View Full Version : RAmarl in Ult?

Mar 29, 2016, 05:42 PM
So I have a Ramarl Purplenum lvl 74 in ultimate and would like to get some tips how I should be going with things.
The thing is enemys take a long time to take down, I CAN take them down it just takes a long time. Is this how it should be or are my character weak. If it's weak what should I do to make it stronger, farm better wepons, feed my mag more or just lvl up? Or are there any thing other that I can do? Thx

Mar 29, 2016, 05:47 PM
A few questions:
-What version of the game are you playing? Dreamcast? Gamecube? Blue Burst?
-What are your current mag stats?
-What weapons are you currently using? Do the percentages on your weapons match up with what you are trying to fight?

Mar 29, 2016, 05:54 PM
I play on GC
-Def 5
-Pow 29
-Dex 50

-Red Mechguns 25% Native 15% Machine
-Handgun Milla 35% Dark
-Guilty Light No%

Playing in forest

Mar 29, 2016, 06:06 PM
It sounds like you are well-equipped.

Offline Ultimate Mode is mostly an ATP check. "Do you have high-enough stats to punch through the enemy's defense?" is the question of the day. The RAmarl's low base ATP doesn't help matters.

A couple of suggestions:
-Keep raising that mag. Try focusing on POW. You've got enough Dexterity.
-Use Shifta on yourself to raise your attack stats and Zalure on the enemies to lower their defense.
-Play some Very Hard Ruins to level up a bit more.

Ultimate mode will be slow-going for a while, but things will improve as your attack stats increase.

Since you are a Purplenum, you could also farm Hildetorrs in Forest for a chance at a Frozen Shooter. That is a very useful rifle for Ultimate mode.

Mar 29, 2016, 06:12 PM
Thank you very much.
And also when i play VH Ruins should I use my Milla or get a shot-type wep?

Mar 29, 2016, 06:18 PM
A regular shot-type weapon works if you are attacking packs of Dimenians.

Switch to your Milla if you are going to fight other more dangerous enemies.

Mar 29, 2016, 06:36 PM
Thank you very much, looked in my bank on another char and found a Crush Bullet, so I will use that one. :)

Apr 6, 2016, 04:21 AM
A few questions:
-What version of the game are you playing? Dreamcast? Gamecube? Blue Burst?
-What are your current mag stats?
-What weapons are you currently using? Do the percentages on your weapons match up with what you are trying to fight?

You didn't think to ask if the OP was playing the Xbox version? This makes me sad. 😧😢

Apr 6, 2016, 09:17 AM
You didn't think to ask if the OP was playing the Xbox version? This makes me sad. 😧😢

If it makes you feel better, I also left out PC Version 2. I wonder how many people remember that version of the game.

HUcast playah
Apr 7, 2016, 08:04 PM
Is this how it should be or are my character weak. I have a Redria RAmarl that i've been using. I'm pretty sure they're weaker than the average ranger. I run a HUcast and he's also a LV 74 in caves ultimate. I have a DELSABERS buster but it takes a good 6 heavy attacks to kill a Barble even with 1400+ ATP.