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View Full Version : PSO2 Ripping 3d models

Mar 24, 2016, 09:54 PM
Long story short I am attempting to essentially rip a full model of my character out of the game but have been unsuccessful so far. Out of the tools I have already tried; Ninjaripper, 3D Ripper DX, 3DVia Printscreen, and now Intel GPA; None have worked. At best I could get Intel GPA to launch the game for me but none of the functions worked when running.

I am curious if anyone has given this a go before. Anyone had any successes or advice? I'm at a loss right now. Even the slightest bit of direction would be highly appreciated.

Thanks. :)

Mar 24, 2016, 10:10 PM
I imagine any ripping involved would require the character creator data you save, having that load in some program, and rip from there.

Mar 24, 2016, 11:35 PM
I imagine any ripping involved would require the character creator data you save, having that load in some program, and rip from there.

Er... unless that program was made to very specifically assemble that, no. And trust me, that would be a heck of a process simply due to the sheer amount of crap there is in this game. You'd absolutely have to have access to the game's install directory.

Anywaysssssssss, Ninja Ripper used to work nicely, but that was before they removed the command line main executable launch. I haven't found anything since that can really do it unless you have a 32 bit system and go into global monitoring mode on 3D Ripper DX. Even then, it'll crash after like 30 seconds to a minute so yeah.

Problem with file extraction is the character is split into tons of potential parts which may or may not rip with the tools we have available and you'd have to scale properly anyways.

Mar 25, 2016, 08:41 AM
Problem with file extraction is the character is split into tons of potential parts which may or may not rip with the tools we have available and you'd have to scale properly anyways.

As for file extraction i can shed a bit of light, honestly it's too much work, i haven't checked layered wear but until now in es (and afaik big pso2 too) characters were basically head model +hair model +1 body-clothes model + combined texture magic (skin color for example is applied in real time using a mask).

On top of that you would need to apply the shape keys correctly to make it look like your character, and i don't think we got info on how they internally work to translate the sliders to them. (The es models come without them, i haven't checked much the desktop game model rips).

Mar 25, 2016, 09:40 AM
Er... unless that program was made to very specifically assemble that, no. And trust me, that would be a heck of a process simply due to the sheer amount of crap there is in this game. You'd absolutely have to have access to the game's install directory.

Anywaysssssssss, Ninja Ripper used to work nicely, but that was before they removed the command line main executable launch. I haven't found anything since that can really do it unless you have a 32 bit system and go into global monitoring mode on 3D Ripper DX. Even then, it'll crash after like 30 seconds to a minute so yeah.

Problem with file extraction is the character is split into tons of potential parts which may or may not rip with the tools we have available and you'd have to scale properly anyways.

Yeah. I've been doing as much research as I can on this but have come up pretty empty on the PSO2 side. It does look like Gameguard may unfortunately be a sizable roadblock for this as well. And extracting from the game files is definitely out for the reasons already mentioned.

The 32 bit comment does intrigue me though. Maybe I can set up a VM for some attempts. Even if it is slow as molasses, if I can get to the character select screen long enough to capture my character's model there I'd be a happy camper.

My intent is to try and get a 3d printed figure of my character if I can. I do understand even if I can get it ripped from the game it will need some tweaking in something like blender or 3DS Max to make it 'printable' but those are peanuts compared to trying to get the initial rip accomplished.

Mar 25, 2016, 02:18 PM
The 32 bit comment does intrigue me though. Maybe I can set up a VM for some attempts. Even if it is slow as molasses, if I can get to the character select screen long enough to capture my character's model there I'd be a happy camper.

VMware Player's SVGA 3D should have the speed need to play 3D games with a little overhead.

Mar 25, 2016, 03:47 PM
VMware Player's SVGA 3D should have the speed need to play 3D games with a little overhead.

I've been playing pso2 in a parallels vm for years at medium settings

Mar 25, 2016, 04:29 PM
You're probably better off making your own 3d model of your character.

Mar 25, 2016, 06:12 PM
It's a process I'm somewhat familiar with but my method is sloppy. There is a program that will rip the models out, but it has some annoying caveats. Here's some evidence (a very old shot now..): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68294475 As you may see, the model has issues... It also lacks shaders that are present in PSO2 mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing with textures. Like I said, it's sloppy but it is possible.

Try something called 3D Ripper DX. It exports frames as both .3dr files and .OBJ files. The problem is I'm not sure if anything but 3DS Max can open 3DR files and the UVmaps get distorted in the process. There is a script to fix this made by some russians, but I don't remember the exact name of it. Note: For obvious reasons, only use it on the creation demo NOT the main PSO2 client. Gameguard will hate you if you try it.

Caveats include:
- FoV issues.
- Distorted UVs (as mentioned)
- Meshes may be missing parts or normals may be busted
- For PSO2 character ripping specifically, eyelashes are completely lost. This is similar to the issue with PSU characters where 3DX couldn't rip line shields.
- Smoothing may get busted
- Some textures may not get extracted properly or at all

Note that this process is only really necessary for the head currently, as its the easiest way to obtain the head model with the effect of the shape sliders intact. When doing research for my NPC cloning tool, I did notice that their models appear to use bone transforms to facilitate customization, so eventually something may be possible there.. Not anytime soon, though, I can't do the maths yet.

Anyway I'm kinda tired right now or I'd go into greater detail. I may make a post over at psumods going into greater detail once I've finished writing up the other thing I'm working on. It's a process I kinda wanted to do myself for getting PSO2 NPCs into other games as mods, so I want to make a post there sharing what I know and kind of reaching out into the ether for people who are much better than me at this stuff to maybe share some of their wisdom...

Mar 25, 2016, 07:22 PM
Oo a refreshing post.

I plan on modeling a 3d version of my character

Then have it 3d printed.

Mar 26, 2016, 12:42 PM
Had some progress. Clean Windows 7 32 bit VM in VMWare Workstation, 1GB VRAM applied. Able to get both 3D Ripper DX and Ninjaripper to hook into the game but Gameguard borks right after I get logged in with an NP1013 error code. So I am taking a wild guess that is a key point in the process that Gameguard does some checks before the player actually gets on the server.

Haven't had a chance to try the character creation demo yet but have it installed. Will require me to try and recreate my character from scratch but shouldn't be too difficult.

As far as weapons go, and for those who are familiar with the file extraction process, how difficult are those to come by at this stage? Or is that going to come down to modelling them by hand?

Mar 26, 2016, 12:52 PM
Items are relatively easier, once past the decryption they function like assets from other games.

Mar 26, 2016, 04:57 PM
Don't try it on the main client as I said. Gameguard won't like you.

To get your character offline, just save out a character creator file by visiting the este counter. You'll lose any parts that the demo doesn't have, however.

Mar 26, 2016, 06:07 PM
I want to rip my character's models and 3D print them some day. That way when this game is gone my characters will remain.

Mar 26, 2016, 08:21 PM
Don't try it on the main client as I said. Gameguard won't like you.

To get your character offline, just save out a character creator file by visiting the este counter. You'll lose any parts that the demo doesn't have, however.

Ahh. Good info! I did catch your comment about the main client earlier but wanted to give it a go anyways on a sterile windows install. At least there's an idea where GG ends up triggering at. It was a pretty repeatable spot right where it transitioned from the login screen to the character select screen. Also Raujinn if you make any further progress on your end, please do let me know. More informatioj the better IMHO. I am going to add my current leap in progress below:

Got past the biggest and most annoying hurdle. Unfortunately in the VM I couldn't get the character creation demo to run so I had to do this from the host side. As a result the options in both 3D Ripper DX and Ninjaripper to launch the app directly did not work (even with the PSO2 Bat file options). Ninjaripper however has the 'passive' option of using a hacked d3d9 dll which allows you to use the native PSO2 launcher which ended up being the winner here.

Here's pretty much my step by step:

Go grab the latest Ninjaripper and the associated importer script (Only 3DS Max is supported). These are pretty easy to find. The first handful of results on google have a generic Ninjaripper tutorial with download links.

1 ) Install the character creation demo (There was one released just recently for Ep4). My advice is to crank all the settings to max even if it'll run like crap on your specs. You're not really going to be playing the game here.
2 ) Launch Ninjaripper and point it at the pso2.exe file for the demo (NOT the main game) and in the drop down select the D3D9 option. Hit run and after a few seconds exit out.
3 ) In the main game, go to the beauty shop/makeover area. Use the save/export option.
4 ) Go back to the character creation demo and launch it and go into the character creation screen.
5 ) After you have selected your race/class you should have a similar option to load your character data (you can either compare menu locations to the main game if you can't read Japanese or in my case I use Google Translate on my phone which will use the camera to OCR the screen)
6 ) Once loaded your character should be there in all its glory. In my own case I only have one accessory not added on. As Raujinn noted, there may be some missing due to them not being in the demo. Additionally the demo does have a handful of pose options you may also use if you desire.
7 ) At any point in time you can hit the F10 key and the demo will freeze for a few moments. This is a good sign as it is writing the model data to disk. You can also do so multiple times for different pose positions for example.
8 ) Once you are done you may close out of the demo and jump right into 3DS Max.
9 ) In 3DS Max you'll need to select 'Run Script' from the scripting menu and select the importer from earlier.

Now here is where it gets tricky and I am sure there are many ways to go about it. I'm a bit rusty at 3DS Max myself (haven't used it in depth since HS back in 03-04) and have never worked with this type of data so I am just posting how I did it:

If you go to the PSO2 demo folder where the pso2.exe file is located you should have a _NinjaRipper folder. Under that you should have a couple of folders which will be pretty self explanatory. ie: The folder name with the most recent timestamp for pso2.exe will be what you are looking for. Under that you may have a single folder or multiple depending on how many times you have hit F10. Under those you'll notice there are a boatload of files. The ones we are looking at are the .rip files.

Back in 3DS Max with the Importer window open I used the group option after getting annoyed opening one file at a time out of nearly a thousand. First box will want you to select the folder where the .rip files are located. Second will ask for a sequence of files. In one of my cases mine only went up to 0963 so I entered 0000-0963 in this box. Hit Import and wait.

Once it is done it will practically have every 3d object in that scene loaded. 3DS Max thankfully makes it dead simple to higlight objects in view and delete them. Pretty easy to dwindle it down to just your character.

At this point it is out of my hands as far as advice goes. As Raujinn has already pointed out, this process leaves a lot of bugs. All the ones I have seen fall in line with the list he has already mentioned. It WILL need work and some experience with 3DS Max to massage into something usable. And at this point I'd also like to delve further and try to get accessories and weapons added on if I can.

Here's my current progress pretty much straight off the import: http://imgur.com/aM2tnlO

Mar 26, 2016, 09:28 PM
Nice one. I do note that your UVs seem to be intact whereas the 3DRipper one screws it up for some reason. Might be my system, might be something that generally happens with 3DR. When I write up my technique on psumods I'll re-post here heh.

I may want to give your method a whirl anyway as I'm interested in what else Ninjaripper might preserve that 3DR fails to.

Mar 26, 2016, 11:11 PM
You guys take requests?

Mar 28, 2016, 07:16 AM
A small update. On a whim I decided to export an unmodified version to an OBJ file and uploaded to shapeways to see what their system would spit back out. Although they have an option for colored plastics I decided to forego that and not include the texture maps. I don't have screenshots in front of me but in their viewer everything looks spot on at quick glance. Hair is going to be messed up because that is primarily texture based. And every poly is super visible. Only had a few warnings come up regarding some parts being too close. At a 6" tall scale the cost was showing around $35 to print.

Still more tweaking to do and I want to smooth out some of the more annoying blocky areas but its nice to know its mostly good to go.

Mar 28, 2016, 09:04 AM
my main problem is that i'm always chaning my char's look. xD

ill probably use solidworks to model my char.

Mar 28, 2016, 01:00 PM
Something to be aware of for Ninja Ripper is it'll rip models in the bind pose. This has its advantages but this does mean that it will lose things like body shape and face shape modifiers, as these are dependent on modified bones. It also means poses won't work as it'll revert the skeleton to bind.

Mar 28, 2016, 01:33 PM
I did notice the dimensions seemed to be a bit off on mine. I haven't had a chance to import any of the other captures yet, just did the default pose. That kinda sucks if it won't capture any of the other poses then. I may keep trying at 3DRDX and see if I can get it to cooperate. If I can get the poses and shapes translated and not worry about textures, great!

Mar 29, 2016, 01:58 PM
I'd love to have a model of my character ripped.

Mar 29, 2016, 04:16 PM
I'd love to have a model of my character ripped.


Although, would love to learn how to do it personally

Mar 29, 2016, 04:22 PM

Although, would love to learn how to do it personally

I'd love to have a model of my character ripped.

I haven't found anything since that can really do it unless you have a 32 bit system and go into global monitoring mode on 3D Ripper DX. Even then, it'll crash after like 30 seconds to a minute so yeah.

This is a thing, unless something changed very recently. It's just a pain for people who don't use 32 bit windows already and because gameguard is so touchy.

Apr 14, 2018, 05:46 PM
I managed to rip some pso2 models i even made action figure of my waifu since i have 3D printer
below you can see fruits of my research

Apr 15, 2018, 01:07 AM
I managed to rip some pso2 models i even made action figure of my waifu since i have 3D printer
below you can see fruits of my research

You have my attention. Please provide more information :)

Apr 16, 2018, 04:56 AM
You have my attention. Please provide more information :)

I was using ninja ripper on pso2 benchmark character creator v2 (with lilipan icon)
i used standard procedure nothing spcial
but i was ripped models not only from creation screen but also from video section (quna appears there for about 3 sec :P) and i have tons of scenery models

Apr 23, 2018, 07:11 PM
My newest achievement

Apr 26, 2018, 05:39 PM
Attachment doesn't work, but sure enough it wasn't too hard to rip my character from CCv2. Granted, they're in about a dozen pieces and there's no skeleton but I guess this is when I start trying to figure the rest of that out...

Apr 27, 2018, 02:05 PM
And now?

Apr 27, 2018, 02:09 PM
Still doesn't work find another method.

Jan 2, 2019, 09:43 PM
Has anyone tried ripping models from pso2es or the vita version?

Jan 3, 2019, 03:57 AM
Ninjaripper has worked fine with me, I managed to rip my full avatar out of the game and make it work with VRchat (though it looks a bit creepy due to a few issues with how stuff exports and I automatically did the bone rigging)

Last time I tried was back in June/July though, so something could've changed.

Jan 3, 2019, 06:13 AM
Ninjaripper has worked fine with me, I managed to rip my full avatar out of the game and make it work with VRchat (though it looks a bit creepy due to a few issues with how stuff exports and I automatically did the bone rigging)

Last time I tried was back in June/July though, so something could've changed.

Did you have to do anything special to get it to work? I haven't tried ripping anything yet as I've just been reading up on it but alot of the info is just extremely outdated or just doesn't work.

Jan 3, 2019, 12:48 PM
Did you have to do anything special to get it to work? I haven't tried ripping anything yet as I've just been reading up on it but alot of the info is just extremely outdated or just doesn't work.

as far as I can remember, all you have to do is just put the intruder.dll file in your plugins folder in your pso2_bin and set pso2.exe to your specified output directory and it should export everything when you press f10 in-game.

Jan 3, 2019, 08:14 PM
as far as I can remember, all you have to do is just put the intruder.dll file in your plugins folder in your pso2_bin and set pso2.exe to your specified output directory and it should export everything when you press f10 in-game.

Doesn't it annoy Gameguard anymore though?

Jan 3, 2019, 09:15 PM


Accessories are in their default positions, alpha channels seems to be somewhat borked, and so are normals.

Oh, and the default Blender exporter breaks textures. Use this one instead: https://github.com/Dummiesman/RipImport

Jan 4, 2019, 01:34 AM
Is it possible to do this with npc models too?

Jan 4, 2019, 09:57 AM
Is it possible to do this with npc models too?

Should be, as long as the model is loaded in the scene.

Jan 4, 2019, 01:35 PM
Not sure if anyone will be able to help me but when ever I hit run it won't launch the game.

Jan 4, 2019, 02:34 PM
Not sure if anyone will be able to help me but when ever I hit run it won't launch the game.

You add intruder.dll on the plugins folder, then use Tweaker to start the game like normal.

Press F10 when you have the model you want loaded in.

Then when it finishes, check "C:\Users\<your username>\NinjaRipper" for your exported files, and you use the importer above to import from .rip into Blender.

Jan 4, 2019, 02:56 PM
You add intruder.dll on the plugins folder, then use Tweaker to start the game like normal.

Press F10 when you have the model you want loaded in.

Then when it finishes, check "C:\Users\<your username>\NinjaRipper" for your exported files, and you use the importer above to import from .rip into Blender.

Thanks for the answer. I just tried this but when I hit the key for ripping it didn't seem to do anything it did however create a text log. I'm gonna keep messing around with it but if you have any ideas and don't mind helping me I'd appreciate it.

Jan 5, 2019, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the answer. I just tried this but when I hit the key for ripping it didn't seem to do anything it did however create a text log. I'm gonna keep messing around with it but if you have any ideas and don't mind helping me I'd appreciate it.

Try to launch ripper's .exe at least once to do basic configuration like the hotkey, output folder and so on. It stores setting it registry, so it'll work even when you using intruder.dll, intead of .exe (since .exe trigger gayguard)

Jan 5, 2019, 01:49 AM
Try to launch ripper's .exe at least once to do basic configuration like the hotkey, output folder and so on. It stores setting it registry, so it'll work even when you using intruder.dll, intead of .exe (since .exe trigger gayguard)

I did that but the hotkeys don't seem to do anything but create a txt log

Jan 5, 2019, 09:29 AM
I did that but the hotkeys don't seem to do anything but create a txt log

Hm, dunno what else can it be. Did you use x86 version of dll?

Jan 5, 2019, 09:39 AM
Hm, dunno what else can it be. Did you use x86 version of dll?

I've tried it with both versions.

I'm not sure what I did differently but I did manage to get the files ripped. Not sure if it's normal but they seem to be broken up in a pretty weird way though.

Apr 19, 2019, 01:33 PM
Can someone rip Nyau please?

Jun 3, 2019, 05:26 PM
With a lot of tweaking, merging, frankenstein, overpriced commissions, this worked out pretty well.


Jun 4, 2019, 01:39 AM
With a lot of tweaking, merging, frankenstein, overpriced commissions, this worked out pretty well.


I though you've 3D-printed it, with commissions and all

Jun 8, 2020, 05:18 AM
So... considering you can't export from current NA servers to the PSO2 Tweaker character creator, the question:

Does ninjaripper trigger gameguard or what? Do I need to recreate my entire PSO2 character on the character creator to get around it?

Jun 8, 2020, 10:30 AM
So... considering you can't export from current NA servers to the PSO2 Tweaker character creator, the question:

Does ninjaripper trigger gameguard or what? Do I need to recreate my entire PSO2 character on the character creator to get around it?

people have saved their character setups on JP and moved it over to NA as long as you're above the height requirement in NA, it should work

Jun 9, 2020, 01:27 PM
That's not what I meant, I meant you cannot export from NA and import to PSO2 Benchmark & Character Creator

"You are not able to import current version PSO2 data into this benchmark. It was created in 2016 and does not support importing the current game's files. It can export to the game fine, however."

Therefore I wonder if you all use ninjaripper on the game itself or does it trigger gameguard?

Or are you all using ninjaripper on PSO2 Benchmark & Character Creator?

Jun 9, 2020, 03:35 PM
Therefore I wonder if you all use ninjaripper on the game itself or does it trigger gameguard?
Opening ninjaripper when the game is on will trigger gameguard on the JP version, not sure about NA. The way to get around it is to put the intruder.dll created by ninjaripper in the plugin folder.

Dec 28, 2020, 01:18 PM
I know its a longshot but can someone rip a model for me? I don't play PSO2 at all but I want the Heart of Naberius or Heart of Poumn model to use as reference to make my own on Blender and 3D print it.

Aug 27, 2021, 05:17 PM
Any luck with NGS? I can't even get anything from base pso2, not sure if I'm doing it wrong.