View Full Version : SEA Having poor fps and a stutters in PSO2 after ugrading to windows 10

Apr 12, 2016, 01:53 AM
Hello there fellow players. I would like some help regarding my fps in PSO2 SEA. So recently I did a clean installation of windows 10 from windows 8.1. But my fps in pso2 became worse than it was on win 8.1 and there are even stutterings every few minutes. I've seen a lot of players on reddit say that win 10 works flawlessly for them so i'm hoping I could get some advice from anyone here that is running pso2 on windows 10.
I'm currently playing the SEA version and here are my computer specs:

GPU:GeForce GTX 860m
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @2.60GHz
Memory: 8gb Ram
OS: Windows 10 Home

This is an MSI Laptop. Forgive me if I didn't provide enough information about the specs as I am not tech savvy. Cheers!

Apr 12, 2016, 02:08 AM
You should probably go to pso2 sea forums instead of asking here, not alot of people here play the SEA version. Here are the links if you didn't know:

Official forums:

Fan made forums:

Apr 12, 2016, 05:02 AM
Did you uninstall your video card drivers and install on them the newest video drivers? When I first installed windows 10 it picked up my video driver. I thought it was the Windows 10 version, but it wasn't. I had upgraded from Windows 7 and was actually using that driver.

Once I actually fixed the driver by uninstalling the driver completely and installing the latest driver, it fixed my own stuttering issues. Also windows update loaded a ton of updates too.

Apr 12, 2016, 05:42 AM
Based on that you're using a laptop, I'm 90% sure it's because the game is using your integrated card instead of the dedicated card.
Try forcing it with Nvidia control panel

Apr 12, 2016, 06:36 AM
1. PSO2 SEA forums are dead as hell. Plus the players aren't helpful in which they only view ur post but doesn't actually post them. that's sorta why I came here. I do apologise because I had to post here though.

2. I didn't uninstall my video card drivers I only upgraded it. I'll try uninstalling it.

3. I don't think i'm using integrated graphics to launch any of my games. Other games have been ok so far. But i'll do a double check and force pso2 to launch it with graphic cards. Thanks for the swift replies i'll get back soon

Apr 14, 2016, 01:58 AM
Looks like none of the methods worked for me. I reinstalled drivers, forced launch pso2 with graphic card. I can't revert back to win 8.1 since I did clean installation..I noticed that when I changed my display settings in my windows the fps became slightly better. Any advice on this?