View Full Version : Need JoyToKey Info/Help

Mar 30, 2016, 09:36 PM
I use a standard microsoft xbox 360 wireless controller for JTK and I use the program for simple things like Untekking, Block switching and item grabbing. It's been brought to my attention that people who use gamepads/macros also have Keybindings. I Believe the best way to set this up is remove all in-game keybindings and replace them in JoyToKey (which I've done before but it was quite janky) then use JoyStick 2 in JTK for pallet swaps and etc.

My problem is I can't seem to find good key binds that won't ruin something else. In the past I used LS Click + (insert random gamepad button) to swap things but LS Click wasn't very dependable and it was the button I use to bring up my big map sooo rip. Can someone send me their setup or maybe an Idea of what might be good? I'm willing to try and adapt long as its reasonable. 1-6 Weapon pallet and 1 - 0 sub pallet is my main focus. (and 1 - 3 sub pallet)

Mar 31, 2016, 06:29 AM
This is my profile. https://www.dropbox.com/s/heh9icpff8y9bm1/PSO2%20mk2.cfg?dl=0

Going through the buttons.

A= Nothing, I set jump in game.
B= Interact. Holding it makes it press 30 times a second, but you can disable that if you want.
X= Left weapon pallet
Y= right weapon pallet
Start= bottom menu
Select= Quick menu
LT/Left Trigger=dodge
RT/Right Trigger= weapon action.
L3/Left Hat= tps mode
R3/Right Hat= targeting
D-pad= 1-4 weapon pallets in a clockwise order starting from the top.

The left and right bumpers toggle the other joysticks when they're held. Anything not listed here is the same as the default.

LB+X= Uses subpallet slot 1
LB+Y= Uses subpallet slot 2
LB+B= Uses subpallet slot 3
LB+RT= Uses subpallet slot 4
LB+Select= Uses subpallet slot 5 (I'm probably going to change this one, it's redundant)
LB+Start= Uses subpallet slot 6 (Might change this one too)
LB+D-pad= Switches between sub pallets 1-4 clockwise starting from the top.

RB+X= Uses subpallet slot 7
RB+Y= Uses subpallet slot 8
RB+B= Uses subpallet slot 9
RB+LT= Uses subpallet slot 10
RB+Select= Auto run
RB+Start= Toggles big map
RB+D-pad Left&Right= Weapon pallets 5 and 6 in that order.
RB+D-pad Up&Down= Switches to Subpallets 5 and 6 in that order

LB+RB+Select= Uses subpallet slot 5 (My PB)
LB+RB+Start= Uses subpallet slot 6 (Moons)
LB+RB+Right Hat= Print Screen, but I almost never use it.

I still haven't decided what I'm going to do when they change the way weapons work, but this is what I have right now.