers".
700: More information is discovered about Darkers - They consume both living and nonliving matter. More Darkers attack Oracle -
normal weapons have no effect, and many Arks die. A being known as "Dark Falz" is discovered to be behind the Darkers. Photon
weapons are found to be effective against Darkers, so lots of research is put into enhancing them. However, many more planets
are lost to the Darkers.
1000: Arks, which was once intended for science and discovery, changes its purpose to wiping out the Darkers.
Arks design a new calendar so they never forget the turning point in the war.

(All dates from here on out are using the AP calendar. So, for example, AP 40 would be the year 1040.)

AP 0: A new timeline is forged - The Arks Military calendar
AP 40: Naberius is discovered
AP 90: Planets Lilipa and Amduscia are discovered
AP 140: The Dragonkin language is fully translated
AP 170: Something about battle with darkers <will be re-translated later, hopefully>
AP 190: Regias, Maria, Clarisa, and Casra become famous for battles on several planets
AP 198: Deciding battle with Dark Falz (The three heros seal Dark Falz Elder away)
AP 198: The council of six members is formed: 1) Regias 2) Maria 3) Casra 4) Atosa 5) Clarisa 6) Volf
AP 207: The first Clarisa Claes dies
AP 210: The second generation of arks manage to push back the Darkers for few years
AP 220: The first Casra dies
AP 225: The relationship with the Dragonkin suddenly gets worse
AP 226: Clarisa Claes' name is passed down
AP 227: Atosa and Volf die
AP 228: The second Clarisa Claes vanishes in a battle with Dark Falz Apprentice
AP 230: The Casra name gets passed down
AP 235: Huey becomes the 6th member of the council
AP 238: The current year that PSO2 takes place[/SPOILER-BOX]

Does anyone with some savvy Japanese knowledge know if anything else important is written in there compared to what Aida has written?

Also, what does the kanji say in that blue strip to the left of each half of the timeline?

Apr 8, 2016, 10:12 AM
Nah, the guy you quoted probably mis-interpret the line. In both of her introductions, Aika presented herself as the member of Casra's division (Information division, IIRC). And she called Casra as 'Commander'. Also, her stay at bridge have nothing to do with Guardians or whatnot.

Also, I think I kind of get as of why she gave those COs. She did say that she want to be certain of something about us (also act as representative of Earthlings or something). Calling it a test is not wrong, but I think it's more likely that she wanted to see if the words and praises about us are real. After all, she became ARKS when we're in popsicle, and the only thing she possibly heard about us is praises.

.....For her, we are almost like urban legend.

Except that her first CO is "ARKS Basic Skills Test"?

I mentioned how one of my characters would react to her "tests" earler, but in this interpretation my other character's reaction becomes more fitting.

Alessandra: If you really want to test me, ask for something I can't do in my sleep?

Apr 8, 2016, 10:19 AM
Except that her first CO is "ARKS Basic Skills Test"?

I can understand that she wants to see if the PC is the real deal but Basic Skills Test? Now that's just being condescending.

Apr 8, 2016, 10:24 AM
Except that her first CO is "ARKS Basic Skills Test"?

I mentioned how one of my characters would react to her "tests" earler, but in this interpretation my other character's reaction becomes more fitting.

Alessandra: If you really want to test me, ask for something I can't do in my sleep?

Well, I only based that reasoning from her in-game dialogues.

As of why the content of the COs.....it's more to maintain the game flow, I guess. After all, not all characters started from EP4 are veterans. If Aika's didn't have the "ARKS Basic Skills Test", new and fresh players might see it as......disheartening? :-?

.........I mean look, that quest is clearly put by SEGA for the new players that come to the game either from anime or some other media promotion. She's easy to access, even for new players. 2 story mission that scale with your level, and all buttloads of dialogues that can be skipped (also the nodes that need clearance of certain free fields, which naturally will be finished given time). Besides, as insulting as it is for veterans, you can grab it and be done with it within seconds (assuming they knew about FQs).

I see her COs are that one point when I should think that this request are not made by Aika as story character, but from Aika as game NPC. Just like why class cubes COs opened when your character not even reached their maxed level (probably leftover from when the level cap is still low, and still not adjusted to this date), and the old days when the SP quests need you to kill specific enemies with specific weapons.

......I understand why some people questioned the way Aika presented her COs. But personally, I think this matter is blown beyond it's actual proportion. Better save energy about this matter to when SEGA made more stupid decisions in the future (looking at you, Star Gems).

Meteor Weapon
Apr 8, 2016, 10:32 AM
Kressida's CO dialogue is a lot more harsh and disheartening starting on Hard mode if you ask me, she was like don't get too cocky or else you die. At least that's understandable since that's the start of the game and she reminds us it's gonna get harder from there.

Since Aika is involved in story-wise in EP4 and not from the start of the game, the way she presented the CO is...well.

Apr 8, 2016, 11:21 AM
Kressida's CO dialogue is a lot more harsh and disheartening starting on Hard mode if you ask me, she was like don't get too cocky or else you die. At least that's understandable since that's the start of the game and she reminds us it's gonna get harder from there.

Since Aika is involved in story-wise in EP4 and not from the start of the game, the way she presented the CO is...well.

At the point that we start hard mode, the player character is still very much a rookie,. It fits.

At the start of Episode 4... well, I'm just remembering Casra stating outright that the player character could be the next Regius. And remembering that there wouldn't BE an ARKS any more if not for the player character stopping Luther's scheme.

So, Aika... why not just ask your boss about our skills?

Now, I did notice the client order mentioning something about cold sleep, but if the justification for this is verifying that we still have all of our skills after that, it's an extremely flimsy one given that if they had any real concerns abut this they should have administered any such tests right at the start. This is coming a few months and a full story chapter too late for that! I imagine most of us have already done all the things Aika is adking for since Ep. 4 began... I know I have.

Katarin: So... you could just check my mission logs for that, right?

Really, this is all symptomatic of the larger problem. Sega is so focused on this idea of creating a new starting point that they have destroyed all sense of continuity to the previous story. This is why having Matoi conspicuously absent and unmentioned is bad. This is why client orders that treat the greatest hero in ARKS like a rank amateur is bad. This is why large time skips in general are usually a poor plot device. And it's the primary reason Episode 4 in general rubs me the wrong way.

It's like everything we've accomplished up to this point means nothing.

Alucard V
Apr 8, 2016, 11:50 AM
I've got to ask, where's the Government in all this? I mean you've got monsters roaming the streets led by psychotic hipster cultist and aliens popping out of thin air. So where's N.A.T.O. or the G.U.N. from the Sonic games or Kamen Rider?

Apr 8, 2016, 04:08 PM
Nah, the guy you quoted probably mis-interpret the line. In both of her introductions, Aika presented herself as the member of Casra's division (Information division, IIRC). And she called Casra as 'Commander'. Also, her stay at bridge have nothing to do with Guardians or whatnot.

Also, I think I kind of get as of why she gave those COs. She did say that she want to be certain of something about us (also act as representative of Earthlings or something). Calling it a test is not wrong, but I think it's more likely that she wanted to see if the words and praises about us are real. After all, she became ARKS when we're in popsicle, and the only thing she possibly heard about us is praises.

.....For her, we are almost like urban legend.

You mean, part of the division thingy that was formed when the Council of Six "split-up"?
I still wonder why Aika was picked. What makes her so special? :barf:

Apr 8, 2016, 05:33 PM
I've got to ask, where's the Government in all this? I mean you've got monsters roaming the streets led by psychotic hipster cultist and aliens popping out of thin air. So where's N.A.T.O. or the G.U.N. from the Sonic games or Kamen Rider?

Earth in this universe seems to be dominated by ESC-A, who are involved with everything from the governmental sector to the civilian sector.

The plot is more or less Terminator: Genisys. ESC-A IS SKYNET.

Apr 8, 2016, 05:40 PM
You mean, part of the division thingy that was formed when the Council of Six "split-up"?
I still wonder why Aika was picked. What makes her so special? :barf:

All of ARKS was reorganized into Divisions, outside of Ulc and her staff, and the Guardians. Casra and Quna's division is responsible for intelligence, among other functions. Which makes sense, as Casra has "I'm a spy" stamped all over him. Aika is merely a member of that division, an intelligence operative. That doesn't make her special at all, it just assigns her a role within ARKS.

What is really confusing right now, though, is the chain of command here. This is complicated by the fact that ARKS is
a Mildly Military organization at best, but... who is in charge of this op?! Unless we think Sierra is commanding an entire ARKS ship by herself and with no support, her position on its "bridge" makes no sense at all. I'm not inclined to think she has that authority, and that this so-called "bridge" is not actually the ship's command center but rather some kind of information center / war room.

The logical choice for command of this operation is the player character, but the way Sierra acts suggets that she's doing most of what she does on her own initiative, not on your instructions. Of course, without understanding Japanese, I can't discount the possibility that she just has a very informal approach to following directions.

And then there is Aika. Why is she here? Logic suggests she was provided as an expert resource with respect to Earth... but then her giving you tests makes even less sense.

The other alternative is that Aika has been put in charge... which would be one heck of an insult to the player character and would go against the stated role of a Guardian, so I don't think that is the case.

Sega's utter lack of a grasp of military protocol really muddies the waters here, but that is only a problem if the answer isn't actually stated in the dialogue (and I can't say one way or the other, since I don't know Japanese). My great fear, though, is that nobody is in charge, because that's the way it "feels" from how the various players carry themselves. I really hope I'm wrong on that point, because that would be... well, if ARKS works that way, Ulc needs to be sacked. And I would like to believe that Sega is not that stupid.

What I actually SUSPECT is the case is that the player character IS in charge, and Sega is just horribly bad at reflecting that in how other characters address them. Because that would make the most sense, given the player character's role in ARKS. The strongest argument against this interpretation is that it would make Aika's client orders very strange.

Someone please tell me the actual dialogue makes sense of this? I'll be greatly relieved.

Apr 8, 2016, 06:32 PM
The way I remember the structure, is something like this:

Xiao-->Ulc(-->Theo)--> the new structure of Six Heroes + Quna and Sara

Guardians exist outside that hierarchy, and the only one that can order Guardians around are Xiao. Which means that the Guardian's leader are Xiao. We're just a senior member of the division, since Xiao already mentioned that we are best placed in the field instead of being the head of ARKS (or Guardians head, on this case). Technically, Sierra acted as the third party between Xiao and us, since she's the one that hold the Story Board (Matter Board used to be handed directly to us)

The whole 'illegal ARKS' mission are under Ulc's order. If I remember it correctly (Sierra did mention about this, and Casra didn't deny that), Infomation division's early surveillance are ordered by Ulc. Aika's in bridge as Information division representative for the whole 'Illegal immigrant ARKS' mission on Earth, Earthlings-ARKS representative, and also for her personal reasons. Well, there's also some mention from Aika that Casra suspect this whole matter are inside job, since ARKS are the victim here.

For a sidenote, it's kind of funny that Ulc took our advice back in EP2 to dismantle the Six Heroes struxture in order to create better organization hierarchy post-Luther, after they decided to keep it as it is 2 years ago.

Apr 8, 2016, 06:43 PM
The way I remember the structure, is something like this:

Xiao-->Ulc-->Theo--> the new structure of Six Heroes + Quna and Sara
Guardians exist outside that hierarchy, and the only one that can order Guardians around are Xiao. Which means that the Guardian's leader are Xiao. We're just a senior member of the division. Technically, Sierra acted as the third party between Xiao and us, since she's the one that hold the Story Board (Matter Board used to be handed directly to us)

The whole 'illegal ARKS' mission are under Ulc's order. If I remember it correctly (Sierra did mention about this, and Casra didn't deny that), Infomation division's early surveillance are ordered by Ulc. Aika's in bridge as Information division representative for the whole 'Illegal immigrant ARKS' mission on Earth, Earthlings-ARKS representative, and also for her personal reasons.

Well, there's also some mention from Aika that Casra suspect this whole matter are inside job.


One thing to note, is that Xiao is indisposed atm, so we report to Ulc.

Apr 8, 2016, 06:47 PM

One thing to note, is that Xiao is indisposed atm, so we report to Ulc.

That picture explain the ARKS structure better than my stick diagram lol

Apr 8, 2016, 07:12 PM
The way I remember the structure, is something like this:

Xiao-->Ulc(-->Theo)--> the new structure of Six Heroes + Quna and Sara

Guardians exist outside that hierarchy, and the only one that can order Guardians around are Xiao. Which means that the Guardian's leader are Xiao. We're just a senior member of the division, since Xiao already mentioned that we are best placed in the field instead of being the head of ARKS (or Guardians head, on this case). Technically, Sierra acted as the third party between Xiao and us, since she's the one that hold the Story Board (Matter Board used to be handed directly to us)

The whole 'illegal ARKS' mission are under Ulc's order. If I remember it correctly (Sierra did mention about this, and Casra didn't deny that), Infomation division's early surveillance are ordered by Ulc. Aika's in bridge as Information division representative for the whole 'Illegal immigrant ARKS' mission on Earth, Earthlings-ARKS representative, and also for her personal reasons. Well, there's also some mention from Aika that Casra suspect this whole matter are inside job, since ARKS are the victim here.

For a sidenote, it's kind of funny that Ulc took our advice back in EP2 to dismantle the Six Heroes struxture in order to create better organization hierarchy post-Luther, after they decided to keep it as it is 2 years ago.

Except that Shao is incommunicado.

I'd really love to have a translation of that message from Ulc from story chapter 1...

Alucard V
Apr 8, 2016, 09:00 PM
Earth in this universe seems to be dominated by ESC-A, who are involved with everything from the governmental sector to the civilian sector.

The plot is more or less Terminator: Genisys. ESC-A IS SKYNET.

I agree that all things point back to ESC-A and Mother Cluster/Trinity/Brain. Which maybe SKYNET. Which case the question still stands. Why isn't the Alt-Earth Defense Force active at least as an Enemy Type? (Hint hint Sega make this happen)

Wouldn't a better comparison be that ESC-A is Vector Industries from Xenosaga. Seeing that the UMN from that game bares striking similarity to the Ethernet of Alt-Earth or Sub-Space from PSP2 and that Vector controlled the UMN?

Either way it's not Hagito was trying hard to keep the whole thing hush hush. Name dropping Mother Cluster within the 1st 5 minutes of his encounter with Hitsugi and Al and all. Maybe Mother wants the ARKS involved for some reason?

Apr 8, 2016, 09:33 PM
During my trip to cemetery earlier, it suddenly snapped to my mind how similar the EP4 story to PSO2's player situation.

Just think about it. ARKS(PSO2) suddenly get more influx in 'unregistered ARKS' (gaijins and players outside JP) that connect via the help of Ether (Tweaker). I guess that would make sense that SEGA created EP4 story as a satire and parody toward PSO2's player situation, turned up to eleven.

Except that Shao is incommunicado.

I'd really love to have a translation of that message from Ulc from story chapter 1...

For us, he is incommunicando atm. But how about Sierra herself? She can't calculate the Story Board by herself, does she?
......Just throwing that out in the open.

Also, I'm sure someone already post the content of what Ulc said in this topic.
*edit* Kind of found it.

I've got to ask, where's the Government in all this? I mean you've got monsters roaming the streets led by psychotic hipster cultist and aliens popping out of thin air. So where's N.A.T.O. or the G.U.N. from the Sonic games or Kamen Rider?

Well, might be a stretch here, but remember that blue barrier in the character creation demo? Tht might be the reson why things didn't create much panic from Tokyo citizens.They simply can't see what's happening from outside the field......unless you're inside the field.

Apr 8, 2016, 09:48 PM
Based on the EP4 Benchmark vid, all ARKS vs Phantom battles that occur in Tokyo are rendered hidden from regular people through dimensional manipulation. As crazy and over-the-top the Phantoms are, as long as they all remain inside the blue barrier, they won't attract any suspicion.

Its kinda like Kamen Rider Ryuki, in which the the heroes fight monsters (and each other) by entering a parallel "mirror" dimension that looks exactly like their world but with absolutely no one but themselves and the monsters.

With ESC-A having that much power and influence over Earth, they could easily keep any Phantom activity as low-profiled as they can unless they want someone to see the Phantoms.

Apr 8, 2016, 10:29 PM
Its kinda like Kamen Rider Ryuki, in which the the heroes fight monsters (and each other) by entering a parallel "mirror" dimension that looks exactly like their world but with absolutely no one but themselves and the monsters.

This is an extremely common theme in lots of anime, too. From dark supernatural stuff (X/1999 for an example that will date me...) to magical girl shows (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha jumps to mind) to a number of other types of sources, the ability to generate barriers which will allow you to do all the collateral damage you want without anyone other than the combatants getting hurt is a common device used to allow amping up the power level without making the story all depressing. I think it's even been done in mecha anime now, though it's usually more common in sources where magic is a thing.

In fact, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha even touched on why it's needed, having the title character utterly wreck a city park in an early episode before she learned that skill.

Apr 8, 2016, 11:01 PM
During my trip to cemetery earlier, it suddenly snapped to my mind how similar the EP4 story to PSO2's player situation.

Just think about it. ARKS(PSO2) suddenly get more influx in 'unregistered ARKS' (gaijins and players outside JP) that connect via the help of Ether (Tweaker). I guess that would make sense that SEGA created EP4 story as a satire and parody toward PSO2's player situation, turned up to eleven.

That seems a little too intelligent for it to be something thought up by PSO2's story writers.

Apr 9, 2016, 12:37 AM
^Well, gotta remember the 'Log Out' button in English xD

Apr 9, 2016, 12:41 AM
That seems a little too intelligent for it to be something thought up by PSO2's story writers.

You sure that's the case? After all....

Well, gotta remember the 'Log Out' button in English xD

Apr 9, 2016, 12:43 AM
Was there ever any mention of what happens to Afin as of EP4? Was looking through some of the older cutscenes and thought it weird how he doesn't really have much prominence in the story, given how he's supposed to be your partner/close friend. Heck, he didn't even help to fight against Luther or PD.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 9, 2016, 03:10 AM
What do you mean what happens to Afin? He's just wandering around in the lobby on his usual spot and still going with his aibros routine.

Apr 9, 2016, 03:11 AM
Was there ever any mention of what happens to Afin as of EP4? Was looking through some of the older cutscenes and thought it weird how he doesn't really have much prominence in the story, given how he's supposed to be your partner/close friend. Heck, he didn't even help to fight against Luther or PD.

He suffers the fate of people who aren't popular. Rich backstory, but in the end, that doesn't matter, because he's unpopular.

Apr 9, 2016, 03:13 AM
That seems a little too intelligent for it to be something thought up by PSO2's story writers.

It's a common enough trope in japanese media that it's pretty much "need to do this."

Apr 9, 2016, 03:47 AM
What do you mean what happens to Afin? He's just wandering around in the lobby on his usual spot and still going with his aibros routine.

He suffers the fate of people who aren't popular. Rich backstory, but in the end, that doesn't matter, because he's unpopular.

I just thought it strange since neither he nor Eucreta got featured in the anime when the antagonist was DF Apprentice. Heck, even Echo got a cameo. At least we more or less know what the other more important ARKS have been up to, so it's strange that he'd have just remained passive while we were stuck in cryostasis.

Kind of a shame since I thought we were finally going to get something different and have a male companion. Not that Matoi isn't nice, but you'd think Afin would have more prominence since he's the first character you see.

Apr 9, 2016, 03:48 AM
Was there ever any mention of what happens to Afin as of EP4? Was looking through some of the older cutscenes and thought it weird how he doesn't really have much prominence in the story, given how he's supposed to be your partner/close friend. Heck, he didn't even help to fight against Luther or PD.

Although he can always be seen walking around in the lobby, canonically, he spent most of EP2 and EP3 on Lilipa searching for Euclita and eventually, just hanging out with Euclita to catch up on lost time and to help her grow accustomed to being an ARKS until she feels ready to start hanging around in the lobby... my headcanon is that Afin also spent some time trying to convince Revelle (a known Darker hater) to not attack Euclita.

I think its obvious that Afin distancing himself from the PC to spend more time with Euclita is how the story paves the way for Matoi to take Afin's spot as the PC's main "Aibo".

^Well, gotta remember the 'Log Out' button in English xD


Apr 9, 2016, 10:44 AM
I just thought it strange since neither he nor Eucreta got featured in the anime when the antagonist was DF Apprentice. Heck, even Echo got a cameo. At least we more or less know what the other more important ARKS have been up to, so it's strange that he'd have just remained passive while we were stuck in cryostasis.

Kind of a shame since I thought we were finally going to get something different and have a male companion. Not that Matoi isn't nice, but you'd think Afin would have more prominence since he's the first character you see.

The fact that Episode 4 dives directly into all-Hitsugi-and-Aru-and-Kohri-all-the-time and gives us very little that connects us to the characters who were important in Episodes 1 to 3 (sorry, a scene with Io and a scene with Katori and a scene with Lisa in Chapter 1 is not remotely sufficient, especially since all of them were very minor players compared to Zeno, Echo, Afin, and Matoi in particular) is one of the reasons there is no real sense of continuity between the old story and the new story.

It really feels like they decided to just throw out everything we were emotionally invested from the previous story so they could get on with this new, seemingly completely unrelated story they wanted to tell, in which the characters we've spent all this time building are not even the main character (because so far, Hitsugi is unquestionably the main character). This is without question my biggest gripe with Episode 4 on the whole.

Apr 11, 2016, 02:14 AM
Honestly the whole "PSO2 is a game in earth like in real life!... but not really" thing, is pretty terrible for me... i mean, i love they finally got to earth, but not like this... its just too weird and dumb to be taken seriously, i mean why do it? what's the point? why not make a similar story with arks just naturally reaching earth?, it kills the immersion, now its like the stuff with the dark falz didn't even matter or something, i dont know what to feel. And yeah, its super annoying that now its all about Hitsugi... i dont want to even count how many scenes of just her fooling arround with Aru and Kohri there are!, its so boring (specially since there's no translation yet), before you seen a lot of the characters being themselves, but they were fun, and there were a lot of them, and you mostly seen them fooling arround in the tablets, not in the main story. Now you see one cutscene after the other and its ALL Hitsugi, it dosn't feel like pso2, it feels like a generic high school anime!... which PSO2 Anime was pretty much that...

also, holy crap! i kept wondering who these people were when watching the anime, they appeared at the end of the opening and seemed important, but they never showed up. I guessed they were just players that won a contest to appear in the opening or something, now i know its that dumbass Hitsugi!


Apr 11, 2016, 04:19 AM
What's the relationship between Kohri and Mother? The lack of a translation is pretty jarring at the moment.

Apr 11, 2016, 05:08 AM
What's the relationship between Kohri and Mother? The lack of a translation is pretty jarring at the moment.

Well, in summary, Kohri become friends with Hitsugi thanks to the Mother......And you knew how attached Kohri is to Hitsugi.

Apr 11, 2016, 05:29 AM
Pardon. Nothing to really contribute. I just couldn't help thinking about if there was a full English dub for this.

Pietro would turn into


MON AMI!!!!!!!! my mind has been read o.o playing .hack and raising grutties I always got him and every time I heard mon ami "dammit" came out of my mouth and every time I hear my friendo same thing so I try to avoid going around him

Apr 11, 2016, 09:03 AM
Well, in summary, Kohri become friends with Hitsugi thanks to the Mother......And you knew how attached Kohri is to Hitsugi.

Was it really that hard for an attractive high school girl to make friends? Aika in the anime made friends in school without even trying just cause of her good looks. The Earthlings in PSO2 seem to be extremely gullible.

Unless Kohri is an orphan and Mother Cluster practically raised her then that would explain why she seems to have a few screws loose in the head.

Apr 11, 2016, 09:55 AM
Was it really that hard for an attractive high school girl to make friends? Aika in the anime made friends in school without even trying just cause of her good looks. The Earthlings in PSO2 seem to be extremely gullible.

Unless Kohri is an orphan and Mother Cluster practically raised her then that would explain why she seems to have a few screws loose in the head.

Well, Aika got 2 advantages. Blonde hair, and 'foreign transfer student' card she employed.
Those 2 would naturally attract attention of others toward her.

As for Kohri, it's not really that far off to assume that she's a former bully victim, considering her actions and borderline-yuri attachment toward Hitsugi. But again, the key for that answer might be in Hagito's hand, since Hagito's the one that trigger Kohri's action in Story Mission 4-2.

Apr 11, 2016, 10:21 AM
Well, Aika got 2 advantages. Blonde hair, and 'foreign transfer student' card she employed.
Those 2 would naturally attract attention of others toward her.

As for Kohri, it's not really that far off to assume that she's a former bully victim, considering her actions and borderline-yuri attachment toward Hitsugi. But again, the key for that answer might be in Hagito's hand, since Hagito's the one that trigger Kohri's action in Story Mission 4-2.

Gaining attention I can understand but Aika ended up developing friends that were affectionate to her as if they have actually spent months hanging out together. That kind of friendship normally requires a minor degree of commitment and some basic social skills, none of which Aika had. Realistically, Aika's overall anti-social behaviour would have eventually alienated people from her and made her a target for mean-spirited gossip behind her back. That's why I'm just gonna assume that PSO2's Earth is a friendlier place to live in unless your butt ugly or just average-looking i.e. Itsuki and Yutaka were harshly treated by others for no good reason because of their overall mundane appearance and timid personality.

On the topic of Kohri, her potentially being a bully victim seems plausible but its also likely that Mother Cluster deliberately raised her to have an immature mentality while also sheltering her from the outside world which would make her easy to control and manipulate.

Apr 11, 2016, 02:13 PM
BTW, anyone noticed that during the story, when we see Hitsugi looking at that big monitor with the news report about that guy who turned out to be evil (yeah im not big on names yet), the jingle of the news was the same one from Space Channel 5's Ulala swinging report show?, That's probably the thing i liked the most about the story of ep 4 so far, lol.

Also, anyone else find it amusing that Ulc is the leader of Arks now, given that she flat out DIED before and we saved her by time travel?, that gurl owes us big time!

It was VERY appropiate for me to start episode 4, because i actually was in a 2 year hiatus from the game! since i started college + job i didn't have time to play, so 2 years actually passed for me, and when i started and seen my character frozen, it felt super appropiate lol like there was an actual story reason as to why my character has been on a real hiatus. Just a lucky coincidence! but it would be cool if Sega implemented a cutscene like that triggering when a character dosn't log on for like 3 months or more.

Apr 11, 2016, 08:34 PM
Also, anyone else find it amusing that Ulc is the leader of Arks now, given that she flat out DIED before and we saved her by time travel?, that gurl owes us big time!

If I remember my cutscenes correctly, she got that job with the power of networking because she got to know Xiao after we saved her and proved to him that she was capable of helping to co-ordinate ARKS. It's not out of the question but I guess if anything it proves that it pays to know the right people.

Apr 11, 2016, 08:47 PM
If I remember my cutscenes correctly, she got that job with the power of networking because she got to know Xiao after we saved her and proved to him that she was capable of helping to co-ordinate ARKS. It's not out of the question but I guess if anything it proves that it pays to know the right people.

Xiao was looking for someone who can take over being administrator after he took it from Luther once he became DF Loser. Since we (matoi and the player) couldn't do it as we're needed elsewhere, Ulc was the perfect person, as she doesn't has photons, but is associated with several ARKS to make her a popular choice, not to mention her views are akin to a neutral party.

Apr 11, 2016, 10:37 PM
Ulc's a good leader solely because she's not corrupt, doesn't orchestrate assassinations and actually tries to improve everyone's lives.

Sadly, her sense of fashion is very tacky. Say what you will about Luther but at least Luther had better tastes in fashion.

I get that its meant to reflect Ulc's perky and positive personality but still... then again, I really do appreciate the addition of palm trees.

Apr 11, 2016, 10:44 PM
Ulc's a good leader solely because she's not corrupt, doesn't orchestrate assassinations and actually tries to improve everyone's lives.

Sadly, her sense of fashion is very tacky. Say what you will about Luther but at least Luther had better tastes in fashion.

I get that its meant to reflect Ulc's perky and positive personality but still... then again, I really do appreciate the addition of palm trees.

I don't think the improving lives is fit for her reason to be elected. Ulc's unanimously elected as ARKS head by Xiao and us because she has vision for ARKS, can give different opinion, while also knowledge-able about the grand picture (also because we are more useful on the field). And Ulc remake the ship to give ARKS fresh start.

And don't judge her Ol Blink.

Apr 12, 2016, 12:15 AM
That makes me wonder how she looks now, i guess she must have a cool uniform now that she's the leader, instead of that car repairman suit she had before! i can't even remember the clothes she had in episode 1, but im 100% sure it was better than the jumpsuit lol

Apr 12, 2016, 12:43 AM
Just wondering:

We all know that our character is a verifiable badass after going through EP3 and we showed that in EP4.

In that case:

1) How well-known/up the totem pole are we?
2) Why are we not entrusted with Genesis weapons?

Meteor Weapon
Apr 12, 2016, 12:49 AM
That makes me wonder how she looks now, i guess she must have a cool uniform now that she's the leader, instead of that car repairman suit she had before! i can't even remember the clothes she had in episode 1, but im 100% sure it was better than the jumpsuit lol

You mean you prefer this boring ass civilian cloth she was wearing?

Apr 12, 2016, 12:50 AM
And don't judge her Ol Blink.

I'm not talking about her Ol Blink outfit. I'm talking about the tacky new uniforms the ARKS staff have to wear because of her reforms. That's what I meant about her fashion sense.

1) How well-known/up the totem pole are we?
2) Why are we not entrusted with Genesis weapons?

1) Our character is said to be famous but we don't actually see anyone praising us in cutscenes. Its a case of "tell, don't show" when it comes to the PC's reputation.

2) That's obvious. Genesis weapons requires calling out the names of the weapons in a cheesy, dramatic fashion. Our character can't talk.

For gameplay purposes though, if we did get Genesis weapons and if said weapons are as powerful as the story says they are, we would have no need to collect rare weapons any more.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 12, 2016, 01:06 AM
Or you could just use Ea:Sword of Rupture camo and just say that's our Babylonian Primordial Genesis Weapon and be done with.

Apr 12, 2016, 01:16 AM
You mean you prefer this boring ass civilian cloth she was wearing?

Yeah sure, that's better than the jumpsuit of ep 2. I think without a doubt her best suit so far was the arks student uniform she had when we saved her in the infested ship.

Apr 12, 2016, 01:47 AM
1) Our character is said to be famous but we don't actually see anyone praising us in cutscenes. Its a case of "tell, don't show" when it comes to the PC's reputation.

I think the only time our reputation was noted was by... well, Hitsugi when she was crossplaying. So far characters in cutscenes have either been friends for years/a while, former council members or are eavesdropping perverts/abused by animals.

Of course then there's Aika but there's a lot of words said about her already.

Apr 12, 2016, 02:55 AM
Yeah, we would need to meet new people for them to suddenly praise us. Or be like Star Trek online and have an entire room filled with people who do nothing but complement the player.

Apr 12, 2016, 06:08 AM
I think the only time our reputation was noted was by... well, Hitsugi when she was crossplaying. So far characters in cutscenes have either been friends for years/a while, former council members or are eavesdropping perverts/abused by animals.

Of course then there's Aika but there's a lot of words said about her already.

In EP2, it is frequently stated in the Side Events that we are noted to be exceptional within ARKS, especially for our work ethics and dedication. Furthermore, back in EP1, Quna also implied that we are one of the very few to bypass her invisibility cloak of her Mai daggers.

Apr 12, 2016, 06:10 AM
Just wondering:

We all know that our character is a verifiable badass after going through EP3 and we showed that in EP4.

In that case:

1) How well-known/up the totem pole are we?
2) Why are we not entrusted with Genesis weapons?

1) Everyone who interacted with us knew how much well-known we are, but for outsiders we're just random ARKS with good reputation (Io stated in EP2 that we're recognized as super helpful, albeit in informal way; and in EP4 stated that we're the person to come to if they got a problem. Which also inspired her to do the same....something along those lines.). It didn't help that most of our achievements are off the record.
- Gathering ecological data and further on helped in noticing something strange with Naberius? Only Rojio knew about it.
- Re-establishing contact with Dragonkin? Only Void and Aki knew.
- Establishing contact with Lilipa's natives? Only Fourier knew.
- Managed to survive facing Elder and saving Zeno? Off the record unless for involved parties.
- Stopping Hadred? Off the record.
- Stopping Luther? Most of it are off the record.
- Saving the last half-Kuronian from getting devoured by [Double] (and in hindsight prevent the total genocide of Kuronians)? Well, the search operation was in open, but details are off the record.
- Managed to solved a 10-year missing person case? Only Afin, Zeno, Fourier, and Melrondia knew (the degree of knowledge vary per people).
Pretty much things that was in the open are saving Matoi, since Xiao was moving all major ARKS members for that particular operation.

The only one who openly knew about our feats are big names, but still small in comparison to the whole population of ARKS ship. Hitsugi didn't show her knowledge about this, but slowly picking up from her talk with Io, noticing the friendly banter between us and Quna, and don't forget Sierra's description of us when you accompany her during the mock training mission.

2) Well, Zieg can make us our own Genesis weapon if he have to. But, from tidbits gathered from all episodes, he need a 'core' for creating a Genesis weapon (which make Clarissa III kind of a weird case, since Clarissa II's core are pretty much lost beyond repair. Then again, Zieg can always copy the core of fake Clarissa II). That's why Zieg can repair Maria's Labrys and create a new Genesis weapon for Regius.

Then again, we did get a canon weapon now to be used in cutscene. And Coat Dobulis is a good DS.

Apr 12, 2016, 06:35 AM
Furthermore, back in EP1, Quna also implied that we are one of the very few to bypass her invisibility cloak of her Mai daggers.

At first I thought this was due to Xion's influence as Genesis weapons (Quna's cloaking device is a Genesis weapon, if I'm not mistaken) are linked to her and the PC was Xion's agent. However, throughout the story, even characters who use conventional stealth (i.e. Sara, and Zeno during his training prior to EP2 Ch. 5) ended up being easily detected by the PC. Sara, in particular, noted that even when she's undercover the PC always managed to find her. This might suggest that the PC has naturally high perception.

Then again, we did get a canon weapon now to be used in cutscene. And Coat Dobulis is a good DS.

The Coat Doublis that the PC used when they made their dramatic entrance to save Hitsugi lacked the the dark purple tint that it used to have when Persona had it but that's probably cause all the Darker energy had been purged from it.

Anyway, yeah. It is a good DS. Its not as flashy as a Genesis weapon nor does it have any special features like one but it doesn't need to be. I especially love the simplistic design of it along with the Coat Edge D.

Apr 12, 2016, 06:44 AM
Stopping Luther is on the record considering every other ARKs was trying to stop you from stopping Luther. Subjects of a planetary manhunt don't usually fade into obscurity easily.

The person who stops the giant jellyfish very publically flying by the mothership pretty much has to be the PC too, considering they're the only one that can absorb PD's strength.

Even Hitsugi, a schoolgirl, knows of the PC enough to do a double take. And the PC has their own position on the org chart. I'd say the PC is pretty high up.

Apr 12, 2016, 07:01 AM
Stopping Luther is on the record considering every other ARKs was trying to stop you from stopping Luther. Subjects of a planetary manhunt don't usually fade into obscurity easily.

The person who stops the giant jellyfish very publically flying by the mothership pretty much has to be the PC too, considering they're the only one that can absorb PD's strength.

Even Hitsugi, a schoolgirl, knows of the PC enough to do a double take. And the PC has their own position on the org chart. I'd say the PC is pretty high up.

Well, not everything in on the record regarding Luther. Our connection to Xion are not publicized; and while the 'ARKS mission' to stop us was in public log, it didn't publicize the reason.....at least that's what I'm getting. I might be wrong on that.

And regarding PD, while we are one of the canon fighters in stopping it, the only one who knew about we (and Matoi) absorbing Falzes' negative photons are Xiao (and maybe Sara + Philia).

....The Coat Doublis that the PC used when they made their dramatic entrance to save Hitsugi lacked the the dark purple tint that it used to have when Persona had it but that's probably cause all the Darker energy had been purged from it.

More like it's THE original form Coat Dobulis D, the one that [Persona] used before he/she became [Persona]. I'll try to rip the Coat Dobulis description later, since I was unsure myself.

Apr 12, 2016, 07:05 AM
Speaking of Genesis Weapons, could someone fill me in on the details of the Genesis Weapons' abilities? I'm still stuck in EP1 MB hell but they do seem pretty interesting. I know Mai daggers give invisibility, Clarissa does photon cleansing stuff and Labrys does huge damage, but what do Nanaki, Yonohate, Florenburg and Huey's knuckles do?

Apr 12, 2016, 07:59 AM
Florenburg Can seal Dark falz essence seemingly. (From the Anime)

Yonohate can Also delete darkfalz essence but more like kill a darkfalz.

Apr 12, 2016, 08:36 AM
The Genesis weapons have a tendency of causing harm to the user which is why you don't see some of the Council members using their respective Genesis weapons as their default weapon. The exception would be Zeno (who's Nanaki can be turned on and off), Regius (who can just use the sheath), and Claris Claes II and III (because the Clarissas were more like conduits to channel their massive power).

Speaking of Quna's Genesis weapon, despite the weapon's downside of shortening the user's lifespan, its been about 2 years now since EP3 and she still hasn't shown any signs of slowly dying especially since she uses its cloaking ability very frequently. You'd think she'd be starting to cough up blood now. Are they ever going to follow up on that or are the devs unwilling to kill off the actual in-game idol (or at least turn her into a CAST)? I mean, they established the whole "shortening the user's lifespan" thing for a reason, right?

Apr 12, 2016, 08:55 AM
Speaking of Genesis Weapons, could someone fill me in on the details of the Genesis Weapons' abilities? I'm still stuck in EP1 MB hell but they do seem pretty interesting. I know Mai daggers give invisibility, Clarissa does photon cleansing stuff and Labrys does huge damage, but what do Nanaki, Yonohate, Florenburg and Huey's knuckles do?

As far as I knew, only few Genesis has special characteristics, while some are either not shown yet/unknown.
- Mai can disperse a high-tech camouflage, but use a staggering amount of photons
- Yonohate are so powerful that it rumored to be able to cleave planet in one slash
- Labrys can create a gravitational field(?) when it smash its enemies
- No idea about Florenberg, but the anime suggest it can be used like Clarissa.
- Nanaki choose its own wielder, which is why a certain person need to train his arse so bad to catching up
- Clarissa can gather up negative photons and store it to its user.
- No idea about Wolfram.

The Genesis weapons have a tendency of causing harm to the user which is why you don't see some of the Council members using their respective Genesis weapons as their default weapon. The exception would be Zeno (who's Nanaki can be turned on and off), Regius (who can just use the sheath), and Claris Claes II and III (because the Clarissas were more like conduits to channel their massive power).

Speaking of Quna's Genesis weapon, despite the weapon's downside of shortening the user's lifespan, its been about 2 years now since EP3 and she still hasn't shown any signs of slowly dying especially since she uses its cloaking ability very frequently. You'd think she'd be starting to cough up blood now. Are they ever going to follow up on that or are the devs unwilling to kill off the actual in-game idol (or at least turn her into a CAST)? I mean, they established the whole "shortening the user's lifespan" thing for a reason, right?

A bit of correction, only Mai and Yonohate are confirmed to cause direct strain to its user (Mai because the sheer amount of photons it needed to activate it, and Yonohate are just that absurd in terms of power). The rest are mostly harmless......until it shown otherwise. Nanaki didn't have a switch, it just change the mode from melee to ranged. Also, Mai did not shorten the lifespan of its user directly; but it can cause a long-term effect on its user's health, because the sheer amount of the photons needed to activate the cloak.

As of why it didn't have 'visible' effect on Quna, one possible answer is that we need to remember that Quna and Hadred are once guinea pigs of the Void. You see what happened to Hadred. Who knows what the Void did to Quna (except her hair color and possible rule 34 interpretation of the experiment)

Apr 12, 2016, 08:57 AM
I mean, they established the whole "shortening the user's lifespan" thing for a reason, right?Yeah, to show how edgy and cool she is obviously. :wacko:

Apr 12, 2016, 09:29 AM
A bit of correction, only Mai and Yonohate are confirmed to cause direct strain to its user (Mai because the sheer amount of photons it needed to activate it, and Yonohate are just that absurd in terms of power). The rest are mostly harmless......until it shown otherwise. Nanaki didn't have a switch, it just change the mode from melee to ranged. Also, Mai did not shorten the lifespan of its user directly; but it can cause a long-term effect on its user's health, because the sheer amount of the photons needed to activate the cloak.

Isn't Maria's Labrys also implied to cause strain to her body? I mean, she was turned into a CAST for the same reason Regius was, wasn't she? That their weapons are so physically taxing that their originally human bodies couldn't keep up any more.

Also, when I mean by Nanaki being able to be turned on and off, I was referring to how its "off" mode is when the weapon is coloured in space black. When its "on", upon Zeno calling out its name dramatically, it turns into star white colour which is probably when Nanaki acts more like a Genesis weapon than a standard Gunslash.

Yeah, to show how edgy and cool she is obviously. :wacko:

Ah, good point :D

Apr 12, 2016, 09:54 AM
Isn't Maria's Labrys also implied to cause strain to her body? I mean, she was turned into a CAST for the same reason Regius was, wasn't she? That their weapons are so physically taxing that their originally human bodies couldn't keep up any more.

Also, when I mean by Nanaki being able to be turned on and off, I was referring to how its "off" mode is when the weapon is coloured in space black. When its "on", upon Zeno calling out its name dramatically, it turns into star white colour which is probably when Nanaki acts more like a Genesis weapon than a standard Gunslash.

Maria and Regius turned into CAST because they're the first batch of successful First Generation ARKS (which results in either no photon affinities or super crazy photon affinities), and their original body can't contain the sheer amount of photons; not because they wield Genesis weapons. They are just like Lisa.
Also, Maria is more dangerous to Labrys rather than Labrys to Maria :wacko:

Uh, the space black is Nanaki's gun mode, while the solid white blade is Nanaki's melee mode. [SPOILER-BOX]http://i.imgur.com/VNB7PD1.jpg
Calling the names is more likely something for the rule of cool.
While I myself want to argue that it was used to invoke the weapon's limiter release; later on at their duel with Dark Falzes, Three Heroes didn't use this name calling anymore (assuming that the Six Heroes sigil popped up is a sign that the Genesis weapon are removing their limiters).

Apr 12, 2016, 10:18 AM
Speaking of CASTs, I heard something about Lisa being forcefully turned into a CAST. Where was this mentioned and what are the processes involved in creating CASTs?

Apr 12, 2016, 11:09 AM
In one ep 2 cutscene in the campship we see that Labrys puts a big strain on Maria. Iirc Sara was talking about it.

Also, what happened to Ulc was nepotism at its finest. Ulc doesn't sceheme or anything but that by no means says even jackshit about her skills as a leader.

I think its obvious that Afin distancing himself from the PC to spend more time with Euclita is how the story paves the way for Matoi to take Afin's spot as the PC's main "Aibo".
Afin never was our real aibo. From us there never was any kind attention towards him whereas since ep 1 we were close to Matoi. Especially in ep 2 and 3 we got much closer to her. Afin really never was more than the little boy that wants to hang with the cool kids. We helped him with his sister cause we are goody little twoshoes, not cause we care so very much about him personally.

Also, we and Matoi are Guardians (literally Radiant Guardian Samurai) and take orders from no one but do what we want, Sierra says that right after explaining the rest of the ARKS organization.

Aikia isn't a guardian, you can't take the anime seriously. It was not aimed at old players aside from a little fanservice showing existing weapons and pas/techs. It was just advertisement. In the new story board Casra casually adds crucial story to the anime plot that couldn't be shown in the anime cause it would have confused newcomers. And cause Japanese writers are total fucking crap at good exposition. Can't even count how many times they just use it like this, just listing the information like a report instead of incorporating it naturally into the story. Considering it was very well done in 3-8, I wouldn't wonder if Ep4 even got new story writers.

Aika was only ever shown to be Casra's subordinate and the only reason she is in the bridge is cooperation with us.

Speaking of which, I watched the new story board and Mother Cluster can easily infiltrate the ARKS. Kiddies logging into their vidya can spy on ARKS at any time.
The ep 4 story is so orz.

Apr 12, 2016, 11:21 AM
Well, not everything in on the record regarding Luther. Our connection to Xion are not publicized; and while the 'ARKS mission' to stop us was in public log, it didn't publicize the reason.....at least that's what I'm getting. I might be wrong on that.

In the modern day context, if one day everyone who logs into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or what have you sees a huge WANTED sign with your face on it, that somehow gets taken down a couple hours later with no reason provided... no amount of coverup can possibly bury the ensuing storm of excrement.

And regarding PD, while we are one of the canon fighters in stopping it, the only one who knew about we (and Matoi) absorbing Falzes' negative photons are Xiao (and maybe Sara + Philia).

And all the people who saw half a planet being devoured in a giant beam of light, and the people who heard the "kinkyuu niimu hassei... zen aakusu (i.e. all ARKs)", and all the other ARKs who sortied to take down the rest of the Disneylands. They don't have to know how exactly the giant jellyfish was destroyed, they only need to know who was on the raft that ended up destroying the jellyfish.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 12, 2016, 12:25 PM
Tbh, Luther does a better job in keeping an eye on everyone than the godly awful security in EP4 where they couldn't keep an eye on unregistered ARKS which could have been filtered easily if they tried.

Apr 12, 2016, 02:16 PM
So after asking in the quick questions thread, I learned that AP is "After Photon." I've taken some terribad phone pics of a page in the pso2 section of the Visual Chronicles of what looks like the timeline leading up to the game's events. They can be found here (http://imgur.com/a/oiTti).

You might be better off just looking at the whole page instead of the blowup of the bottom. The top of that one is blurry and for that I am sorry. :wacko:

This is the timeline that Aida cooked up in the original story thread.
[SPOILER-BOX]????: Photon particles discovered. A method to use them as energy is found.
0: With photons used as energy, problems with space flight were solved. A new era in space begins!
20: Arks create a Mothership.
50: 24 more ships are added to the fleet, now named "Oracle".
200: Oracle travels to a lot of galaxies, studying about different life forms and energies.
500: A science vessel studying a black hole disappears. There was no distress signal, and no signs of attack.
600: On a new planet, a naturally aggressive life form is discovered. This life form later becomes known as "Darkers".
700: More information is discovered about Darkers - They consume both living and nonliving matter. More Darkers attack Oracle -
normal weapons have no effect, and many Arks die. A being known as "Dark Falz" is discovered to be behind the Darkers. Photon
weapons are found to be effective against Darkers, so lots of research is put into enhancing them. However, many more planets
are lost to the Darkers.
1000: Arks, which was once intended for science and discovery, changes its purpose to wiping out the Darkers.
Arks design a new calendar so they never forget the turning point in the war.

(All dates from here on out are using the AP calendar. So, for example, AP 40 would be the year 1040.)

AP 0: A new timeline is forged - The Arks Military calendar
AP 40: Naberius is discovered
AP 90: Planets Lilipa and Amduscia are discovered
AP 140: The Dragonkin language is fully translated
AP 170: Something about battle with darkers <will be re-translated later, hopefully>
AP 190: Regias, Maria, Clarisa, and Casra become famous for battles on several planets
AP 198: Deciding battle with Dark Falz (The three heros seal Dark Falz Elder away)
AP 198: The council of six members is formed: 1) Regias 2) Maria 3) Casra 4) Atosa 5) Clarisa 6) Volf
AP 207: The first Clarisa Claes dies
AP 210: The second generation of arks manage to push back the Darkers for few years
AP 220: The first Casra dies
AP 225: The relationship with the Dragonkin suddenly gets worse
AP 226: Clarisa Claes' name is passed down
AP 227: Atosa and Volf die
AP 228: The second Clarisa Claes vanishes in a battle with Dark Falz Apprentice
AP 230: The Casra name gets passed down
AP 235: Huey becomes the 6th member of the council
AP 238: The current year that PSO2 takes place[/SPOILER-BOX]

Does anyone with some savvy Japanese knowledge know if anything else important is written in there compared to what Aida has written?

Also, what does the kanji say in that blue strip to the left of each half of the timeline?

Ok so I found my answer by doing a google search (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219860) with the kanji.

For anyone that's curious, the pso2 timeline likes to change its names a lot.

AP 0: A new timeline is forged - The Arks Military calendar

We know AP is called After Photon in the game, however, it's also formally known as 新光歴, or "New Light History" era, which is kinda the same way of saying after photons.

What the game hasn't clarified is what the time before AP 0 is called. In the artbook, it's simply 光歴, or Light History era.


Apr 12, 2016, 02:22 PM
But it did seem like they were aware of who are the unregistered arks.
I assumed that they basically were doing that. Limiting access in ship to important stuff.
There still there investigation as to how there getting in.

Apr 12, 2016, 02:55 PM
So, canonically there is...

1- Arks Universe, the place we've been playing the whole time

2- PSO2 Earth, another dimention where PSO2 is a game and connects to the real Arks Universe

3- Reality, where we live... and where PSO2 is REALLY a game, wich also has a game from another dimention coming into it...

So, just wonder how that conversation would go if you could talk to your character:

You: So, you are actually a character in an online rpg.

PC: No, those are the unregistered arks connecting from another reality, im a real Arks.

You: No, you see, you are also a character in a game, but in your game, there's a game, and those who play trough your game, are game characters to you, but you are a game character to me!

PC: ................wait so are you a game character too.

You: No, i am for real!... *looks arround suspiciously* i think....


So yeah, Episode 4 is freaking confusing.

Apr 12, 2016, 03:55 PM
3- Reality, where we live... and where PSO2 is REALLY a game, wich also has a game from another dimention coming into it...

Wait, who said anything about this? I'm pretty sure we don't exist in-universe.

@CocoCrispy: Which version of the timeline is that? I know EP3 came out with a new timeline that adds a bunch of stuff.

Apr 12, 2016, 04:03 PM
@CocoCrispy: Which version of the timeline is that? I know EP3 came out with a new timeline that adds a bunch of stuff.

This is the timeline before Ep3 in the Visual Chronicles. It's the dates before and during the start of pso2.

I haven't played the game in years so I'm out of the loop with the new stuff. Did ep3 retcon stuff or begin a new timeline?

Apr 12, 2016, 04:08 PM
This is the timeline before Ep3 in the Visual Chronicles. It's the dates before and during the start of pso2.

I haven't played the game in years so I'm out of the loop with the new stuff. Did ep3 retcon stuff or begin a new timeline?

EP3 book added a ton of new information on top of the old timeline. i posted some garbage-quality images of the updated timeline back on another thread; it basically has to do with additional stuff concerning the Photoners, Dark Falz, and the Profound Darkness. Also added a "Before Light History" section.

EDIT: The post in question: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3345948&postcount=6

Apr 12, 2016, 04:10 PM
I dont mean that the game story acknowledges our reality, but if they are going meta and saying their reality is a game to another dimention, it kinda makes you think about that stuff lol and how crazy would it be if they find out that they ACTUALLY are in a game, within a game....

This is the timeline before Ep3 in the Visual Chronicles. It's the dates before and during the start of pso2.

I haven't played the game in years so I'm out of the loop with the new stuff. Did ep3 retcon stuff or begin a new timeline?

They didn't retcon, but they did a 2 year timeskip, and things are getting pretty crazy because now, they arrived to another dimention where Earth exist, and in that Earth, people play PSO2 as a game like in the real world, only that they are actually connecting to the reality of the game, and to our character, they show up as unregistered arks... so yeah, its pretty confusing and silly.

Apr 12, 2016, 04:19 PM
EP3 book added a ton of new information on top of the old timeline. i posted some garbage-quality images of the updated timeline back on another thread; it basically has to do with additional stuff concerning the Photoners, Dark Falz, and the Profound Darkness. Also added a "Before Light History" section.

EDIT: The post in question: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3345948&postcount=6

Mmmm, no that's fine. The words are legible. I'll take a look and see what's going on there. What was the ep3 book called anyway?

They didn't retcon, but they did a 2 year timeskip, and things are getting pretty crazy because now, they arrived to another dimention where Earth exist, and in that Earth, people play PSO2 as a game like in the real world, only that they are actually connecting to the reality of the game, and to our character, they show up as unregistered arks... so yeah, its pretty confusing and silly.

Lol yeah that's why I'm scratching my head trying to piece everything together. It's definitely not easy, but that's Sega for you. They've been doing that with this whole franchise. I won't be surprised if it becomes as convoluted as that abomination known as the Zelda timeline.

But you 2 are awesomesauce. Thanks for all your help!

Apr 12, 2016, 04:25 PM
Mmmm, no that's fine. The words are legible. I'll take a look and see what's going on there. What was the ep3 book called anyway?

It's the Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 3 Materials Collection. It came out two weeks ago.

Apr 12, 2016, 04:30 PM
It's the Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 3 Materials Collection. It came out two weeks ago.

Gotcha, thanks!

If you or anybody you know has any other official artbooks with timeline information like this, it would be super awesome if you could take pics. Phone quality or not, this is good stuff and very helpful to our small community.

Apr 12, 2016, 04:37 PM
Well you can watch the anime, which happens between ep 3 and 4 and gives you an intro on the insanity that's happening now lol, its not a good anime, but its not terrible or unwatchable either. At least its just 12 ep long.

Apr 12, 2016, 04:38 PM
Gotcha, thanks!

If you or anybody you know has any other official artbooks with timeline information like this, it would be super awesome if you could take pics. Phone quality or not, this is good stuff and very helpful to our small community.

Sure, anything. If you want any images from that particular section of either Materials Collection book, just holler.

Apr 12, 2016, 06:51 PM
In one ep 2 cutscene in the campship we see that Labrys puts a big strain on Maria. Iirc Sara was talking about it.

Also, what happened to Ulc was nepotism at its finest. Ulc doesn't sceheme or anything but that by no means says even jackshit about her skills as a leader.

Sara did ask about condition of someone in the hidden episode of EP1; but it's about Labrys, not Maria (and Labrys did get broken......again). Maria also stated later that her injuries are from [Elder], not from using Labrys.

Ulc's leadership quality is kind of questionable, but it's almost undeniable that she well-versed in organizational politics.

Apr 12, 2016, 07:05 PM
In the modern day context, if one day everyone who logs into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or what have you sees a huge WANTED sign with your face on it, that somehow gets taken down a couple hours later with no reason provided... no amount of coverup can possibly bury the ensuing storm of excrement.
BUT If the FBI puts you on the most wanted list and says you are a terrorist (exactly what Regius did), every Hobo with a shotgun will go after you and think himself a hero. Luther/Regius were the leaders and their word was pretty much law.

Tbh, Luther does a better job in keeping an eye on everyone than the godly awful security in EP4 where they couldn't keep an eye on unregistered ARKS which could have been filtered easily if they tried.
We just need more Luther, I love him to bits. Easily one of my top 3 villains now.

Anyway, ep 4 isn't confusing at all. Just super retarded. And only cause Sega had to cater to casuals and chun2s and highschool kids. All for the "kiddies playing their vidya are the heros" setting. Cause if you take that part away all you have is the generic "highschool kids go to another world with fantasy/sci fi battle shit going on" plot that is incredibly common.
The only difference is that in PSO2 kiddies are not only randomly powerful for no reason, but they are powerful even while playing vidya and their characters are like real people.

I feel the one and ONLY thing that could come even close to saving the EP 4 plot is if we find out Mother has already passed dimensions and infiltrated the ARKS a while ago.
Creating a system where every person playing PSO2 creates some kind of ARKS clone or such upn character creation. It's like a remote control doll for the player while logged in and gets stored in suspended animation out of sight while offline.
Actually kinda like Cameron's Avatar lmao.
This is actually hinted at, Aru used to be Hitsugi's avatar but them became a real person, probably due to the apperance of the darker like burning shadow this one remote control clone was transfered to earth and being on earth probably broke the mind control or whatever that allowed a player to assume direct control, thus allowing Aru's real personality to show itself. Assuming these ARKS clones are no actual vegetables without sentience but real people whose minds are just being suppressed so kiddies can control them.
Assuming many of the kiddies playing the vidya work for mother and assuming most are extremely loyal like Kouri, they would end up spying on the ARKS and reporting to mother.
Not to mention she'll have thousands of sleeper agents that can fuck up the ARKS from within when she gives the command.

Speaking of which, I really assume this isn't a complex villain that has a truly good side and really just saved Hitsugi and Kouri from desperation, but it will probably turn out Mother engineered their misfortunes so we can hate her and don't need to worry about moral grey areas.
EP 4 so far seems to be dumbed down a lot compared to previous eps.

Apr 12, 2016, 08:55 PM
The only difference is that in PSO2 kiddies are not only randomly powerful for no reason

Didn't we already bring up that the PC is also randomly powerful for no reason? From a player's point of view, your character is going to be rather strong compared to everyone else solely for the fact that you're the player. Characters in the hands of video game players are going to be strong because they are only limited to the mechanics of the game rather than the rules of the plot. If we assume that the fictional version of PSO2 is nearly identical to the real thing, then of course everyone playing is going to be overpowered relative to the plot.

Apr 12, 2016, 09:31 PM
Off topic, has any of ep4 been translated yet?

On topic, last thing I heard was the part where the highschool girls were doing highschool stuff and not much else. Would someone mind filling me in with what has happened after?

Apr 12, 2016, 09:54 PM
Off topic, has any of ep4 been translated yet?

On topic, last thing I heard was the part where the highschool girls were doing highschool stuff and not much else. Would someone mind filling me in with what has happened after?

Kohri went through the denial "no, this cannot be!" phase, HGT went Emerald Tablet on us, Hitsuki did an awaken and pulled a katana outta thin air, HGT made some naval uniform wearing dude out of thin air, Hitsuki now visiting Oracle normally, Katori whining to Pietro about summoners because she probably wanted to be one given the choice.

Apr 12, 2016, 10:03 PM
you forgot arks ship cross dimension to earth orbit

Meteor Weapon
Apr 12, 2016, 10:48 PM
Didn't we already bring up that the PC is also randomly powerful for no reason? From a player's point of view, your character is going to be rather strong compared to everyone else solely for the fact that you're the player. Characters in the hands of video game players are going to be strong because they are only limited to the mechanics of the game rather than the rules of the plot. If we assume that the fictional version of PSO2 is nearly identical to the real thing, then of course everyone playing is going to be overpowered relative to the plot.

Our PC became powerful through constant effort instead of being special snowflake, the rest is up to us how we have our head canon and background of our PC's. The ability to absorb negative photons from Darkers was given by Xiao. Though we still don't know how and why our PC has so much capacity in storing shit load of negative photons( even from two Falzes) almost enough to become the Profound Darkness without getting bothered by the negative effects like Aika did.

Apr 12, 2016, 11:41 PM
Our PC became powerful through constant effort instead of being special snowflake, the rest is up to us how we have our head canon and background of our PC's. The ability to absorb negative photons from Darkers was given by Xiao. Though we still don't know how and why our PC has so much capacity in storing shit load of negative photons( even from two Falzes) almost enough to become the Profound Darkness without getting bothered by the negative effects like Aika did.

The thing is that the PC is already uniquely exceptional compared to the rest of ARKS, partly due to Xion/Xiao but majorly from the PC himself/herself e.g High enough perception to see Quna and consistently finding Sara. It's just that we got three Episodes to see the progression of our PCs.

Much like the PC, Hitsugi is, at least from what I gather from the cutscenes, also appears to be naturally gifted. However, her only showing is materialising that katana (what is that anyway?) and AOE-ing the zombies. That's it. At this point of time, she's just as much of a "special snowflake" as the PC back in EP1.

Apr 12, 2016, 11:50 PM
Our PC became powerful through constant effort instead of being special snowflake,
Pretty sure we became powerful on account of being able to absorb negative photons. >_>

Meteor Weapon
Apr 13, 2016, 12:22 AM
Dudu is also partialy/mostly responsible in overpowering our PC you know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Apr 13, 2016, 12:24 AM
The ability to absorb negative photons from Darkers was given by Xiao.

This is false. The PC is able to defeat the Falzes because they can absorb negative photons. The PC fights and defeats Elder way before we have anything to do with Xiao. However, we don't notice we are draining their powers from Elder until he mentions it during our little time travel stint to save Zeno.

Apr 13, 2016, 01:09 AM
This is false. The PC is able to defeat the Falzes because they can absorb negative photons. The PC fights and defeats Elder way before we have anything to do with Xiao. However, we don't notice we are draining their powers from Elder until he mentions it during our little time travel stint to save Zeno.

Yep, this is correct.

The ability to absorb negative photons is definitely an inherent characteristic of the player character. That encounter with Elder makes that part clear, especially when taken in conjunction with some other scenes with similar implications.

What is more debatable is whether the time travel abilities are inherent (and Shion was simply leading us to use that ability via the Matter Board) or whether we got it from Shion in the first place.

Also, Casra did observe that the player character could very well be the next Regius. This implies that the player character has an extremely strong photon potential.

Of course, this doesn't really minimize the player character's effort to become strong any more than a professional athlete's natural talent minimizes the incredible amount of training they put themselves through to maximize it... and if you think back to Episode 1, Zeno admonishes the player character on a couple of occasions about how he/she is pushing him/herself too hard.

Apr 13, 2016, 01:42 AM
I was under the impression that what Xiao gave us was the power to purify negative photons.

Meteor Weapon
Apr 13, 2016, 02:22 AM
Persona did kinda abused time travel.

Apr 13, 2016, 04:55 AM
and if you think back to Episode 1, Zeno admonishes the player character on a couple of occasions about how he/she is pushing him/herself too hard.

Not just Zeno but others like Jan and Matoi take notice of how the PC is a bit of a workaholic (possibly reflecting the grindy nature of the game). One non-cutscene conversation with Matoi late in EP1 has her telling the PC that they've been recently coming back home with a scary look on their face, suggesting mild PTSD from killing monsters a little too frequently.

So yeah, the PC's strength really is a combination of natural talent and hard work. Back during the ARKS Battle Tournament in EP1's extra chapter, pretty much all possible NPCs you take with you comment on how much the PC has grown stronger since they first joined ARKS.

That said, the PC's strength and possible badassery is a matter of "tell, don't show" when it comes strictly to the cutscenes and story. The PC's physical feats in the story are either non-existent, too funny to be taken seriously (the PC one punching enemies is more funny than badass), or just too mundane-looking. PSO2's story just lacks that Shonen-esque testosterone. Something as simple like the PC breaking hard objects with just their fists, casually dodging projectiles or intimidating a character by just staring at them would have been nice.

Off topic, ever notice how throughout EP1, despite so many talks by NPCs about the existence of assassins and how the PC is digging into sensitive information, even being informed about Rojio's attempted assassination, the PC went through the entire story without ever being attacked by assassins?

Apr 13, 2016, 08:06 AM
Not just Zeno but others like Jan and Matoi take notice of how the PC is a bit of a workaholic (possibly reflecting the grindy nature of the game). One non-cutscene conversation with Matoi late in EP1 has her telling the PC that they've been recently coming back home with a scary look on their face, suggesting mild PTSD from killing monsters a little too frequently.

So yeah, the PC's strength really is a combination of natural talent and hard work. Back during the ARKS Battle Tournament in EP1's extra chapter, pretty much all possible NPCs you take with you comment on how much the PC has grown stronger since they first joined ARKS.

That said, the PC's strength and possible badassery is a matter of "tell, don't show" when it comes strictly to the cutscenes and story. The PC's physical feats in the story are either non-existent, too funny to be taken seriously (the PC one punching enemies is more funny than badass), or just too mundane-looking. PSO2's story just lacks that Shonen-esque testosterone. Something as simple like the PC breaking hard objects with just their fists, casually dodging projectiles or intimidating a character by just staring at them would have been nice.

Off topic, ever notice how throughout EP1, despite so many talks by NPCs about the existence of assassins and how the PC is digging into sensitive information, even being informed about Rojio's attempted assassination, the PC went through the entire story without ever being attacked by assassins?

I look at it this way: Consider how much better your damage output is than the partner characters you take with you on missions. Remember, anytime you're running with other players, from their perspective they are the player character, so of course they are also very strong. But you could wipe the floor with the NPC's (even if they get buffed with massive HP to help them not constantly die with their not-so-great AI).

I really do wish they would equip the player character with a gunslash (all-class weapon that it is) during cutscenes. As amusing as punching out Darkers with my bare fists is, oneshotting them with a gunslash would be more believable and thus more impressive.

Apr 13, 2016, 08:28 AM
BUT If the FBI puts you on the most wanted list and says you are a terrorist (exactly what Regius did), every Hobo with a shotgun will go after you and think himself a hero. Luther/Regius were the leaders and their word was pretty much law.

Every hobo with a shotgun gunslash did go after the PC though :wacko: Of course the game tried to be politically correct and showed them warping away instead of dying.

Still, from that point onwards, everyone and their pet Wanda will recognize the PC as "that one person who Regius thought was a terrorist but actually wasn't". Being the subject of a planetary manhunt doesn't simply un-happen when it's all over.

Apr 13, 2016, 08:33 AM
Don't bring real player into this, it makes no sense. It's fiction. Slice of life anime about kids playing vidya is fiction as well and doesn't even have content outside of a common modern day common.

And yeah, our PC just became strong over time. We gain experience and strength from doing all these dangerous difficult things like fighting Hunar, Double, etc., etc., etc..

Oh and the Dio Hunar explanation is silly. Why does he attack us on sight if he is just Persona (gonna use 'he' cause easier)?
After ep 3 Persona should not be attacking us anymore, the reason was just that before Persona was thinking we are getting in the way of Matoi's Happiness. Now, however Persona has no reason anymore and since Dio hunar helped Matoi and Aika, so he apparently must be in his right mind and didn't go so mad from becoming pd he attacks everything.

Assuming Dio Hunar is what persona runs around as in the brief stage between having reset PD's appearance at the end of the EQ and PD being formed enough to attack Naberius again (theoretically no Dio Hunar should appear in any quest during a PD EQ lol).

PS: I thought we got such a high Darker factor cause normal ARKS don't go devouring Falzes like Matoi and the amount of Darkers we killed is just that ridiculously much higher than everyone else. Other ARKS could become PD as well, but they'd have to kill like 100 times more darkers than they havedone by now. Or are we truly the only ones capable to received a little bit of Darker factor just from killing them?

Apr 13, 2016, 08:41 AM
Don't bring real player into this, it makes no sense. It's fiction. Slice of life anime about kids playing vidya is fiction as well and doesn't even have content outside of a common modern day common.

And yeah, our PC just became strong over time. We gain experience and strength from doing all these dangerous difficult things like fighting Hunar, Double, etc., etc., etc..

Oh and the Dio Hunar explanation is silly. Why does he attack us on sight if he is just Persona (gonna use 'he' cause easier)?
After ep 3 Persona should not be attacking us anymore, the reason was just that before Persona was thinking we are getting in the way of Matoi's Happiness. Now, however Persona has no reason anymore and since Dio hunar helped Matoi and Aika, so he apparently must be in his right mind and didn't go so mad from becoming pd he attacks everything.

Assuming Dio Hunar is what persona runs around as in the brief stage between having reset PD's appearance at the end of the EQ and PD being formed enough to attack Naberius again (theoretically no Dio Hunar should appear in any quest during a PD EQ lol).

PS: I thought we got such a high Darker factor cause normal ARKS don't go devouring Falzes like Matoi and the amount of Darkers we killed is just that ridiculously much higher than everyone else. Other ARKS could become PD as well, but they'd have to kill like 100 times more darkers than they havedone by now. Or are we truly the only ones capable to received a little bit of Darker factor just from killing them?

Elder makes specific note of the fact that we were drawing so much power from him in one of the early encounters that he actually felt weaker than usual because of it.

The PC's ability to absorb darker photons is quite strong.

Apr 13, 2016, 08:54 AM
I really do wish they would equip the player character with a gunslash (all-class weapon that it is) during cutscenes. As amusing as punching out Darkers with my bare fists is, oneshotting them with a gunslash would be more believable and thus more impressive.

It would also make cutscenes less awkward to look at too. Our characters look way too defenseless in cutscenes because of the lack of visible weapons on them. One example being the fight against the Odd Numbers of the Council in EP2 where almost every character involved were being flashy and being a show-off with their Genesis Weapons while the PC is just standing around with no weapon at all, making us look like background characters... though to be fair, watching our PC dodge Casra's Florenburg blasts at point blank range was kinda cool.

What's rather baffling is that there doesn't seem to be any problem at all in making Gunslashes or Persona's weapons as our default cutscene weapons to begin with.

Apr 13, 2016, 09:12 AM
Don't bring real player into this, it makes no sense. It's fiction. Slice of life anime about kids playing vidya is fiction as well and doesn't even have content outside of a common modern day common.

And yeah, our PC just became strong over time. We gain experience and strength from doing all these dangerous difficult things like fighting Hunar, Double, etc., etc., etc..

Oh and the Dio Hunar explanation is silly. Why does he attack us on sight if he is just Persona (gonna use 'he' cause easier)?
After ep 3 Persona should not be attacking us anymore, the reason was just that before Persona was thinking we are getting in the way of Matoi's Happiness. Now, however Persona has no reason anymore and since Dio hunar helped Matoi and Aika, so he apparently must be in his right mind and didn't go so mad from becoming pd he attacks everything.

Assuming Dio Hunar is what persona runs around as in the brief stage between having reset PD's appearance at the end of the EQ and PD being formed enough to attack Naberius again (theoretically no Dio Hunar should appear in any quest during a PD EQ lol).

PS: I thought we got such a high Darker factor cause normal ARKS don't go devouring Falzes like Matoi and the amount of Darkers we killed is just that ridiculously much higher than everyone else. Other ARKS could become PD as well, but they'd have to kill like 100 times more darkers than they havedone by now. Or are we truly the only ones capable to received a little bit of Darker factor just from killing them?

Well, we don't really knew if [Persona]'s mind corrosion are reset or not everytime PD invoke [Persona]'s time travel. But from what transpire it's almost certain that Dio Hunar who visited Aika and Matoi are [Persona].

As for why PC can absorb negative photons, kind of thinking about what Luther said inside Double's innerverse. While he looked like he was referring toward Matoi, I wonder if what he's truly referring to is us.

Apr 13, 2016, 10:16 AM
Elder makes specific note of the fact that we were drawing so much power from him in one of the early encounters that he actually felt weaker than usual because of it.

The PC's ability to absorb darker photons is quite strong.
Oh, kinda missed that.

Didn't we already bring up that the PC is also randomly powerful for no reason? From a player's point of view, your character is going to be rather strong compared to everyone else solely for the fact that you're the player. Characters in the hands of video game players are going to be strong because they are only limited to the mechanics of the game rather than the rules of the plot. If we assume that the fictional version of PSO2 is nearly identical to the real thing, then of course everyone playing is going to be overpowered relative to the plot.
Two entirely different things. PC is pc. If Io or Afin or whoever fucking REAL ARKS was powerful for no reason (like Regius/Maria, they became heros cause of their power, not the qother way around) it's fine. There are some that are strong than others.
BUT kiddies playing a game being on the same level as a good ARKS is BS because they are kiddies playing a game but becoming a good ARKS takes a lot. At the beginning of ep we heard ARKS trials and trainings are intense and people die.
It's the same as saying some of the Navy SEALS are 100% remote controlled clones by kiddies playing a game and are still among their unit's best, on the same level as other SEALs that have gone through military school, special training, etc for years and years.

Kiddies playing vidya being good ARKS (Sierra mentioned how Hitsugi as Aru playing the game was very good) is nothing but a cheap self insert plot device to get more new players cause chuuni and Japanese middle / highschool kids.
You know you are defending an obviously pathetic attempt of Sega to get as many people to play as possible while mostly ignoring the exisiting player base?

Apr 13, 2016, 10:31 AM
I really do wish they would equip the player character with a gunslash (all-class weapon that it is) during cutscenes. As amusing as punching out Darkers with my bare fists is, oneshotting them with a gunslash would be more believable and thus more impressive.
A cutscene from Chapter 4-2 has us wielding the Coat Doubllis, so I'm wondering if they might end up having us actually use it eventually

Apr 13, 2016, 11:19 AM
Two entirely different things. PC is pc. If Io or Afin or whoever fucking REAL ARKS was powerful for no reason (like Regius/Maria, they became heros cause of their power, not the qother way around) it's fine. There are some that are strong than others.
BUT kiddies playing a game being on the same level as a good ARKS is BS because they are kiddies playing a game but becoming a good ARKS takes a lot. At the beginning of ep we heard ARKS trials and trainings are intense and people die.
It's the same as saying some of the Navy SEALS are 100% remote controlled clones by kiddies playing a game and are still among their unit's best, on the same level as other SEALs that have gone through military school, special training, etc for years and years.

Kiddies playing vidya being good ARKS (Sierra mentioned how Hitsugi as Aru playing the game was very good) is nothing but a cheap self insert plot device to get more new players cause chuuni and Japanese middle / highschool kids.
You know you are defending an obviously pathetic attempt of Sega to get as many people to play as possible while mostly ignoring the exisiting player base?

.......Disregarding you obvious salt-induced rage at SEGA aside, Sierra herself need to be put into the question here. Are her comment about 'Hitsugi' are a really genuine compliment, or she never actually met the ultimate hax in raw strength and stamina named Maria?

A cutscene from Chapter 4-2 has us wielding the Coat Doubllis, so I'm wondering if they might end up having us actually use it eventually

We did fight with weapons way before EP4.
During our duel with a certain guy during the final story mission of EP2.

Apr 13, 2016, 02:51 PM
Are we not going to talk about how Regius literally has the power to brainwash people? Isn't that dangerous? He c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶e̶a̶s̶i̶l̶y̶ has already abused said ability once to send everyone after a witch hunt for our heads.

That asshole never even apologized. :/

Apr 13, 2016, 03:02 PM
.......Disregarding you obvious salt-induced rage at SEGA aside, Sierra herself need to be put into the question here. Are her comment about 'Hitsugi' are a really genuine compliment, or she never actually met the ultimate hax in raw strength and stamina named Maria?
You are the only one equating playing Hitsugi with council of 6 members and honestly have no idea why.
Cause there is a gigantic difference between average ARKS and Maria, so being better than average ARKS (which are usually shown weak) doesn't put anyone remotely close to Maria.
Just above average ARKS (that have still gone through intense training).