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Mar 21, 2016, 05:30 AM

We're getting Urths Fount in PSO2. Complete with all the Mechanics and aesthetics from the FFXIV version of the fight.
I wonder if FFXIV will get any bosses from PSO2?

Mar 21, 2016, 06:43 AM
Imba Rockbear :wacko:

Dark Priest
Mar 21, 2016, 07:09 AM
I knew they were getting inspiration from somewhere, the support partners/ventures, the "gathering" fishing/mining. Summoner.. (to be fair this is common) otherwise this collab is pretty interesting to see.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:15 AM
Let's talk lore wise what would work for a boss in FFXIV.

Its really going to depend on if it's just going to be a straight up boss fight or a series of FATEs (open world events) that would dictate what we might be sending at them.

For straight up boss fights, in order to keep lore together Darkers can not go there since they don't have any photonic weapons as far as I'm aware. This wittles the list down to a few possibilities.

Rockbear - Yes, it would probably show up in Gridinia

Dragonkin - Possibly, but unlikely due to Ro Kamits and their method of reincarnation. Yes, dragons are a main theme of Heavensward but it just doesn't fit.

De Malmoth / Snow Banther and Banshee - This would go with one of the main themes of Heavensward, especially if the battle takes place near Ishgard

Tranmizer / Big Vardha / Vardha Soma - One of the current content areas in FFXIV is Alexander and these would fit right in.

Oceanids - This might be interesting to see if they come in contact with the Sahagin in any way.

Gigur Gunne-Gam - In a way this would kind of fit in, part of the lore of the game has a group of Au Ra in Doma that resisted Garlean rule and paid the price for it. It's possible this could look similar to an Eidolon to them. Doma is also very Japanese in theme.

Guar Zigmorde - Not certain about this one...maybe?

Train Ghidora - Only if players can do to FFXIV what they're doing to PSO2 on Earth right now.

Gal Gryphon - Transcends space and time so this is our most likely suspect.

Emperor Rappy - New version of Thornmarch?

Darkers - The problem with Darkers is the people of Eorzea don't have any photonic weapony to my knowledge and would be unable to stop them. This is where FATEs come into play. FATEs are open world events where story characters participate in fights along with the players. In this case we would likely see some ARKS and thus Darkers would be able to be defeated. However this opens a huge can of worms. The people of Eorzea are still very primitive and having a technologically advanced group like the ARKS arrive and start talking about the universe could cause chaos as it is revealed to Eorzeans they are not alone in the universe. It could quite literally shatter all belief in Hydaelyn.

Then again this is probably me just reading into lore too much again.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:18 AM
xh loser? since he kinda have a "mark" before an attack lands

Mar 21, 2016, 07:28 AM
xh loser? since he kinda have a "mark" before an attack lands

You bring up a good point, it's really hard to convert a boss that attacks based on swing timers to a bunch of players that have to deal with global cooldowns. Actually if they just decide to throw lore out the window, Loser would probably be a good choice because of all his tells when he speeds up, not to mention his dagger attacks could easily be a FATE wipe which Odin can do himself.


Mar 21, 2016, 07:35 AM
Darkers - The problem with Darkers is the people of Eorzea don't have any photonic weapony to my knowledge and would be unable to stop them. This is where FATEs come into play. FATEs are open world events where story characters participate in fights along with the players. In this case we would likely see some ARKS and thus Darkers would be able to be defeated. However this opens a huge can of worms. The people of Eorzea are still very primitive and having a technologically advanced group like the ARKS arrive and start talking about the universe could cause chaos as it is revealed to Eorzeans they are not alone in the universe. It could quite literally shatter all belief in Hydaelyn.
They have actual magic, which in original Phantasy Star games was far superior to scientific thingamajigs like Techniques. Earthling handguns, machetes and vibroblades also surpass literally every piece of photon weaponry ARKS make except for ARKS Assault Systems products and purified PB bits.

They should be more worried about Darkers not telegraphing their attacks 10 seconds prior to actually doing them.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:50 AM
From what I have seen, FFXIV is a more traditional RPG and as a result isn't as fast paced as PSO2.

In that case, there are a few bosses that can fit in FFXIV's style.

DF Loser is the prime candidate. All of his movements have tells and are slow enough to fit in, not to mention he's one of the better designed bosses in the game.

Big Vardha would be interesting. All of it's attacks are easily dodge-able but are outright lethal if you fail to react in time. It's multi-level design could make an interesting twist to the game.

Bal Rodos perhaps can make the cut. He also gives lots of tells.

Gal Gryphon is pretty much crossover material. He appears in PSO, then PSO2 and it wouldn't surprise me if it makes it to FFXIV.

Rockbear, Gwanahda and De Malmoth would make pretty decent minibosses.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:54 AM
If they are adding a "DPS check" (their own words from the stream) boss in PSO2, it's only fair to give them a reflex check in return.

Robokitties, Diabo and Anga for crossover, please.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:57 AM
I think they could still do a Darker boss.
The Eorzeans could hold off the boss for long enough for ARKS to deploy an A.I.S to finish it off. Or maybe Hydaelyn is able to finish them off or bestow the power to destroy Darkers to the Warriors of Light?
Heck, that would strengthen the crossover more.
ARKS Discover that the Eorzeans have magical weapons that can destroy Darkers (which is why PSO2 gets FFXIV Relic Weapons) and the Eorzeans might get some ARKs related weapons in exchange.
And of course with just this one connection, eventually ARKS will make Photon weapons stronger than the Relics and Eorzeans will make legendary weapons with magics stronger than what ARKs gave them, giving a lore reason for gear to become obsolete.

Azure Falcon
Mar 21, 2016, 07:57 AM
Gal Gryphon seems the most likely, it's the easiest one to pass off to Western FFXIV players since it has been in a localised PSO before.

Mar 21, 2016, 08:03 AM
If they are adding a "DPS check" (their own words from the stream) boss in PSO2, it's only fair to give them a reflex check in return.

Robokitties, Diabo and Anga for crossover, please.

A DPS check isn't much unless they make the battle End when he uses his Ultimate.
I mean look at Profound Darkness. That has a DPS check and we can just Photon Blast or Katana Combat through the Instakill and even if we fail that, we can just pop a Scapedoll and continue the fight.

They really need to rework the PSO2 mechanics for this fight to be an actual challenge.
With 12 people bringing 5 moons each there's already no real penalty for dying. If we can just invincibility our way through his Ult then why even add a DPS check?
I want the fight to just end and be a fail if he casts it. Like how in the original FATE he leaves after using his Ult.

Man now I feel like ranting about how the PSO2 dev team come up with these cool mechanics that are completely negated by our ability to bring 72 Revival Items...

Mar 21, 2016, 08:06 AM
Really hard to decide since a lot of our bosses move around while FF14 bosses are a bit more stagnant.

I see Big Vardha as being the most likely one to be added. Probably starting out the boss fight already on top of Big Vardha. You would lose the 4 beam cannons in front and small guns on his sides but could keep the missile launchers that rise to the main platform.

Short version is I'm guessing Big Vardha due to his size and his very slow movements. (Not so much his attacks but when Big Vardha actually moves around the deck)

Mar 21, 2016, 08:08 AM
Just because a boss moves a lot in PSO2 doesn't mean it has to in FF14. The mechanics can be slightly adjusted, as I'm sure Odin's will be, to suit the different gameplay.
Like how would the tank buster work in PSO2?

Mar 21, 2016, 08:15 AM
Just because a boss moves a lot in PSO2 doesn't mean it has to in FF14. The mechanics can be slightly adjusted, as I'm sure Odin's will be, to suit the different gameplay.
Like how would the tank buster work in PSO2?

Maybe it is just poor showing but Odin is barely moving in the PSO2 video. I suppose you could give the boss a rather low HP value in FF14 terms to make up for its moving, but it is generally a game based on constant dps. As our Odin will probably have an extreme HP buff compared to the FF14 version.

Mar 21, 2016, 08:58 AM
Maybe it is just poor showing but Odin is barely moving in the PSO2 video. I suppose you could give the boss a rather low HP value in FF14 terms to make up for its moving, but it is generally a game based on constant dps. As our Odin will probably have an extreme HP buff compared to the FF14 version.

I'd put that down to Odin's non-auto attacks being spells he casts around the field rather than him running to a target and smacking them. It would be hard to translate a FF14 boss to PSO2 without changing the mechanics entirely, but it should work fine the other way around.
Like Ragne, you could easily turn that into a fight where it doesn't move around. Not that it already does. The jump could become an AoE Stomp. Tanks would have to face it away from the group to keep the energy disk attack thing away from the party, the party itself needs to watch for the leg telegraph to avoid being kicked and then there's positioning when a leg breaks and you attack the WP for increased damage.
If you fail to break all 4 legs before a certain point, Ragne does the body charge where it slams the ground with its body and shocks the area around it, wiping the party.

Not much movement required, but its still the same boss from PSO2.

Mar 21, 2016, 09:02 AM
it's just a freaking boss guys

People will find way to breeze through it, or one shot it.

I don't see how this is worth a whole thread anyway

Mar 21, 2016, 09:11 AM
I wonder what affix will this boss vomit? Every colab has always had a high chance of dropping high slot weapons/units

Cougar dropped nothing
Knight Gear had Stamina III/Spirita III
Gal Gryphon had Stat2+mutation I

Mar 21, 2016, 09:12 AM
I know this sounds silly but if they ever brought the Arks Dance Festival to Final Fantasy, that would be quite an interesting thing to witness. ♪

Mar 21, 2016, 09:22 AM
That's probably one of the best things to bring there, come to think of it. But you know they'd shoehorn Quna instead.

Mar 21, 2016, 11:08 AM
I am interested to see what they go with. See how the mechanics would change for there game

Mar 21, 2016, 11:24 AM
it's just a freaking boss guys

People will find way to breeze through it, or one shot it.

I don't see how this is worth a whole thread anyway
DPS check.

Mar 21, 2016, 11:56 AM
Gameplay aspects aside, this is an exciting collab. I've played PSO2 since launch, but I stopped when I got my hands on A Realm Reborn in 2014, and played that nonstop until Heavensward. It's awesome to see the two games I put the most time into in the last few years come together.

Now I know we're getting some of the basic race armor from FFXIV in PSO2, but I'd like to see NPC outfits and hairstyles come over as well.

Mar 21, 2016, 12:20 PM
Awhhh yeah, this is going to be one fun event :D

Mar 21, 2016, 12:33 PM
Odin, huh? Odd choice. You'd think it would be one of the more important fights.

Mar 21, 2016, 12:39 PM
Just give FFXIV a DF Elder, it does not move much other than palming you, laser you and such. only movements from that majestic side is either away to bomb you with meteors or going up to slam you with its majestic butt.

Mar 21, 2016, 12:55 PM
Inb4 the new FFXIV boss is Nyau.

Mar 21, 2016, 12:55 PM
slam you with its majestic butt.

He's like a big rocky mario
Nintendo x PSO2 confirmed.

Natsu Nem
Mar 21, 2016, 01:49 PM
I hope Odin's 30 second Shin-Zentetsuken cast would be the same insanely tight damage check as it was in FFXIV.

PSO2 Shin-Zentetsuken will probably be you'll see for only 6 seconds or bypassed completely by BR/GUs.

Mar 21, 2016, 02:09 PM
Trouble with damage checks is that it depends on gear. Maybe at first it would require you performing at 90%+, but after a while you can slack off and so it becomes less intense, until it's basically him standing there while you get free hits. Considering how DpS oriented PSO2's playerbase is, it probably won't end up being that engaging.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:02 PM
Will be interesting to see how they work Shin-Zantetsuken in PSO2. The other big issue with instant-kill moves is that we have plentiful amounts of Half Dolls. Unless Shin-Zantetsuken bypasses Half/Scape Dolls I don't see it being much of a threat. The other possibility is that a successful Shin-Zantetsuken fails the mission, but that sounds really unfair if it's an Emergency Quest.

I wonder what XIV will get out of the collab; I'd like to think they'll also get a big boss fight (DF Loser would be a great choice potentially) and I think it'd be really interesting to see a PSO2 boss fight in XIV and how the mechanics would work.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:05 PM
It looks like the FFXIVites are talking about this crossover too.


Mar 21, 2016, 04:12 PM
It looks like the FFXIVites are talking about this crossover too.

http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/286845-Final-Fantasy-XIV-and-PSO2-Collaboration-AnnouncedI don't play FFXIV, but I legit hope they get a cool boss out of this so I can watch the videos.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:17 PM
I'm expecting at most a few easy FATEs and perhaps some glamourable equipment, all of which are available for two weeks before moving to the cash shop. Crossover events are pretty common for FFXIV, but we've never got any new bosses from it.
The PSO2 questline might be fun though. Depends on how into it SE is. The quality of their quest stories varies greatly depending on how much they like the story.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:24 PM
Even if self revival tools were negated raid wipes can always be I-framed through anyways. Whether it be through photon blasts, tech cancel dodging, or negated damage infinite angle guard frame dagger spin. Though I must admit it would be kinda funny to see Odin perform his "instant kill" with everyone still alive and teleport off anyways.

EDIT: Forgot that Guar exists.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:31 PM
Even if self revival tools were negated raid wipes can always be I-framed through anyways. Whether it be through photon blasts, tech cancel dodging, or negated damage infinite angle guard frame dagger spin. Though I must admit it would be kinda funny to see Odin perform his "instant kill" with everyone still alive and teleport off anyways.

Easy fix is to make it not deal damage but just change the state of all players in the EQ to Dead, breaking I-frames entirely.
I don't think it would be unfair for EQ-goers. When you pug it up, expect to fail unless a few people in your MPA are using a broken class combo.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:32 PM
FFXIV has some abilities that prevents damage from all sources. If you click this button, you cannot die. Even these moves do not protect you from instant death/wipe mechanics such as zantetsuken.
Regardless, if I were in charge of implementing this fight, I'd just change zantetsuken into an instant-fail condition along with the instant-wipe. The death is just a slap to the face, the real problem would be that you instantly lose.

Here's what I want to know though. This fight has insane healing requirements when all the mechanics are stacking (each spear thrown at the ground pulse in unavoidable damage). So... are they keeping that? Will this fight need dedicated healers? I'm seeing a ton of green pulses in the video, so I can only assume.
Odin can also cast double/triple, allowing him to perform a powerful attack two/three times in a row. Are they going to keep that with this iteration? Will a dedicated tank need to soak his attacks?
I'm more interested in seeing the implementation of the fight than the fight itself.

Mar 21, 2016, 04:34 PM
Lets be real, if ANY of us were in charge we'd add a limit to the number of Moons that can be used in an EQ or change the limit to 1 Moon per player. Or remove Moons entirely and make the Tech Skill more viable by turning it into a semi-Tech that needs to be fully cast in order to revive players.

Who designs an RPG where you literally have 72 confirmed revival items per MPA + any additional Scapedolls people decide to waste real money on?

Mar 21, 2016, 04:38 PM
i really love focus on mechanics in ff14 and would be great if they brought it over from ff14, the trinity can stay there though

Mar 21, 2016, 05:14 PM
I mean Zigmorde has a instant death thing that cant be PB through, don't think you can jg it or Katana Combat it either. Although it is fairly easy to break that instant death bubble.

Mar 21, 2016, 05:28 PM
Inb4 the new FFXIV boss is Nyau.

I could see this as a FATE in FFXIV actually, Nyau shows up in the game every so often and you have to FIGHT HIM, NYAU! for various PSO2 related gear.

Mar 21, 2016, 06:49 PM
I could see this as a FATE in FFXIV actually, Nyau shows up in the game every so often and you have to FIGHT HIM, NYAU! for various PSO2 related gear.

And upon his escape, he pulls in another boss from PSO2 through the rift. Probably non-darker related bosses.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:41 PM
And upon his escape, he pulls in another boss from PSO2 through the rift. Probably non-darker related bosses.

That actually sounds fun, I hate when he shows up and does this in PSO2, but for some reason I think I'd love it in FFXIV.

Mar 21, 2016, 07:48 PM
I knew they were getting inspiration from somewhere, the support partners/ventures, the "gathering" fishing/mining. Summoner.. (to be fair this is common) otherwise this collab is pretty interesting to see.
Gathering and fishing are just as common across the board as summoner though. probably more.

Mar 22, 2016, 08:17 AM
I like FF XIV more than I like PSO2, but the reason I stick to PSO-2 and not continue with FF XIV is because i did everything I possibly could in FF XIV. The second reason is that there is no fashion nor style at endgame FF XIV.

At the end of FF XIV, all what matters is getting BiS (Best in Slot) and it doesn't matter the look one sees on a player, at the end all players end up with the same one to two equipment combinations cloned on every slot. This is true regardless the race as Dungeon/Instance drops beat out crafted gear in most classes. (I should know, Grandmaster of the Hand here)...

Endgame PSO-2 I can scan any player out there and see different equipment and build combinations linked with equipment. However, Endgame is just as cyclic as FF XIV, but at least in PSO2 I can see that appearances + different equipment + different build is far more unique than everyone being expected to be the exact same at FF XIV endgame, and if you ARENT THE SAME it means failing DPS checks and not being capable of running in endgame raids...and by endgame raids I mean the ONES YOU CANT GET INTO FROM DUTY FINDER :)

I played as a Time Attacking White Mage and got far (the TAing there to me is LIGHT YEARS ahead of PSO-2 considering there is a subculture of that over there... :) )... So how does one get sub-level 50 equipment there for a new class once one has a level 60 character that is iLvL 195 - 210+?


You TA the Low Level maps and early-High Level maps solo or in duo searching for Aetherial equipment that is the same as HQ Crafted Equipment except it may come with 3 - 7 max-stats possible at that level...

Once a player becomes a good TAer in that game CRAFTING equipment becomes utterly meaningless for below level 50, and one gets level 52 - 54 HQ gear from quests...and then the Dungeons for Level 55 - 60 give out superior equipment and at 60 you just go for Token Based Equipment throwing Crafting under the bus...

As far as lore goes....


We all know what happened to Minfillia and if the crystals can be manipulated by mortals and a lot of crap can be conjured up, it should be easy to make a crossover between both games.

In fact, look at all the Ishgard lore. They were warring for how long? a thousand years or so... using powers bestowed to them by mythic creatures and gods........Like said.. easy to make a crossover and explain it.

Mar 22, 2016, 08:25 AM
snippety snip
there is this system, it's called glamour :wacko:

Mar 22, 2016, 09:43 AM
I love FF14 more than PSO2, I just hate the FF14 endgame. And grinding in 14 is holyshitboring.
I'm almost done levelling every class to 75 on Rio. You literally could not pay me enough to get me to get every FF14 class to 60.
The grind is boring, the things to do at 60 are too samey and even on the most populated server (Balmung) I struggle to find groups for endgame content. I once spent 3 hours waiting for a Bismark XH Party to form only for one person to bail after one wipe and then the entire party fell apart.
How fun.

I feel like I can do whatever I want, whenever I want with PSO2.

But this is a bit off topic :P

We got Odin because he's a memorable FF character and not important to the FF14 lore, if i had to guess. So the Nyau idea is probably the most sound one, seeing as Nyau/Myau is a more memorable Phantasy Star character.
Him or Dark Falz.

Mar 22, 2016, 10:33 AM
the reason I stick to PSO-2 and not continue with FF XIV is because i did everything I possibly could in FF XIV. The second reason is that there is no fashion nor style at endgame FF XIV.

...I'm sorry what? Doesn't PSO2 have less content than FFXIV, with each piece of content coming out less frequently and having less staying power? And as far as fashion, FFXIV allows you to customize not only every slot on your body (Head, chest, gloves, pants, boots, weapon, even jewelry), and the ability to dye each slot at will, but also gives you forty appearance slots and enough inventory space to take advantage of that. The character customization may not be as great as PSO2's, but you at least have a decent selection of hairstyles and faces, and choosing your race does a good enough job of allowing you to chose your body type. Right now, at the press of a button, I can change into: A holy knight, a dragon knight, a raging berserker, a ninja, a martial artist, a dark magician, skimpy leather clothing, elegant white robes, a playboy bunny, or a bikini model. In PSO2, I'm pretty much stuck with a cute sexy outfit, with my customization being how much skin I want to show off (Most of it, or just the important bits?). If I want something modest, mature, and elegant, I'm just out of luck.
FFXIV players often go so far as to say that fashion is the endgame. As far as gearing, right now you could spend about a week gearing and be good enough for every form of content currently out. You could spend exponentially more time gearing for incrementally better reward, but those rewards will just be easy to get in a few months anyway.

And back on topic, it looks like we agree that a fate based on a PSO2 boss would be best. I'd prefer Ragne over Nyau, but I guess PSO2 has gone away from that style and started becoming more cutesie while I've been gone.

Mar 22, 2016, 01:00 PM
Pls no
Gal Gryphon would look far less out of place

Mar 22, 2016, 02:36 PM
I think Odin was a good choice over one of the game-specific bosses. Not everyone that plays PSO2 has played FF14, but they have likely seen Odin from the other FF games. I got a kick out of seeing the telegraph lines for his attacks as per the source.

Mar 22, 2016, 02:44 PM
Pls no
Gal Gryphon would look far less out of place

The idea that was going around, was to have a FATE where Nyau shows up, and then pulls a bigger actually better monster out afterwards, like Gal Gryphon. Similar to what he does in the LQ's and such in PSO2.

Mar 23, 2016, 01:34 AM
just because FF14 is more traditional mmo doesnt mean it doesnt have intense action packed fights. and recent fights have less telegraphed atatcks. theres still telegraphs but not marks on the ground.

this is probally the closest thing to a falz like fight sephirot.

Mar 23, 2016, 02:19 AM
Pls no
Gal Gryphon would look far less out of placeHow about that monster that sat in the chair and had a spear. It was summonsing BIG baddie monsters left, and right.

Mar 23, 2016, 02:48 AM
Lets be real, if ANY of us were in charge we'd add a limit to the number of Moons that can be used in an EQ or change the limit to 1 Moon per player. Or remove Moons entirely and make the Tech Skill more viable by turning it into a semi-Tech that needs to be fully cast in order to revive players.

Who designs an RPG where you literally have 72 confirmed revival items per MPA + any additional Scapedolls people decide to waste real money on?You make the enemies Ninja Gaiden hard, but each move needs to be avoidable in some way.

Mar 28, 2016, 01:57 PM
Here's a post from the producers of FFXIV: (http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/287361-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-XXVIII-Q-A-Update-Thread?p=3635273&viewfull=1#post3635273)

Q: A collaboration event with Phantasy Star Online 2 has been announced in Japan, but are there any information for collaboration on FFXIV side?

A: We haven’t decided on this yet. In order to maintain FFXIV’s graphic quality, we’re required to decide on the overall dev. schedule for the long term, and for this reason plans for collaboration needs to be made after this.

The quality for Phantasy Star Online 2s version of Odin was pretty great, so we want to return with something great on our side as well.

So it sounds like they want to do something cool, but at the moment they can't. Once they allocate their resources, they'll probably throw anything they can at returning the favor.

Mar 28, 2016, 06:49 PM
just because FF14 is more traditional mmo doesnt mean it doesnt have intense action packed fights. and recent fights have less telegraphed atatcks. theres still telegraphs but not marks on the ground.

this is probally the closest thing to a falz like fight sephirot.

Agreed! I absolutely love those two boss fights in FF14. They are really amazing overall.

I'm a bit sad that when I showed recordings of those two fights to a friend of mine that plays PSO2(among a few other action-themed MMOs), she said it didn't look that impressive. That it was too slow paced, and the music was apparently not giving an intense feeling about the fights.

I'm kinda unhappy about that disagreement of opinions about that, but it's her opinion. :/

On another note, I think Odin probably was the best choice of primal to bring in PSO2 as a boss fight. The other primals are either not symbolic/famous enough, or there are some extra complications regarding them.

Like the primals in ARR have basically 2/3 difficulty settings(Normal/Hard/Extreme), which might make it uncertain as to which version to bring in PSO2.
Although let's be honest...it might be good that they're not bringing Titan Extreme...because they wouldn't want PSO2 players to rage at Titan Extreme's difficulty ;P
Not to mention Phoenix and Bahamut might be too spoilery, along with being raid bosses in FF14 instead of a 'Trial' like most other primals.

While the Heavensward primals are pretty nifty, they aren't as significant and as popular as the other classic FF primals/eidolons/summons.
Big shame because Sephirot might have made an awesome boss in PSO2 too.

Odin on the other hand, isn't connected to the main story of FF14(unlike the other primals), and he's kinda on his own. He does make a great candidate for a collab boss fight.

Big props to the PSO2 team to have managed to emulate the Odin fight so well.

Mar 28, 2016, 08:37 PM
I hope Odin's 30 second Shin-Zentetsuken cast would be the same insanely tight damage check as it was in FFXIV.

PSO2 Shin-Zentetsuken will probably be you'll see for only 6 seconds or bypassed completely by BR/GUs.

I doubt we will ever get a really hard DPS check in this game since SEGA has to balance it around the average mpa which is a group of randoms of all gear and skill levels who don't communicate with each other.

Meteor Weapon
Mar 28, 2016, 09:51 PM
I think Falz Angel would make a nice boss?

Mar 31, 2016, 01:15 AM
I honestly think this is going to be awesome.

Mar 31, 2016, 02:33 AM
I think Falz Angel would make a nice boss?

I think so, too. To me he's annoying, but I think his way of fighting is suitable for FFXIV: big AOE attacks, can inflict ailment status, and a finishing move to fear. If Square can make him to ignore the main tank, he could be an excellent boss for them.

Mar 31, 2016, 03:07 AM
Tank Busters, but he wouldn't really be lore fitting. Any of the Dragon's would do fine honestly. Like Chrome Dragon.

Mar 31, 2016, 03:28 AM
"Lore fitting"
We had Lightning getting lost in Eorzea, Shantotto and that other FF11 character spending some quality time there, to say nothing of series' regular dimension traveller Gilgamesh.
And PSO2 is now dealing with its own dimension traveling.
I don't think "lore" is going to stop any boss from popping.
Also please god not MORE dragons we have enough ._. And Angel would be a cool design to show off.

Mar 31, 2016, 09:13 AM
Falz Angel is ass to fight in this game; Imagine how awful he'd be in FFXIV.
That sabarta man..

Edit: I guess some aspects can be fitting like summoning those adds, but man imagine dodging those talis lasers.

Mar 31, 2016, 07:20 PM
"Lore fitting"
We had Lightning getting lost in Eorzea, Shantotto and that other FF11 character spending some quality time there, to say nothing of series' regular dimension traveller Gilgamesh.
And PSO2 is now dealing with its own dimension traveling.
I don't think "lore" is going to stop any boss from popping.
Also please god not MORE dragons we have enough ._. And Angel would be a cool design to show off.

Yeah, bu tthey all fit, how would they explain Dark Falz. Just sounds silly. But I really don't think FF14 will get anything from PSO2 really.

Mar 31, 2016, 07:28 PM
"After Double was consumed, Luther's soul travel through space and time until he suddenly awakened in the world of Eorzea. Still retaining his Falz like powers, he decided to test the people of the land before conducting new experiments."


Mar 31, 2016, 08:21 PM
"After Double was consumed, Luther's soul travel through space and time until he suddenly awakened in the world of Eorzea. Still retaining his Falz like powers, he decided to test the people of the land before conducting new experiments."

But, luther doesn't care about experiments or anything now that xion is gone

Mar 31, 2016, 09:30 PM
I still believe that DF Loser is the best boss for FFXIV because of all the tells and multiple stages during his boss battle.

Plus, he has a bitchin' theme.

Mar 31, 2016, 09:35 PM
But, luther doesn't care about experiments or anything now that xion is gone

It's Episode 4 now and people expect them to "MUH LORE" ?

Mar 31, 2016, 09:50 PM
He was unusually fascinated with double's ability to recreate what it eats.

Maybe he plans to recreate our best friend again; space lady.

Mar 31, 2016, 09:53 PM
Ah, untrustful beat me to it, but yeah. Luther seems really interested in the information Double's world has to offer which I figure would carry over entering a new world/universe with unique materials, it's own cultures, ect. For all we know, he could start looking for that world's version of Xion.

Mar 31, 2016, 09:55 PM
He was unusually fascinated with double's ability to recreate what it eats.

Maybe he plans to recreate our best friend again; space lady.

Luther's thirst for knowledge and omnisxience drove him to do interdimensional travel for gathering new info, power, and such; for the sake of become a god and re-create Xion that's only interested in Luther and Luther only.

That.....could work, I think.